Ph.D. Core Requirements

The program's flexible core requirements provide a shared introduction to the program and the basic tools of the trade, steady encouragement in research, and the opportunity to practice the craft of teaching in an excellent undergraduate environment.

To see how these requirements can be met in a variety of concrete ways, consult the sample curricula.


The program's core curriculum is designed to provide students with a shared introduction to basic tools of philosophical analysis, a shared background of philosophical issues, significant interdisciplinary competence and an introduction to research topics in the department.


Shared Philosophical background

Introduction to research

Advanced interdisciplinary study

Advanced grounding in philosophy


The above requirements are intended to be filled by taking four courses per term for the first two years and two courses per term in the third year (cf. the sample curricula).


Students are immersed in research immediately. In the first year, the Research Seminar introduces students to research projects in the department.

In the Spring of the second year, students formally complete and present their M.S. theses to their peers in the Research Symposium, providing an opportunity to learn how to present research as well as to do it.

In the third year, studens choose a dissertation topic and committee. During this period, most students take only two courses per term, filling out their schedules with dissertation research and directed reading.

The fourth year is devoted entirely to dissertation research.


Teaching experience is an essential component of the Ph.D. program. It provides fundamental professional skills for those pursuing academic careers and broadens the focused expertise of pure researchers. Students are required to serve as an assistant or instructor in at least two courses.

Students serving as principal instructors are mentored by a faculty member. Each foreign student whose native language is not English must take a proficiency exam with the ESL Center prior to teaching.