The CFE will be hosting a colloquium celebrating Horacio's life and impressive philosophical career on November 18-19. Please mark your schedules and stay tuned for further developments..
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To honor Horacio Arlo-Costa's memory and influence on all of us in the community, Jeffrey Helzner, Vincent F. Hendricks, Paul Pedersen and Gregory Wheeler will be editing a book with essays on his philosophy, his intellectual biography, his official obituary, words of remembrance from his friends and colleagues, his unpublished manuscripts and notes, and other relevant communications from or about Horacio. If you have words of remembrance, please feel welcome to post them at Choice and Inference under the entry In Memory of Horacio Arlo-Costa, as we will, with your permission, use your words of remembrance for the volume. Please send all other material (correspondences, notes, etc.) to any one of the editors:
Deadline for submissions is February 1, 2012.
We deeply regret the sudden passing of CFE Associate Director Horacio Arlo-Costa. The Center's ambitious schedule of six events in its first year of operation was due in large part to Horacio's indefatigable dedication. His stature in formal epistemology is familiar. His tireless enthusiasm, his widespread connections in the field and his renowned, encyclopedic knowledge of the literature and the contributions of others made him an indespensable partner in the wild adventure that constituted the Center's crucial first year of operation. He will be missed sorely. In spite of his many other duties and concerns, Horacio reveled in the CFE's rapid expansion . To vindicate his commitment, the CFE will redouble its efforts to facilitate the cause of formal philosophy in the coming years.
Horacio's funeral arrangements
The Episteme annual conference on Social Epistemology was held at the CFE on June 24-26, 2011 in coordination with Alvin Goldmanand Christian List. Here is the revised schedule and a link to arrangements.
There was a joint CSLI-CFE-San Francisco State workshop on Logic and Formal Epistemology at CSLI, Stanford on May 14 and 15, 2011, organized by Johan van Benthem, Bas van Fraassen, and Kevin van Kelly. The topics will be learning in epistemic logic and a re-examination of norms in empirical reasoning. Local organizers Peter Hawke, Wes Holliday, Tomohiro Hoshi, and Thomas Icard at Stanford did a fantastic job and the workshop was supported mainly by the generosity of Patrick Suppes and the Department of Philosophy at Stanford. We hope this is the beginning of a long tradition.
On March 16, 12:00-4:00 there was a symposium on uncertain acceptance involving Hannes Leitgeb, Horacio Arlo-Costa, Kevin Kelly, Paul Pedersen, and Hanti Lin in DH. The symposium compared notes on three new but distinct approaches to the subject. Check the colloquium link for details.
The CFE Colloquium series for Spring 2011 was rich, varied, and exciting. Speakers included Cosma Shalizi, Michiel van Lambalgen, Hannes Leitgeb, Anil Gupta, and Mic Detlefsen.
The workshop on Experience,
Heuristics, and Choice: Prospects for Bounded Rationality on
Dec 1, 2010 was a great
success. Thanks to all who participated.
The 2010 Nagel Lectures were
delivered by Brian Skyrms
on Oct. 19-21, 2010.
Celebration Conference was held on June
26-27, 2010. Thanks
to all
who contributed to make it such a huge success!