Question 5

Correct answer is d) descriptions of psychological tests



Psychological Tests


Most tests and other evaluative instruments for psychology are distributed commercially by a test publisher, although some may be in the public domain and available for use without charge. 



Beware of free psychological tests that you find on the Web.  These are probably not reliable for research use.




How do you find information about reliable tests, and how can you get a copy of the test itself?


Step One: Search


by topic or by the name of the test or test author in one of these print reference sources located in the reference section of Hunt Library (REF-1)



BF176 .T43 2003

Tests : A Comprehensive Reference for Assessments in Psychology, Education, and Business


Z5814 .E9 T47 NO. 1
Tests in Print

Z5814 .P8 B91 1938

The Mental Measurements Yearbook

Partial contents available at

You’ll see a description like this:

Reviews are available online for $15 per test title, or you can get them for free from the print edition in Hunt Reference.  Note that these reviews are descriptions and evaluations of the tests, not the actual tests themselves. To purchase the actual test materials, you will need to contact the test publisher(s).



Selected non-commercial tests are indexed in the database


 Health and Psychosocial Instruments (HaPI)



Step Two: Obtain Test


Sometimes you can find a test in a published article, but in most cases you need to find the publisher’s address (listed in one of the reference books above)  and order the test from them.



Here is an example of the publisher’s listing for the test featured above:




DAYC: Developmental Assessment of Young Children (8730)

Our Price: $235.00

Ages: Birth through 5
Testing Time: 10 to 20 minutes
Administration: Individual




For more information on finding and using psychological tests, see the APA guide to locating psychological tests