Cox Internet Service Disclosures

Cox is committed to providing its customers with a high quality Internet access experience. The disclosure below explains the performance characteristics (...) and network practices for broadband Internet access services ("BIAS" or "Internet Services" or "Services") provided by Cox. (...) The information provided in the disclosure is (...) designed to provide you with information to understand our broadband Internet access services and make informed decisions regarding your choice of Internet services. (...)

Performance Characteristics:

Network Practices:

The following describes Cox's network practices as of the date of this disclosure; it will be updated from time to time as Cox's practices change. Cox may take any appropriate measures, whether or not they are described below, in response to extraordinary levels of usage, denial of service attacks, or other exigent circumstances that have a significant effect on our customers' ability to use the Services or Cox's ability to provide the Services.

Cox is committed to the ongoing management of its network to improve its service offerings, protect customers, and create new Services and feature enhancements for its customers. Cox does not shape or throttle Internet traffic or engage in other network practices based on the particular online content, protocols or applications a customer uses. Cox uses other measures to ensure the best overall experience for our CHSI customers, including, without limitation: rate limiting of email (as set forth in our email policies), email storage limits (including deletion of dormant or unchecked email), rejection or removal of "spam" or otherwise unsolicited bulk email. Cox also employs other means to protect customers, children, and its network, including blocking access to child pornography (based upon lists of sites provided by a third party and an international police agency), and security measures (including identification and blocking of botnets, viruses, phishing sites, malware, and certain ports (...)).

