Available 24 hours a day via the Internet, Academic ASAP on InfoTrac Web provides indexing, abstracts and full text for a core set of scholarly journals and selected general interest titles.
Updated Nov 01, 2007
FT = Full Text
Journal Name | ISSN | Index Start | Index End | FT Start | FT End | Image Start | Image End | Refereed | Embargoed |
Publisher Name |
Publisher Country |
Primary Subject |
A S H A Leader | 1085-9586 | 1/1999 | 1/1999 | 9/1999 | N | American Speech-Language-Hearing Association | United States | Speech | ||||
A+ | 1054-6456 | 1/1985 | 5/1989 | N | ZDNet | United States | Home electronics | |||||
--- Incorporated into inCider 5/89; The #1 Apple II Magazine | ||||||||||||
ABA Journal | 0747-0088 | 1/1980 | 5/2007 | Y | 14 | American Bar Association | United States | Law | ||||
Accounts of Chemical Research | 0001-4842 | 1/2002 | Y | American Chemical Society | United States | Chemistry | ||||||
ACM Computing Surveys | 0360-0300 | 3/1983 | 12/1996 | 3/2001 | Y | Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. | United States | Computer science | ||||
ACM Transactions on Computer Systems | 0734-2071 | 2/1987 | 11/1996 | 2/2001 | Y | Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. | United States | Computer science | ||||
ACM Transactions on Database Systems | 0362-5915 | 3/1983 | 12/1994 | 3/2001 | Y | Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. | United States | Database systems | ||||
ACM Transactions on Information Systems | 1046-8188 | 1/1989 | 1/1997 | 4/2001 | Y | Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. | United States | Information systems management | ||||
--- Formerly: ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems 1/89 | ||||||||||||
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software | 0098-3500 | 6/1983 | 3/1997 | 3/2001 | Y | Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. | United States | Applied mathematics | ||||
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages & Systems | 0164-0925 | 1/1983 | 1/1997 | 3/2001 | Y | Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. | United States | Computer languages | ||||
Ad Astra | 1041-102X | 1/1989 | N | National Space Society | United States | Space sciences | ||||||
Administration & Society | 0095-3997 | 2/1980 | 11/1991 | 11/1998 | 2/1993 | 11/1997 | Y | Sage Publications, Inc. | United States | Public administration | ||
Administrative Law Review | 0001-8368 | 1/1980 | 3/2007 | Y | 14 | American Bar Association | United States | Legal specialties | ||||
Administrative Science Quarterly | 0001-8392 | 3/1980 | 3/1989 | 3/2003 | 3/1993 | 9/2002 | Y | Cornell University, Johnson Graduate School | United States | Sociology and social work | ||
Adolescence | 0001-8449 | 3/1989 | 3/1993 | 6/1994 | Y | Libra Publishers, Inc. | United States | Adolescent development | ||||
Adult Learning | 1045-1595 | 9/1989 | 6/1999 | 6/1999 | Y | American Association for Adult and Continuing Educ | United States | Educational technology | ||||
--- Formerly: Lifelong Learning: An Omnibus of Practice and Research 9/89 | ||||||||||||
Advertising Age | 0001-8899 | 1/1985 | 6/1997 | 1/1992 | N | Crain Communications, Inc. | United States | Advertising | ||||
Advocate (The national gay & lesbian newsmagazine) | 0001-8996 | 1/1991 | 1/1997 | 11/1997 | N | LPI Media | United States | News, opinion and commentary | ||||
Affilia Journal of Women and Social Work | 0886-1099 | 3/1992 | 9/1997 | 12/1998 | Y | Sage Publications, Inc. | United States | Social work | ||||
Africa Report | 0001-9836 | 1/1987 | 5/1995 | 1/1993 | 5/1995 | 7/1994 | 5/1995 | Y | Africa-America-Institute | United States | Political science | |
Africa Today | 0001-9887 | 1/1987 | 9/1991 | 3/1994 | Y | Indiana University Press | United States | African studies | ||||
African Affairs | 0001-9909 | 1/1989 | 1/1993 | 10/1998 | 7/1994 | 7/1998 | Y | Oxford University Press | United States | African studies | ||
African American Review | 1062-4783 | 3/1992 | 12/1992 | 6/1994 | Y | African American Review | United States | American literature | ||||
--- Formerly: Black American Literature Forum 3/92 | ||||||||||||
African Arts | 0001-9933 | 2/1987 | 6/2001 | 6/2001 | Y | The Regents of the University of California | United States | Visual arts | ||||
Age and Ageing | 0002-0729 | 1/1989 | 5/1992 | 11/1998 | 7/1994 | 11/1997 | Y | Oxford University Press | United States | Gerontology and geriatric care | ||
Aggressive Behavior | 0096-140X | 1/1992 | Y | John Wiley & Sons, Inc. | United States | Social sciences | ||||||
agricultural history | 0002-1482 | 1/1989 | Y | University of California Press | United States | Agriculture | ||||||
AI Magazine | 0738-4602 | 3/1992 | 3/1997 | 9/1999 | Y | American Association for Artificial Intelligence | United States | Artificial intelligence | ||||
AIDS & Public Policy Journal | 0887-3852 | 3/1994 | 9/2005 | Y | University Publishing Group | United States | AIDS and HIV | |||||
Air Conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration News | 0002-2276 | 1/1981 | 1/1989 | 1/1991 | N | BNP Media | United States | Building construction and engineering | ||||
Alcohol Health & Research World | 0090-838X | 1/1992 | 12/1998 | 1/1992 | 12/1998 | 6/1994 | 6/1997 | Y | U.S. Government Printing Office | United States | Addiction | |
--- Now: Alcohol Research & Health. Effective Date = 01/01/1999 | ||||||||||||
Alcohol Research & Health | 1535-7414 | 1/1999 | 1/1999 | 9/1999 | Y | U.S. Government Printing Office | United States | Substance abuse | ||||
AMAA Journal | 3/2002 | 3/2002 | 1/2003 | Y | American Running & Fitness Association | United States | Sports medicine | |||||
Amerasia Journal | 0044-7471 | 1/1992 | Y | Asian American Studies Center | United States | Asian American studies | ||||||
America | 0002-7049 | 1/1980 | 1/1993 | 7/1994 | 2/2007 | N | America Press, Inc. | United States | Catholicism | |||
American Annals of the Deaf | 0002-726X | 3/1992 | Y | American Annals of the Deaf | United States | Special education | ||||||
American Anthropologist | 0002-7294 | 3/1987 | Y | American Anthropological Assn. | United States | Anthropology | ||||||
American Art | 1073-9300 | 1/1991 | Y | Smithsonian Institution | United States | Art history | ||||||
--- Formerly: Smithsonian Studies in American Art 1/91 | ||||||||||||
American Artist | 0002-7375 | 1/1980 | 1/1993 | 7/1994 | N | The Nielsen Company | United States | Painting | ||||
American Behavioral Scientist | 0002-7642 | 3/1987 | 1/1993 | 11/1998 | Y | Sage Publications, Inc. | United States | Social sciences | ||||
American Biology Teacher | 0002-7685 | 1/1989 | 1/2007 | 1/2007 | Y | National Association of Biology Teachers | United States | Education | ||||
American Business Law Journal | 0002-7766 | 1/1984 | Y | American Business Law Association | United States | Business law and regulation | ||||||
American City & County | 0149-337X | 1/1980 | 8/1989 | 11/1992 | 3/2002 | N | Penton Business Media, Inc. | United States | Local government | |||
American Criminal Law Review | 0164-0364 | 1/1980 | 3/1994 | 9/1994 | Y | Georgetown University Law Center | United States | Criminal law | ||||
American Demographics | 0163-4089 | 5/1980 | 11/2004 | 4/1986 | 11/2004 | 8/1992 | 12/1996 | N | Crain Communications, Inc. | United States | Consumer research | |
--- Ceased by incorporation. Effective Date = 11/01/2004; Incorporates editorialcoverage and components of Marketing Tools starting with the Aug. 1998 issue. | ||||||||||||
American Economic Review | 0002-8282 | 3/1985 | Y | American Economic Association | United States | Economics | ||||||
American Editor | 1083-5210 | 10/1995 | N | American Society of Newspaper Editors | United States | Periodical publishing | ||||||
--- Formerly: The Bulletin of the American Society of Newspaper Editors (ASNE)10/95 | ||||||||||||
American Family Physician | 0002-838X | 1/1989 | 1/1989 | Y | American Academy of Family Physicians | United States | Family medicine | |||||
American Film | 0361-4751 | 1/1984 | 1/1992 | Y | American Film Institute | United States | Movies | |||||
American Forests | 0002-8541 | 1/1989 | 1/1989 | 3/1993 | N | American Forests | United States | Ecology | ||||
American Gardener | 1087-9978 | 5/1996 | N | American Horticultural Society | United States | Home and gardens | ||||||
--- Formerly: American Horticulturist 05/96 | ||||||||||||
American Heritage | 0002-8738 | 2/1984 | 9/1992 | N | American Heritage, A Division of Forbes, Inc. | United States | North American studies | |||||
American Historical Review | 0002-8762 | 2/1985 | Y | American Historical Association | United States | World history | ||||||
American Indian Culture and Research Journal | 0161-6463 | 1/1992 | Y | University of California, Los Angeles, American In | United States | Native American studies | ||||||
American Indian Quarterly | 0095-182X | 1/1989 | 6/1992 | 3/1994 | Y | University of Nebraska Press | United States | Native American studies | ||||
American Jewish History | 0164-0178 | 1/1989 | 3/1997 | 3/1999 | Y | American Jewish Historical Society | United States | Jewish studies | ||||
American Journal of Agricultural Economics | 0002-9092 | 2/1981 | 11/1994 | 8/1994 | Y | American Agricultural Economics Association | United States | Agricultural economics | ||||
American Journal of Alternative Agriculture | 0889-1893 | 9/1992 | 12/2003 | Y | Institute for Alternative Agriculture, Inc. | United States | Agricultural science | |||||
--- Now: Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems. Effective Date = 12/31/2003 | ||||||||||||
American Journal of Archaeology | 0002-9114 | 1/1989 | Y | Archaeological Institute of America | United States | Archaeology | ||||||
American Journal of Botany | 0002-9122 | 1/1989 | Y | Botanical Society of America, Inc. | United States | Botany | ||||||
American Journal of Economics and Sociology | 0002-9246 | 1/1987 | 4/1993 | 7/1994 | Y | American Journal of Economics and Sociology, Inc. | United States | Social economics | ||||
American Journal of Education | 0195-6744 | 2/1992 | Y | University of Chicago Press | United States | Educational philosophy | ||||||
American Journal of Family Therapy | 0192-6187 | 3/1989 | Y | Brunner-Mazel Inc. | United States | Family and marriage therapy | ||||||
American Journal of International Law | 0002-9300 | 1/1980 | 4/2007 | 4/2007 | Y | American Society of International Law | United States | International law | ||||
American Journal of Law & Medicine | 0098-8588 | 3/1980 | 9/1992 | 3/1994 | Y | American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics | United States | Health law | ||||
American Journal of Mathematics | 0002-9327 | 2/1992 | 6/1994 | 2/1994 | Y | Johns Hopkins University Press | United States | Mathematics | ||||
American Journal of Nursing | 0002-936X | 1/1989 | Y | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, WK Health | United States | Nursing | ||||||
American Journal of Orthopsychiatry | 0002-9432 | 1/1987 | Y | American Psychological Association, Inc. | United States | Psychiatry | ||||||
American Journal of Physics | 0002-9505 | 1/1989 | Y | American Institute of Physics, Inc. | United States | Physics | ||||||
American Journal of Political Science | 0092-5853 | 2/1989 | Y | Blackwell Publishers Ltd. | United Kingdom | Political science | ||||||
American Journal of Primatology | 0275-2565 | 1/2002 | Y | John Wiley & Sons, Inc. | United States | Zoology | ||||||
American Journal of Psychology | 0002-9556 | 3/1987 | 3/1993 | 3/2000 | 6/1994 | 3/2000 | Y | University of Illinois Press | United States | Psychology | ||
American Journal of Public Health | 0090-0036 | 1/1988 | Y | American Public Health Association, Inc. | United States | Public health | ||||||
American Journal of Sociology | 0002-9602 | 1/1987 | Y | University of Chicago Press | United States | Sociology | ||||||
American Journal of Sports Medicine | 0363-5465 | 1/1989 | 11/2005 | 11/2005 | Y | Sage Publications, Inc. | United States | Sports medicine | ||||
American Journalism Review | 1067-8654 | 3/1993 | 3/1993 | 7/1994 | Y | University of Maryland | United States | Journalism | ||||
--- Formerly: Washington Journalism Review, 3/93 | ||||||||||||
American Literature | 0002-9831 | 3/1987 | Y | Duke University Press | United States | American literature | ||||||
American Mathematical Monthly | 0002-9890 | 1/1989 | Y | Mathematical Association of America, Inc. | United States | Mathematics | ||||||
American Midland Naturalist | 0003-0031 | 1/1989 | 1/1995 | 7/1994 | Y | University of Notre Dame | United States | Biochemistry | ||||
American Mineralogist | 0003-004X | 1/1992 | Y | Mineralogical Society of America | United States | Mineralogy | ||||||
American Music | 0734-4392 | 3/1989 | 9/1992 | 3/2000 | 6/1994 | 9/1999 | Y | University of Illinois Press | United States | Music | ||
American Music Teacher | 0003-0112 | 2/1992 | 12/2001 | 4/2002 | N | Music Teachers National Association, Inc. | United States | Music | ||||
American Naturalist | 0003-0147 | 1/1989 | Y | University of Chicago Press | United States | Environmental science | ||||||
American Photo | 1046-8986 | 1/1990 | 1/2004 | N | Hachette Filipacchi Magazines, Inc. | United States | Photography | |||||
--- Dropped from production. Effective Date = 01/01/2004; Formerly: AmericanPhotographer, 1/90 | ||||||||||||
American Poetry Review | 0360-3709 | 1/1989 | 1/1993 | 1/1999 | N | World Poetry, Inc. | United States | American literature | ||||
American Political Science Review | 0003-0554 | 3/1987 | 3/1993 | 3/2001 | 9/1994 | 12/2000 | Y | Cambridge University Press | United States | Political science | ||
American Prospect | 1049-7285 | 3/1994 | 3/1996 | 11/1999 | N | The American Prospect, Inc. | United States | Political science | ||||
American Psychologist | 0003-066X | 1/1987 | Y | American Psychological Association, Inc. | United States | Psychology | ||||||
American Quarterly | 0003-0678 | 1/1987 | Y | Johns Hopkins University Press | United States | Multicultural studies | ||||||
American Scholar | 0003-0937 | 1/1985 | 1/1997 | 6/1999 | Y | Phi Beta Kappa Society | United States | Literature and writing | ||||
American Scientist | 0003-0996 | 1/1987 | 7/1994 | N | Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society | United States | Science and technology | |||||
American Sociological Review | 0003-1224 | 4/1987 | Y | American Sociological Association | United States | Sociology | ||||||
American Speech | 0003-1283 | 3/1989 | Y | University of Alabama Press | United States | Linguistics | ||||||
American Statistician | 0003-1305 | 2/1989 | 2/1993 | 2/2005 | 11/1994 | 2/2005 | Y | American Statistical Association | United States | Probability and statistics | ||
American Studies International | 0883-105X | 4/1989 | 2/2003 | 6/2000 | 2/2003 | 6/2000 | 2/2003 | Y | George Washington University | United States | North American studies | |
--- Incorporated into: American Studies 10/01/2003 | ||||||||||||
American Theatre | 8750-3255 | 1/1992 | 1/1992 | 7/1994 | N | Theatre Communications Group | United States | Drama | ||||
American Visions | 0884-9390 | 4/1989 | 12/1992 | 6/1994 | N | Heritage Information Holdings, Inc. | United States | Black studies | ||||
American Zoologist | 0003-1569 | 3/1989 | 12/2001 | 2/1998 | 4/2000 | 9/1999 | 4/2000 | Y | Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology(SI | United States | Zoology | |
--- Now: Integrative and Comparative Biology. Effective Date = 02/01/2002 | ||||||||||||
Americana | 0090-9114 | 1/1984 | 2/1993 | N | Americana, Inc. | United States | General and consumer interests | |||||
Americas (English Edition) | 0379-0940 | 1/1984 | 1/1990 | 7/1994 | N | Organization of American States | United States | Latin American studies | ||||
Americas Review | 1042-6213 | 6/1989 | 6/1999 | Y | Arte Publico Press | United States | Literature and writing | |||||
Americas: A Quarterly Review of Inter-American Cultural History | 0003-1615 | 1/1987 | Y | Academy of American Franciscan History | United States | Latin American history | ||||||
Amicus Journal | 0276-7201 | 1/1992 | 6/2001 | 1/1993 | 6/2001 | 6/1994 | 6/2001 | N | Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc. | United States | Ecology | |
--- Now: OnEarth. Effective Date = 06/30/2001 | ||||||||||||
Analog Science Fiction-Science Fact | 0161-2328 | 1/1984 | 12/1988 | N | Dell Magazines | United States | Literature and writing | |||||
--- Now: Analog Science Fiction & Fact, 12/91 | ||||||||||||
Analytical Chemistry | 0003-2700 | 1/1992 | Y | American Chemical Society | United States | Chemistry | ||||||
Animal Behaviour | 0003-3472 | 2/1987 | Y | Elsevier B.V. | Netherlands | Veterinary medicine | ||||||
ANNA Journal | 8750-0779 | 2/1996 | 12/1999 | 2/1996 | 12/1999 | 2/1996 | 12/1999 | Y | Jannetti Publications, Inc. | United States | Health care industry | |
--- Now: Nephrology Nursing Journal. Effective Date = 12/31/1999 | ||||||||||||
Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science | 0002-7162 | 1/1984 | Y | Sage Publications, Inc. | United States | Social sciences | ||||||
Annals of the Association of American Geographers | 0004-5608 | 3/1987 | Y | Blackwell Publishers Ltd. | United Kingdom | Geography | ||||||
Annual Review of Anthropology | 0084-6570 | 1/1994 | Y | Annual Reviews, Inc. | United States | Anthropology | ||||||
Annual Review of Medicine | 0066-4219 | 1/2002 | Y | Annual Reviews, Inc. | United States | Medical science and research | ||||||
Annual Review of Microbiology | 0066-4227 | 1/1993 | 1/1993 | 1/2003 | 1/1994 | 1/2003 | Y | Annual Reviews, Inc. | United States | Biology | ||
Annual Review of Psychology | 0066-4308 | 1/1990 | 1/1993 | 1/2004 | 1/1994 | 1/2004 | Y | Annual Reviews, Inc. | United States | Psychology | ||
Anthropological Quarterly | 0003-5491 | 1/1989 | 1/2007 | Y | Institute for Ethnographic Research | United States | Anthropology | |||||
Antioch Review | 0003-5769 | 3/1980 | 1/1994 | 1/2000 | N | Antioch Review, Inc. | United States | Literature and writing | ||||
Antiquity | 0003-598X | 3/1987 | 3/1993 | 6/1994 | Y | 180 | Antiquity Publications, Ltd. | United Kingdom | Archaeology | |||
AORN Journal | 0001-2092 | 1/1996 | 1/1996 | 1/1996 | Y | Association of Operating Room Nurses, Inc. | United States | Nursing specialties | ||||
Aperture | 0003-6420 | 3/1989 | Y | Aperture Foundation Inc. | United States | Photography | ||||||
Applied Economics | 0003-6846 | 6/1981 | 10/1991 | 12/2006 | 5/1992 | 8/1999 | Y | Taylor & Francis Ltd. | United Kingdom | Economics | ||
Arab Studies Quarterly (ASQ) | 0271-3519 | 1/1992 | 1/1993 | 9/1999 | Y | Association of Arab-American University Graduates | United States | Middle Eastern studies | ||||
Archaeology | 0003-8113 | 1/1987 | Y | Archaeological Institute of America | United States | Archaeology | ||||||
Architectural Digest | 0003-8520 | 1/1980 | N | Conde Nast Publications, Inc. | United States | Architecture and design industries | ||||||
Architectural Record | 0003-858X | 1/1985 | N | The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. | United States | Architecture and design industries | ||||||
Architectural Review | 0003-861X | 1/1991 | 6/1994 | 7/1994 | N | EMAP Architecture | United Kingdom | Architecture | ||||
Architecture | 0746-0554 | 1/1991 | 10/2006 | 6/1994 | 10/2006 | 7/1994 | 6/2006 | N | The Nielsen Company | United States | Architecture | |
Argumentation and Advocacy | 1051-1431 | 6/1989 | 6/1992 | 1/1994 | Y | American Forensic Association | United States | Advocacy | ||||
Arithmetic Teacher | 0004-136X | 1/1987 | 5/1994 | 1/1993 | 5/1994 | 5/1994 | 5/1994 | Y | National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Inc. | United States | Mathematics education | |
--- Now: Teaching Children Mathematics, 9/94 | ||||||||||||
Armed Forces & Society: An Interdisciplinary Journal | 0095-327X | 1/1989 | 6/1994 | 3/2001 | 6/1994 | 1/2001 | Y | Transaction Publishers, Inc. | United States | Military and naval science | ||
Art Bulletin | 0004-3079 | 3/1987 | 12/1994 | 6/1994 | Y | College Art Association | United States | Art history | ||||
Art History | 0141-6790 | 3/1989 | Y | Blackwell Publishers Ltd. | United Kingdom | Art history | ||||||
Art in America | 0004-3214 | 1/1984 | 1/1993 | 6/1991 | N | Brant Publications, Inc. | United States | Visual arts | ||||
Art Journal | 0004-3249 | 3/1987 | 3/1993 | 6/1994 | Y | College Art Association | United States | Visual arts | ||||
Artforum International | 1086-7058 | 1/1987 | 1/1993 | 4/1994 | N | 365 | Artforum International Magazine, Inc. | United States | Visual arts | |||
ARTnews | 0004-3273 | 1/1984 | N | ArtNews Associates | United States | Visual arts | ||||||
Arts & Activities | 0004-3931 | 9/2000 | 9/2000 | 9/2000 | N | Publishers' Development Corporation | United States | Education | ||||
Arts Magazine | 0004-4059 | 1/1987 | 3/1992 | N | Arts Communications Group | United States | Arts and humanities | |||||
Asian Affairs | 0306-8374 | 2/1989 | Y | Royal Society for Asian Affairs | United Kingdom | Asian studies | ||||||
Asian Philosophy | 0955-2367 | 3/1996 | 3/1997 | 7/2003 | 7/1999 | 11/2001 | Y | Taylor & Francis Ltd. | United Kingdom | Regional religion studies | ||
Asian Survey | 0004-4687 | 1/1987 | Y | University of California Press | United States | Asian studies | ||||||
Astronomy | 0091-6358 | 1/1984 | 1/1993 | N | Kalmbach Publishing Company | United States | Hobbies and crafts | |||||
Atlantic | 0276-9077 | 1/1984 | 10/1993 | 1/1984 | 10/1993 | N | Atlantic Monthly Company | United States | Political science | |||
--- Now: The Atlantic Monthly 11/93 | ||||||||||||
Atlantic Monthly | 1072-7825 | 11/1993 | 11/1993 | 5/2001 | N | Atlantic Monthly Company | United States | News, opinion and commentary | ||||
--- Formerly: The Atlantic 11/93 | ||||||||||||
Audio | 0004-752X | 1/1984 | 2/2000 | N | Hachette Filipacchi Magazines, Inc. | United States | Home electronics | |||||
Audubon | 0097-7136 | 1/1984 | 9/1997 | 9/1997 | N | National Audubon Society | United States | Wildlife conservation | ||||
Auk | 0004-8038 | 1/1992 | Y | American Ornithologists' Union | United States | Zoology | ||||||
Australasian Public Libraries and Information Services | 1030-5033 | 3/1998 | 3/1998 | 6/1998 | Y | Auslib Press Party Ltd. | Australia | Australasian studies | ||||
Australian Journal of Hospitality Management | 1320-5161 | 3/1998 | 9/2001 | 9/1998 | 9/2001 | 3/1999 | 9/2001 | Y | University of Queensland Press | United States | Australasian business | |
--- Now: Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management. Effective Date =03/01/2002 | ||||||||||||
Automotive Engineering | 0098-2571 | 1/1989 | 12/1997 | N | Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. (SAE Interna | United States | Automobile industry | |||||
--- Now: Automotive Engineering International 01/98 | ||||||||||||
Automotive Engineering International | 1543-849X | 7/1998 | N | Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. (SAE Interna | United States | Industrial engineering | ||||||
--- Formerly: Automotive Engineering 01/98 | ||||||||||||
Automotive News | 0005-1551 | 1/1984 | 12/1994 | 5/1992 | N | Crain Communications, Inc. | United States | Automobile industry | ||||
--- Incorporates Automotive News Market Data Book 12/94 | ||||||||||||
Aviation Week & Space Technology | 0005-2175 | 1/1984 | N | The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. | United States | Aerospace industry | ||||||
AZTLAN - A Journal of Chicano Studies | 0005-2604 | 3/1987 | Y | Chicano Studies Research Studies Center Publicatio | United States | Hispanic studies | ||||||
Backpacker | 0277-867X | 1/1984 | 2/1993 | 8/1994 | 10/2003 | N | 30 | Active Interest Media | United States | Sports and recreation | ||
Behavioral Health Management | 1075-6701 | 1/1994 | 11/2005 | 1/1994 | 11/2005 | 11/1996 | 11/2005 | N | Vendome Group LLC | United States | Health care management | |
--- This publication and Behavioral Healthcare Tomorrow merged to createBehavioral Healthcare. Effective Date = 01/01/2006; Formerly: Addiction &Recovery 1/94 | ||||||||||||
Behavioral Healthcare | 1931-7093 | 1/2006 | 1/2006 | 1/2006 | Y | Vendome Group LLC | United States | Psychology | ||||
Beijing Review | 1000-9140 | 1/1989 | 1/1999 | N | Financial Times Information Ltd. | United States | Eastern Asian and Pacific business | |||||
Berkeley Technology Law Journal | 1086-3818 | 3/1996 | Y | University of California Press | United States | Science and technology law | ||||||
--- Formerly: High Technology Law Journal 01/96 | ||||||||||||
Biblio | 1087-5581 | 1/1998 | 4/1999 | 1/1998 | 4/1999 | N | Advanstar Communications, Inc. | United States | Literature and writing | |||
Bicycling | 0006-2073 | 2/1984 | 1/1993 | 8/1994 | 12/2003 | N | 30 | Rodale, Inc. | United States | Sports and recreation | ||
Billboard | 0006-2510 | 3/1981 | 1/1991 | 1/1993 | 6/2006 | N | The Nielsen Company | United States | Arts, entertainment and sports industries | |||
BioCycle | 0276-5055 | 1/1992 | Y | JG Press, Inc. | United States | Environmental science | ||||||
Biological Bulletin | 0006-3185 | 2/1989 | 8/1994 | 6/1994 | Y | 365 | Marine Biological Laboratory | United States | Life sciences | |||
BioScience | 0006-3568 | 1/1984 | 1/1989 | 7/1994 | Y | American Institute of Biological Sciences | United States | Life sciences | ||||
Black American Literature Forum | 0148-6179 | 3/1989 | 12/1991 | Y | African American Review | United States | Literature and writing | |||||
--- Now: African American Review 3/92 | ||||||||||||
Black Collegian | 0192-3757 | 1/1987 | 1/1993 | 10/1994 | N | IMDiversity, Inc. | United States | Careers and occupations | ||||
Black Enterprise | 0006-4165 | 1/1984 | 12/1991 | 8/1992 | N | Earl G. Graves Publishing Co., Inc. | United States | Business management | ||||
Black History Bulletin | 0028-2529 | 1/2002 | 1/2002 | 1/2002 | Y | Association for the Study of African American Life | United States | Black studies | ||||
Black Issues in Higher Education | 0742-0277 | 7/1994 | 6/2005 | 1/1996 | 6/2005 | 7/1999 | 6/2005 | N | Cox, Matthews & Associates | United States | Education | |
--- Now: Diverse Issues in Higher Education. Effective Date = 08/25/2005 | ||||||||||||
Black Music Research Journal | 0276-3605 | 9/1995 | 3/1997 | 3/1998 | Y | Center For Black Music Research | United States | Performing arts history | ||||
Black Renaissance/Renaissance Noire | 1089-3148 | 12/1999 | 12/1999 | 12/1999 | N | Indiana University Press | United States | Black studies | ||||
Black Scholar | 0006-4246 | 1/1987 | Y | Black Scholar | United States | Black studies | ||||||
Booklist | 0006-7385 | 1/1980 | 10/1993 | 1/1994 | N | 14 | American Library Association | United States | Bibliography | |||
Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review | 0190-7034 | 6/1980 | Y | Boston College Law School | United States | Environmental law | ||||||
Botanical Review | 0006-8101 | 1/1989 | 7/1994 | 4/1994 | Y | New York Botanical Garden | United States | Botany | ||||
Brand Strategy | 0965-9390 | 1/1999 | 1/1999 | 1/2001 | 11/2004 | N | Centaur Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom | Advertising, marketing and public relations | |||
Brandweek | 1064-4318 | 7/1992 | 7/1992 | 7/1992 | 6/2006 | N | The Nielsen Company | United States | Advertising, marketing and public relations | |||
--- Incorporates Brandweek Superbrands 12/95; Formerly: Adweek's Marketing Week7/92 | ||||||||||||
Broadcasting | 0007-2028 | 1/1984 | 2/1993 | 1/1984 | 2/1993 | 5/1992 | 2/1993 | N | Reed Business Information, Inc. (US) | United States | Mass communications and publishing | |
--- Now: Broadcasting & Cable 3/93 | ||||||||||||
Broadcasting & Cable | 1068-6827 | 3/1993 | 3/1993 | 3/1993 | 2/2006 | N | Reed Business Information, Inc. (US) | United States | Television broadcasting | |||
--- Formerly: Broadcasting 3/93 | ||||||||||||
Broadcasting and the Law | 0161-5823 | 8/1991 | 4/2002 | N | Broadcasting and the Law, Inc. | United States | Business law and regulation | |||||
--- Ceased by publisher. Effective Date = 01/01/2004; Suspended publications3/92; resumed publication 11/93 | ||||||||||||
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity | 0007-2303 | 9/1985 | 9/1999 | 9/1999 | Y | Brookings Institution | United States | Economics | ||||
Brookings Review | 0745-1253 | 3/1984 | 9/2003 | 1/1992 | 9/2003 | 3/1993 | 9/2003 | Y | Brookings Institution | United States | Public policy | |
Buffalo Public Interest Law Journal | 1/1999 | Y | William S. Hein & Co., Inc. | United States | Law | |||||||
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society | 0003-0007 | 1/1992 | Y | American Meteorological Society | United States | Meteorology | ||||||
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists | 0096-3402 | 1/1984 | 10/1992 | 3/2005 | 7/1994 | 3/2005 | Y | Educational Foundation for Nuclear Science, Inc. | United States | National security and defense | ||
Bulletin of the History of Medicine | 0007-5140 | 3/2002 | Y | Johns Hopkins University Press | United States | History of medicine | ||||||
Business & Professional Ethics Journal | 0277-2027 | 3/1989 | Y | University of Florida | United States | Business ethics | ||||||
Business Week | 0007-7135 | 1/1984 | 12/1998 | N | The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. | United States | General business | |||||
--- Industrial Edition | ||||||||||||
Byte | 0360-5280 | 1/1984 | 7/1998 | 10/1996 | 7/1998 | N | CMP Media, Inc. | United States | Computing and information technology industries | |||
--- Now: Byte.com. Effective Date = 07/01/1998 | ||||||||||||
Byte.com | 4/2000 | 4/2000 | N | CMP Media, Inc. | United States | Consumer electronics industry | ||||||
California Law Review | 0008-1221 | 1/1980 | Y | University of California Press | United States | Legal education and scholarship | ||||||
Camcorder | 1048-8804 | 4/1997 | 1/1999 | 4/1997 | 1/1999 | N | Miller Magazines, Inc. | United States | Home electronics | |||
--- Now: Camcorder & Computer Video. Effective Date = 02/01/1999 | ||||||||||||
Camcorder & Computer Video | 1091-0441 | 2/1999 | 2/1999 | 10/1999 | N | Miller Magazines, Inc. | United States | Home electronics | ||||
Campaigns & Elections | 0197-0771 | 1/1992 | 1/1993 | 6/1994 | N | Campaigns & Elections, Inc. | United States | Elections and voting | ||||
Canadian Geographic | 0706-2168 | 2/1980 | 1/1994 | 1/2003 | 7/1994 | 1/2002 | N | Royal Canadian Geographical Society | Canada | North American studies | ||
Canadian Historical Review | 0008-3755 | 3/1983 | Y | University of Toronto Press | United States | Canadian history | ||||||
Canadian Home Economics Journal | 0008-3763 | 3/1988 | 3/2003 | 9/2001 | 3/2003 | 9/2001 | 3/2003 | Y | Canadian Home Economics Foundation | Canada | Consumer news and advice | |
Canadian Journal of Criminology | 0704-9722 | 1/1981 | 10/2002 | 1/1993 | 10/2002 | 7/1994 | 10/2002 | Y | Canadian Criminal Justice Association | Canada | Criminology | |
--- Now: Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice. Effective Date =12/31/2002; Formerly: Canadian Journal of Criminology and Corrections 1/81 | ||||||||||||
Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice | 1707-7753 | 1/2003 | 1/2003 | 1/2003 | Y | Canadian Criminal Justice Association | Canada | Law enforcement and corrections | ||||
Canadian Journal of Economics | 0008-4085 | 2/1983 | Y | Blackwell Publishers Ltd. | United Kingdom | Canadian business | ||||||
Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology | 1196-1961 | 3/1993 | Y | Canadian Psychological Assn. | Canada | Psychology | ||||||
--- Formerly: Canadian Journal of Psychology 1/93 | ||||||||||||
Canadian Journal of History | 0008-4107 | 4/1989 | 12/1992 | 8/1994 | Y | University of Saskatchewan | Canada | History | ||||
Canadian Journal of Philosophy | 0045-5091 | 1/1988 | Y | University of Calgary | Canada | Philosophy | ||||||
Canadian Journal of Political Science | 0008-4239 | 3/1988 | Y | Canadian Political Science Association | Canada | Political science | ||||||
Canadian Literature | 0008-4360 | 3/1988 | Y | University of British Columbia | Canada | Canadian literature | ||||||
Canadian Slavonic Papers | 0008-5006 | 3/1991 | Y | University of Alberta (Canada) | Canada | Eastern European studies | ||||||
Canadian Social Trends | 0831-5698 | 3/1988 | N | Ministry of Industry and Science | Canada | Probability and statistics | ||||||
Canadian Theatre Review | 0315-0836 | 3/1988 | Y | University of Toronto Press | United States | Theater | ||||||
Car and Driver | 0008-6002 | 1/1984 | N | Hachette Filipacchi Magazines, Inc. | United States | Cars and vehicles | ||||||
Career World, a Weekly Reader publication | 0744-1002 | 9/2000 | 9/2000 | N | Weekly Reader Corp. | United States | Careers and occupations | |||||
Careers & Colleges | 1065-9935 | 9/1999 | 9/1999 | 1/2000 | N | 360 Youth LLC, DBA Alloy Education | United States | Teen development and issues | ||||
Catholic Biblical Quarterly | 0008-7912 | 1/1989 | Y | Catholic Biblical Association of America | United States | Biblical studies | ||||||
Catholic Historical Review | 0008-8080 | 1/1980 | 1/2003 | 1/2003 | Y | The Catholic University of America Press | United States | Catholicism | ||||
Cato Journal | 0273-3072 | 1/1991 | 1/2002 | 3/2001 | Y | Cato Institute | United States | Public policy | ||||
Center Magazine | 0008-9125 | 1/1984 | 11/1987 | Y | Robert Maynard Hutchins Center for the Study of De | United States | Theater industry | |||||
Central European History | 0008-9389 | 3/1980 | Y | Humanities Press International, Inc. | United States | European history | ||||||
Challenge | 0577-5132 | 1/1984 | Y | M.E. Sharpe, Inc. | United States | Economics | ||||||
Change | 0009-1383 | 1/1984 | 3/1991 | 7/1994 | Y | Heldref Publications | United States | Higher education | ||||
Changing Times | 0009-143X | 1/1984 | 6/1991 | 1/1984 | 6/1991 | N | The Kiplinger Washington Editors, Inc. | United States | Personal finance and insurance | |||
--- Now: Kiplinger's Personal Finance Magazine 7/91 | ||||||||||||
Chemical & Engineering News | 0009-2347 | 1/1981 | Y | American Chemical Society | United States | Chemistry | ||||||
Chemical Heritage | 1066-5315 | 9/2002 | N | Chemical Heritage Foundation | United States | Science and technology history | ||||||
Chemical Innovation | 1527-4799 | 1/2000 | 12/2001 | Y | American Chemical Society | United States | Chemical engineering | |||||
CHEMTECH | 0009-2703 | 1/1989 | 12/1999 | Y | American Chemical Society | United States | Chemistry | |||||
--- Now: Chemical Innovation. Effective Date = 12/31/1999 | ||||||||||||
Chest | 0012-3692 | 5/1989 | 5/1989 | 7/2006 | 5/1991 | 6/2006 | Y | American College of Chest Physicians | United States | Cardiology | ||
Chicago Review | 0009-3696 | 1/1987 | 6/1988 | 6/1999 | Y | University of Chicago | United States | Literature and writing | ||||
Child Development | 0009-3920 | 2/1987 | Y | Blackwell Publishers Ltd. | United Kingdom | Child development | ||||||
Child Study Journal | 0009-4005 | 12/1998 | 3/2004 | 12/1998 | 3/2004 | 3/1999 | 3/2004 | Y | State University of New York at Buffalo | United States | Child development | |
Child Welfare | 0009-4021 | 1/1987 | 1/2007 | 1/2007 | Y | Child Welfare League of America, Inc. | United States | Child abuse and neglect | ||||
Childhood Education | 0009-4056 | 2/1987 | 1/1993 | 1/1994 | Y | Association for Childhood Education International | United States | Early childhood education | ||||
Children Today | 0361-4336 | 1/1984 | 3/1997 | 3/1984 | 3/1997 | 6/1994 | 3/1997 | N | U.S. Government Printing Office | United States | Child development | |
China Quarterly | 0305-7410 | 3/1987 | Y | Oxford University Press | United States | Asian and Pacific history | ||||||
CHOICE: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries | 0009-4978 | 1/1992 | 12/1994 | 3/1996 | 12/1994 | N | American Library Association | United States | Academic libraries | |||
Christian Century | 0009-5281 | 1/1984 | 12/1992 | 6/1994 | N | The Christian Century Foundation | United States | Christianity | ||||
Christianity Today | 0009-5753 | 1/1984 | 10/1992 | 8/1994 | N | Christianity Today, Inc. | United States | Christianity | ||||
Christopher Street | 0146-7921 | 1/1991 | 11/1995 | N | That New Magazine, Inc. | United States | Literature and writing | |||||
Chronicle of Higher Education | 0009-5982 | 1/1987 | 1/1999 | 6/2000 | N | 30 | Chronicle of Higher Education, Inc. | United States | Higher education | |||
Cineaste | 0009-7004 | 1/1992 | 9/1992 | 10/1994 | N | Cineaste Publishers, Inc. | United States | Movie industry | ||||
Circle Track | 1052-9624 | 10/1999 | 10/1999 | 12/1999 | N | Primedia Enterprises, Inc. | United States | Sports and recreation | ||||
Classical Antiquity | 0278-6656 | 4/1987 | Y | University of California Press | United States | Classical studies | ||||||
Clearing House | 0009-8655 | 1/1984 | 1/1993 | 7/1994 | Y | Heldref Publications | United States | Secondary education | ||||
Clinical Nursing Research | 1054-7738 | 2/1996 | 2/1996 | 8/1998 | Y | Sage Publications, Inc. | United States | Nursing | ||||
Clinical Social Work Journal | 0091-1674 | 3/1989 | Y | Springer | Netherlands | Social work | ||||||
CLIO | 0884-2043 | 3/1980 | 9/1992 | 1/1994 | Y | Indiana University, Purdue University of Fort Wayn | United States | Literary history | ||||
Coach and Athletic Director | 1087-2000 | 1/1996 | 1/1996 | 12/1999 | N | Scholastic, Inc. | United States | Education | ||||
--- Formerly: Scholastic Coach and Athletic Director | ||||||||||||
College English | 0010-0994 | 1/1987 | Y | National Council of Teachers of English | United States | Languages and linguistics | ||||||
College Literature | 0093-3139 | 3/1980 | 10/1992 | 3/2000 | Y | West Chester University | United States | Literary criticism | ||||
College Mathematics Journal | 0746-8342 | 1/1989 | Y | Mathematical Association of America, Inc. | United States | Mathematics | ||||||
Columbia Journalism Review | 0010-194X | 1/1987 | 1/1991 | 7/1994 | Y | Columbia University, Graduate School of Journalism | United States | Journalism | ||||
Columbia Law Review | 0010-1958 | 1/1980 | Y | Columbia Law Review | United States | Legal education and scholarship | ||||||
Commentary | 0010-2601 | 1/1984 | 12/1992 | 7/1994 | Y | Commentary, Inc. | United States | Jewish studies | ||||
Common Cause Magazine | 0884-6537 | 1/1989 | 3/1996 | 7/1991 | 3/1996 | 6/1994 | 3/1996 | N | Common Cause Magazine | United States | Government and political science | |
Commonweal | 0010-3330 | 1/1984 | 4/1992 | 8/1994 | 6/1998 | N | 180 | Commonweal Foundation | United States | News, opinion and commentary | ||
Communication Arts | 0010-3519 | 1/1991 | N | Coyne & Blanchard, Inc. | United States | Graphic arts | ||||||
Communication Disorders Quarterly | 1525-7401 | 9/2000 | 9/2000 | 9/2000 | Y | Pro-Ed | United States | Languages and linguistics | ||||
Communication Education | 0363-4523 | 1/1987 | Y | Speech Communication Association | United States | Languages and linguistics | ||||||
Communication Monographs | 0363-7751 | 3/1987 | Y | Speech Communication Association | United States | Languages and linguistics | ||||||
Communication Quarterly | 0146-3373 | 1/1989 | Y | Eastern Communication Association | United States | Mass communications and publishing | ||||||
Communications and the Law | 0162-9093 | 1/1980 | 3/1997 | 9/1999 | Y | William S. Hein & Co., Inc. | United States | Law | ||||
Communications of the ACM | 0001-0782 | 1/1989 | 1/1989 | 4/2001 | Y | Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. | United States | Computer science | ||||
Community College Review | 0091-5521 | 6/1998 | 6/1998 | 12/1998 | Y | North Carolina State University, Department of Adu | United States | Higher education | ||||
Comparative Education Review | 0010-4086 | 2/1992 | Y | University of Chicago Press | United States | Educational philosophy | ||||||
Comparative Literature | 0010-4124 | 1/1989 | Y | University of Oregon | United States | Literature and writing | ||||||
Comparative Literature Studies | 0010-4132 | 3/1980 | Y | Pennsylvania State University Press | United States | Literature and writing | ||||||
Comparative Politics | 0010-4159 | 1/1987 | Y | Boyd Printing Co. | United States | Political science | ||||||
Comparative Studies in Society and History | 0010-4175 | 1/1987 | Y | Cambridge University Press | United States | Sociology | ||||||
Compensation and Working Conditions | 1059-0722 | 1/1992 | 9/2001 | 3/2001 | 9/2001 | 3/2001 | 9/2001 | N | U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics | United States | Compensation and benefits | |
Compute | 0194-357X | 1/1987 | 9/1994 | 1/1991 | 9/1994 | 7/1994 | 9/1994 | N | Ziff Davis Media Inc. | United States | Home electronics | |
--- Ceased Publication 9/94 | ||||||||||||
Computer Graphics World | 0271-4159 | 1/1983 | 1/1988 | 11/1998 | N | PennWell Publishing Corp. | United States | Computer graphics | ||||
Computer Technology Review | 0278-9647 | 7/1999 | 7/1999 | 8/1999 | N | West World Productions, Inc. | United States | Computing and information technology industries | ||||
Computers in Libraries | 1041-7915 | 1/1992 | 1/1992 | 7/1994 | N | Information Today, Inc. | United States | Library automation and technology | ||||
--- Formerly: Small Computers in Libraries 2/89 | ||||||||||||
Computerworld | 0010-4841 | 1/1992 | 9/1996 | 4/2002 | N | Computerworld, Inc. | United States | Information systems management | ||||
Congress & the Presidency | 0734-3469 | 3/1992 | Y | American University Center for Congressional and P | United States | U.S. President | ||||||
Congressional Digest | 0010-5899 | 1/1984 | N | Congressional Digest Corporation | United States | U.S. Congress | ||||||
Congressional Quarterly Weekly Report | 0010-5910 | 1/1988 | 4/1998 | N | Congressional Quarterly, Inc. | United States | Federal and national government | |||||
--- Now: CQ Weekly. Effective Date = 04/12/1998 | ||||||||||||
Conservative Digest | 0146-0978 | 1/1989 | 9/1989 | N | Second Opinion Publications | United States | Government and political science | |||||
Constitutional Commentary | 0742-7115 | 1/1984 | 1/1994 | 3/1999 | Y | Constitutional Commentary, Inc. | United States | Constitutional law | ||||
Consumer Reports | 0010-7174 | 1/1984 | 1/1999 | 1/1999 | N | 90 | Consumers Union of the United States, Inc. | United States | Consumer news and advice | |||
Consumers' Research Magazine | 0095-2222 | 1/1984 | 2/2004 | 1/1992 | 2/2004 | 7/1994 | 2/2004 | N | Consumers' Research, Inc. | United States | Consumer news and advice | |
Contemporary Drug Problems | 0091-4509 | 1/1980 | 9/1992 | 3/1994 | Y | Federal Legal Publications, Inc. | United States | Law enforcement and corrections | ||||
Contemporary Literature | 0010-7484 | 3/1989 | 3/1992 | 9/1999 | 9/1999 | 9/1999 | Y | University of Wisconsin Press | United States | Literature and writing | ||
Contemporary Long Term Care | 8750-9652 | 4/1999 | 4/1999 | 6/1999 | N | HC Pro, Inc. | United States | Health care industry | ||||
Contemporary Sociology | 0094-3061 | 1/1987 | Y | American Sociological Association | United States | Sociology | ||||||
Contemporary Southeast Asia | 0129-797X | 3/1992 | 4/1998 | 12/1999 | Y | Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS) | Singapore | International relations | ||||
Corrections Caselaw Quarterly | 1094-9518 | 2/2000 | 2/2000 | 11/2000 | N | CRS, Inc. | United States | Prisons and correctional facilities | ||||
Corrections Today | 0190-2563 | 2/1989 | 2/1993 | 7/1994 | N | American Correctional Association, Inc. | United States | Law enforcement and corrections | ||||
Counseling Psychologist | 0011-0000 | 1/1989 | 1/1998 | 11/1998 | Y | Sage Publications, Inc. | United States | Psychotherapy and counseling | ||||
CPI Detailed Report | 0095-926X | 1/1992 | N | Superintendent of Documents | United States | Economics | ||||||
CQ Researcher | 1056-2036 | 5/1991 | N | Congressional Quarterly, Inc. | United States | News, opinion and commentary | ||||||
--- Dropped from production. Effective Date = 12/12/2003; Formerly: EditorialResearch Reports 5/91 | ||||||||||||
CQ Weekly | 1521-5997 | 3/2001 | N | Congressional Quarterly, Inc. | United States | Federal and national government | ||||||
Crime and Delinquency | 0011-1287 | 1/1984 | 1/1997 | 10/1998 | Y | Sage Publications, Inc. | United States | Law enforcement and corrections | ||||
Criminal Justice and Behavior | 0093-8548 | 3/1980 | 10/2007 | 12/1997 | 12/1998 | Y | Sage Publications, Inc. | United States | Forensic science | |||
Criminal Justice Ethics | 0731-129X | 1/1983 | 1/1992 | 1/1999 | Y | Institute for Criminal Justice Ethics | United States | Ethics and morality | ||||
Criminology | 0011-1384 | 2/1980 | Y | Blackwell Publishers Ltd. | United Kingdom | Criminology | ||||||
Crisis | 0011-1422 | 1/1992 | 2/1996 | N | Crisis Publishing Company | United States | Civil rights | |||||
--- Now: The New Crisis. Effective Date = 07/01/1997 | ||||||||||||
Crisis (Baltimore, MD) | 1559-1573 | 5/2003 | N | Crisis Publishing Company | United States | Black studies | ||||||
Critical Care Alert | 1067-9052 | 5/1999 | 5/1999 | 11/1999 | 3/2005 | N | AHC Media LLC | United States | Critical care | |||
Critical Inquiry | 0093-1896 | 1/1989 | Y | University of Chicago Press | United States | Arts and humanities | ||||||
Criticism | 0011-1589 | 3/1980 | 1/1993 | 6/1994 | Y | Wayne State University Press | United States | Arts and humanities | ||||
Crop Science | 0011-183X | 1/1992 | 1/1997 | 5/2006 | 9/1999 | 5/2006 | Y | Crop Science Society of America | United States | Crop farming | ||
Cross Currents | 0011-1953 | 3/1989 | 6/1998 | 12/1999 | Y | Association for Religion and Intellectual Life | United States | Religion | ||||
Cultural Anthropology | 0886-7356 | 2/1994 | Y | American Anthropological Assn. | United States | Anthropology | ||||||
Cultural Studies | 0950-2386 | 1/1997 | Y | Routledge | United States | Sociology and social work | ||||||
Current | 0011-3131 | 1/1984 | 12/1992 | 7/1994 | Y | Heldref Publications | United States | Education | ||||
Current Affairs Bulletin | 0011-3182 | 4/1998 | 6/1998 | 4/1998 | 6/1998 | N | CAB Publications | Australia | General and consumer interests | |||
Current Anthropology | 0011-3204 | 2/1987 | Y | University of Chicago Press | United States | Anthropology | ||||||
Current Biography | 0011-3344 | 1/1984 | Y | H.W. Wilson Co. | United States | Biography and genealogy | ||||||
Current Digest of the Post-Soviet Press | 1067-7542 | 2/1992 | N | Current Digest of the Soviet Press | United States | Asian studies | ||||||
--- Formerly: The Current Digest of the Soviet Press 2/92 | ||||||||||||
Current Health 2, a Weekly Reader publication | 0163-156X | 9/1986 | 2/1989 | N | Weekly Reader Corp. | United States | Secondary education | |||||
--- Formerly: Current Health 1/86 | ||||||||||||
Current History | 0011-3530 | 1/1984 | Y | Current History, Inc. | United States | International relations | ||||||
Current Musicology | 0011-3735 | 1/1989 | 3/2006 | 3/2006 | N | Columbia University, Department of Music | United States | Music | ||||
Current Psychology | 0737-8262 | 12/1998 | 12/1998 | 3/2001 | 6/1999 | 3/2001 | Y | Transaction Publishers, Inc. | United States | Psychology | ||
Current Sociology | 0011-3921 | 3/1989 | Y | Sage Publications, Inc. | United States | Sociology | ||||||
Cycle | 0574-8135 | 1/1984 | 12/1988 | N | Hachette Filipacchi Magazines, Inc. | United States | Sports and recreation | |||||
--- Ceased Publication 11/91 | ||||||||||||
Daedalus | 0011-5266 | 1/1980 | 9/1992 | 9/1999 | Y | American Academy of Arts and Sciences | United States | Arts and humanities | ||||
Dance Magazine | 0011-6009 | 1/1984 | 1/1994 | 3/1991 | N | Dance Magazine, Inc. | United States | Dance | ||||
Datamation | 0011-6963 | 1/1984 | 2/1998 | 1/1984 | 2/1998 | 4/1992 | 12/1996 | N | Reed Business Information, Inc. (US) | United States | Computing and information technology industries | |
Death Studies | 0748-1187 | 1/1989 | Y | Taylor & Francis Ltd. | United Kingdom | Death and dying | ||||||
Decision Sciences | 0011-7315 | 1/1986 | Y | Blackwell Publishers Ltd. | United Kingdom | Business management | ||||||
Defense Today | 2/2004 | 3/2006 | N | King Publishing Group | United States | National security and defense | ||||||
Demography | 0070-3370 | 2/1989 | Y | Population Association of America | United States | Population studies | ||||||
Department of State Bulletin | 0041-7610 | 1/1984 | 12/1989 | 4/1984 | 12/1989 | N | U.S. Government Printing Office | United States | Federal and national government | |||
Design News | 0011-9407 | 1/1980 | 1/1997 | 10/1992 | N | Reed Business Information, Inc. (US) | United States | Manufacturing industries | ||||
Developmental Biology | 0012-1606 | 1/1993 | Y | Elsevier B.V. | Netherlands | Biology | ||||||
Developmental Psychology | 0012-1649 | 7/1989 | Y | American Psychological Association, Inc. | United States | Psychology | ||||||
Diplomatic History | 0145-2096 | 1/1989 | Y | Blackwell Publishers Ltd. | United Kingdom | Diplomacy | ||||||
Direct Marketing | 0012-3188 | 8/1981 | 10/2002 | 5/1989 | 10/2002 | 8/1992 | 10/2002 | N | Hoke Communications, Inc. | United States | Advertising, marketing and public relations | |
Discover | 0274-7529 | 9/1987 | 1/1993 | 7/1994 | N | 30 | Discover Media LLC | United States | Science and technology | |||
Dissent | 0012-3846 | 1/1987 | N | Foundation for the Study of Independent Social Ide | United States | Political science | ||||||
Diverse Issues in Higher Education | 1557-5411 | 10/2005 | 10/2005 | 10/2005 | N | 14 | Cox, Matthews & Associates | United States | Education | |||
Dollars & Sense | 0012-5245 | 1/1992 | 7/1994 | 7/1994 | N | Economic Affairs Bureau | United States | International economics | ||||
Down Beat | 0012-5768 | 1/1984 | N | Maher Publications, Inc. | United States | Music | ||||||
Drama Review | 0012-5962 | 3/1984 | 6/1987 | Y | MIT Press Journals | United States | Performing arts | |||||
--- Now: TDR (Cambridge, Mass.) 1/88 | ||||||||||||
Earth Island Journal | 1041-0406 | 1/1992 | 3/1997 | 12/1999 | N | Earth Island Institute | United States | Ecology | ||||
Earth-Science Reviews | 0012-8252 | 1/1989 | Y | Elsevier Science Publishers | United States | Earth sciences | ||||||
Ebony | 0012-9011 | 1/1980 | 1/1989 | 8/1994 | N | Johnson Publishing Co. | United States | News, opinion and commentary | ||||
Ecological Monographs | 0012-9615 | 3/1989 | 2/1995 | 8/2000 | 5/1995 | 8/2000 | Y | Ecological Society of America | United States | Environmental science | ||
Ecologist | 0261-3131 | 1/1989 | 5/1994 | 6/2001 | 7/1994 | 5/2001 | Y | The Ecologist | United Kingdom | Environmental science | ||
Ecology | 0012-9658 | 2/1989 | 12/1994 | 7/1994 | Y | Ecological Society of America | United States | Environmental science | ||||
Economic Development & Cultural Change | 0013-0079 | 1/1984 | Y | University of Chicago Press | United States | Economic development | ||||||
Economic Geography | 0013-0095 | 1/1984 | 7/1991 | 1/1993 | 10/2003 | Y | Economic Geography | United States | Economics | |||
Economic Indicators | 0013-0125 | 1/1984 | 10/1991 | 1/1993 | N | Superintendent of Documents | United States | Economic indicators | ||||
Economic Record | 0013-0249 | 3/1981 | 3/1991 | 3/2006 | 9/1992 | 3/2006 | Y | Blackwell Publishers Ltd. | United Kingdom | Economics | ||
Economist (US) | 0013-0613 | 1/1985 | 1/1988 | N | 14 | Economist Newspaper Ltd. | United States | International economics | ||||
--- U.S. Edition | ||||||||||||
Editor & Publisher | 0013-094X | 1/1984 | 1/1991 | 1/1993 | N | The Nielsen Company | United States | Periodical publishing | ||||
Editorial Research Reports | 0013-0958 | 1/1987 | 4/1991 | N | Congressional Quarterly, Inc. | United States | Political science | |||||
--- Now: CQ Researcher 5/91 | ||||||||||||
EDN | 0012-7515 | 4/1983 | 1/1988 | 7/1992 | 4/2006 | N | Reed Business Information, Inc. (US) | United States | Electrical and electronics engineering | |||
Education | 0013-1172 | 3/1987 | 3/1993 | 12/1999 | Y | Project Innovation (Alabama) | United States | Education | ||||
Education Digest | 0013-127X | 1/1984 | N | Prakken Publications, Inc. | United States | Education | ||||||
Educational and Psychological Measurement | 0013-1644 | 3/1987 | 4/1997 | 12/1998 | Y | Sage Publications, Inc. | United States | Education | ||||
Educational Leadership | 0013-1784 | 2/1987 | 5/1992 | 9/1998 | 5/1994 | 5/1998 | N | Association for Supervision and Curriculum Develop | United States | Educational philosophy | ||
Eighteenth-Century Studies | 0013-2586 | 12/1985 | Y | American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies | United States | Early and colonial U.S. | ||||||
Electrical World | 0013-4457 | 1/1985 | 1/2002 | N | The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. | United States | Electrical industry | |||||
--- Now: Platts Energy Business and Technology. Effective Date = 05/01/2002 | ||||||||||||
Electronic Design | 0013-4872 | 1/1981 | 1/1999 | 10/1999 | N | Penton Media, Inc. | United States | International business | ||||
Electronic News | 0013-4937 | 1/1983 | 10/1990 | 7/1983 | 10/1990 | N | Reed Business Information, Inc. (US) | United States | Computing and information technology industries | |||
--- Now: Chilton's Electronic News 10/90 | ||||||||||||
Electronic News (1991) | 1061-6624 | 1/1992 | 12/2002 | 1/1992 | 12/2002 | 1/1992 | 12/2002 | N | Reed Business Information, Inc. (US) | United States | Electrical and electronics industries | |
--- Dropped from production. Effective Date = 12/31/2002; IncorporatesElectronic News Financial Fact Book & Directory; Formerly: Chilton's ElectronicNews 11/91 | ||||||||||||
Electronics | 0883-4989 | 7/1985 | 3/1995 | N | Penton Media, Inc. | United States | Electrical and electronics industries | |||||
--- Incorporated into IndustryWeek 4/95; Formerly: ElectronicsWeek 6/85 | ||||||||||||
Electronics World | 0959-8332 | 3/2003 | 3/2003 | N | Reed Business Information Ltd. | United Kingdom | Electrical and electronics engineering | |||||
Electronics World + Wireless World | 0959-8332 | 1/1992 | 2/2003 | N | Reed Business Information Ltd. | United Kingdom | Electrical and electronics industries | |||||
--- Now: Electronics World. Effective Date = 02/28/2003 | ||||||||||||
ElectronicsWeek | 0748-3252 | 1/1985 | 5/1985 | N | Consumers Union of the United States, Inc. | United States | Electrical and electronics industries | |||||
--- Now: Electronics 6/85 | ||||||||||||
Elementary School Journal | 0013-5984 | 1/1987 | Y | University of Chicago Press | United States | Educational philosophy | ||||||
ELH | 0013-8304 | 3/1987 | 3/1993 | 6/1995 | Y | Johns Hopkins University Press | United States | Literary criticism | ||||
EMedia | 1525-4658 | 9/1999 | 5/2000 | 9/1999 | 5/2000 | 9/1999 | 5/2000 | N | Information Today, Inc. | United States | End user applications | |
EMedia Magazine | 1529-7306 | 6/2000 | 7/2002 | 6/2000 | 7/2002 | 7/2000 | 7/2002 | N | Information Today, Inc. | United States | End user applications | |
--- Now: EMedia, The Digital Studio Magazine. Effective Date = 07/31/2002;Former: EMedia Professional. Effective Date = 05/31/2000 | ||||||||||||
EMedia Professional | 1090-946X | 1/1997 | 8/1999 | 1/1997 | 8/1999 | 1/1997 | 8/1999 | N | Information Today, Inc. | United States | End user applications | |
--- Now: EMedia. Effective Date = 08/30/1999; Formerly: CD-ROM Professional01/97 | ||||||||||||
EMedia, The Digital Studio Magazine | 1525-4658 | 8/2002 | 10/2004 | 8/2002 | 10/2004 | 8/2002 | 10/2004 | N | Information Today, Inc. | United States | End user applications | |
--- Now: EventDV. Effective Date = 01/01/2005; Former: EMedia Magazine. Effective Date = 07/31/2002 | ||||||||||||
Encounter | 0013-7073 | 1/1987 | 9/1990 | Y | Encounter Ltd. | United Kingdom | Religious education | |||||
Endangered Species Update | 1081-3705 | 1/1992 | 5/2000 | N | University of Michigan, School of Natural Resource | United States | Wildlife conservation | |||||
Endeavour | 0160-9327 | 1/1989 | Y | Elsevier Science Publishers | United States | Science and technology | ||||||
English Historical Review | 0013-8266 | 1/1987 | 1/1993 | 6/2004 | Y | Oxford University Press | United States | British and Irish history | ||||
English Journal | 0013-8274 | 1/1984 | Y | National Council of Teachers of English | United States | Languages and linguistics | ||||||
English Studies | 0013-838X | 2/1987 | Y | Taylor & Francis Group, LLC | United States | Literature and writing | ||||||
ENR | 0891-9526 | 7/1988 | N | The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. | United States | Construction and materials industries | ||||||
Entrepreneur | 0163-3341 | 1/1994 | 1/1996 | 4/2006 | 1/1996 | 4/2006 | N | Entrepreneur Media, Inc. | United States | Business management | ||
Environment | 0013-9157 | 1/1984 | 12/1992 | 7/1994 | Y | Heldref Publications | United States | Environmental science | ||||
Environmental Action Magazine | 0013-922X | 3/1992 | 3/1996 | 1/1993 | 3/1996 | 6/1994 | 3/1996 | N | Environmental Action, Inc. | United States | Environmental science | |
Environmental Ethics | 0163-4275 | 3/1989 | Y | Environmental Philosophy, Inc. | United States | Environmental science | ||||||
Environmental Law | 0046-2276 | 1/1980 | 1/1993 | 9/1999 | N | Lewis & Clark Northwestern School of Law | United States | Environmental law | ||||
Environmental Science & Technology | 0013-936X | 1/1991 | 9/2001 | Y | American Chemical Society | United States | Environmental science | |||||
EPA Journal | 0145-1189 | 1/1989 | 3/1995 | 1/1989 | 3/1995 | 6/1994 | 3/1995 | N | U.S. Government Printing Office | United States | Environmental science | |
EPRI Journal | 0362-3416 | 1/1992 | 6/2001 | 1/1993 | 6/2001 | 6/1994 | 6/2001 | Y | Electric Power Research Institute | United States | Electrical and electronics industries | |
Equity & Excellence | 0894-0681 | 3/1987 | 1/1992 | Y | Greenwood Publishing Group | United States | Education | |||||
--- Now: Equity & Excellence in Education 4/93; Suspended publication between9/89 and 6/90 | ||||||||||||
Equity & Excellence in Education | 1066-5684 | 4/1993 | Y | Greenwood Publishing Group | United States | Education | ||||||
--- Formerly: Equity & Excellence 4/93 | ||||||||||||
Ergonomics | 0014-0139 | 1/1992 | Y | Taylor & Francis Ltd. | United Kingdom | Engineering | ||||||
Esquire | 0194-9535 | 1/1984 | 1/1996 | 1/1996 | N | 45 | Hearst Magazines, a Division of the Hearst Corpora | United States | General and consumer interests | |||
Essays in Criticism | 0014-0856 | 1/1987 | 1/1997 | 10/1998 | Y | Oxford University Press | United States | Literary criticism | ||||
Essays in Literature | 0094-5404 | 3/1989 | 3/1996 | 9/1992 | 3/1996 | Y | Western Illinois University | United States | Literature and writing | |||
Essential Assistant | 1079-1795 | 2/2002 | 6/2003 | 2/2002 | 6/2003 | 2/2002 | 6/2003 | N | Aspen Publishers, Inc. | United States | Business management | |
ETC.: A Review of General Semantics | 0014-164X | 3/1987 | 3/1993 | 6/1994 | Y | Institute of General Semantics | United States | Psycholinguistics | ||||
Ethics | 0014-1704 | 1/1981 | Y | University of Chicago Press | United States | Ethics and morality | ||||||
Ethnic and Racial Studies | 0141-9870 | 1/1989 | Y | Routledge | United States | Multicultural studies | ||||||
Ethnology | 0014-1828 | 1/1989 | 1/1993 | 3/2006 | 3/1994 | 3/2006 | Y | University of Pittsburgh, Department of Anthropolo | United States | Anthropology | ||
Ethnomusicology | 0014-1836 | 1/1989 | Y | University of Illinois Press | United States | Music | ||||||
Europe | 0191-4545 | 1/1992 | 12/2002 | 7/1992 | 12/2002 | 6/1994 | 12/2002 | N | Delegation of the European Commission | United States | International relations | |
Europe-Asia Studies | 0966-8136 | 1/1993 | 7/1994 | 6/2000 | 11/1994 | 6/2000 | Y | Taylor & Francis Ltd. | United Kingdom | Eastern European studies | ||
--- Formerly: Soviet Studies 1/93 | ||||||||||||
EventDV | 1/2005 | 1/2005 | 1/2005 | N | Information Today, Inc. | United States | Photography | |||||
Evolution | 0014-3820 | 1/1989 | 12/1992 | 8/1998 | 2/1994 | 8/1997 | Y | Society for the Study of Evolution | United States | Molecular biology and genetics | ||
Exceptional Children | 0014-4029 | 1/1987 | 1/1988 | 9/1994 | Y | 30 | Council for Exceptional Children | United States | Special education | |||
Expedition | 0014-4738 | 3/1992 | Y | University Museum of the University of Pennsylvani | United States | Archaeology | ||||||
Explicator | 0014-4940 | 3/1987 | 1/1993 | 6/1994 | Y | Heldref Publications | United States | Literature and writing | ||||
Extrapolation | 0014-5483 | 1/1988 | 3/1994 | 6/1994 | Y | Extrapolation | United States | Literature and writing | ||||
Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Social Services | 1044-3894 | 1/1990 | Y | Alliance for Children and Families | United States | Sociology and social work | ||||||
--- Formerly: Social Casework: The Journal of Contemporary Social Work 01- | ||||||||||||
Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal | 1077-727X | 9/1994 | 3/1997 | 12/1998 | Y | Sage Publications, Inc. | United States | Family health | ||||
--- Formerly: Home Economics Research Journal 9/94 | ||||||||||||
Family Planning Perspectives | 0014-7354 | 1/1992 | 1/2002 | 1/1997 | 1/2002 | 9/1999 | 1/2002 | Y | The Alan Guttmacher Institute | United States | Family and marriage | |
--- Now: Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health. Effective Date =02/28/2002 | ||||||||||||
Family Relations | 0197-6664 | 1/1989 | Y | Blackwell Publishers Ltd. | United Kingdom | Family and marriage | ||||||
FAO Bulletin of Statistics | 1020-8100 | 3/2000 | N | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Na | Italy | Agriculture | ||||||
FAO Quarterly Bulletin of Statistics | 1011-8780 | 3/1992 | 9/1998 | N | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Na | Italy | General business | |||||
--- Now: FAO Bulletin of Statistics. Effective Date = 01/01/2000 | ||||||||||||
Far Eastern Economic Review | 0014-7591 | 1/1988 | N | Review Publishing Company Ltd. (Hong Kong) | China | Economics | ||||||
FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin | 0014-5688 | 2/1989 | 5/1992 | 7/1994 | N | Federal Bureau of Investigation | United States | Criminology | ||||
FDA Consumer | 0362-1332 | 1/1984 | 1/1984 | 7/1994 | N | U.S. Government Printing Office | United States | Health and medicine | ||||
Federal Communications Law Journal | 0163-7606 | 1/1980 | 12/1998 | 12/1999 | Y | University of California at Los Angeles, School of | United States | Mass communications and publishing | ||||
Federal Probation | 0014-9128 | 6/1980 | N | Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts | United States | Juvenile crime and corrections | ||||||
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Quarterly Review | 0271-5287 | 1/1992 | 9/1994 | 6/1994 | Y | Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis | United States | Banking, finance and investment industries | ||||
Federal Reserve Bank of New York Economic Policy Review | 0147-6580 | 1/1995 | 1/1995 | 1/1995 | N | Federal Reserve Bank of New York | United States | Banking, finance and investment industries | ||||
--- Formerly: Federal Reserve Bank of New York Quarterly Review 1/95 | ||||||||||||
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review | 0014-9187 | 7/1988 | 11/1991 | 1/1993 | N | Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis | United States | Banking, finance and investment industries | ||||
Federal Reserve Bulletin | 0014-9209 | 1/1984 | 1/1989 | 11/1992 | N | Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System | United States | Economic policy | ||||
Feminist Issues | 0270-6679 | 3/1992 | 1/1997 | 1/1997 | 1/1997 | Y | Transaction Publishers, Inc. | United States | Women's studies | |||
--- Now: Gender Issues 01/98 | ||||||||||||
Feminist Studies | 0046-3663 | 3/1987 | 3/1994 | 3/1994 | Y | Feminist Studies, Inc. | United States | Women's studies | ||||
Field & Stream (West ed.) | 8755-8610 | 1/1994 | 1/1994 | N | Time, Inc. | United States | Hunting and fishing | |||||
Film Comment | 0015-119X | 1/1984 | N | Film Society of Lincoln Center | United States | Filmmaking | ||||||
Film Culture | 0015-1211 | 6/1992 | 9/1992 | Y | Film Culture Non-Profit Inc. | United States | Movie industry | |||||
Film Quarterly | 0015-1386 | 3/1984 | Y | University of California Press | United States | Filmmaking | ||||||
Finance & Development | 0015-1947 | 3/1980 | 3/1989 | 3/1993 | N | International Monetary Fund | United States | International banking and finance | ||||
First Things: A Monthly Journal of Religion and Public Life | 1047-5141 | 1/1996 | 1/1997 | 10/1999 | Y | Institute on Religion and Public Life | United States | Religion | ||||
Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities | 1088-3576 | 6/2000 | 6/2000 | 6/2000 | Y | Pro-Ed | United States | Developmental disabilities | ||||
FOCUS: Journal for Respiratory Care & Sleep Medicine | 3/2003 | 3/2003 | 3/2003 | N | Focus Publications, Inc. | United States | Critical care | |||||
FOCUS: Journal for Respiratory Care Managers and Educators | 9/2000 | 1/2003 | 9/2000 | 1/2003 | 1/2001 | 1/2003 | N | Focus Publications, Inc. | United States | Health care industry | ||
--- Now: FOCUS: Journal for Respiratory Care & Sleep Medicine. Effective Date =01/30/2003 | ||||||||||||
Folio: the Magazine for Magazine Management | 0046-4333 | 1/1981 | 3/1983 | 2/1991 | 3/2002 | N | Red 7 Media | United States | Periodical publishing | |||
Food Logistics | 1094-7450 | 11/1998 | 3/1999 | 9/1999 | N | Cygnus Business Media | United States | Logistics | ||||
Food Management | 0091-018X | 2/1999 | 2/1999 | 4/1999 | N | Penton Media, Inc. | United States | Restaurant industry | ||||
Food Review | 1056-327X | 1/1991 | 6/2002 | 1/1991 | 6/2002 | 1/1991 | 6/2002 | N | U.S. Department of Agriculture | United States | Food and beverage industries | |
--- Ceased by publisher. Effective Date = 12/31/2002; Formerly: National FoodReview 1/91 | ||||||||||||
Food Technology | 0015-6639 | 1/1987 | Y | Institute of Food Technologists | United States | Food and drug regulation | ||||||
Forbes | 0015-6914 | 1/1984 | 1/1984 | 6/1991 | N | Forbes LLC | United States | Business and industries | ||||
Forbes ASAP | 1078-9901 | 9/2001 | 10/2002 | 9/2001 | 10/2002 | N | Forbes LLC | United States | Computing and information technology industries | |||
Forbes FYI | 1066-9205 | 9/2001 | 3/2006 | 9/2001 | 3/2006 | N | Forbes LLC | United States | Businesspeople | |||
--- Now: Forbes Life. Effective Date = 04/24/2006 | ||||||||||||
Forbes Global | 1467-1654 | 12/2002 | 12/2002 | N | Forbes LLC | United States | International business | |||||
Forbes Life | 4/2006 | 4/2006 | N | Forbes LLC | United States | General interest | ||||||
Foreign Affairs | 0015-7120 | 2/1984 | 12/1991 | 7/1994 | 3/1998 | Y | Council on Foreign Relations, Inc. | United States | International relations | |||
Foreign Policy | 0015-7228 | 3/1984 | 12/1992 | 6/1994 | Y | Carnegie Endowment for International Peace | United States | International relations | ||||
Foreign Policy in Focus | 1524-1939 | 5/1999 | 5/1999 | 5/1999 | N | International Relations Center | United States | International relations | ||||
Fortune | 0015-8259 | 1/1984 | 1/1984 | N | Time, Inc. | United States | General business | |||||
Frontiers | 0160-9009 | 1/1992 | 1/2000 | Y | University of Nebraska Press | United States | Women's studies | |||||
Frontiers - A Journal of Women's Studies | 0160-9009 | 1/2001 | 1/2001 | 1/2001 | Y | University of Nebraska Press | United States | Women's studies | ||||
Futurist | 0016-3317 | 2/1984 | 1/1989 | 1/1993 | Y | World Future Society | United States | Arts and humanities | ||||
Gallup Poll Monthly | 1051-2616 | 1/1992 | 3/2002 | N | Gallup Poll | United States | Social sciences | |||||
--- Now: The Gallup Poll Tuesday Briefing. Effective Date = 03/30/2002 | ||||||||||||
Gallup Poll Tuesday Briefing | 1542-8885 | 4/2002 | N | Gallup Poll | United States | Public policy | ||||||
Gay Community News | 0147-0728 | 1/1992 | 9/1998 | N | Bromfield Street Educational Foundation, Inc. | United States | Gender studies | |||||
--- Ceased by publisher. Effective Date = 01/30/1999; Suspended publication7/92; resumed publication 4/94 | ||||||||||||
Gender & Society | 0891-2432 | 3/1990 | 2/1997 | 12/1998 | Y | Sage Publications, Inc. | United States | Gender studies | ||||
Generations | 3/1984 | 3/1990 | 5/1994 | Y | National Ataxia Foundation | United States | Diseases and conditions | |||||
Genetics | 0016-6731 | 1/1992 | Y | Genetics Society of America | United States | Molecular biology and genetics | ||||||
Geographical | 0016-741X | 7/1997 | 7/1997 | 7/1997 | N | Circle Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom | Geography | ||||
Geographical Journal | 0016-7398 | 3/1987 | 7/1994 | 3/1994 | Y | Royal Geographical Society | United Kingdom | Geography | ||||
Geographical Magazine | 0016-741X | 1/1989 | 5/1997 | 1/1994 | 5/1997 | 1/1994 | 5/1997 | N | Circle Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom | Travel and leisure | |
--- Now: Royal Geographical Society Magazine. Effective Date = 05/31/1997 | ||||||||||||
Geographical Review | 0016-7428 | 1/1987 | 1/1993 | 1/1995 | Y | American Geographical Society | United States | Geography | ||||
Geological Magazine | 0016-7568 | 1/1993 | Y | Cambridge University Press | United States | Earth sciences | ||||||
Geological Society of America Bulletin | 0016-7606 | 1/1989 | Y | Geological Society of America, Inc. | United States | Earth sciences | ||||||
Geology | 0091-7613 | 1/1989 | Y | Geological Society of America, Inc. | United States | Earth sciences | ||||||
Georgia Review | 0016-8386 | 3/1989 | Y | University of Georgia, School of Law | United States | Arts and humanities | ||||||
Geotimes | 0016-8556 | 1/1992 | N | American Geological Institute | United States | Geology | ||||||
Geriatrics | 0016-867X | 1/1992 | Y | Advanstar Communications, Inc. | United States | Gerontology and geriatric care | ||||||
Germanic Review | 0016-8890 | 1/1987 | 1/1993 | 3/1994 | Y | Heldref Publications | United States | European studies | ||||
Gerontologist | 0016-9013 | 2/1988 | Y | Gerontological Society of America | United States | Gerontology and geriatric care | ||||||
Gifted Child Quarterly | 0016-9862 | 3/1987 | Y | National Association for Gifted Children | United States | Special education | ||||||
Golf Digest | 0017-176X | 11/1998 | 11/1998 | N | Golf Digest Companies | United States | Sports and recreation | |||||
Golf Magazine | 1056-5493 | 1/1980 | 1/1983 | N | Time, Inc. | United States | Sports and recreation | |||||
Graphis | 0017-3452 | 5/1991 | N | Graphis US Inc. | United States | Advertising, marketing and public relations | ||||||
Greenpeace (Washington, D.C.) | 0899-0190 | 1/1992 | N | Greenpeace | United States | Ecology | ||||||
Ground Water | 0017-467X | 1/1992 | 7/1994 | 11/2005 | 7/1994 | 11/2005 | Y | National Ground Water Association | United States | Earth sciences | ||
Harper's Magazine | 0017-789X | 1/1984 | 1/1993 | 8/2007 | 7/1994 | 8/2007 | N | Harper's Magazine Foundation | United States | News, opinion and commentary | ||
Harvard Business Review | 0017-8012 | 1/1984 | 1/1997 | 5/2000 | 5/1997 | 3/2000 | Y | Harvard Business School Publishing | United States | Business management | ||
Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review | 0017-8039 | 3/1980 | Y | Harvard Law School | United States | Human rights law | ||||||
Harvard Educational Review | 0017-8055 | 3/1992 | Y | Harvard University | United States | Education | ||||||
Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies | 0073-0548 | 6/1989 | Y | Harvard-Yenching Institute | United States | Asian studies | ||||||
Harvard Journal of Hispanic Policy | 1074-1917 | 1/1992 | 1/2006 | 1/2006 | Y | 60 | President and Fellows of Harvard College, through | United States | Social issues | |||
Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy | 0193-4872 | 6/1980 | 3/2000 | 3/2000 | Y | Harvard Society for Law and Public Policy, Inc. | United States | Law | ||||
Harvard Law Review | 0017-811X | 1/1980 | 12/2004 | 12/2005 | Y | Harvard Law Review Association | United States | Law | ||||
Harvard Mental Health Letter | 1057-5022 | 1/1995 | 1/1995 | N | Harvard Health Publications Group | United States | Mental health | |||||
Hastings Center Report | 0093-0334 | 2/1988 | 2/1988 | 7/1999 | Y | Hastings Center | United States | Medical ethics | ||||
Hazardous Waste Consultant | 0738-0232 | 2/2002 | 2/2002 | 2/2002 | Y | Aspen Publishers, Inc. | United States | Hazardous materials and waste | ||||
Health | 0279-3547 | 1/1984 | 7/1991 | N | Time Inc., Health | United States | Health and medicine | |||||
Health and Social Work | 0360-7283 | 2/1989 | 2/1998 | 11/1999 | Y | National Association of Social Workers | United States | Social work | ||||
Health Care Financing Review | 0195-8631 | 1/1989 | 1/1989 | 12/1998 | Y | Superintendent of Documents | United States | Health care finance | ||||
Heating, Piping, Air Conditioning | 0017-940X | 7/1989 | 4/1999 | 1/1999 | 4/1999 | N | Penton Media, Inc. | United States | Construction and materials industries | |||
--- Now: Heating/Piping/Air Conditioning Engineering. Effective Date =04/30/1999 | ||||||||||||
Heating/Piping/Air Conditioning Engineering | 1527-4055 | 7/2001 | 7/2001 | 7/2001 | N | Penton Media, Inc. | United States | Building construction and engineering | ||||
High Fidelity | 0018-1455 | 1/1984 | 7/1989 | N | Hachette Filipacchi Magazines, Inc. | United States | Music | |||||
High School Journal | 0018-1498 | 2/1998 | 2/1998 | 4/1998 | Y | University of North Carolina Press | United States | Secondary education | ||||
High Technology | 0195-4091 | 1/1987 | 8/1987 | N | Infotechnology Publishing Corp. | United States | Manufacturing industries | |||||
--- Now: High Technology Business 9/87 | ||||||||||||
High Technology Business | 0895-8462 | 9/1987 | 11/1989 | 1/1988 | 11/1989 | N | Infotechnology Publishing Corp. | United States | Business and industries | |||
--- Ceased publication 12/89; Formerly: High Technology 9/87 | ||||||||||||
Hispanic | 0898-3097 | 1/1989 | N | Hispanic Publishing Corp. | United States | Hispanic studies | ||||||
Hispanic American Historical Review | 0018-2168 | 2/1987 | Y | Duke University Press | United States | Hispanic studies | ||||||
Historian | 0018-2370 | 2/1980 | 9/1992 | 6/1994 | Y | Phi Alpha Theta, History Honor Society, Inc. | United States | World history | ||||
Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television | 0143-9685 | 3/1992 | 6/1994 | 6/2000 | 8/1994 | 6/2000 | Y | Taylor & Francis Ltd. | United Kingdom | Science and technology history | ||
History and Memory: Studies in Representation of the Past | 0935-560X | 3/2000 | 3/2000 | 3/2000 | Y | Indiana University Press | United States | History specialties | ||||
History and Theory | 0018-2656 | 2/1989 | Y | Blackwell Publishers Ltd. | United Kingdom | History | ||||||
History of Religions | 0018-2710 | 2/1989 | Y | University of Chicago Press | United States | Religious history | ||||||
History Today | 0018-2753 | 1/1984 | 11/1992 | 7/1994 | Y | History Today Ltd. | United Kingdom | History | ||||
History: The Journal of the Historical Association | 0018-2648 | 2/1987 | Y | Blackwell Publishers Ltd. | United Kingdom | History | ||||||
Horizon | 0018-4977 | 2/1984 | 3/1989 | N | Horizon Publishers, Inc. | United States | Visual arts | |||||
Horn Book Magazine | 0018-5078 | 2/1984 | 1/1993 | 7/1994 | N | Horn Book, Inc. | United States | Children's and young adult literature | ||||
Horticulture | 0018-5329 | 1/1984 | 4/1988 | N | F & W Publishing Corp. | United States | Home and gardens | |||||
--- Now: Horticulture, The Magazine of American Gardening 5/88 | ||||||||||||
Horticulture, Gardening at its Best | 0018-5329 | 1/2000 | 1/2000 | 6/2000 | 1/2000 | 5/2000 | N | F & W Publishing Corp. | United States | Home and gardens | ||
Horticulture, The Art of American Gardening | 0018-5329 | 2/1997 | 11/1999 | 2/1997 | 11/1999 | 4/1997 | 11/1999 | N | F & W Publishing Corp. | United States | Home and gardens | |
--- Now: Horticulture, Gardening at it's Best. Effective Date = 12/31/1999;Formerly: Horticulture, The Magazine of American Gardening 01/97 | ||||||||||||
Horticulture, The Magazine of American Gardening | 0018-5329 | 5/1988 | 12/1996 | 2/1992 | 12/1996 | 6/1994 | 12/1996 | N | F & W Publishing Corp. | United States | Home and gardens | |
--- Now: Horticulture, The Art of American Gardening 01/97; Formerly:Horticulture 5/88 | ||||||||||||
Hot Rod | 0018-6031 | 1/1980 | 1/1983 | 7/1994 | N | Primedia Enterprises, Inc. | United States | Cars and vehicles | ||||
HR Focus | 1059-6038 | 11/1991 | 11/1991 | 11/1991 | 4/2005 | N | Institute of Management & Administration | United States | Human resources management | |||
--- Formerly: Personnel 11/91 | ||||||||||||
Hudson Review | 0018-702X | 1/1987 | Y | Hudson Review, Inc. | United States | Literature and writing | ||||||
Human Biology | 0018-7143 | 2/1989 | 4/1993 | 6/1994 | Y | Wayne State University Press | United States | Population studies | ||||
Human Organization | 0018-7259 | 3/1987 | Y | Society for Applied Anthropology | United States | Social policy | ||||||
Human Relations | 0018-7267 | 1/1982 | 1/1997 | 10/1999 | 1/1997 | Y | Springer | Netherlands | Social sciences | |||
Human Rights | 0046-8185 | 1/1984 | 9/2006 | N | 14 | American Bar Association | United States | Human rights law | ||||
Human Rights Quarterly | 0275-0392 | 2/1983 | 11/1991 | 8/1995 | 5/1994 | 8/1995 | Y | Johns Hopkins University Press | United States | Human rights | ||
--- Ceased indexing in Legal products 12/95; Formerly: Universal Human Rights2/83 | ||||||||||||
Humanist | 0018-7399 | 1/1984 | 1/1993 | 7/1994 | Y | American Humanist Association | United States | Ethics and morality | ||||
Hypatia | 0887-5367 | 3/1989 | 1/1993 | 1/2000 | Y | Indiana University Press | United States | Women's studies | ||||
Icarus | 0019-1035 | 1/1992 | Y | Elsevier B.V. | Netherlands | Astronomy | ||||||
IEEE Communications Magazine | 0163-6804 | 3/1983 | Y | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, | United States | Telecommunications industry | ||||||
IEEE Expert | 0885-9000 | 3/1987 | 9/1997 | Y | IEEE Computer Society | United States | Computing and information technology industries | |||||
--- Now: IEEE Intelligent Systems 01/98 | ||||||||||||
IEEE Micro | 0272-1732 | 1/1983 | Y | IEEE Computer Society | United States | Microelectronics | ||||||
IEEE Network | 0890-8044 | 1/1989 | Y | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, | United States | Electrical and electronics industries | ||||||
IEEE Software | 0740-7459 | 1/1987 | Y | IEEE Computer Society | United States | Software development and engineering | ||||||
IEEE Spectrum | 0018-9235 | 2/1983 | Y | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, | United States | Electrical and electronics industries | ||||||
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine | 0278-0097 | 6/1992 | Y | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, | United States | Electrical and electronics engineering | ||||||
IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting | 0018-9316 | 3/1992 | Y | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, | United States | Electrical and electronics engineering | ||||||
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology | 1051-8215 | 3/1992 | Y | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, | United States | Electrical and electronics engineering | ||||||
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I-Regular Papers | 1/2004 | Y | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, | United States | Electrical and electronics engineering | |||||||
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Fundamental Theory... | 1057-7122 | 1/1992 | 12/2003 | |||||||||
--- Now: IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I-Regular Papers. EffectiveDate = 01/01/2004 | ||||||||||||
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-II-Express Briefs | 1/2004 | Y | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, | United States | Electrical and electronics engineering | |||||||
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-II: Analog and Digital... | 1057-7130 | 1/1992 | 12/2003 | |||||||||
--- Now: IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-II-Express Briefs . EffectiveDate = 01/01/2004 | ||||||||||||
IEEE Transactions on Communications | 0090-6778 | 1/1984 | Y | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, | United States | Telecommunications industry | ||||||
IEEE Transactions on Computers | 0018-9340 | 1/1983 | Y | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, | United States | Computer science | ||||||
IEEE Transactions on Education | 0018-9359 | 2/1992 | Y | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, | United States | Electrical and electronics engineering | ||||||
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion | 0885-8969 | 3/1992 | Y | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, | United States | Utilities | ||||||
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications | 0093-9994 | 1/1992 | Y | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, | United States | Industrial engineering | ||||||
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory | 0018-9448 | 1/1983 | Y | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, | United States | Information management | ||||||
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery | 0885-8977 | 1/1992 | Y | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, | United States | Electrical and electronics engineering | ||||||
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics | 0885-8993 | 1/1992 | Y | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, | United States | Electrical and electronics engineering | ||||||
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems | 0885-8950 | 2/1992 | Y | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, | United States | Electrical and electronics engineering | ||||||
IEEE Transactions on Robotics | 1552-3098 | 10/2004 | Y | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, | United States | Electrical and electronics industries | ||||||
IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation | 1042-296X | 2/1989 | 8/2004 | Y | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, | United States | Robotics | |||||
--- Now: IEEE Transactions on Robotics. Effective Date = 08/31/2004 | ||||||||||||
IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing | 0894-6507 | 2/1992 | Y | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, | United States | Electrical and electronics industries | ||||||
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing | 1053-587X | 1/1992 | Y | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, | United States | Electrical and electronics engineering | ||||||
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering | 0098-5589 | 1/1983 | Y | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, | United States | Electrical and electronics engineering | ||||||
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology | 0018-9545 | 2/1992 | Y | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, | United States | Electrical and electronics engineering | ||||||
IIE Solutions | 1085-1259 | 5/1995 | 12/2002 | 5/1995 | 12/2002 | 6/1995 | 12/2002 | Y | Institute of Industrial Engineers, Inc. (IIE) | United States | Electrical and electronics engineering | |
--- Now: Industrial Engineer. Effective Date = 01/01/2003; Formerly: IndustrialEngineering 5/95 | ||||||||||||
IIE Transactions | 0740-817X | 3/1983 | 9/1994 | 7/1994 | Y | Institute of Industrial Engineers, Inc. (IIE) | United States | Industrial engineering | ||||
Image: Journal of Nursing Scholarship | 0743-5150 | 3/1996 | 12/1999 | 3/1996 | 12/1999 | 12/1996 | 12/1999 | Y | Blackwell Publishers Ltd. | United Kingdom | Nursing | |
--- Now: Journal of Nursing Scholarship. Effective Date = 12/31/1999 | ||||||||||||
IMF Staff Papers | 1020-7635 | 3/2002 | 3/2002 | 3/2002 | Y | International Monetary Fund | United States | International banking and finance | ||||
Impact of Science on Society | 0019-2872 | 1/1989 | 9/1992 | Y | Taylor & Francis Ltd. | United Kingdom | Science and technology | |||||
In the Public Interest | 0148-7531 | 1/1993 | 1/1998 | N | William S. Hein & Co., Inc. | United States | Law | |||||
--- Now: Buffalo Public Interest Law Journal. Effective Date = 01/01/1999 | ||||||||||||
Inc. | 0162-8968 | 1/1982 | 1/1983 | 1/1991 | 7/1998 | N | Mansueto Ventures LLC on behalf of Inc. | United States | Business management | |||
Index on Censorship | 0306-4220 | 1/1992 | N | Writers & Scholars International Ltd. | United Kingdom | Civil rights | ||||||
Indiana Business Review | 0019-6541 | 3/2000 | 3/2000 | 3/2000 | N | Indiana University, Indiana Business Research Cent | United States | General business | ||||
Industrial and Labor Relations Review | 0019-7939 | 1/1984 | 1/1989 | 1/2002 | 1/1993 | 1/2002 | Y | Cornell University, ILR Review | United States | Labor relations | ||
Industrial Engineer | 1542-894X | 1/2003 | 1/2003 | 1/2003 | Y | Institute of Industrial Engineers, Inc. (IIE) | United States | Industrial engineering | ||||
Industrial Engineering | 0019-8234 | 3/1980 | 4/1995 | 8/1989 | 4/1995 | 1/1991 | 4/1995 | N | Institute of Industrial Engineers, Inc. (IIE) | United States | Industrial engineering | |
--- Now: IIE Solutions 5/95 | ||||||||||||
Industrial Relations | 0019-8676 | 1/1984 | Y | Blackwell Publishers Ltd. | United Kingdom | Labor relations | ||||||
Infectious Disease Alert | 0739-7348 | 4/1999 | 4/1999 | 10/1999 | 3/2005 | N | AHC Media LLC | United States | Medical specialties | |||
InfoWorld | 0199-6649 | 1/1992 | 6/1992 | N | InfoWorld Media Group, Inc. | United States | Computing and information technology industries | |||||
Inorganic Chemistry | 0020-1669 | 1/1992 | Y | American Chemical Society | United States | Chemistry | ||||||
Inquiry | 0046-9580 | 3/1984 | Y | Blue Cross and Blue Shield of the Rochester Area, | United States | Health care industry | ||||||
Instructor | 0020-4285 | 1/1981 | 3/1981 | N | Scholastic, Inc. | United States | Education | |||||
--- Now: Instructor and Teacher 5/81 | ||||||||||||
Instructor (1987) | 0892-9122 | 1/1987 | 5/1989 | N | Scholastic, Inc. | United States | Education | |||||
--- Now: Instructor and Teacher (1989) 8/89; Formerly: Instructor and Teacher1/87 | ||||||||||||
Instructor (1990) | 1049-5851 | 1/1990 | 11/1992 | 7/1994 | N | Scholastic, Inc. | United States | Elementary education | ||||
--- Formerly: Instructor and Teacher (1989) 1/90 | ||||||||||||
Instructor and Teacher | 0279-3369 | 5/1981 | 11/1986 | N | Scholastic, Inc. | United States | Education | |||||
--- Now: Instructor (1987) 1/87; Formerly: Instructor 5/81 | ||||||||||||
Instructor and Teacher (1989) | 1048-583X | 8/1989 | 11/1989 | N | Scholastic, Inc. | United States | Education | |||||
--- Now: Instructor (1990) 1/90; Formerly: Instructor (1987) 8/89 | ||||||||||||
Integrative and Comparative Biology | 1540-7063 | 2/2002 | Y | Oxford University Press | United States | Biology | ||||||
InterActive Week | 1078-7259 | 10/1994 | 5/1996 | 10/1994 | 11/1994 | N | Ziff Davis Media Inc. | United States | Computing and information technology industries | |||
Interhemispheric Resource Center Bulletin | 0891-2688 | 3/1999 | 3/1999 | 3/1999 | 3/1999 | N | International Relations Center | United States | Political science | |||
Interior Design | 0020-5508 | 5/1981 | 1/1983 | 9/1992 | N | Reed Business Information, Inc. (US) | United States | Architecture and design industries | ||||
Interiors | 0164-8470 | 2/1992 | 6/2001 | 6/1994 | 6/2001 | 7/1994 | 6/2001 | N | The Nielsen Company | United States | Interior design | |
International Affairs | 0020-5850 | 1/1987 | Y | Blackwell Publishers Ltd. | United Kingdom | International relations | ||||||
International Economy | 0898-4336 | 1/1992 | 5/2000 | 7/2000 | N | International Economy Publications, Inc. | United States | International banking and finance | ||||
International Journal of Advertising | 0265-0487 | 9/1981 | Y | Blackwell Publishers Ltd. | United Kingdom | International business | ||||||
International Journal of Aging & Human Development | 0091-4150 | 1/1984 | Y | Baywood Publishing Company, Inc. | United States | Gerontology and geriatric care | ||||||
International Journal of Group Psychotherapy | 0020-7284 | 1/2002 | Y | University of Idaho | United States | Psychotherapy and counseling | ||||||
International Journal of Middle East Studies | 0020-7438 | 2/1989 | Y | Cambridge University Press | United States | Middle Eastern studies | ||||||
International Journal of Nursing Terminologies and Classifications | 1541-5147 | 10/2002 | 10/2002 | 10/2004 | 10/2002 | 10/2004 | Y | Blackwell Publishers Ltd. | United Kingdom | Nursing | ||
International Journal of Offender Therapy & Comparative Criminology | 0306-624X | 4/1980 | Y | Sage Publications, Inc. | United States | Criminology | ||||||
International Journal of Public Opinion Research | 0954-2892 | 3/1992 | 9/1996 | 12/1998 | Y | Oxford University Press | United States | Sociology | ||||
International Labour Review | 0020-7780 | 1/1980 | 9/1993 | 1/1994 | Y | International Labour Office | Switzerland | Labor relations | ||||
International Monetary Fund Staff Papers | 0020-8027 | 3/1981 | 12/2001 | 12/1991 | 12/2001 | 3/1993 | 12/2001 | Y | International Monetary Fund | United States | Banking, finance and investment industries | |
--- Now: IMF Staff Papers. Effective Date = 01/01/2002 | ||||||||||||
International Social Science Journal | 0020-8701 | 2/1989 | Y | Blackwell Publishers Ltd. | United Kingdom | Social sciences | ||||||
International Social Work | 0020-8728 | 1/1994 | Y | Sage Publications, Inc. | United States | Social work | ||||||
International Studies Quarterly | 0020-8833 | 3/1989 | Y | Blackwell Publishers Ltd. | United Kingdom | International relations | ||||||
International Wildlife | 0020-9112 | 1/1984 | 1/2002 | 7/1994 | 1/2002 | N | National Wildlife Federation | United States | Wildlife conservation | |||
Internet Magazine | 1355-6428 | 9/1999 | 7/2004 | 9/1999 | 7/2004 | 3/2000 | 7/2004 | N | EMAP Media Ltd. | United Kingdom | Internet business and technology | |
Internet World | 1097-8291 | 7/1994 | 6/2003 | 1/1999 | 6/2003 | 10/1999 | 6/2003 | N | Penton Media, Inc. | United States | Internet business and technology | |
--- Ceased by publisher. Effective Date = 06/30/2003; Incorporates Web Week 2/98 | ||||||||||||
Interpretation | 0020-9643 | 1/1989 | 1/1993 | 7/1994 | Y | Union Theological Seminary | United States | Biblical studies | ||||
Isis | 0021-1753 | 3/1987 | Y | University of Chicago Press | United States | Science and technology history | ||||||
ISP Business News | 1521-3137 | 6/1998 | 7/2001 | 6/1998 | 7/2001 | N | Access Intelligence, LLC | United States | Internet business and technology | |||
--- Incorporated into: Broadband Networking News. Effective Date = 08/06/2001;Formerly: Internet Week 05/1998 | ||||||||||||
Issues in Science and Technology | 0748-5492 | 1/1987 | 12/1992 | 6/1994 | Y | National Academy of Sciences | United States | Science and technology | ||||
JAMA, The Journal of the American Medical Association | 0098-7484 | 1/1987 | Y | American Medical Association | United States | Medical science and research | ||||||
Japan Echo | 0388-0435 | 3/1992 | Y | Intercontinental Marketing Corporation (Japan) | Japan | Popular culture | ||||||
Japan Quarterly | 0021-4590 | 1/1987 | 10/2001 | Y | Intercontinental Marketing Corporation (Japan) | Japan | Asian studies | |||||
JOPERD--The Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance | 0730-3084 | 1/1992 | 1/1993 | 8/1994 | Y | American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, | United States | Sports and recreation | ||||
Journal for the History of Astronomy | 0021-8286 | 2/2002 | Y | Science History Publications, Ltd. | United Kingdom | Astronomy | ||||||
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion | 0021-8294 | 3/1989 | Y | Blackwell Publishers Ltd. | United Kingdom | Religion | ||||||
Journal of Abnormal Psychology | 0021-843X | 2/1987 | Y | American Psychological Association, Inc. | United States | Psychology | ||||||
Journal of Accountancy | 0021-8448 | 3/1980 | 11/1989 | 1/1991 | Y | American Institute of CPA's | United States | Accounting | ||||
Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy | 1081-3004 | 9/1995 | 9/2000 | 9/2000 | Y | International Reading Association Inc. | United States | Reading | ||||
--- Formerly: Journal of Reading 9/95 | ||||||||||||
Journal of Advertising | 0091-3367 | 1/1986 | 1/1989 | 1/1991 | Y | M.E. Sharpe, Inc. | United States | Advertising | ||||
Journal of Advertising Research | 0021-8499 | 2/1984 | 1/1993 | 6/2007 | 1/1993 | 6/2007 | Y | NTC Publications Ltd. | United Kingdom | Advertising, marketing and public relations | ||
Journal of Aerospace Engineering | 0893-1321 | 1/1992 | Y | American Society of Civil Engineers | United States | Aerospace engineering | ||||||
Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism | 0021-8529 | 1/1987 | Y | Blackwell Publishers Ltd. | United Kingdom | Visual arts | ||||||
Journal of African American History | 1548-1867 | 1/2002 | 1/2002 | 1/2003 | Y | Association for the Study of African American Life | United States | Black studies | ||||
Journal of African History | 0021-8537 | 1/1987 | 1/1993 | Y | 14 | Cambridge University Press | United States | African history | ||||
Journal of Aging Studies | 0890-4065 | 3/1994 | 12/1996 | 12/2001 | 9/1999 | 12/2001 | Y | Elsevier Advanced Technology Publications | United Kingdom | Health and medicine | ||
Journal of American & Comparative Cultures | 1537-4726 | 3/2000 | 9/2002 | Y | Blackwell Publishers Ltd. | United Kingdom | North American studies | |||||
--- Now: Journal of American Culture (Malden, MA). Effective Date = 12/30/2002;Former: Journal of American Culture. Effective Date = 12/31/1999 | ||||||||||||
Journal of American Culture (Malden, MA) | 1542-7331 | 3/2003 | Y | Blackwell Publishers Ltd. | United Kingdom | Human rights law | ||||||
Journal of American Ethnic History | 0278-5927 | 3/1989 | 6/1994 | 1/2001 | 9/1994 | 1/2001 | Y | University of Illinois Press | United States | Multicultural history | ||
Journal of American Folklore | 0021-8715 | 1/1987 | 6/1994 | 6/1994 | Y | American Folklore Society | United States | Folklore | ||||
Journal of American History | 0021-8723 | 3/1984 | Y | Organization of American Historians | United States | U.S. History | ||||||
Journal of American Studies | 0021-8758 | 4/1980 | Y | Cambridge University Press | United States | Regional and area studies | ||||||
Journal of American-East Asian Relations | 1058-3947 | 3/1994 | Y | Imprint Publications | United States | International relations | ||||||
Journal of Animal Science | 0021-8812 | 1/1992 | Y | American Society of Animal Science | United States | Zoology | ||||||
Journal of Applied Behavioral Science | 0021-8863 | 5/1984 | Y | Sage Publications, Inc. | United States | Social psychology | ||||||
Journal of Applied Psychology | 0021-9010 | 2/1984 | Y | American Psychological Association, Inc. | United States | Psychology | ||||||
Journal of Asian and African Studies | 0021-9096 | 1/1989 | 7/1994 | 8/2005 | 7/1994 | 8/2005 | Y | Sage Publications, Inc. | United States | Asian studies | ||
Journal of Asian Studies | 0021-9118 | 2/1987 | Y | Association for Asian Studies, Inc. | United States | Asian studies | ||||||
Journal of Athletic Training | 1062-6050 | 3/1992 | 4/2007 | Y | National Athletic Trainers' Association, Inc. | United States | Physical therapy and rehabilitation | |||||
Journal of Bacteriology | 0021-9193 | 1/1992 | Y | American Society for Microbiology | United States | Cell biology | ||||||
Journal of Black Psychology | 0095-7984 | 2/1993 | Y | Sage Publications, Inc. | United States | Social psychology | ||||||
Journal of Black Studies | 0021-9347 | 3/1992 | 1/1997 | 11/1998 | Y | Sage Publications, Inc. | United States | Black studies | ||||
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media | 0883-8151 | 1/1985 | 9/1997 | 3/1999 | Y | Broadcast Education Association | United States | Mass communications and publishing | ||||
Journal of Business | 0021-9398 | 1/1984 | Y | University of Chicago Press | United States | Business management | ||||||
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics | 0735-0015 | 1/2000 | 1/2000 | 1/2005 | 10/2000 | 1/2005 | Y | American Statistical Association | United States | Economics | ||
Journal of Canadian Studies | 0021-9495 | 3/1988 | Y | Trent University | Canada | Canadian history | ||||||
Journal of Career Planning & Employment | 0884-5352 | 1/1992 | 6/2002 | N | National Association of Colleges and Employers | United States | Careers and occupations | |||||
--- Now: NACE Journal. Effective Date = 12/31/2002 | ||||||||||||
Journal of Chemical Education | 0021-9584 | 1/1989 | Y | American Chemical Society Division of Chemical Edu | United States | Chemistry | ||||||
Journal of Child and Family Studies | 1062-1024 | 3/1994 | Y | Springer | Netherlands | Mental health | ||||||
Journal of Church and State | 0021-969X | 3/1980 | 1/1997 | 6/1999 | Y | J.M. Dawson Studies in Church and State | United States | Constitutional law | ||||
Journal of Clinical Psychology | 0021-9762 | 1/1989 | Y | John Wiley & Sons, Inc. | United States | Psychology | ||||||
Journal of Cold Regions Engineering | 0887-381X | 3/1992 | Y | American Society of Civil Engineers | United States | Civil engineering | ||||||
Journal of College Science Teaching | 0047-231X | 12/1991 | 7/2005 | 7/2005 | 1/2006 | Y | National Science Teachers Association | United States | Science and technology education | |||
Journal of Common Market Studies | 0021-9886 | 6/1981 | Y | Blackwell Publishers Ltd. | United Kingdom | European studies | ||||||
Journal of Communication | 0021-9916 | 1/1987 | Y | Blackwell Publishers Ltd. | United Kingdom | Mass communications and publishing | ||||||
Journal of Comparative Family Studies | 0047-2328 | 3/1989 | 3/1993 | 3/1994 | Y | 90 | Journal of Comparative Family Studies | Canada | Family and marriage | |||
Journal of Conflict Resolution | 0022-0027 | 3/1987 | 12/1996 | 12/1998 | Y | Sage Publications, Inc. | United States | Peace | ||||
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology | 0022-006X | 2/1987 | Y | American Psychological Association, Inc. | United States | Psychology | ||||||
Journal of Contemporary Asia | 0047-2336 | 1/1989 | 3/1997 | 8/1999 | Y | Journal of Contemporary Asia Publishers | Philippines | Asian studies | ||||
Journal of Contemporary History | 0022-0094 | 1/1989 | Y | Sage Publications, Inc. | United States | World history | ||||||
Journal of Counseling and Development | 0748-9633 | 1/1987 | 9/2001 | 9/2001 | Y | American Counseling Association | United States | Higher education | ||||
Journal of Counseling Psychology | 0022-0167 | 1/1989 | Y | American Psychological Association, Inc. | United States | Psychotherapy and counseling | ||||||
Journal of Criminal Justice | 0047-2352 | 1/1980 | Y | Elsevier Science Publishers | United States | Law enforcement and corrections | ||||||
Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology | 0091-4169 | 3/1984 | 9/1993 | 1/1994 | Y | Northwestern University, School of Law | United States | Criminology | ||||
Journal of Dental Hygiene | 1043-254X | 3/1996 | 3/1996 | 3/1996 | Y | American Dental Hygienists' Association | United States | Dental hygiene | ||||
Journal of Development Economics | 0304-3878 | 6/1981 | Y | Elsevier Science Publishers | United States | International economics | ||||||
Journal of Disability Policy Studies | 1044-2073 | 9/2000 | 9/2000 | 9/2000 | Y | Pro-Ed | United States | Disability law | ||||
Journal of Drug Issues | 0022-0426 | 1/1989 | Y | Journal of Drug Issues, Inc. | United States | Substance abuse | ||||||
Journal of Ecology | 0022-0477 | 3/1989 | Y | Blackwell Publishers Ltd. | United Kingdom | Ecology | ||||||
Journal of Economic and Social Measurement | 0747-9662 | 3/1992 | Y | IOS Press, B.V. | United States | Economics | ||||||
Journal of Economic History | 0022-0507 | 3/1987 | Y | Cambridge University Press | United States | Business and economic history | ||||||
Journal of Economic Literature | 0022-0515 | 3/1984 | Y | American Economic Association | United States | Economics | ||||||
Journal of Economic Perspectives | 0895-3309 | 1/1992 | Y | American Economic Association | United States | Economics | ||||||
Journal of Ecumenical Studies | 0022-0558 | 1/1989 | 1/1997 | 1/1999 | Y | Journal of Ecumenical Studies | United States | Religion | ||||
Journal of Education | 0022-0574 | 1/1987 | Y | Boston University | United States | Education | ||||||
Journal of Educational Psychology | 0022-0663 | 3/1987 | Y | American Psychological Association, Inc. | United States | Educational psychology | ||||||
Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect | 0894-6566 | 3/1994 | Y | Haworth Press, Inc. | United States | Gerontology and geriatric care | ||||||
Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders | 1063-4266 | 6/2000 | 6/2000 | 9/2000 | Y | Pro-Ed | United States | Child and adolescent counseling | ||||
Journal of Energy Engineering | 0733-9402 | 4/1992 | Y | American Society of Civil Engineers | United States | Civil engineering | ||||||
Journal of Engineering for Industry | 0022-0817 | 2/1992 | 2/1996 | Y | American Society of Mechanical Engineers | United States | Industrial engineering | |||||
--- Now: Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 04/96 | ||||||||||||
Journal of Engineering Mechanics | 0733-9399 | 1/1992 | Y | American Society of Civil Engineers | United States | Civil engineering | ||||||
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management | 0095-0696 | 3/1980 | Y | Elsevier B.V. | Netherlands | Environmental economics | ||||||
Journal of Environmental Health | 0022-0892 | 1/1989 | 3/1993 | 7/1994 | Y | National Environmental Health Association | United States | Environmental health | ||||
Journal of Environmental Management | 0301-4797 | 1/1994 | Y | Elsevier B.V. | Netherlands | Environmental science | ||||||
Journal of European Studies | 0047-2441 | 3/1989 | 12/1992 | 6/2005 | 12/1999 | 6/2005 | N | Sage Publications, Inc. | United States | European literature | ||
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes | 0097-7403 | 1/1989 | Y | American Psychological Association, Inc. | United States | Psychology | ||||||
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General | 0096-3445 | 3/1989 | Y | American Psychological Association, Inc. | United States | Psychology | ||||||
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance | 0096-1523 | 2/1989 | Y | American Psychological Association, Inc. | United States | Cognitive science | ||||||
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition | 0278-7393 | 1/1989 | Y | American Psychological Association, Inc. | United States | Cognitive science | ||||||
Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences | 1082-1651 | 12/1996 | Y | American Association of Family and Consumer Scienc | United States | Family and marriage | ||||||
--- Formerly: Journal of Home Economics 06/94 | ||||||||||||
Journal of Family Issues | 0192-513X | 3/1989 | 1/1997 | 11/1998 | Y | Sage Publications, Inc. | United States | Family and marriage therapy | ||||
Journal of Fluids Engineering | 0098-2202 | 3/1992 | Y | American Society of Mechanical Engineers | United States | Fluid dynamics | ||||||
Journal of Food Science | 0022-1147 | 1/1992 | Y | Institute of Food Technologists | United States | Food processing and manufacturing | ||||||
Journal of General Physiology | 0022-1295 | 1/1992 | Y | Rockefeller University Press | United States | Cell biology | ||||||
Journal of General Psychology | 0022-1309 | 1/1989 | 1/1992 | 4/1994 | Y | Heldref Publications | United States | Psychology | ||||
Journal of Geology | 0022-1376 | 1/1992 | Y | University of Chicago Press | United States | Geology | ||||||
Journal of Geotechnical Engineering | 0733-9410 | 1/1992 | 11/1996 | Y | American Society of Civil Engineers | United States | Engineering | |||||
--- Now: Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 01/97 | ||||||||||||
Journal of Health and Social Behavior | 0022-1465 | 3/1989 | Y | American Sociological Association | United States | Sociology | ||||||
Journal of Hellenic Studies | 0075-4269 | 1/1989 | Y | Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies | United Kingdom | Classical studies | ||||||
Journal of Heredity | 0022-1503 | 1/1989 | Y | Oxford University Press | United States | Molecular biology and genetics | ||||||
Journal of Higher Education | 0022-1546 | 1/1987 | 1/1993 | 7/1994 | Y | Ohio State University Press | United States | Higher education | ||||
Journal of Home Economics | 0022-1570 | 3/1992 | 12/1993 | Y | American Association of Family and Consumer Scienc | United States | Consumer news and advice | |||||
--- Now: Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences 06/94 | ||||||||||||
Journal of Homosexuality | 0091-8369 | 3/1989 | Y | Haworth Press, Inc. | United States | Gender studies | ||||||
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management | 1447-6770 | 6/2002 | 6/2002 | 6/2002 | Y | University of Queensland Press | United States | Travel industry | ||||
Journal of Humanistic Psychology | 0022-1678 | 1/1994 | 1/1997 | 9/1998 | Y | Sage Publications, Inc. | United States | Social psychology | ||||
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering | 0733-9429 | 1/1992 | Y | American Society of Civil Engineers | United States | Civil engineering | ||||||
Journal of Information Science | 0165-5515 | 9/1981 | Y | Chartered Institute of Library and Information Pro | United Kingdom | Library and information science | ||||||
Journal of Interdisciplinary History | 0022-1953 | 1/1987 | 1/1994 | 3/2001 | 6/1994 | 3/2001 | Y | MIT Press Journals | United States | History | ||
Journal of International Affairs | 0022-197X | 3/1980 | 1/1993 | 3/1999 | Y | Columbia University School of International Public | United States | International relations | ||||
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering | 0733-9437 | 1/1992 | Y | American Society of Civil Engineers | United States | Civil engineering | ||||||
Journal of Labor Economics | 0734-306X | 4/1984 | Y | University of Chicago Press | United States | Labor economics | ||||||
Journal of Latin American Studies | 0022-216X | 2/1989 | 2/1993 | Y | 14 | Cambridge University Press | United States | Latin American studies | ||||
Journal of Law and Economics | 0022-2186 | 4/1980 | Y | University of Chicago Press | United States | Economic law | ||||||
Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics | 1073-1105 | 3/1993 | 3/1998 | 9/1999 | Y | NA | United States | Medical ethics | ||||
--- Formerly: Law, Medicine & Health Care 3/93 | ||||||||||||
Journal of Learning Disabilities | 0022-2194 | 1/1998 | 1/1998 | 1/1998 | Y | Pro-Ed | United States | Special education | ||||
Journal of Leisure Research | 0022-2216 | 1/1989 | 1/1993 | 3/1994 | Y | National Recreation and Park Association | United States | Leisure studies | ||||
Journal of Mammalogy | 0022-2372 | 2/1989 | Y | American Society of Mammalogists | United States | Zoology | ||||||
Journal of Management in Engineering | 0742-597X | 1/1992 | Y | American Society of Civil Engineers | United States | Business management | ||||||
Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering | 1087-1357 | 5/1996 | Y | American Society of Mechanical Engineers | United States | Industrial engineering | ||||||
--- Formerly: Journal of Engineering for Industry 04/96 | ||||||||||||
Journal of Marine Research | 0022-2402 | 2/1993 | Y | Sears Foundation for Marine Research | United States | Oceanography | ||||||
Journal of Marital and Family Therapy | 0194-472X | 1/1989 | Y | Blackwell Publishers Inc. | United States | Family and marriage therapy | ||||||
Journal of Marketing | 0022-2429 | 3/1984 | Y | American Marketing Association | United States | Marketing | ||||||
Journal of Marriage and the Family | 0022-2445 | 2/1987 | 11/2000 | Y | National Council of Family Relations | United States | Family and marriage | |||||
Journal of Mass Media Ethics | 0890-0523 | 3/1992 | Y | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. | United States | Legal ethics | ||||||
Journal of Medical Ethics | 0306-6800 | 3/1990 | 4/1999 | 2/2004 | 8/2000 | 4/2003 | Y | British Medical Association | United States | Ethics and morality | ||
Journal of Memory and Language | 0749-596X | 7/2001 | Y | Elsevier B.V. | Netherlands | Cognitive science | ||||||
Journal of Modern African Studies | 0022-278X | 3/1987 | Y | Cambridge University Press | United States | African studies | ||||||
Journal of Modern History | 0022-2801 | 3/1987 | Y | University of Chicago Press | United States | European history | ||||||
Journal of Modern Literature | 0022-281X | 6/1988 | 6/1999 | 6/1999 | Y | Indiana University Press | United States | World literature | ||||
Journal of Money, Credit & Banking | 0022-2879 | 2/1980 | 2/1989 | 2/1993 | Y | Ohio State University Press | United States | Banking, finance and investment industries | ||||
Journal of Musicology | 0277-9269 | 1/1989 | Y | University of California Press | United States | Music | ||||||
Journal of Near Eastern Studies | 0022-2968 | 1/1989 | Y | University of Chicago Press | United States | Asian studies | ||||||
Journal of Negro Education | 0022-2984 | 1/1992 | Y | Howard University Press | United States | Education | ||||||
Journal of Negro History | 0022-2992 | 1/1987 | 3/2001 | 6/1990 | 3/2001 | 1/2000 | 3/2001 | Y | Association for the Study of African American Life | United States | Black studies | |
--- Now: The Journal of African American History. Effective Date = 03/30/2001 | ||||||||||||
Journal of Neuroscience Nursing | 0888-0395 | 4/1996 | 4/1996 | 4/1996 | Y | American Association of Neuroscience Nurses | United States | Nursing | ||||
Journal of Nursing Scholarship | 1527-6546 | 3/2000 | 3/2000 | 9/2000 | Y | Blackwell Publishers Ltd. | United Kingdom | Medical science and research | ||||
Journal of Nutrition | 0022-3166 | 1/1992 | Y | American Institute of Nutrition | United States | Nutrition | ||||||
Journal of Nutrition Education | 0022-3182 | 2/1989 | 11/2001 | Y | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, WK Health | United States | Food science | |||||
--- Now: Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. Effective Date =11/30/2001 | ||||||||||||
Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior | 1499-4046 | 1/2002 | Y | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, WK Health | United States | Nutrition | ||||||
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology | 0963-1798 | 3/1992 | 3/1992 | 6/2007 | 9/1992 | 6/2007 | Y | British Psychological Society | United Kingdom | Industrial safety and health | ||
--- Formerly: Journal of Occupational Psychology 1/92 | ||||||||||||
Journal of Organic Chemistry | 0022-3263 | 1/1992 | Y | American Chemical Society | United States | Organic chemistry | ||||||
Journal of Pacific History | 0022-3344 | 6/1998 | 6/1998 | 6/2000 | 9/1999 | 6/2000 | Y | Taylor & Francis Ltd. | United Kingdom | Asian and Pacific history | ||
Journal of Palestine Studies | 0377-919X | 1/1992 | Y | University of California Press | United States | Middle Eastern studies | ||||||
Journal of Parapsychology | 0022-3387 | 3/1989 | 9/1992 | 3/1994 | Y | Parapsychology Press | United States | Psychology | ||||
Journal of Peace Research | 0022-3433 | 2/1989 | Y | Sage Publications, Inc. | United States | Peace | ||||||
Journal of Personality | 0022-3506 | 3/1987 | Y | Blackwell Publishers Ltd. | United Kingdom | Psychology | ||||||
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology | 0022-3514 | 1/1987 | Y | American Psychological Association, Inc. | United States | Social psychology | ||||||
Journal of Philosophy | 0022-362X | 1/1989 | Y | Journal of Philosophy Inc. | United States | Regional philosophy | ||||||
Journal of Political Economy | 0022-3808 | 2/1984 | Y | University of Chicago Press | United States | Political economy | ||||||
Journal of Politics | 0022-3816 | 2/1987 | Y | Blackwell Publishers Ltd. | United Kingdom | Political science | ||||||
Journal of Popular Culture | 0022-3840 | 3/1987 | Y | Blackwell Publishers Ltd. | United Kingdom | Popular culture | ||||||
Journal of Popular Film and Television | 0195-6051 | 3/1987 | 6/1992 | 1/1994 | Y | Heldref Publications | United States | Arts, entertainment and sports industries | ||||
Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions | 1098-3007 | 9/2000 | 9/2000 | 1/2001 | N | Pro-Ed | United States | Developmental disabilities | ||||
Journal of Psychology | 0022-3980 | 1/1987 | 1/1993 | 5/1994 | Y | Heldref Publications | United States | Psychology | ||||
Journal of Reading | 0022-4103 | 1/1987 | 5/1995 | Y | International Reading Association Inc. | United States | Education | |||||
--- Now: Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy 9/95 | ||||||||||||
Journal of Rehabilitation | 0022-4154 | 1/1988 | 1/1989 | 1/1996 | Y | National Rehabilitation Association | United States | Physical therapy and rehabilitation | ||||
Journal of Religion | 0022-4189 | 1/1987 | Y | University of Chicago Press | United States | Religion | ||||||
Journal of Safety Research | 0022-4375 | 3/1992 | Y | Elsevier B.V. | Netherlands | Industrial safety and health | ||||||
Journal of School Health | 0022-4391 | 1/1987 | 1/1989 | 1/1991 | Y | American School Health Association | United States | Pediatrics | ||||
Journal of Sex Research | 0022-4499 | 2/1989 | 1/1997 | 11/1999 | Y | Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, Inc | United States | Sexuality | ||||
Journal of Small Business Management | 0047-2778 | 1/1980 | 7/1984 | 1/1993 | Y | Blackwell Publishers Ltd. | United Kingdom | Small business | ||||
Journal of Social History | 0022-4529 | 3/1984 | 3/1993 | 6/1994 | Y | Journal of Social History | United States | History | ||||
Journal of Social Issues | 0022-4537 | 1/1987 | Y | Blackwell Publishers Ltd. | United Kingdom | Social issues | ||||||
Journal of Social Psychology | 0022-4545 | 2/1989 | 2/1993 | 6/1994 | Y | Heldref Publications | United States | Social psychology | ||||
Journal of Social Work Education | 1043-7797 | 1/1999 | 3/1999 | 9/1999 | Y | Council On Social Work Education | United States | Social work | ||||
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation | 0022-4561 | 1/1992 | 1/1993 | Y | Soil & Water Conservation Society | United States | Environmental science | |||||
Journal of Southeast Asian Studies | 0022-4634 | 3/1987 | 3/1993 | 3/1994 | Y | Cambridge University Press | United States | Asian studies | ||||
Journal of Southern History | 0022-4642 | 2/1987 | 8/2000 | 8/2000 | Y | Southern Historical Association | United States | U.S. History | ||||
Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders | 0022-4677 | 2/1987 | 11/1990 | Y | American Speech-Language-Hearing Association | United States | Diseases and conditions | |||||
--- Now: Journal of Speech and Hearing Research 2/91 | ||||||||||||
Journal of Speech and Hearing Research | 0022-4685 | 2/1991 | 12/1996 | Y | American Speech-Language-Hearing Association | United States | Audiology | |||||
--- Now: Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 02/97; Formerly:Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders 2/91 | ||||||||||||
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research | 1092-4388 | 2/1997 | 4/2000 | 2/2000 | Y | American Speech-Language-Hearing Association | United States | Speech | ||||
--- Formerly: Journal of Speech and Hearing Research 02/97 | ||||||||||||
Journal of Sport Rehabilitation | 1056-6716 | 11/2001 | Y | Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc. | United States | Physical therapy and rehabilitation | ||||||
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research | 1064-8011 | 2/2002 | Y | National Strength and Conditioning Association | United States | Physical fitness | ||||||
Journal of Taxation | 0022-4863 | 1/1980 | Y | Warren, Gorham & Lamont, Inc. | United States | Tax law | ||||||
Journal of Teacher Education | 0022-4871 | 1/1987 | 1/1997 | 3/1999 | Y | Corwin Press, Inc. | United States | Teacher education | ||||
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science | 0092-0703 | 3/1984 | Y | Sage Publications, Inc. | United States | Marketing | ||||||
Journal of the American Academy of Religion | 0002-7189 | 3/1989 | Y | Scholars Press | United States | Religion | ||||||
Journal of the American Chemical Society | 0002-7863 | 1/1992 | Y | American Chemical Society | United States | Chemistry | ||||||
Journal of the American Dental Association | 0002-8177 | 6/1989 | Y | American Dental Association Publishers Inc. | United States | Dentistry | ||||||
Journal of the American Dietetic Association | 0002-8223 | 1/1988 | 1/1989 | 8/2003 | 7/1994 | 8/2003 | Y | Elsevier Science Publishers | United States | Nutrition research | ||
Journal of the American Musicological Society | 0003-0139 | 3/1989 | 6/2000 | 6/2000 | Y | University of California Press | United States | Music | ||||
Journal of the American Oriental Society | 0003-0279 | 1/1989 | 7/1992 | 1/1994 | Y | American Oriental Society | United States | Asian studies | ||||
Journal of the American Planning Association | 0194-4363 | 1/1999 | 1/1999 | 1/2000 | Y | American Planning Association | United States | Urban planning and development | ||||
Journal of the American Statistical Association | 0162-1459 | 3/1981 | 6/1989 | 12/2004 | 3/1994 | 12/2004 | Y | American Statistical Association | United States | Probability and statistics | ||
Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery | 0004-5411 | 1/1983 | 3/1998 | 3/2001 | Y | Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. | United States | Computer science | ||||
--- Formerly: Journal of the ACM 1/88 | ||||||||||||
Journal of the Geological Society | 0016-7649 | 1/1992 | Y | Geological Society Publishing House | United Kingdom | Earth sciences | ||||||
Journal of the History of Ideas | 0022-5037 | 1/1987 | 10/2006 | 10/2006 | Y | University of Pennsylvania Press | United States | Arts and humanities | ||||
Journal of the West | 0022-5169 | 1/1987 | Y | Journal of the West Inc. | United States | U.S. History | ||||||
Journal of Third World Studies | 8755-3449 | 3/1993 | 3/2007 | Y | Association of Third World Studies, Inc. | United States | International relations | |||||
Journal of Transportation Engineering | 0733-947X | 1/1992 | Y | American Society of Civil Engineers | United States | Civil engineering | ||||||
Journal of Urban Affairs | 0735-2166 | 3/1994 | Y | Blackwell Publishers Ltd. | United Kingdom | Social issues | ||||||
Journal of Urban History | 0096-1442 | 2/1980 | 1/1997 | 11/1998 | Y | Sage Publications, Inc. | United States | Rural and urban sociology | ||||
Journal of Vibration and Acoustics | 1048-9002 | 1/1992 | Y | American Society of Mechanical Engineers | United States | Mechanical engineering | ||||||
Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering | 0733-950X | 1/1992 | Y | American Society of Civil Engineers | United States | Civil engineering | ||||||
Journal of Wildlife Management | 0022-541X | 1/1989 | Y | Wildlife Society | United States | Zoology | ||||||
Journal of Women & Aging | 0895-2841 | 1/1992 | Y | Haworth Press, Inc. | United States | Seniors | ||||||
Journal of Women's History | 1042-7961 | 3/1992 | 1/1997 | 9/2005 | 9/1999 | 9/2005 | Y | Johns Hopkins University Press | United States | Women's history | ||
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly | 1077-6990 | 3/1995 | Y | Association for Education in Journalism and Mass C | United States | Journalism | ||||||
--- Formerly: Journalism Quarterly 1/95 | ||||||||||||
Journalism Quarterly | 0196-3031 | 3/1987 | 9/1994 | Y | Association for Education in Journalism and Mass C | United States | Journalism | |||||
--- NLA; Now: Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 1/95 | ||||||||||||
Journals of Gerontology, Series A | 1079-5006 | 1/1995 | Y | Gerontological Society of America | United States | Gerontology and geriatric care | ||||||
--- Formerly: Journals of Gerontology 1/95 | ||||||||||||
Journals of Gerontology, Series B | 1079-5014 | 1/1995 | Y | Gerontological Society of America | United States | Gerontology and geriatric care | ||||||
--- Formerly: Journals of Gerontology 1/95 | ||||||||||||
Judaism: A Quarterly Journal of Jewish Life and Thought | 0022-5762 | 1/1987 | 9/1992 | 1/1999 | Y | American Jewish Congress | United States | Jewish studies | ||||
Kenyon Review | 0163-075X | 1/1987 | 6/2001 | 1/2003 | Y | Kenyon Review | United States | Literature and writing | ||||
Kiplinger's Personal Finance Magazine | 1528-9729 | 7/1991 | 7/1991 | N | The Kiplinger Washington Editors, Inc. | United States | Personal finance and insurance | |||||
--- Incorporates: Kiplinger's New Cars & Trucks Buying Guide. 12/31/1999;Formerly: Changing Times 7/91 | ||||||||||||
Korea Journal | 0023-3900 | 3/1992 | Y | Korean National Commission for Unesco | Korea (Democratic People's Republic of) | Asian studies | ||||||
Labor History | 0023-656X | 1/1987 | 9/1997 | 5/2000 | 11/1999 | 5/2000 | Y | Taylor & Francis Ltd. | United Kingdom | Social science history | ||
Lambda Book Report | 1048-9487 | 8/1990 | 1/1994 | 12/1997 | N | Lambda Literary Foundation | United States | Literary criticism | ||||
Lancet | 0099-5355 | 1/1988 | 12/2006 | 3/1990 | 12/2006 | 5/1994 | 8/1998 | Y | The Lancet Publishing Group, a division of Elsevie | United Kingdom | Health and medicine | |
Language & Communication | 0271-5309 | 1/1992 | Y | Elsevier B.V. | Netherlands | Languages and linguistics | ||||||
Language Arts | 0360-9170 | 1/1987 | Y | National Council of Teachers of English | United States | Languages and linguistics | ||||||
Latin American Perspectives | 0094-582X | 1/1989 | 1/1997 | 11/1998 | Y | Sage Publications, Inc. | United States | Political economy | ||||
Latin American Research Review | 0023-8791 | 1/1987 | Y | Latin American Studies Association | United States | Latin American studies | ||||||
Law & Society Review | 0023-9216 | 1/1984 | Y | Blackwell Publishers Ltd. | United Kingdom | Law and society | ||||||
Law, Medicine & Health Care | 0277-8459 | 1/1984 | 12/1992 | Y | American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics | United States | Health law | |||||
--- Now: Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 3/93 | ||||||||||||
Learning and Motivation | 0023-9690 | 2/1989 | Y | Elsevier B.V. | Netherlands | Cognitive science | ||||||
Liberal Education | 0024-1822 | 3/2001 | 3/2001 | 3/2001 | N | Association of American Colleges and Universities | United States | Educational philosophy | ||||
Library Journal | 0363-0277 | 1/1984 | 1/1997 | 2/1991 | N | Reed Business Information, Inc. (US) | United States | Library and information science | ||||
Life | 0024-3019 | 1/1980 | 5/2000 | 1/1983 | 5/2000 | N | Time, Inc. | United States | General and consumer interests | |||
Lifelong Learning: An Omnibus of Practice and Research | 0740-0578 | 1/1987 | 6/1989 | N | American Association for Adult and Continuing Educ | United States | Education | |||||
--- Now: Adult Learning 9/89 | ||||||||||||
Lotus | 8756-7334 | 3/1992 | 11/1992 | 3/1992 | 11/1992 | N | Lotus Publishing Corp. | United States | Consumer news and advice | |||
--- Incorporated into PC World (Lotus edition) | ||||||||||||
Machine Design | 0024-9114 | 1/1981 | 1/1999 | 1/1999 | N | Penton Media, Inc. | United States | Manufacturing industries | ||||
Maclean's | 0024-9262 | 1/1984 | N | Rogers Publishing Ltd. | Canada | News, opinion and commentary | ||||||
MacUser | 0884-0997 | 3/1987 | 10/1997 | 3/1987 | 10/1997 | 7/1994 | 10/1997 | N | ZDNet | United States | Computer networks | |
Macworld | 0741-8647 | 1/1992 | 5/1993 | 8/1999 | N | Mac Publishing | United States | Home electronics | ||||
--- Incorporates MacUser 10/97; NLA 9/94 | ||||||||||||
Management Accounting (USA) | 0025-1690 | 1/1980 | 2/1999 | 10/1991 | 2/1999 | 2/1992 | 6/1997 | Y | Institute of Management Accountants | United States | Accounting | |
--- Now: Strategic Finance. Effective Date = 02/28/1999 | ||||||||||||
Management Science | 0025-1909 | 1/1984 | 1/2000 | 7/1992 | Y | 365 | Institute for Operations Research and the Manageme | United States | Business management | |||
Managing Office Technology | 1070-4051 | 6/1993 | 9/1998 | 6/1993 | 9/1998 | 6/1993 | 8/1997 | N | OfficeVision, Inc. | United States | Computing and information technology industries | |
--- Incorporated into: OfficeSystems98. Effective Date = 10/01/1998; Now:OfficeSystems98. Effective Date = 10/01/1998; Incorporates The Office 12/93;Formerly: Modern Office Technology 6/93 | ||||||||||||
Marketing & Media Decisions | 0195-4296 | 1/1984 | 12/1990 | 1/1984 | 12/1990 | N | The Nielsen Company | United States | Advertising, marketing and public relations | |||
--- Incorporated into MEDIAWEEK 1/91 | ||||||||||||
Marketing Science | 0732-2399 | 1/1992 | 1/1999 | 3/2001 | Y | 365 | Institute for Operations Research and the Manageme | United States | Advertising, marketing and public relations | |||
Marriage & Family Review | 0149-4929 | 3/1989 | Y | Haworth Press, Inc. | United States | Family and marriage | ||||||
Massachusetts Review | 0025-4878 | 3/1987 | Y | Massachusetts Review Inc. | United States | Literature and writing | ||||||
Masthead | 0025-5122 | 3/1992 | 3/1993 | 12/1999 | N | National Conference of Editorial Writers | United States | Writing | ||||
Mathematics Magazine | 0025-570X | 2/1989 | Y | Mathematical Association of America, Inc. | United States | Mathematics | ||||||
Mathematics Teacher | 0025-5769 | 3/1992 | Y | National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Inc. | United States | Mathematics education | ||||||
McKnight's Long-Term Care News | 1048-3314 | 3/1999 | 3/1999 | 10/1999 | N | Haymarket Media, Inc. | United States | Health care industry | ||||
Media Studies Journal | 1057-7416 | 1/1992 | Y | Freedom Forum Media Studies Center | United States | Mass communications and publishing | ||||||
Media, Culture & Society | 0163-4437 | 1/1989 | Y | Sage Publications, Inc. | United States | Mass communications and publishing | ||||||
MEDIAWEEK | 1055-176X | 1/1991 | 1/1991 | 1/1993 | 6/2006 | N | The Nielsen Company | United States | Mass communications and publishing | |||
Medical Anthropology Quarterly | 0745-5194 | 3/1999 | Y | American Anthropological Assn. | United States | Anthropology | ||||||
Medical Equipment Designer | 1055-4262 | 5/1999 | 5/1999 | 1/2000 | N | Nelson Publishing | United States | Medical equipment and technology | ||||
Medical World News | 0025-763X | 1/1992 | 2/1994 | 1/1992 | 2/1994 | N | Miller Freeman, Inc. | United States | Physicians | |||
Mercury | 0047-6773 | 1/1989 | N | Astronomical Society of the Pacific | United States | Astronomy | ||||||
Mexican Studies-Estudios Mexicanos | 0742-9797 | 1/1992 | Y | University of California Press | United States | Hispanic studies | ||||||
Michigan Law Review | 0026-2234 | 1/1980 | 2/1993 | 5/1999 | Y | Michigan Law Review Association | United States | Law | ||||
Michigan Quarterly Review | 0026-2420 | 9/1988 | Y | University of Michigan | United States | Literature and writing | ||||||
Microbiological Reviews | 0146-0749 | 3/1992 | 12/1996 | Y | American Society for Microbiology | United States | Molecular biology and genetics | |||||
--- Now: Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews 03/97 | ||||||||||||
Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews | 1092-2172 | 3/1997 | Y | American Society for Microbiology | United States | Molecular biology and genetics | ||||||
--- Formerly: Microbiological Reviews 03/97 | ||||||||||||
Mid-America | 0026-2927 | 1/1980 | Y | Loyola University | United States | U.S. History | ||||||
Middle East | 0305-0734 | 1/1992 | 7/1992 | 7/1994 | N | IC Publications Ltd. | United Kingdom | Business, international | ||||
Middle East Journal | 0026-3141 | 1/1987 | 6/2000 | Y | The Middle East Institute | United States | Middle Eastern studies | |||||
Middle Eastern Studies | 0026-3206 | 1/1989 | 1/1993 | 3/2004 | 4/1994 | 3/2004 | Y | Frank Cass & Company Ltd. | United Kingdom | Middle Eastern studies | ||
Midstream | 0026-332X | 5/2000 | 5/2000 | 7/2000 | N | Theodor Herzl Foundation | United States | Jewish studies | ||||
Midwest Quarterly | 0026-3451 | 1/1989 | 1/1993 | 6/1997 | Y | 180 | Pittsburg State University - Midwest Quarterly | United States | Arts and humanities | |||
Milbank Quarterly | 0887-378X | 3/1988 | Y | Blackwell Publishers Ltd. | United Kingdom | Health and medicine | ||||||
Mind | 0026-4423 | 1/1989 | 1/1993 | 10/1998 | 4/1994 | 10/1997 | Y | Oxford University Press | United States | Philosophy | ||
Mineralogical Record | 0026-4628 | 1/1989 | 3/1990 | 3/1994 | Y | The Mineralogical, Inc. | United States | Earth sciences | ||||
Minerva: Quarterly Report on Women and the Military | 0736-718X | 9/1999 | 9/2002 | 9/1999 | 9/2002 | 3/2000 | 9/2002 | Y | Minerva Center, Inc. | United States | Military history and wars | |
MIT's Technology Review | 1096-3715 | 2/1997 | 3/1998 | 2/1997 | 3/1998 | 2/1997 | 3/1998 | N | Technology Review, Inc. | United States | Science and technology | |
--- Now: Technology Review (Cambridge, Mass.) 03/98; Formerly: Technology Review | ||||||||||||
MLN | 0026-7910 | 1/1987 | 12/1992 | 4/1995 | 3/1994 | 4/1995 | Y | Johns Hopkins University Press | United States | Literary criticism | ||
Modern Age | 0026-7457 | 3/1987 | 1/2003 | 1/2003 | Y | Intercollegiate Studies Institute Inc. | United States | Popular culture | ||||
Modern China | 0097-7004 | 1/1989 | 1/1997 | 7/1998 | Y | Sage Publications, Inc. | United States | Asian studies | ||||
Modern Drama | 0026-7694 | 3/1987 | 3/1997 | 6/2002 | 12/1998 | 6/2002 | Y | University of Toronto Press | United States | Literature and writing | ||
Modern Fiction Studies | 0026-7724 | 3/1987 | Y | Purdue University | United States | Literary criticism | ||||||
Modern Judaism | 0276-1114 | 2/1996 | Y | Johns Hopkins University Press | United States | Judaism | ||||||
Modern Language Quarterly | 0026-7929 | 3/1987 | 3/1992 | 9/2006 | 12/1999 | 9/2006 | Y | Duke University Press | United States | Literary criticism | ||
Modern Language Review | 0026-7937 | 1/1989 | 1/1997 | 1/2004 | Y | 365 | Modern Humanities Research Association | United Kingdom | European literature | |||
Modern Philology | 0026-8232 | 2/1987 | Y | University of Chicago Press | United States | Literary criticism | ||||||
Modern Photography | 0026-8240 | 1/1984 | 7/1989 | 1/1984 | 1/1986 | N | Reed Business Information, Inc. (US) | United States | Photography | |||
Monthly Labor Review | 0098-1818 | 1/1984 | 9/1984 | 10/1992 | N | Superintendent of Documents | United States | Labor law | ||||
Monthly Review | 0027-0520 | 1/1984 | 1/1984 | 9/2005 | 11/1992 | 9/2005 | Y | Monthly Review Foundation, Inc. | United States | Socialism | ||
Mother Earth News | 0027-1535 | 1/1984 | 12/1991 | 6/1994 | N | Ogden Publications, Inc. | United States | Home and gardens | ||||
Mother Jones | 0362-8841 | 1/1984 | 1/2002 | N | Foundation for National Progress | United States | Political science | |||||
Motor Trend | 0027-2094 | 1/1980 | 1/1992 | 12/1994 | N | Primedia Enterprises, Inc. | United States | Cars and vehicles | ||||
Ms. Magazine | 0047-8318 | 1/1984 | N | MacDonald Communications | United States | Women's rights | ||||||
Musical Quarterly | 0027-4631 | 1/1984 | Y | Oxford University Press (NY) | United States | Music | ||||||
--- Suspended publication 10/86 through 1/89 | ||||||||||||
Muslim World | 0027-4909 | 1/1989 | Y | Blackwell Publishers Ltd. | United Kingdom | Islam | ||||||
NACE Journal | 1542-2046 | 1/2003 | N | National Association of Colleges and Employers | United States | Human resources management | ||||||
NACLA Report on the Americas | 1071-4839 | 5/1993 | 5/1993 | 7/1994 | Y | North American Congress on Latin America, Inc. | United States | Latin American studies | ||||
--- Formerly: Report on the Americas 5/93 | ||||||||||||
NASSP Bulletin | 0192-6365 | 1/1987 | Y | National Association of Secondary School Principal | United States | Educational administration | ||||||
Nation | 0027-8378 | 1/1984 | 1/1984 | 4/2005 | 6/1994 | 7/1998 | N | The Nation Company L.P. | United States | Public policy | ||
Nation's Business | 0028-047X | 1/1984 | 6/1999 | 1/1984 | 6/1999 | 1/1991 | 8/1998 | N | U.S. Chamber of Commerce | United States | Business management | |
Nation's Restaurant News | 0028-0518 | 6/1981 | 2/1983 | 5/1992 | N | 7 | Lebhar-Friedman, Inc. | United States | Restaurant industry | |||
National Black Law Journal | 0896-0194 | 1/1987 | Y | National Black Law Journal | United States | Black studies | ||||||
--- Formerly: Black Law Journal 1/84 | ||||||||||||
National Civic Review | 0027-9013 | 2/1980 | 1/1993 | 1/1994 | Y | John Wiley & Sons, Inc. | United States | Public administration | ||||
National Forum | 0162-1831 | 3/1980 | 9/2001 | 1/1989 | 9/2001 | 6/1992 | 9/2001 | N | Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi | United States | Arts and humanities | |
--- Now: Phi Kappa Phi Forum. Effective Date = 12/31/2001 | ||||||||||||
National Geographic | 0027-9358 | 1/1984 | 6/1999 | N | 90 | National Geographic Society | United States | Archaeology | ||||
National Interest | 0884-9382 | 1/1991 | 3/1993 | 12/1999 | N | The National Interest, Inc. | United States | International relations | ||||
National Journal | 0360-4217 | 1/1992 | 7/1998 | 9/2001 | 7/1998 | 9/2001 | N | National Journal Group, Inc. | United States | Government and political science | ||
National Law Journal | 0162-7325 | 1/1980 | 2/2003 | N | ALM Media, Inc. | United States | Law | |||||
National N O W Times | 0149-4740 | 6/1993 | N | National Organization for Women | United States | Women's interests | ||||||
National Parks | 0276-8186 | 1/1984 | 1/1993 | 7/1994 | N | National Parks and Conservation Association | United States | Ecology | ||||
National Review | 0028-0038 | 1/1984 | 1/1984 | 7/1994 | 12/2006 | N | National Review, Inc. | United States | News, opinion and commentary | |||
National Tax Journal | 0028-0283 | 3/1980 | 12/1991 | 3/1993 | Y | National Tax Association | United States | Public finance | ||||
National Wildlife | 0028-0402 | 2/1984 | 8/1994 | 10/2002 | N | National Wildlife Federation | United States | Zoology | ||||
Natural History | 0028-0712 | 1/1984 | 2/1997 | Y | 10 | Natural History Magazine, Inc. | United States | Life sciences | ||||
Natural Resources Forum | 0165-0203 | 2/1992 | Y | Blackwell Publishers Ltd. | United Kingdom | Agriculture, fishing and forest products industrie | ||||||
Nature | 0028-0836 | 1/1987 | Y | Macmillan Publishing Ltd. | United States | Science and technology | ||||||
Navy News & Undersea Technology | 8756-1700 | 3/2000 | 2/2004 | 3/2000 | 5/2002 | N | King Publishing Group | United States | Military and naval science | |||
NEA Today | 0734-7219 | 1/1983 | 11/1984 | 9/1992 | N | National Education Association of the United State | United States | Education | ||||
--- Formerly: Today's Education 1/83 | ||||||||||||
Negro History Bulletin | 0028-2529 | 1/1984 | 8/2001 | 12/1993 | 1/2001 | 7/1995 | 1/2001 | Y | Association for the Study of African American Life | United States | Black studies | |
--- Now: Black History Bulletin. Effective Date = 01/01/2002 | ||||||||||||
Nephrology Nursing Journal | 1526-744X | 2/2000 | 2/2000 | 2/2000 | Y | Jannetti Publications, Inc. | United States | Nursing | ||||
New Crisis | 1559-1603 | 2/1998 | 3/2003 | N | Crisis Publishing Company | United States | Multicultural studies | |||||
--- Now: The Crisis (Baltimore, MD). Effective Date = 04/30/2003; Former: TheCrisis. Effective Date = 07/01/1997 | ||||||||||||
New England Economic Review | 0028-4726 | 1/1992 | 1/2004 | 3/1992 | 1/2004 | 9/1994 | 1/2004 | Y | Federal Reserve Bank of Boston | United States | Northeastern U.S. business | |
New England Journal of Medicine | 0028-4793 | 1/1988 | Y | Massachusetts Medical Society | United States | Health and medicine | ||||||
New England Quarterly | 0028-4866 | 3/1987 | Y | New England Quarterly | United States | Literature and writing | ||||||
New Leader | 0028-6044 | 1/1980 | 5/1985 | 7/1994 | N | American Labor Conference on International Affairs | United States | News, opinion and commentary | ||||
New Left Review | 0028-6060 | 1/1992 | Y | New Left Review Ltd. | United Kingdom | Political science | ||||||
New Mexico Journal of Science | 0270-3017 | 11/1999 | 12/2003 | 11/1999 | 12/2003 | 12/2000 | 12/2003 | N | New Mexico Academy of Science | United States | Manufacturing industries | |
New Perspectives Quarterly | 0893-7850 | 3/1989 | Y | Blackwell Publishers Ltd. | United Kingdom | News, opinion and commentary | ||||||
New Republic | 0028-6583 | 1/1984 | N | The New Republic, Inc. | United States | News, opinion and commentary | ||||||
New Scientist | 0262-4079 | 1/1988 | 4/2000 | Y | 30 | Reed Business Information Ltd. | United Kingdom | Science and technology | ||||
New Statesman | 0028-6842 | 1/1984 | 5/1988 | N | New Statesman, Ltd. | United Kingdom | Political science | |||||
--- Now: New Statesman & Society 6/88 | ||||||||||||
New Statesman & Society | 0954-2361 | 6/1988 | 6/1996 | 12/1991 | 6/1996 | 7/1994 | 6/1996 | N | New Statesman, Ltd. | United Kingdom | Consumer news and advice | |
--- Now: New Statesman 06/96; Formerly: New Statesman 6/88 | ||||||||||||
New Statesman (1996) | 1364-7431 | 6/1996 | 6/1996 | 6/1996 | N | New Statesman, Ltd. | United Kingdom | News, opinion and commentary | ||||
--- Formerly: New Statesman & Society 06/96 | ||||||||||||
New Theatre Quarterly | 0266-464X | 2/1989 | Y | Cambridge University Press | United States | Theater | ||||||
New York | 0028-7369 | 1/1984 | 3/2006 | N | 7 | New York Magazine | United States | U.S. news - Northeast | ||||
New York Review of Books | 0028-7504 | 1/1984 | N | New York Review | United States | Literature and writing | ||||||
New York State Conservationist | 0097-3319 | 10/1995 | 10/1995 | 10/1995 | N | New York State Department of Environmental Conserv | United States | Ecology | ||||
--- Formerly: Conservationist 8/95 | ||||||||||||
New York Times | 0362-4331 | 1/1980 | N | New York Times Inc. | United States | U.S. news - Northeast | ||||||
New York Times Book Review | 0028-7806 | 1/1984 | N | The New York Times Company | United States | Literary criticism | ||||||
New York Times Magazine | 0028-7822 | 1/1984 | N | The New York Times Company | United States | News, opinion and commentary | ||||||
New York University Law Review | 0028-7881 | 4/1980 | Y | New York University Law Review | United States | Law | ||||||
New Yorker | 0028-792X | 1/1984 | 1/2002 | N | 7 | Conde Nast Publications, Inc. | United States | Literature and writing | ||||
News Media & the Law | 0149-0737 | 2/1982 | N | Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press | United States | Law | ||||||
News Photographer | 0199-2422 | 1/1992 | N | National Press Photographers Association, Inc. | United States | Photography | ||||||
Newspaper Research Journal | 0739-5329 | 6/1991 | 6/2003 | 1/1997 | 6/2003 | 6/1999 | 6/2003 | Y | Association for Education in Journalism and Mass C | United States | Mass communications and publishing | |
Newsweek | 0028-9604 | 1/1984 | 12/1994 | N | Newsweek, Inc. | United States | World news | |||||
Nieman Reports | 0028-9817 | 3/1989 | 9/1992 | 9/1999 | N | Harvard University, Nieman Foundation | United States | Mass communications and publishing | ||||
Nineteenth-Century Contexts | 0890-5495 | 2/1999 | Y | Gordon & Breach - Harwood Academic | United States | Literature and writing | ||||||
Nineteenth-Century Literature | 0891-9356 | 3/1987 | Y | University of California Press | United States | 19th century U.S. | ||||||
North American Review | 0029-2397 | 3/1980 | Y | University of Northern Iowa | United States | Literature and writing | ||||||
Notes | 0027-4380 | 3/1980 | 12/1993 | 12/1999 | Y | Music Library Association, Inc. | United States | Special libraries | ||||
Novel | 0029-5132 | 1/1987 | Y | Novel Corporation | United States | Fiction | ||||||
Nursing | 0360-4039 | 1/1984 | Y | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, WK Health | United States | Nursing | ||||||
Nursing Administration Quarterly | 0363-9568 | 1/1996 | Y | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, WK Health | United States | Nursing administration | ||||||
Nursing Diagnosis | 1046-7459 | 1/1996 | 4/2002 | 1/1996 | 4/2002 | 1/1996 | 4/2002 | Y | Blackwell Publishers Ltd. | United Kingdom | Nursing | |
--- Now: International Journal of NursingTerminologies and Classifications. Effective Date = 04/01/2002 | ||||||||||||
Nursing Economics | 0746-1739 | 1/1996 | 1/1996 | 1/1996 | Y | Jannetti Publications, Inc. | United States | Nursing administration | ||||
Nursing Forum | 0029-6473 | 1/1996 | 1/1996 | 10/2004 | 1/1996 | 10/2004 | Y | Blackwell Publishers Ltd. | United Kingdom | Nursing | ||
Nursing Law's Regan Report | 1528-848X | 5/2000 | 5/2000 | 6/2000 | N | Medical Law Publishing | United States | Health law | ||||
Nutrition Action Healthletter | 0885-7792 | 1/1988 | 1/1988 | 12/1993 | N | Center for Science in the Public Interest | United States | Nutrition | ||||
Nutrition Reviews | 0029-6643 | 1/1987 | Y | International Life Sciences Institute | United States | Cooking and food | ||||||
Nutrition Today | 0029-666X | 2/1988 | Y | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, WK Health | United States | Nutrition | ||||||
Occupational Outlook Quarterly | 0199-4786 | 3/1980 | 6/1983 | 9/1992 | N | U.S. Government Printing Office | United States | Careers and occupations | ||||
Oceania | 0029-8077 | 9/1989 | 3/1993 | 6/1999 | Y | University of Sydney | Australia | Anthropology | ||||
Oceans | 0029-8174 | 1/1984 | 4/1989 | N | Oceans Magazine Associates | United States | Travel and leisure | |||||
Oceanus | 0029-8182 | 3/1989 | 9/1992 | 3/1994 | Y | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution | United States | Oceanography | ||||
off our backs | 0030-0071 | 1/1992 | 5/1995 | 2/1998 | N | Off Our Backs, Inc. | United States | Women's rights | ||||
Office | 0030-0128 | 1/1992 | 10/1993 | N | Penton Media, Inc. | United States | Computing and information technology industries | |||||
--- Incorporated into Managing Office Technology 11/93 | ||||||||||||
Office Nurse | 0893-6595 | 9/1999 | 11/1999 | 9/1999 | 11/1999 | N | AHC Media LLC | United States | Nursing | |||
Office Technology Management | 1061-4656 | 1/1992 | 2/1992 | N | FM Computer Publications | United States | Computing and information technology industries | |||||
--- Ceased publication 3/92; Formerly: Today's Office 9/91 | ||||||||||||
OfficeSolutions | 1529-1804 | 1/2000 | 1/2000 | 5/2000 | N | OfficeVision, Inc. | United States | Information systems management | ||||
OfficeSystems98 | 8750-3441 | 10/1998 | 12/1998 | 10/1998 | 12/1998 | N | OfficeVision, Inc. | United States | Computing and information technology industries | |||
--- Incorporates: Managing Office Technology. Effective Date = 10/01/1998; Now:OfficeSystems99. Effective Date = 01/01/1999; Former: Managing OfficeTechnology. Effective Date = 10/01/1998 | ||||||||||||
OfficeSystems99 | 8750-3441 | 1/1999 | 3/1999 | 1/1999 | 3/1999 | N | OfficeVision, Inc. | United States | Computing and information technology industries | |||
--- Now: OfficeSolutions. Effective Date = 03/31/1999; Former: OfficeSystems98. Effective Date = 01/01/1999 | ||||||||||||
Oil and Gas Journal | 0030-1388 | 2/1981 | 1/1989 | 2/2003 | 1/1991 | 2/2003 | N | PennWell Publishing Corp. | United States | Petroleum | ||
Omega - The Journal Of Death And Dying (Farmindale) | 0030-2228 | 1/1988 | Y | Baywood Publishing Company, Inc. | United States | Social work | ||||||
Omni | 0149-8711 | 1/1984 | 12/1995 | 2/1992 | 12/1995 | 7/1994 | 12/1995 | Y | General Media International, Inc. | United States | Science and technology | |
OnEarth | 1537-4246 | 9/2001 | 9/2001 | 9/2001 | N | Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc. | United States | Ecology | ||||
Online | 0146-5422 | 1/1980 | 1/1988 | 11/1992 | N | Information Today, Inc. | United States | Information management | ||||
Opera News | 0030-3607 | 1/1980 | 12/1992 | 7/1994 | N | Metropolitan Opera Guild, Inc. | United States | Opera | ||||
Opera Quarterly | 0736-0053 | 1/1988 | Y | Duke University Press | United States | Opera | ||||||
Oral History Review | 0094-0798 | 3/1989 | 12/1996 | 1/2007 | 6/1999 | 1/2007 | Y | Oral History Association | United States | History | ||
ORBIS | 0030-4387 | 3/1987 | 6/1994 | 12/2001 | 9/1994 | 12/2001 | Y | Elsevier Advanced Technology Publications | United Kingdom | International relations | ||
Pacific Affairs | 0030-851X | 3/1987 | 12/1992 | 12/1999 | Y | University of British Columbia | Canada | Asian studies | ||||
Pacific Historical Review | 0030-8684 | 2/1987 | Y | University of California Press | United States | U.S. History | ||||||
PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art | 1520-281X | 1/1998 | Y | MIT Press Journals | United States | Performing arts | ||||||
Parabola | 0362-1596 | 3/1989 | N | Society for the Study of Myth and Tradition | United States | Folklore | ||||||
Parents Magazine | 1083-6373 | 1/1984 | N | Meredith Corporation | United States | Parenting | ||||||
Paris Review | 0031-2037 | 3/1987 | N | Paris Review | United States | Literature and writing | ||||||
Partisan Review | 0031-2525 | 1/1987 | 3/2003 | 1/2002 | 3/2003 | 3/2002 | 3/2003 | Y | Partisan Review, Inc. | United States | Literature and writing | |
Patient Care | 0031-305X | 1/1981 | Y | Advanstar Communications, Inc. | United States | Physicians | ||||||
PC Magazine | 0888-8507 | 1/1984 | 1/1984 | 1/1991 | 8/1998 | N | Ziff Davis Media Inc. | United States | Information technology industry | |||
PC Magazine Online | 1078-8085 | 4/2002 | 4/2002 | N | Ziff Davis Media Inc. | United States | Information technology industry | |||||
PC Tech Journal | 0738-0194 | 1/1987 | 4/1989 | 1/1987 | 4/1989 | N | Ziff Davis Media Inc. | United States | Computing and information technology industries | |||
PC World | 0737-8939 | 1/1992 | 1/1992 | 7/1994 | N | PC World Communications, Inc. | United States | Information systems management | ||||
--- Includes Lotus and Multimedia editions | ||||||||||||
PC/Computing | 0899-1847 | 8/1988 | 4/2000 | 8/1988 | 4/2000 | 7/1994 | 12/1997 | N | Ziff Davis Media Inc. | United States | Computing and information technology industries | |
--- Now: Ziff Davis Smart Business for the New Economy. Effective Date =04/30/2000 | ||||||||||||
Pediatric Nursing | 0097-9805 | 1/1996 | 1/1996 | 5/1996 | Y | Jannetti Publications, Inc. | United States | Pediatric and adolescent nursing | ||||
Pediatrics | 0031-4005 | 6/1989 | 2/1995 | 6/2007 | 8/1999 | 6/2007 | Y | American Academy of Pediatrics | United States | Pediatrics | ||
Peer Review | 1541-1389 | 1/2002 | 1/2002 | 6/2002 | Y | Association of American Colleges and Universities | United States | Higher education | ||||
People Weekly | 0093-7673 | 1/1984 | 1/1984 | N | Time, Inc. | United States | Arts, entertainment and sports industries | |||||
Performance Computing | 1529-3963 | 10/1999 | 1/2000 | 10/1999 | 1/2000 | 10/1999 | 12/1999 | N | CMP Media, Inc. | United States | Computing and information technology industries | |
Performing Arts Journal | 0735-8393 | 3/1981 | 9/1997 | Y | MIT Press Journals | United States | Performing arts | |||||
--- Now: PAJ: A Journal of the Performing Arts. Effective Date = 01/01/1998 | ||||||||||||
Personal Computing | 0192-5490 | 1/1985 | 8/1990 | 1/1988 | 8/1990 | N | Ziff Davis Media Inc. | United States | Computing and information technology industries | |||
Personnel | 0031-5702 | 1/1984 | 10/1991 | 1/1989 | 10/1991 | 1/1991 | 10/1991 | N | American Management Association | United States | Human resources management | |
--- Now: HR Focus 11/91 | ||||||||||||
Personnel Journal | 0031-5745 | 1/1984 | 12/1996 | 11/1991 | 12/1996 | 9/1992 | 11/1996 | N | Crain Communications, Inc. | United States | Human resources management | |
--- Now: Workforce 01/97 | ||||||||||||
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine | 0031-5982 | 1/1992 | 1/1997 | 3/2000 | Y | Johns Hopkins University Press | United States | Life sciences | ||||
Perspectives of New Music | 0031-6016 | 1/1989 | 6/1992 | 1/2003 | 6/1994 | 1/2003 | Y | University of Washington | United States | Music | ||
Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health | 1538-6341 | 3/2002 | 3/2002 | 3/2002 | Y | The Alan Guttmacher Institute | United States | Sexuality | ||||
Phi Delta Kappan | 0031-7217 | 1/1984 | 12/1992 | 9/1994 | 1/2007 | Y | Phi Delta Kappa, Inc. | United States | Educational administration | |||
Phi Kappa Phi Forum | 1538-5914 | 1/2002 | 1/2002 | 1/2002 | Y | Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi | United States | Arts and humanities | ||||
Philosophical Quarterly | 0031-8094 | 1/1989 | Y | Blackwell Publishers Ltd. | United Kingdom | Philosophy | ||||||
Philosophical Review | 0031-8108 | 1/1989 | Y | Cornell University | United States | Philosophy | ||||||
Philosophy & Public Affairs | 0048-3915 | 3/1989 | Y | Blackwell Publishers Ltd. | United Kingdom | Social issues | ||||||
Philosophy and Phenomenological Research | 0031-8205 | 7/2000 | Y | Brown University | United States | Philosophy | ||||||
Philosophy East and West | 0031-8221 | 7/1989 | 1/1994 | 1/1994 | Y | University of Hawaii Press | United States | Philosophy | ||||
Philosophy of Science | 0031-8248 | 3/1989 | Y | University of Chicago Press | United States | Philosophy of science | ||||||
Philosophy Today | 0031-8256 | 3/1989 | Y | DePaul University, College of Law | United States | Philosophy | ||||||
PHYLON | 0031-8906 | 1/1987 | 3/1992 | Y | Atlanta University | United States | Social sciences | |||||
--- Ceased by publisher. Effective Date = 06/30/1992; Suspended publication 3/92 | ||||||||||||
Physical Therapy | 0031-9023 | 1/1988 | 1/1989 | 8/1999 | Y | American Physical Therapy Association, Inc. | United States | Physical therapy and rehabilitation | ||||
Physician and Sportsmedicine | 0091-3847 | 1/1984 | 12/2005 | Y | Vendome Group LLC | United States | Physical fitness | |||||
Physics Teacher | 0031-921X | 1/1989 | Y | American Association of Physics Teachers | United States | Physics | ||||||
Physics Today | 0031-9228 | 1/1984 | Y | American Institute of Physics, Inc. | United States | Physics | ||||||
Plains Anthropologist | 0032-0447 | 2/1992 | Y | Plains Anthropological Society | United States | Anthropology | ||||||
Platts Energy Business and Technology | 1540-367X | 7/2002 | 1/2004 | N | The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. | United States | Computing and information technology industries | |||||
Ploughshares | 0048-4474 | 3/1989 | 12/1992 | 12/1993 | N | Ploughshares, Inc. | United States | Poetry and poetics | ||||
PMLA | 0030-8129 | 1/1989 | Y | Modern Language Association of America | United States | Literature and writing | ||||||
Poetry | 0032-2032 | 1/1984 | 1/1998 | 3/1999 | Y | Modern Poetry Association | United States | Poetry and poetics | ||||
Poets & Writers Magazine | 0891-6136 | 3/1996 | N | Poets & Writers, Inc. | United States | Literature and writing | ||||||
Police Chief | 0032-2571 | 1/1989 | N | International Association of Chiefs of Police, Inc | United States | Law enforcement and corrections | ||||||
Policy & Practice | 1520-801X | 6/2003 | 6/2003 | 6/2003 | N | American Public Welfare Association | United States | Sociology and social work | ||||
Policy & Practice of Public Human Services | 1520-801X | 8/1998 | 3/2003 | 8/1998 | 3/2003 | 8/1998 | 3/2003 | N | American Public Welfare Association | United States | Social work | |
--- Now: Policy & Practice. Effective Date = 05/30/2003; Former: Public Welfare. Effective Date = 05/31/1998 | ||||||||||||
Policy Studies Journal | 0190-292X | 12/1988 | 12/1992 | 3/1994 | Y | Policy Studies Organization | United States | Political science | ||||
Political Quarterly | 0032-3179 | 1/1989 | Y | Blackwell Publishers Ltd. | United Kingdom | Political science | ||||||
Political Research Quarterly | 1065-9129 | 3/1993 | Y | University of Utah | United States | Political science | ||||||
--- Formerly: Western Political Quarterly 3/93 | ||||||||||||
Political Science Quarterly | 0032-3195 | 3/1987 | 3/1993 | 6/1994 | Y | 183 | Academy of Political Science | United States | Public policy | |||
Political Theory | 0090-5917 | 2/1989 | 2/1997 | 12/1998 | Y | Sage Publications, Inc. | United States | Political science | ||||
Politics and the Life Sciences | 0730-9384 | 2/1994 | Y | Association for Politics and the Life Sciences | United States | Political science | ||||||
Polymer Engineering and Science | 0032-3888 | 1/1992 | 8/1993 | 5/1994 | Y | Society of Plastics Engineers, Inc. | United States | Plastics and rubber | ||||
Popular Mechanics | 0032-4558 | 1/1984 | 1/1996 | 1/1996 | N | 45 | Hearst Magazines, a Division of the Hearst Corpora | United States | Cars and vehicles | |||
Popular Music | 0261-1430 | 1/1992 | Y | Cambridge University Press | United States | Music | ||||||
Popular Music and Society | 0300-7766 | 3/1980 | 9/1996 | 9/1997 | Y | Taylor & Francis Ltd. | United Kingdom | Music | ||||
Popular Photography | 0032-4582 | 1/1984 | 12/2002 | N | Hachette Filipacchi Magazines, Inc. | United States | Photography | |||||
--- Now: Popular Photography & Imaging. Effective Date = 12/31/2002 | ||||||||||||
Popular Photography & Imaging | 1542-0337 | 1/2003 | N | Hachette Filipacchi Magazines, Inc. | United States | Photography | ||||||
Popular Science | 0161-7370 | 1/1984 | 1/1984 | N | Time, Inc. | United States | Science and technology | |||||
Population and Development Review | 0098-7921 | 3/1992 | 6/1994 | 3/1994 | Y | NA | United States | Population studies | ||||
Population and Environment | 0199-0039 | 9/1992 | Y | Springer | Netherlands | Population studies | ||||||
Population Bulletin | 0032-468X | 3/1987 | N | Population Reference Bureau, Inc. | United States | Population studies | ||||||
Population Reports | 0887-0241 | 3/1992 | 9/2002 | 3/1992 | 9/2002 | 7/1994 | 9/2002 | Y | Department of Health | United States | Family planning | |
Post-Soviet Affairs | 1060-586X | 7/1992 | Y | V.H. Winston & Son, Inc. | United States | Eastern European studies | ||||||
--- Formerly: Soviet Economy 7/92 | ||||||||||||
PPI Detailed Report | 1099-2855 | 7/1996 | 9/1999 | 9/1999 | N | U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics | United States | Business, general | ||||
0032-8510 | 1/1992 | N | F & W Publishing Corp. | United States | Graphic arts | |||||||
Problems of Communism | 0032-941X | 1/1987 | 5/1992 | Y | U.S. Government Printing Office | United States | Political science | |||||
Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science | 0065-0684 | 1/1987 | 10/1991 | Y | Academy of Political Science | United States | Political science | |||||
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States | 0027-8424 | 1/1992 | Y | National Academy of Sciences | United States | Life sciences | ||||||
Producer Price Indexes (Expanded Version) | 1099-2855 | 4/1992 | 12/1994 | N | U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics | United States | General business | |||||
--- Now: PPI Detailed Report. Effective Date = 07/01/1996 | ||||||||||||
Professional Geographer | 0033-0124 | 2/1989 | Y | Blackwell Publishers Ltd. | United Kingdom | Geography | ||||||
Progressive | 0033-0736 | 1/1984 | 1/1993 | 7/1994 | N | The Progressive, Inc. | United States | Political science | ||||
Progressive Architecture | 0033-0752 | 1/1983 | 12/1995 | N | Penton Media, Inc. | United States | Architecture | |||||
Prologue | 0033-1031 | 3/2001 | N | National Archives Trust Fund Board | United States | Archival science | ||||||
Psychological Bulletin | 0033-2909 | 1/1987 | Y | American Psychological Association, Inc. | United States | Psychology | ||||||
Psychological Record | 0033-2933 | 1/1989 | 3/1993 | 6/1994 | Y | Psychological Record | United States | Psychology | ||||
Psychological Review | 0033-295X | 1/1987 | Y | American Psychological Association, Inc. | United States | Psychology | ||||||
Psychological Science | 0956-7976 | 11/1997 | Y | Blackwell Publishers Ltd. | United Kingdom | Psychology | ||||||
Psychology and Aging | 0882-7974 | 3/1994 | Y | American Psychological Association, Inc. | United States | Gerontology and geriatric care | ||||||
Psychology of Women Quarterly | 0361-6843 | 3/1989 | Y | Blackwell Publishers Ltd. | United Kingdom | Gender studies | ||||||
Psychology Today | 0033-3107 | 1/1984 | 1/1992 | 1/1995 | N | Sussex Publishers, Inc. | United States | Psychology | ||||
--- Suspended publication 12/89; Resumed publication 1/92 | ||||||||||||
Public Administration Review | 0033-3352 | 1/1984 | 3/1994 | 11/1992 | Y | NA | United States | Public administration | ||||
Public Health Reports | 0033-3549 | 1/1988 | Y | U.S. Government Printing Office | United States | Public health | ||||||
Public Interest | 0033-3557 | 1/1987 | 3/2005 | 6/1992 | 3/2005 | 6/1994 | 3/2005 | Y | The National Affairs, Inc. | United States | Public policy | |
Public Management | 0033-3611 | 1/1980 | 1/1993 | 7/1994 | N | International City-County Management Association | United States | Local government | ||||
Public Opinion Quarterly | 0033-362X | 3/1984 | 3/1995 | 3/1995 | Y | Oxford University Press | United States | Sociology | ||||
Public Relations Journal | 0033-3670 | 1/1984 | 10/1995 | 1/1989 | 8/1995 | 10/1992 | 8/1995 | N | Public Relations Society of America | United States | Advertising, marketing and public relations | |
Public Relations Quarterly | 0033-3700 | 3/1980 | 9/1991 | 6/1992 | N | Public Relations Quarterly | United States | Public relations | ||||
Public Welfare | 0033-3816 | 3/1989 | 1/1998 | 1/1993 | 1/1998 | 6/1994 | 1/1998 | N | American Public Welfare Association | United States | Social sciences | |
--- Now: Policy & Practice of Public Human Services. Effective Date = 05/31/1998 | ||||||||||||
Publishers Weekly | 0000-0019 | 1/1984 | 1/1990 | 5/1992 | N | Reed Business Information, Inc. (US) | United States | Book publishing | ||||
Publius | 0048-5950 | 1/1992 | 3/1994 | 1/1994 | Y | Oxford University Press | United States | Federal and national government | ||||
Quarterly Journal of Economics | 0033-5533 | 8/1984 | 8/1993 | 5/2001 | 2/1994 | 5/2001 | Y | MIT Press Journals | United States | Economics | ||
Quarterly Journal of Speech | 0033-5630 | 2/1987 | Y | Speech Communication Association | United States | Languages and linguistics | ||||||
Quarterly Review of Biology | 0033-5770 | 3/1989 | Y | University of Chicago Press | United States | Life sciences | ||||||
Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance | 1062-9769 | 3/1992 | 6/1992 | 9/1998 | 1/1994 | Y | Elsevier Advanced Technology Publications | United Kingdom | General business | |||
--- Formerly: Quarterly Review of Economics and Business 1/92 | ||||||||||||
Quarterly Review of Literature | 0033-5819 | 1/1987 | 1/1998 | Y | Quarterly Review of Literature | United States | Literature and writing | |||||
Quill | 0033-6475 | 2/1989 | 2/1989 | 12/1999 | N | Society of Professional Journalists | United States | Journalism | ||||
Race and Class | 0306-3968 | 1/1992 | 1/1997 | 7/1999 | Y | Sage Publications, Inc. | United States | Racism and prejudice | ||||
Radical Society: Review of Culture & Politics | 1476-0851 | 4/2002 | Y | Center for Social Research and Education | United States | Political science | ||||||
Radiologic Technology | 0033-8397 | 1/1996 | 1/1996 | 1/1996 | Y | American Society of Radiologic Technologists | United States | Radiology | ||||
RAND Journal of Economics | 0741-6261 | 3/1992 | 12/1999 | 12/1999 | Y | Rand, Journal of Economics | United States | Macroeconomics | ||||
--- Ceased abstracting 12/84; Resumed abstracting 1/92; Formerly: Bell Journal ofEconomics 1/84 | ||||||||||||
Reader's Digest | 0034-0375 | 1/1984 | N | Reader's Digest Association, Inc. | United States | General and consumer interests | ||||||
Reading Teacher | 0034-0561 | 1/1987 | 10/2000 | 10/2000 | Y | International Reading Association Inc. | United States | Reading | ||||
Reclaiming Children and Youth | 1089-5701 | 6/2000 | 6/2000 | 6/2000 | Y | Reclaiming Children and Youth | United States | Educational psychology | ||||
Regan Report on Nursing Law | 0034-3196 | 1/1996 | 12/1999 | 1/1996 | 12/1999 | 1/1996 | 12/1999 | N | Medical Law Publishing | United States | Nursing | |
--- Now: Nursing Law's Regan Report. Effective Date = 12/31/1999 | ||||||||||||
Regional Studies | 0034-3404 | 2/1992 | 2/1994 | 6/2000 | 7/1994 | 6/2000 | Y | Taylor & Francis Ltd. | United Kingdom | Regional and area studies | ||
Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin | 0034-3552 | 6/2000 | 6/2000 | 9/2000 | Y | Pro-Ed | United States | Developmental disabilities | ||||
Religious Studies | 0034-4125 | 3/1981 | 3/1993 | Y | 14 | Cambridge University Press | United States | Philosophy | ||||
Remedial and Special Education | 0741-9325 | 7/2000 | 7/2000 | 9/2000 | Y | Pro-Ed | United States | Special education | ||||
Renaissance Quarterly | 0034-4338 | 3/1980 | 3/1994 | 12/1999 | Y | 365 | The Renaissance Society of America | United States | Arts and humanities | |||
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems | 1742-1705 | 3/2004 | Y | Institute for Alternative Agriculture, Inc. | United States | Agriculture, fishing and forest products industrie | ||||||
Research in African Literatures | 0034-5210 | 3/1989 | 3/1992 | 12/1999 | Y | Indiana University Press | United States | African literature | ||||
Research in Phenomenology | 0085-5553 | 9/1990 | Y | Brill Academic Publishers, Inc. | United States | Philosophy | ||||||
Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport | 0270-1367 | 3/1992 | 3/1993 | 6/1994 | Y | American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, | United States | Sports and recreation | ||||
Restaurant Hospitality | 0147-9989 | 8/1981 | 1/1999 | 2/2000 | N | Penton Media, Inc. | United States | Restaurant industry | ||||
Restaurants & Institutions | 0273-5520 | 4/1981 | 5/1988 | 5/1992 | N | Reed Business Information, Inc. (US) | United States | Restaurant industry | ||||
Review of Black Political Economy | 0034-6446 | 1/1981 | 9/1991 | 3/2001 | 9/1992 | 1/2000 | Y | Transaction Publishers, Inc. | United States | Economics | ||
Review of Contemporary Fiction | 0276-0045 | 3/1989 | 3/1993 | 6/1996 | Y | Review of Contemporary Fiction | United States | Fiction | ||||
Review of Educational Research | 0034-6543 | 3/1992 | Y | American Educational Research Association | United States | Education | ||||||
Review of English Studies | 0034-6551 | 2/1987 | 2/1993 | 11/1998 | Y | Oxford University Press | United States | British literature | ||||
Review of Metaphysics | 0034-6632 | 9/1989 | 12/1992 | 3/1999 | Y | Philosophy Education Society, Inc. | United States | Philosophy | ||||
Review of Politics | 0034-6705 | 1/1987 | 1/1997 | 3/2000 | 9/1999 | 3/2000 | Y | University of Notre Dame | United States | Political science | ||
Review of Radical Political Economics | 0486-6134 | 3/1987 | N | Sage Publications, Inc. | United States | Political economy | ||||||
Reviews in American History | 0048-7511 | 3/1980 | 3/1993 | 3/1995 | Y | Johns Hopkins University Press | United States | U.S. History | ||||
RN | 0033-7021 | 1/1989 | Y | Advanstar Communications, Inc. | United States | Nursing | ||||||
Road & Track | 0035-7189 | 1/1984 | N | Hachette Filipacchi Magazines, Inc. | United States | Cars and vehicles | ||||||
Rodale's Fitness Swimmer | 1083-6357 | 10/1998 | 3/2001 | N | Rodale, Inc. | United States | Physical fitness | |||||
Rodale's Scuba Diving | 1060-9563 | 10/1998 | N | F & W Publishing Corp. | United States | Sports and recreation | ||||||
Rolling Stone | 0035-791X | 1/1984 | N | Wenner Media | United States | Music industry | ||||||
--- West Coast Region Edition | ||||||||||||
Runner's World | 0897-1706 | 1/1989 | 1/1993 | 7/1994 | 11/2003 | N | 30 | Rodale, Inc. | United States | Sports and recreation | ||
--- California Edition | ||||||||||||
Russian Review | 0036-0341 | 1/1987 | Y | Blackwell Publishers Ltd. | United Kingdom | Eastern European studies | ||||||
Safety & Health | 0891-1797 | 1/1987 | N | National Safety Council | United States | Industrial safety and health | ||||||
--- Formerly: National Safety and Health News 1/87 | ||||||||||||
SAGE: A Scholarly Journal on Black Women | 0741-8639 | 9/1994 | 6/1995 | Y | Sage Women's Education Press, Inc. | United States | Women's studies | |||||
Saturday Evening Post | 0048-9239 | 1/1984 | 1/1984 | N | Saturday Evening Post Society | United States | Family health | |||||
--- Includes Country Gentlman beginning 12/82 | ||||||||||||
Saturday Review | 0361-1655 | 1/1984 | 6/1986 | N | Penthouse International Ltd. | United States | Literature and writing | |||||
--- Ceased publication 7/86; Suspended publication 7/82 through 2/83 | ||||||||||||
Scholastic Coach | 0036-6382 | 1/1987 | 5/1994 | 1/1994 | 5/1994 | N | Scholastic, Inc. | United States | Sports and recreation | |||
--- Now: Scholastic Coach and Athletic Director | ||||||||||||
Scholastic Coach and Athletic Director | 1077-5625 | 8/1994 | 10/1995 | 8/1994 | 10/1995 | 8/1994 | 10/1995 | N | Scholastic, Inc. | United States | Sports and recreation | |
School Arts | 0036-6463 | 1/1980 | 1/1989 | 1/2007 | 10/1992 | 1/2007 | N | Davis Publications, Inc. | United States | Arts and humanities education | ||
School Science and Mathematics | 0036-6803 | 1/1987 | 5/1999 | 2/2000 | Y | School Science and Mathematics Association, Inc. | United States | Science and technology education | ||||
Science | 0036-8075 | 1/1984 | 1/1984 | 12/2004 | 10/1999 | 12/2004 | Y | American Association for the Advancement of Scienc | United States | Science and technology | ||
Science & Society | 0036-8237 | 3/1987 | Y | Guilford Publications, Inc. | United States | Political science | ||||||
Science Digest | 0036-8296 | 1/1984 | 9/1986 | N | Family Media, Inc. | United States | Science and technology | |||||
Science News | 0036-8423 | 1/1984 | 1/1985 | N | Science Service, Inc. | United States | Science and technology | |||||
Science Teacher | 0036-8555 | 1/1987 | 7/2005 | 7/2005 | 2/2006 | Y | National Science Teachers Association | United States | Science and technology education | |||
Science, Technology, & Human Values | 0162-2439 | 1/1992 | 1/1997 | 9/1998 | Y | Sage Publications, Inc. | United States | Social sciences | ||||
Sciences | 0036-861X | 1/1989 | 3/2001 | 1/1993 | 3/2001 | 5/1994 | 3/2001 | Y | New York Academy of Sciences | United States | Science and technology | |
Scientific American | 0036-8733 | 1/1984 | Y | Scientific American, Inc. | United States | Science and technology | ||||||
Sea Frontiers | 0897-2249 | 1/1984 | 3/1996 | 10/1992 | 3/1996 | 10/1994 | 3/1996 | N | International Oceanographic Foundation | United States | Oceanography | |
--- Ceased by publisher. Effective Date = 04/01/1996; Suspended publication 5/96 | ||||||||||||
Sewanee Review | 0037-3052 | 1/1987 | Y | University of the South | United States | Literature and writing | ||||||
Shakespeare Quarterly | 0037-3222 | 1/1987 | Y | Folger Shakespeare Library | United States | Shakespearean literature | ||||||
Shakespeare Survey | 0080-9152 | 1/1987 | Y | Cambridge University Press | United States | Shakespearean literature | ||||||
Sierra | 0161-7362 | 3/1986 | 1/1992 | 11/2003 | 7/1994 | 11/2003 | N | Sierra Magazine | United States | Wildlife conservation | ||
--- Formerly: Sierra Club Bulletin 3/86 | ||||||||||||
Sight and Sound | 0037-4806 | 3/1987 | N | Tower Publishing Services | United Kingdom | Movies | ||||||
Signs | 0097-9740 | 1/1987 | Y | University of Chicago Press | United States | Women's studies | ||||||
Skeptical Inquirer | 0194-6730 | 1/1992 | 3/1994 | 6/1994 | Y | Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Clai | United States | Parapsychology and the occult | ||||
Skiing | 0037-6264 | 1/1984 | 1/1984 | N | Time, Inc. | United States | Skiing | |||||
Sky & Telescope | 0037-6604 | 1/1984 | 1/1993 | 7/1994 | 9/2007 | N | Sky Publishing Corp. | United States | Astronomy | |||
Slavic and East European Journal | 0037-6752 | 3/1989 | Y | AATSEEL of the U.S. Inc. | United States | Slavic languages | ||||||
Slavic Review | 0037-6779 | 3/1987 | Y | American Association for the Advancement of Slavic | United States | Eastern European studies | ||||||
Slavonic and East European Review | 0037-6795 | 1/1987 | Y | Modern Humanities Research Association | United Kingdom | Eastern European studies | ||||||
Small Axe | 0799-0537 | 9/2001 | 9/2001 | 9/2005 | Y | Indiana University Press | United States | Latin American studies | ||||
Smithsonian | 0037-7333 | 1/1984 | 1/1984 | N | Smithsonian Institution | United States | Social sciences | |||||
Smithsonian Studies in American Art | 0890-4901 | 1/1989 | 6/1990 | Y | Smithsonian Institution | United States | Visual arts | |||||
--- Now: American Art 1/91 | ||||||||||||
Social Casework: The Journal of Contemporary Social Work | 0037-7678 | 1/1987 | 12/1989 | Y | Alliance for Children and Families | United States | Sociology and social work | |||||
--- Now: Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Human Services 0 | ||||||||||||
Social Education | 0037-7724 | 1/1987 | 9/2000 | Y | National Council for the Social Studies | United States | Social sciences | |||||
Social Forces | 0037-7732 | 3/1987 | 3/1993 | 6/1994 | Y | University of North Carolina Press | United States | Sociology | ||||
Social Indicators Research | 0303-8300 | 2/1992 | Y | Springer | Netherlands | Social issues | ||||||
Social Justice | 1043-1578 | 12/1991 | 3/1992 | 3/1994 | Y | Crime and Social Justice Associates | United States | International relations | ||||
Social Policy | 0037-7783 | 1/1987 | 6/1994 | 6/2003 | 6/1994 | 6/2003 | Y | Social Policy Magazine | United States | Social policy | ||
Social Problems | 0037-7791 | 2/1987 | Y | University of California Press | United States | Social issues | ||||||
Social Research | 0037-783X | 3/1989 | 3/1994 | 6/1999 | Y | New School for Social Research | United States | Social sciences | ||||
Social Science Journal | 0362-3319 | 1/1989 | 1/1992 | 1/2002 | 10/1994 | 10/2001 | Y | Elsevier Science Publishers | United States | Social sciences | ||
Social Science Quarterly | 0038-4941 | 3/1989 | 9/2007 | 3/1999 | 9/2006 | 6/2002 | 9/2006 | Y | Blackwell Publishers Ltd. | United Kingdom | Social sciences | |
Social Studies | 0037-7996 | 1/1987 | 7/1992 | 5/1994 | Y | Heldref Publications | United States | Education | ||||
Social Work | 0037-8046 | 1/1987 | 1/1998 | 1/1998 | Y | National Association of Social Workers | United States | Social work | ||||
Social Work with Groups | 0160-9513 | 1/1994 | Y | Haworth Press, Inc. | United States | Sociology and social work | ||||||
Socialism and Democracy | 0885-4300 | 1/1992 | Y | Research Group on Socialism and Democracy | United States | Socialism | ||||||
Socialist Review | 0161-1801 | 1/1987 | 6/2001 | N | Center for Social Research and Education | United States | Political science | |||||
--- Now: Radical Society: Review of Culture & Politics. Effective Date =09/30/2001 | ||||||||||||
Society | 0147-2011 | 1/1984 | 1/1993 | 5/2001 | 3/2000 | 5/2001 | Y | Transaction Publishers, Inc. | United States | Social sciences | ||
Sociological Review | 0038-0261 | 2/1980 | Y | Blackwell Publishers Ltd. | United Kingdom | Social sciences | ||||||
Sociology | 0038-0385 | 2/1989 | Y | Sage Publications, Inc. | United States | Sociology | ||||||
Sociology and Social Research: An International Journal | 0038-0393 | 1/1987 | 7/1992 | Y | University of Southern California | United States | Sociology and social work | |||||
Sociology of Education | 0038-0407 | 1/1992 | Y | American Sociological Association | United States | Sociology | ||||||
Sociology of Religion | 1069-4404 | 3/1993 | 3/1993 | 3/1994 | Y | 365 | Association for the Sociology of Religion | United States | Religion | |||
--- Formerly: Sociological Analysis 1/93 | ||||||||||||
Soil Science Society of America Journal | 0361-5995 | 1/1992 | Y | Soil Science Society of America, Inc. | United States | Soil science | ||||||
Sojourners | 0364-2097 | 5/1996 | 11/2000 | 3/1999 | 11/2000 | 9/1999 | 11/2000 | N | Sojourners | United States | Christianity | |
--- Now: Sojourners Magazine. Effective Date = 01/01/2001 | ||||||||||||
Sojourners Magazine | 1550-1140 | 1/2001 | 1/2001 | 1/2001 | N | Sojourners | United States | Christianity | ||||
Solar Energy | 0038-092X | 1/1992 | Y | Elsevier Science Publishers | United States | Solar energy | ||||||
Sound & Vision | 1537-5838 | 4/2002 | N | Hachette Filipacchi Magazines, Inc. | United States | Consumer news and advice | ||||||
South Atlantic Quarterly | 0038-2876 | 1/1987 | Y | Duke University Press | United States | Arts and humanities | ||||||
Southern Communication Journal | 1041-794X | 9/1988 | Y | Southern States Communication Association | United States | Languages and linguistics | ||||||
Southern Economic Journal | 0038-4038 | 1/1980 | 4/1992 | 1/1993 | Y | Southern Economic Association | United States | Economics | ||||
Southern Review | 0038-4534 | 1/1989 | 9/1992 | 9/1999 | Y | Louisiana State University | United States | Literature and writing | ||||
Southwest Review | 0038-4712 | 3/1980 | 1/1993 | 6/1999 | Y | Southern Methodist University | United States | Literature and writing | ||||
Space and Missile Defense Report | 1529-7209 | 2/2000 | 2/2000 | N | Access Intelligence, LLC | United States | Aerospace engineering | |||||
Space World | 0038-6332 | 1/1984 | 12/1988 | N | Palmer Publishing, Inc. | United States | Aerospace industry | |||||
Spectrum: the Journal of State Government | 1067-8530 | 6/1992 | 6/1994 | 1/2005 | 6/1994 | 1/2005 | Y | Council of State Governments | United States | State and provincial government | ||
--- Formerly: Journal of State Government 7/92 | ||||||||||||
Speculum: A Journal of Medieval Studies | 0038-7134 | 1/1987 | Y | Medieval Academy of America | United States | Medieval history | ||||||
Sport | 0038-7797 | 1/1984 | 8/2000 | 7/1985 | 8/2000 | 7/1999 | 8/2000 | N | Primedia Enterprises, Inc. | United States | Sports and recreation | |
Sports Illustrated | 0038-822X | 1/1980 | 12/1982 | N | Time, Inc. | United States | Sports and recreation | |||||
--- Western Regional Edition | ||||||||||||
Stanford Law Review | 0038-9765 | 1/1980 | 11/1998 | 11/1999 | Y | Stanford Law School | United States | Law | ||||
State Legislatures | 0147-6041 | 1/1992 | 5/1992 | 7/1994 | N | National Conference of State Legislatures | United States | State and provincial government | ||||
Stereo Review | 0039-1220 | 1/1984 | 1/1999 | N | Hachette Filipacchi Magazines, Inc. | United States | Music | |||||
--- Incorporated into: Stereo Review's Sound & Vision. Effective Date =01/31/1999 | ||||||||||||
Stereo Review's Sound & Vision | 1522-810X | 2/1999 | 12/2001 | N | Hachette Filipacchi Magazines, Inc. | United States | Home electronics | |||||
--- Now: Sound & Vison. Effective Date = 12/31/2001; Incorporates: StereoReview. Effective Date = 01/31/1999; Incorporates: Video Magazine. EffectiveDate = 01/31/1999 | ||||||||||||
Strategic Finance | 1524-833X | 3/1999 | 3/1999 | 12/1999 | Y | Institute of Management Accountants | United States | Accounting | ||||
Strategic Management Journal | 0143-2095 | 7/1984 | Y | John Wiley & Sons, Inc. | United States | Business management | ||||||
Studies in American Fiction | 0091-8083 | 3/1989 | 3/1993 | 9/1999 | Y | Northeastern University | United States | American literature | ||||
Studies In Comparative International Development | 0039-3606 | 6/1998 | 6/1998 | 1/2001 | 9/1998 | 1/2001 | Y | Transaction Publishers, Inc. | United States | Social sciences | ||
Studies in Conflict and Terrorism | 1057-610X | 1/1992 | Y | Taylor & Francis Ltd. | United Kingdom | National security and defense | ||||||
Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900 | 0039-3657 | 1/1987 | 1/1993 | 9/1995 | Y | Rice University | United States | Literature and writing | ||||
Studies in Family Planning | 0039-3665 | 1/1992 | 5/1994 | 7/1994 | Y | NA | United States | Population studies | ||||
Studies in Short Fiction | 0039-3789 | 1/1989 | 9/1999 | 1/1993 | 9/1999 | 3/1997 | 9/1999 | Y | Studies in Short Fiction | United States | American literature | |
Studies in the Literary Imagination | 0039-3819 | 3/1989 | 9/1999 | 9/1999 | Y | Georgia State University, Department of English | United States | Literature and writing | ||||
Studies in the Novel | 0039-3827 | 3/1989 | 3/1993 | 9/1999 | Y | University of North Texas | United States | Fiction | ||||
Studies in Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Literature | 1555-7839 | 6/2004 | 6/2006 | 6/2006 | Y | Kansas State University, Department of Modern Lang | United States | Literature and writing | ||||
Studies in Twentieth Century Literature | 0145-7888 | 6/1996 | 6/2003 | Y | University of Nebraska Press | United States | Literature/writing | |||||
--- Now: Studies in Twentieth and Tenty-First Century Literature. Effective Date= 01/01/2004 | ||||||||||||
Style | 0039-4238 | 3/1989 | 9/1993 | 6/1999 | Y | Northern Illinois University | United States | Literature and writing | ||||
Supreme Court Review | 0081-9557 | 1/1981 | Y | University of Chicago Press | United States | Legal education and scholarship | ||||||
Survey | 0039-6192 | 8/1987 | 8/1987 | N | Survey Magazine Ltd. | United Kingdom | Political science | |||||
Survey of Current Business | 0039-6222 | 1/1984 | 1/1984 | 3/1991 | N | U.S. Government Printing Office | United States | General business | ||||
TDR (Cambridge, Mass.) | 1054-2043 | 3/1988 | 3/1994 | 3/2001 | 6/1994 | 3/2001 | Y | MIT Press Journals | United States | Performing arts | ||
--- Formerly: The Drama Review 1/88 | ||||||||||||
Teacher Librarian | 1481-1782 | 9/1998 | 9/1998 | 9/1999 | Y | Scarecrow Press, Inc. | United States | Library and information science | ||||
Teachers College Record | 0161-4681 | 3/1992 | Y | NA | United States | Education | ||||||
Teaching Children Mathematics | 1073-5836 | 9/1994 | 9/1994 | 10/2004 | 9/1994 | 10/2004 | Y | National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Inc. | United States | Mathematics education | ||
--- Formerly: Arithmetic Teacher 9/94 | ||||||||||||
Techniques | 1527-1803 | 9/1996 | 11/1996 | 9/1999 | N | Association for Career and Technical Education | United States | Vocational education | ||||
--- Formerly: The Vocational Education Journal 9/96 | ||||||||||||
Technology & Learning | 1053-6728 | 9/1990 | 9/1990 | 9/1994 | N | New Bay Media | United States | Educational technology | ||||
--- Formerly: Classroom Computer Learning 9/90 | ||||||||||||
Technology and Culture | 0040-165X | 1/1987 | Y | University of Chicago Press | United States | Science and technology history | ||||||
Technology Review | 0040-1692 | 1/1984 | 1/1997 | 1/1984 | 1/1997 | 8/1992 | 1/1997 | N | Technology Review, Inc. | United States | Science and technology | |
--- Now: MIT's Technology Review 01/97; English Edition | ||||||||||||
Technology Review (Cambridge, Mass.) | 1099-274X | 5/1998 | 5/1998 | 11/1999 | N | Technology Review, Inc. | United States | Science and technology | ||||
--- Formerly: MIT's Technology Review 03/98 | ||||||||||||
Tectonics | 0278-7407 | 2/1992 | Y | American Geophysical Union | United States | Earth sciences | ||||||
Television Quarterly | 0040-2796 | 3/1988 | Y | National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences | United States | Television broadcasting | ||||||
Theatre Journal | 0192-2882 | 3/1989 | 3/1993 | 5/1995 | 5/1994 | 5/1995 | Y | Johns Hopkins University Press | United States | Theater | ||
Theatre Notebook | 0040-5523 | 2/2001 | 2/2006 | 2/2006 | Y | 365 | The Society for Theatre Research | United Kingdom | Theater | |||
Theatre Research International | 0307-8833 | 3/1989 | 3/1993 | 9/1998 | 6/1994 | 6/1997 | Y | Cambridge University Press | United States | Theater | ||
Theology Today | 0040-5736 | 1/1989 | Y | Theology Today | United States | Religion | ||||||
Third World Quarterly | 0143-6597 | 2/1999 | Y | Carfax Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom | International relations | ||||||
Tikkun | 0887-9982 | 1/1989 | 1/1993 | 1/1995 | N | Tikkun Magazine | United States | Jewish studies | ||||
Time | 0040-781X | 1/1984 | 1/1984 | N | Time, Inc. | United States | World news | |||||
Times Educational Supplement | 0040-7887 | 1/1987 | N | Times Supplements Ltd. | United Kingdom | Education | ||||||
Times Literary Supplement | 0040-7895 | 7/1987 | 2/1991 | N | Times Supplements Ltd. | United Kingdom | Literature and writing | |||||
--- Now: TLS. Times Literary Supplement 2/91 | ||||||||||||
TLS. Times Literary Supplement | 0307-661X | 2/1991 | N | Times Supplements Ltd. | United Kingdom | Literary criticism | ||||||
--- Formerly: Times Literary Supplement 2/91 | ||||||||||||
Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation | 1074-9357 | 3/2002 | 3/2002 | 3/2002 | Y | Aspen Publishers, Inc. | United States | Stroke | ||||
Town and Country Planning | 0040-9960 | 1/1992 | 6/2000 | 11/2006 | 6/2000 | 11/2006 | N | Town and Country Planning Association | United Kingdom | Architecture | ||
Transportation Journal | 0041-1612 | 12/1981 | 3/1992 | 12/1992 | Y | American Society of Transportation and Logistics, | United States | Transportation industry | ||||
Transportation Quarterly | 0278-9434 | 1/1992 | 9/2003 | Y | Eno Transportation Foundation | United States | Transportation industry | |||||
Travel-Holiday | 0199-025X | 1/1984 | 12/1988 | N | Hachette Filipacchi Magazines, Inc. | United States | Travel and leisure | |||||
--- Ceased by publisher. Effective Date = 07/30/2003; Formerly: Holiday 11/77 | ||||||||||||
TriQuarterly | 0041-3097 | 1/1987 | 12/1992 | 9/1994 | N | TriQuarterly | United States | Literature and writing | ||||
Tufts University Diet & Nutrition Letter | 0747-4105 | 1/1992 | 1/1997 | 1/1992 | 1/1997 | 7/1994 | 1/1997 | N | Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter | United States | Nutrition | |
--- Now: Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter 02/97 | ||||||||||||
Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter | 1526-0143 | 2/1997 | 2/1997 | 2/1997 | N | Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter | United States | Nutrition | ||||
--- Formerly: Tufts University Diet & Nutrition Letter 02/97 | ||||||||||||
Twentieth Century Literature | 0041-462X | 3/1987 | 9/1992 | 9/1999 | Y | Hofstra University | United States | Literary criticism | ||||
U.S. News & World Report | 0041-5537 | 1/1988 | 1/1988 | N | U.S. News and World Report, L.P. | United States | World news | |||||
UN Chronicle | 0251-7329 | 1/1984 | 1/1984 | 9/1994 | N | United Nations Publications | United States | International relations | ||||
UNESCO Courier | 0041-5278 | 1/1984 | 12/2001 | 1/1984 | 12/2001 | 9/1994 | 12/2001 | N | UNESCO | United States | International relations | |
University of California, Berkeley Wellness Letter | 0748-9234 | 1/1988 | 1/1989 | 2/1995 | N | University Healthy Publishing Group, LLC | United States | Family health | ||||
University of Chicago Law Review | 0041-9494 | 1/1980 | Y | University of Chicago Law School | United States | Legal education and scholarship | ||||||
University of Pennsylvania Law Review | 0041-9907 | 1/1980 | Y | University of Pennsylvania, Law School | United States | Legal education and scholarship | ||||||
University of Toronto Quarterly | 0042-0247 | 9/1988 | Y | University of Toronto Press | United States | Arts and humanities | ||||||
UNIX Review | 0742-3136 | 2/1984 | 3/1998 | 1/1988 | 3/1998 | N | CMP Media, Inc. | United States | Software industry | |||
--- Now: UNIX Review's Performance Computing 04/98 | ||||||||||||
UNIX Review's Performance Computing | 1098-7150 | 4/1998 | 9/1999 | 4/1998 | 9/1999 | N | CMP Media, Inc. | United States | Computing and information technology industries | |||
--- Now: Performance Computing. Effective Date = 09/30/1999; Formerly: UNIXReview 04/98 | ||||||||||||
Urban Affairs Quarterly | 0042-0816 | 9/1989 | 12/1994 | Y | Sage Publications, Inc. | United States | Urban planning and development | |||||
--- Now: Urban Affairs Review 1/95 | ||||||||||||
Urban Affairs Review | 1078-0874 | 1/1995 | 1/1997 | 11/1998 | Y | Sage Publications, Inc. | United States | Urban planning and development | ||||
--- Formerly: Urban Affairs Quarterly 1/95 | ||||||||||||
US Department of State Dispatch | 1051-7693 | 9/1990 | 12/1999 | 9/1990 | 12/1999 | 7/1994 | 12/1999 | N | U.S. Government Printing Office | United States | Public policy | |
USA Today | 0734-7456 | 4/2007 | 4/2007 | N | USA Today | United States | News, opinion and commentary | |||||
USA Today (Magazine) | 0161-7389 | 1/1984 | 1/1993 | 7/1994 | N | Society for the Advancement of Education | United States | News, opinion and commentary | ||||
--- Formerly: Intellect 7/78 | ||||||||||||
Utne Reader | 8750-0256 | 1/1989 | 11/2002 | N | LENS Publishing Company, Inc. | United States | General and consumer interests | |||||
--- Now: Utne: A Different Read on Life. Effective Date = 12/31/2002 | ||||||||||||
Utne: A Different Read on Life | 1544-2225 | 1/2003 | N | LENS Publishing Company, Inc. | United States | General and consumer interests | ||||||
Utopian Studies | 1045-991X | 1/1996 | 1/1997 | 1/1999 | Y | Society for Utopian Studies | United States | Sociology | ||||
Variety | 0042-2738 | 1/1980 | 1/1997 | 5/1999 | N | Reed Business Information, Inc. (US) | United States | Arts, entertainment and sports industries | ||||
Victorian Studies | 0042-5222 | 1/1989 | 3/1993 | 6/1998 | Y | Indiana University Press | United States | Social science history | ||||
Virginia Quarterly Review | 0042-675X | 3/1987 | Y | University of Virginia | United States | Literature and writing | ||||||
Vital Speeches of the Day | 0042-742X | 1/1980 | 1/1993 | 7/2002 | 6/1994 | 7/2002 | N | McMurry | United States | News, opinion and commentary | ||
Vocational Education Journal | 0884-8009 | 1/1987 | 5/1996 | N | Association for Career and Technical Education | United States | Education | |||||
--- Now: Techniques 9/96 | ||||||||||||
Vogue | 0042-8000 | 1/1984 | 6/2004 | N | 7 | Conde Nast Publications, Inc. | United States | Fashion industry | ||||
Washington Monthly | 0043-0633 | 1/1984 | 7/1985 | 7/1994 | N | Washington Monthly Company | United States | News, opinion and commentary | ||||
Weatherwise | 0043-1672 | 2/1980 | 12/1992 | 6/1994 | Y | Heldref Publications | United States | Meteorology | ||||
Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents | 0511-4187 | 1/1992 | 3/1992 | 11/1994 | N | U.S. Government Printing Office | United States | U.S. President | ||||
West European Politics | 0140-2382 | 1/1992 | 1/1993 | 5/2004 | 7/1994 | 5/2004 | Y | Frank Cass & Company Ltd. | United Kingdom | European studies | ||
Western Folklore | 0043-373X | 1/1989 | Y | California Folklore Society | United States | Folklore | ||||||
Western Journal of Communication | 1057-0314 | 1/1992 | 1/2002 | 3/2002 | Y | Western States Communications Association | United States | Interpersonal relations | ||||
--- Formerly: Western Journal of Speech Communication 1/92 | ||||||||||||
Western Political Quarterly | 0043-4078 | 3/1987 | 12/1992 | Y | University of Utah | United States | Political science | |||||
--- Now: Political Research Quarterly 3/93 | ||||||||||||
Whole Earth | 1097-5268 | 1/1997 | 12/2002 | 6/1997 | 12/2002 | 6/1997 | 12/2002 | N | Point Foundation | United States | Environmental science | |
--- Suspended. Effective Date = 12/22/2002; Formerly: Whole Earth Review 06/96 | ||||||||||||
Whole Earth Review | 0749-5056 | 1/1985 | 3/1996 | 5/1985 | 3/1996 | 6/1994 | 3/1996 | N | Point Foundation | United States | Environmental science | |
--- Now: Whole Earth 06/96; Formerly: CoEvolution Quarterly 12/84 | ||||||||||||
Wilderness | 0736-6477 | 3/1984 | 12/1995 | 12/1992 | 12/1995 | 6/1994 | 12/1995 | N | Wilderness Society | United States | Environmental science | |
--- Ceased publication 12/95; Formerly: Living Wilderness 11/82 | ||||||||||||
Wildlife Conservation | 1048-4949 | 3/1993 | Y | Wildlife Conservation Society | United States | Zoology | ||||||
Wildlife Society Bulletin | 0091-7648 | 3/1992 | Y | Wildlife Society | United States | Zoology | ||||||
William and Mary Quarterly | 0043-5597 | 1/1987 | Y | Omohundro Institute of Early American History and | United States | U.S. History | ||||||
Wilson Bulletin | 0043-5643 | 3/1992 | 12/1994 | 6/1994 | Y | Wilson Ornithological Society | United States | Zoology | ||||
--- Now: The Wilson Journal of Ornithology. Effective Date = 03/01/2006 | ||||||||||||
Wilson Journal of Ornithology | 1559-4491 | 3/2006 | 3/2006 | 3/2006 | Y | Wilson Ornithological Society | United States | Zoology | ||||
Wilson Library Bulletin | 0043-5651 | 1/1984 | 6/1995 | 3/1995 | 3/1995 | N | H.W. Wilson Co. | United States | Library and information science | |||
Wilson Quarterly | 0363-3276 | 1/1989 | 1/1993 | 6/1994 | N | Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars | United States | Arts and humanities | ||||
WIN News | 0145-7985 | 1/1992 | 6/2003 | 1/1993 | 6/2003 | 6/1994 | 3/2003 | N | Women's International Network | United States | Women's studies | |
Women & Health | 0363-0242 | 3/1988 | Y | Haworth Press, Inc. | United States | Health and medicine | ||||||
Women & Therapy | 0270-3149 | 1/1992 | Y | Haworth Press, Inc. | United States | Women's health care | ||||||
Women's Sports and Fitness | 1099-6079 | 1/1989 | 7/2000 | N | Conde Nast Publications, Inc. | United States | Physical fitness | |||||
--- Ceased by publisher. Effective Date = 09/30/2000; Formerly: WomenSports4/85 | ||||||||||||
Women's Studies | 0049-7878 | 2/1986 | 3/1993 | 2/1998 | Y | Taylor & Francis Ltd. | United Kingdom | Women's studies | ||||
Women's Studies Quarterly | 0732-1562 | 3/1992 | Y | Feminist Press at the City University of New York | United States | Women's studies | ||||||
Wood Technology | 1067-1064 | 11/1992 | 11/2000 | 11/1992 | 11/2000 | 11/1992 | 11/2000 | N | The Nielsen Company | United States | Forest products | |
--- Ceased by publisher. Effective Date = 12/31/2000; Ceased indexing 9/95;Incorporates World Wood 1/94; Formerly: Forest Industries 1/92 | ||||||||||||
Work and Occupations | 0730-8884 | 2/1992 | 2/1997 | 11/1998 | Y | Sage Publications, Inc. | United States | Labor relations | ||||
Workforce | 1092-8332 | 1/1997 | 6/2003 | 1/1997 | 6/2003 | 3/1997 | 6/2003 | N | Crain Communications, Inc. | United States | Business management | |
--- Now: Workforce Management. Effective Date = 06/30/2003; Formerly: PersonnelJournal 01/97 | ||||||||||||
Workforce Management | 1547-5565 | 7/2003 | 7/2003 | 7/2003 | 1/2004 | N | Crain Communications, Inc. | United States | Human resources management | |||
Working Woman | 0145-5761 | 1/1980 | 9/2001 | N | MacDonald Communications | United States | General business | |||||
--- Ceased by publisher. Effective Date = 09/30/2001; Incorporates ExecutiveFemale 11/97 | ||||||||||||
World Affairs | 0043-8200 | 12/1988 | 3/1992 | 9/1999 | Y | Heldref Publications | United States | International relations | ||||
World and I | 0887-9346 | 1/1998 | 2/1998 | N | News World Communications, Inc. | United States | Arts and humanities | |||||
World Archaeology | 0043-8243 | 2/1989 | Y | Routledge | United States | Archaeology | ||||||
World Development | 0305-750X | 1/1981 | Y | Elsevier Science Publishers | United States | International relations | ||||||
World Literature Today | 0196-3570 | 3/1980 | 3/1994 | 3/1994 | Y | University of Oklahoma | United States | World literature | ||||
World Policy Journal | 0740-2775 | 1/1991 | 6/1994 | 3/2000 | Y | World Policy Institute | United States | International relations | ||||
World Politics | 0043-8871 | 1/1987 | 1/1993 | 7/1995 | 7/1994 | 7/1995 | Y | Johns Hopkins University Press | United States | Government and political science | ||
World Press Review | 0195-8895 | 1/1984 | 5/2004 | N | Stanley Foundation | United States | World news | |||||
--- Ceased by publisher. Effective Date = 05/31/2004; Formerly: Atlas 2/80 | ||||||||||||
World Tennis | 0043-910X | 1/1984 | 12/1988 | N | Family Media, Inc. | United States | Sports and recreation | |||||
World Today | 0043-9134 | 1/1989 | N | Royal Institute of International Affairs | United Kingdom | News, opinion and commentary | ||||||
World Watch | 0896-0615 | 1/1992 | 1/1993 | 7/1994 | N | Worldwatch Institute | United States | Population studies | ||||
Writer's Digest | 0043-9525 | 2/1980 | N | F & W Publishing Corp. | United States | Literature and writing | ||||||
Yale French Studies | 0044-0078 | 11/1987 | Y | Yale University Press | United States | European studies | ||||||
Yale Journal of Criticism | 0893-5378 | 3/1989 | 9/2005 | Y | Johns Hopkins University Press | United States | Arts and humanities | |||||
Yale Law Journal | 0044-0094 | 1/1980 | 10/1991 | 10/1999 | Y | Yale University, School of Law | United States | Legal education and scholarship | ||||
Yale Review | 0044-0124 | 1/1984 | Y | Blackwell Publishers Ltd. | United Kingdom | Literature and writing | ||||||
--- Suspended publication 6/90; resumed publication 4/92 | ||||||||||||
Year's Work in English Studies | 0084-4144 | 1/2000 | Y | Oxford University Press | United States | American literature | ||||||
Youth & Society | 0044-118X | 3/1989 | 3/1997 | 12/1998 | Y | Sage Publications, Inc. | United States | Child and adolescent counseling | ||||
Ziff Davis Smart Business for the New Economy | 1528-4034 | 6/2000 | 6/2002 | 6/2000 | 6/2002 | N | Ziff Davis Media Inc. | United States | Computing and information technology industries | |||
Zygon | 0591-2385 | 3/1989 | Y | Blackwell Publishers Ltd. | United Kingdom | Religion |