By popular demand!

Crash Course in Logical Syntax

Kevin T. Kelly

Department of Philosophy

Carnegie Mellon University

Syntax is about linguistic form. It makes no reference to interpretation or meaning. Semantics concerns interpretation. Syntactic considerations include well-formedness, substitution, and rules of proof. Such matters may be heuristically guided by intended interpretations, but they are all specifiable independently of such interpretations.

Definition of the language L

Logical Vocabulary

Individual variables {x0, ..., xn, ...}.

Relational constants {=} (optional).

Propositional constants {_|_}.

Connectives {--->, v, &}.

Quantifiers {A, E}. (These will have to do in HTML).


-P = (P ---> _|_).

(Ex)P = -(Ax)-P.

(Q <---> R) = (Q ---> R) & (R ---> Q)

Nonlogical Vocabulary

Individual constants {c0, ..., cn, ...}.

Function symbols {f0, ..., fn, ...}.

Predicate symbols {P0, ..., Pn, ...}.

Propositional variables {p0, ..., pn, ...}.


mapping a that assigns natural numbers to predicates and function symbols.

Interpretation: a(Pn) = the number of arguments Pn is suppoed to take.

You may think of constants as 0-ary functions and propositional variables as 0-ary predicates.

Inductive Definition of Terms

The set of terms is the least set closed under the following conditions:

ci is a term.

xi is a term.

If a(fi ) = n, and t1, ..., tn are terms, then fi (t1, ..., tn) is a term.

Inductive Definition of L

The set of formulas of L is the least set closed under the following conditions:

qi is a formula.

If t, t' are terms, then (t = t') is a formula.

If a(Pi) = n and t1, ..., tn are terms, then Pi (t1, ..., tn) is a formula. (such formulas are atomic).

If Q, R are formulas and # is a connective then (Q # R) is a formuila.

If Q are formulas then (Axi)Q is a formula.

Some Syntactic Concepts


Example of what we want: substitutions should not be made on bound variables.

((Ax)(P(x) ---> Q(x)) & Q(x))[t/x] = ((Ax)(P(x) ---> Q(x)) & Q(t)).

The concept is formally defined by recursion on the syntax of L. Since the syntax of L is defined in two inductions, the recursive definition must follow both, starting with terms and ending with formulas.

On terms

Let x, y, z be variables and f be a function symbol. Define:

a[x/y] = a.

z[x/y] = x if y =z and z[x/y] = z otherwise.

f(t1, ..., tn)[x/y] = f(t1[x/y], ..., tn[x/y]).

On formulas

Let p be a propositional variable, P be a predicate symbol and # be a connective. Define:

p[x/y] = p.

(t = t')[x/y] = (t[x/y] = t'[x/y]).

P(t1, ..., tn)[x/y] = P(t1[x/y], ..., tn[x/y]).

(Q # R)[x/y] = (Q[x/y] # R[x/y]).

((Az)Q)[x/y] = (Az)Q if y = z and ((Az)Q)[x/y] = (Az)(Q[x/y]).

Free Variables

The idea: in the formula ((Ax)(P(x) ---> S(x)) & Q(x)), the variable x occurs once free (in Q(x)) and once bound (in S(x)). Thus, a variable can both occur free and occur bound in the same formula.


FV(x, Q) = some occurrence of x is free in Q.

On terms

not FV(x, a)..

FV(x, y) <===> x = y.

FV(x, f(t1, ..., tn) = FV(x, t1) v... v FV(x, tn).

On formulas

not FV(x, p).

not FV(x, _|_).

FV(x, P(t1, ..., tn)) <===> FV(x, t1) v... v FV(x, tn).

FV(x, Q # R) = FV(x, Q) v FV(x, R).

FV(x, AyQ) <===> FV(x, Q) & not (x = y).

t is Free for x in Q

The idea: would substituting t in for x in Q lead to variables occurring in t becoming bound by quantifiers occurring already in Q. Such substitutions would lead to spurious inferences in our proof system so they must be excluded by a syntactic criterion.

To save writing, abbreviate

t is free for x in Q = FF(t, x, Q).

This concept doesn't need a separate recursion on terms because it calls FV. Define:

FF(t, x, p).

FF(t, x, _|_).

FF(t, x, P(t1, ..., tn)).

FF(t, x, (Q # R)) <===> FF(t, x, Q) & FF(t, x, R).

FF(t, x, (AyQ)) <===> FF(t, x, Q) & not (FV(x, t) and FV(x, Q)).

Natural Deduction Proofs

Sorry, I have to write the rules sideways. The marginal line is now an underline. I will let P, Q, R range over formulas of L in this section.


-P abbreviates (P ---> _|_)

(Ex)P abbreviates -(Ax)-P

Propositional Introduction rules (Intuitionistic)

[ _|_ ]"everything introduction"

from _|_, you may conclude P.

[& I]

from available P, Q, you may conclude (P & Q).

[v I]

from available P, you may conclude (P v Q).

from available Q, you may conclude (P v Q).

[---> I] "conditional proof"

from a subproof P ...Q, that uses only P together with available formulas, you may conclude (P ---> Q) and then you must make P ...Q unavailable.

Propositional Elimination rules (Intuitionistic)

[& E]

from available (P & Q), you may conclude P.

from available (P & Q), you may conclude Q.

[v E] "case argument"

from available (P v Q), a subproof P ...R, using only P and available formulas and a subproof Q...R, using only available formulas, you may conclude R and then make P ...R, and Q...R, unavailable.

[---> I] "modus ponens"

from available (P ---> Q) and from available P, you may conclude Q.

The non-intuitionistic rule that makes the system classical

[- E] "reductio ad absurdum"

from a subproof -P... _|_, (underlined bottom loses its bottom) you may conclude P and then make -P... _|_ unavailable.

Note: the classical inference is

  1. | -P
  2. | _|_
  3. P [- E]

Notice that the "not" is elminated. The other version, which introduces "not"...

  1. | P
  2. | _|_
  3. - P [- I] intuitionistic:

  1. | P
  2. | _|_
  3. P ---> _|_ [---> I]
  4. - P [- I] [defn -]

Example: Classical Derivation of Excluded Middle

Subproof lines are on the side. Line numbers are given to show which available premises were used. Remember that you aren't allowed to use anything next to a line when the line stops! Notice that this example has two nested subproofs.

  1. | - (P v - P)
  2. | (P v - P) ---> _|_ [defn -]
  3. | | P
  4. | | (P v - P) [v I]
  5. | | _|_ [---> E]
  6. | P ---> _|_ [---> I]
  7. | - P [defn -]
  8. | (P v - P) [v I]
  9. | _|_ [--->; 2, 8]
  10. (P v -P) [- E] The only classical step

Example: Intuitionistic Derivation of double-negated excluded middle.

  1. | (P v -P) ---> _|_
  2. | | P
  3. | | (P v - P) [v I]
  4. | | _|_ [---> E]
  5. | (P ---> _|_) [---> I]
  6. | - P [defn -]
  7. | (P v - P) [v I]
  8. | _|_ [---> E]
  9. ((P v -P) ---> _|_) ---> _|_ [---> I]
  10. -((P v - P) ---> _|_) [defn -]
  11. - - (P v - P) [defn -]

Universal Quantifier rules


[A I] "universal generalization"

If x is not free in any uncancelled hypothesis on which Q depends and if Q is available, then you may conclude (Ax)Q. A hypothesis is a formula at the top of a vertical line.

The motivation for this rule is that any valid inference that works for arbitrary variable x must work for any term whatsoever since we "know" nothing special about x that would have aided the proof. If the restriction is violated, things can go very wrong.


[A E] "universal instantiation"

If t is free for x in Q and if (Ax)Q is available then you may conclude Q[t/x].

The motivation for this rule is that if you know (Ax)Q, you know Q holds of everything, so why not conclude Q[t/x]?

But this can go very wrong if t has a free variable that becomes bound when t is substituted into Q. Then you end up making some sort of general claim you didn't intend. For example:

  1. (Ax)(Ey) y > x
  2. (Ey) y >y [A E] OOPS!

Derived Existential Quantifier Rules


[E I] "existential generalization"

If t is free for x in Q and Q[t/x] is available then you may conclude (Ex)Q.

This rule may be justified in terms of the other rules.

Suppose t is free for x in Q(x) and suppose that Q(t) occurs so far in a derivation. We may continue the proof as follows (I'm going to start using the intuitionistic derived rule [- I]).

  1. Q(t)
  2. | (Ax) - Q(x)
  3. | - Q(t) [A E], since t is free for x in Q(x).
  4. | _|_ [---> E]
  5. - (Ax) - Q(x) [- I]
  6. (Ex)Q(x) [defn E]


[E E] "existential instantiation"

If x does not occur free in Q and (Ex)P is available and there is a subderivation P ... Q depending on available hypotheses in which x does not occur free, then you may conclude Q. A hypothesis is a formula at the top of a vertical line.

This rule also follows from the othes. Suppose x does not occur free in Q and (Ex)P(x) is available and there is a subderivation P(x) ... Q depending on available formulas in which x does no occur free. Then we may continue to argue as follows:

  1. (Ex)P(x)
  2. - (Ax) - P(x) [defn E]
  3. (Ax) - P(x) ---> _|_ [defn -]
  4. Ax - P(x) ---> _|_
  5. -P(x) ---> _|_ [A E] x is not free in any available formula, by hypothesis.
  6. | - Q
  7. | Q ---> _|_ [defn -]
  8. | | P(x)
  9. | | this is the guaranteed subderivation
  10. | | Q
  11. | | _|_ [---> E]
  12. | - P(x) [- I]
  13. | _|_ [---> E]
  14. Q [-E]

Identity Rules

you may always conclude x = x.

if x = y is available, you may conclude y = x.

if x = y and y = z are available, you may conclude x = z.

if x1 = y1, ..., xn = yn, are all available, you may conclude t(x1, ..., xn) = t'(x1, ..., xn).

if x1 = y1, ..., xn = yn, Q(x1, ..., xn) are all available, you may conclude Q(x1, ..., xn).

Intuitionistic Rules

Intuitionistic logic allows all of the above rules, including the quantifier rules, except for [- E].


Let S be a set of formulas and let Q be a formula.

We say that S |- Q <===> there exists a classical natural deduction derivation from formulas in S to Q.

If intuitionistic derivability is intended you can write |-i.

Classical Semantic Entailment

Say that S |= Q just in case every interpretation making each element of S true (this is a semantic concept) also makes Q true. We refer to |= as the semantic entailment relation. Let S be a subset of L, and let Q be a formula of L without free variables.

Classical Soundness and Completeness

Soundness Theorem: S |- Q ===> S |= Q.

Completeness Theorem (Gödel): S |= Q ===> S |- Q.

These results are proved in 80-310 and will be assumed in this class without proof.


  1. Give an intuitionistic proof that (A ---> - - A).
  2. Give a classical proof that (- - A <---> A).
  3. Give an intuitionistic proof that (- - - A <----> - A).
  4. Give an intuitionistic proof that (- A v - B) ---> - (A & B).
  5. Give a classical proof that -(A & B) <---> (- A v - B).
  6. Give an intuitionistic proof of (Ex)(Q ---> P(x)) ---> (Q ---> (Ex)Px), , assuming x is not free in Q.
  7. Give a classical proof of (Q ---> (Ex)Px) <---> (Ex)(Q ---> P(x)), assuming x is not free in Q.
  8. Give an intuitionistic proof of (A v -A) ---> [(A ---> (ExB(x)) ---> (Ex)(A ---> B(x))], assuming x is not free in Q.