The arithmetical hierarchy provides us with lots of cubbyholes. Recursion theory seeks understanding of objects by putting them in the right holes. For when we do so, we know what the "main part" of the problem is. Problems within the class will be computationally trivial variants of one another.
Here are some examples. Some of them are familiar from chapter 6.
Tot(x) Û W[x] = N
Û "z W[x](z)
Û "z $w U(x, d(w, 0), d(w, 1), <z>)
Û "$R, with R recursive.
So P2(Fin).
Fin(x) Û W[x] is finiteThese were automatic! Let's do one that requires a little bit of shuffling.
Û $y"z ³ y ØW[x](z)
Û $y"z ³ y f[x](z)
Û $y"z ³ y"w ØU(x, d(w, 0), d(w, 1), <z>)
Û $"R, with R recursive.
So S2(Fin).
Ident(x) Û W[d(x, 0)] = W[d(x, 1)]Here is a more complicated one that makes use of work already done.
Û "z (W[d(x, 0)](z) Û W[d(x, 1)](z))
Û "z [(W[d(x, 0)](z) Ù W[d(x, 1)](z)) Ú (ØW[d(x, 0)](z) Ù ØW[d(x, 1)](z))]
Û "z [($w U(d(x, 0), d(w, 0), d(w, 1), <z>) Ù $w U(d(x, 1), d(w, 0), d(w, 1), <z>)) Ú ("w ØU(d(x, 0), d(w, 0), d(w, 1), <z>)Ù "w ØU(d(x, 1), d(w, 0), d(w, 1), <z>))]
Û "[($ Ù $) Ú (" Ù ")] (notice, the lead " makes it most efficient to put all the " quantifiers first).
Û """$$.
So P2(Ident).
Simp(x) Û W[x] is simpleExercise 1: do five more examples. Include Comp.
Û W[x] is infinite Ù "y, W[y] is infinite Þ W[x] Ç W[y] ¹ Æ
Û Inf(x) Ù "y, Inf(y) Þ "z (ØW[x](z) Ú ØW[y](z))
Û Inf(x) Ù "y (ØInf(y)Ú "z ("w ØU(x, d(w, 0), d(w, 1), <z>)Ú "wØU(y, d(w, 0), d(w, 1), <z>)))
Û "$Ù " (Ø"$Ú "(" Ú "))
Û "$Ù " ($"Ú "(" Ú "))
Û "$Ù " ($"Ú """))
Û "$Ù " ($"""")
Û "$Ù "$""""
Û ""$$""""
Û "$".
So P3(Simp).
Proposition 1: Fin is S2-complete, Inf is P2-complete.
Proof: Suppose S2(P). So for some recursive R, we have for each x,
P(x) Û $y"zR(<x, y, z>).Define
y(x, w) = "y£ w$z ØR(<x, y, z>).This is partial recursive by the projection theorem. Apply the s-m-n theorem to obtain
f[f(x)](w) = y(x, w).Hence,
ØP(x)Þ W[f(x)] is total Þ Tot(x) Þ Inf(x);-|
P(x)Þ W[f(x)] is finite Þ Fin(x).
Notice that the reduction shows more than we intended. It projects ØP into Tot and P into Fin. Following Soare, we may summarize this situation by the notation:
(P, ØP) £m (Fin, Tot).When P stands for an arbitrary S2 set, we may abbreviate the situation by writing
(S2, P2) £m (Fin, Tot).Since Fin is in the complement of Tot, this reduction also establishes:
Corollary 2: Tot is P2-complete.
Proposition 3: Subset is P2-complete.
Exercise 2: Prove the upper bound by Tarski-Kuratowski computation prove the lower bound by reduction of Tot or Infs. Hint: make the "subset" index be for N and make the "superset" index depend on the given number.
Exercise 3: Peg the complexity of Onto in the hierarchy. No hints this time.
At the next level of complexity lower bounds become more complex.
Proposition 4: (S3,
(Cof, Comp) £m(Rec,
Corollary: Cof, Rec are S3-complete.
Proof: Suppose S3(P). So for some S3 set R, we have for each x,
P(x) Û $yR(<x, y>).We have already shown that there exists a total recursive g such that
R(<x, y>) Û W[g(<x, y>)] is infinite.Hence
P(x) Û $yR(<x, y>)Û $y W[g(<x, y>)] is infinite.We need to construct total recursive g such that
P(x) Þ W[g(x)] is cofinite andI sketch the construction, showing how to enumerate S = W[g(x)] as a function of x:
ØP(x) Þ W[g(x)] º K.
We start out with an array of "pointers" on the natural numbers labelled with the natural numbers.P(x) Þ $y W[f(<x, y>)] is infinite
Let pointerx(y, s) be the number pointed to by the pointer labelled with y at stage s.
At stage s = 0, the yth pointer is initialized to point to number y: i.e., pointerx(y, 0) = y.
At stage s + 1:
Check for each y £ s whether either of the following occur:K(y) halts in exactly s steps (this can happen only once) orFor each such y, add pointerx(y, s) to S.
$w £ s, W[f(<x, y>)](w) halts in exactly s steps (this happens infinitely often for some y just in case P(x)).
Now move all pointers to the right, without permuting them, so that positions already added to S are not pointed to, but without leaving any other gaps.
ØP(x) Þ
"y W[f(<x,
is finite
Þ "y lims
pointerx(y, s) is finite
Þ "y lims
pointerx(y, s) is finite
Hence each terminal pointer position
is missing from S.
Using the fact that each pointer
bumps only finitely often, we can compute, given S, the least stage
such that
pointer(y, s(y))
= lims pointerx(y, s).
In other words, s is recursive in S.
To decide whether K(y),
check whether pointerx(y, s) ever bumped
(prior to stage s(y)) when nothing new came out of the W[f(<x,
simulation. In other words, the convergence of the pointer,
which is recoverable from S, bounds the search through the reasons
for adding y to S.
Hence, S = W[g(x)]
so Comp(g(x)).
Apply Church's
So recursiveness is worse than finiteness
or infinity, but is the same as co-finiteness. Non-recursiveness
is therefore the same as co-infinity.
How about Comp? The obvious Tarski-Kuratowski computation of Comp takes us only down S4, unfortunately, so our previous reduction doesn't lock in the complexity of Comp. Yates showed that Comp is S4-complete. He proves it via his "thickness" lemma, which is proved by an infinite injury argument.
Exercise 4: This is from Soare, ex. 3.8. Define
Ext(x) Û f[x] is extendable to a total recursive function.Show that Ext is S3-complete. Hint: use the preceding technique. Instead of building an r.e. set, W[g(x)], build a partial recursive function f[g(x)]. When W[f(<x, y>)](w) halts in exactly s steps, define f[g(x)](pointerx(y, s)) to be some value (e.g., 0). Also, if f[y](pointerx(y, s)) is obserserved to halt in s steps, define f[g(x)](pointerx(y, s)) to have a value different from f[y](pointerx(y, s)). The resulting function is guaranteed to be partial recursive. If some W[f(<x, y>)] is infinite, the function will itself be total recursive. If no W[f(<x, y>)] is infinite, the function differs somewhere from each total recursive function. (This takes some arguing: how do you know that the y pointersits around long enough to ensure that the constructed function differs from f[y]?)
Gödel's incompleteness construction shows only that A is productive. As we have seen, productive sets are merely co-r.e. hard (i.e., non-r.e. and non-co-r.e.-incomplete. This is fairly weak, since it is consistent with A being co-r.e. If A were co-r.e., there would be an effective refutation procedure for A, which would tell us for each non-truth that it is false. A little thought reveals, however, that this is false.
In fact, A is not even arithmetical (i.e., it diagonalizes the
whole hierarchy). We will see this as follows.
Recall from the Gödel
and uncomputability class that Q is a weak, incomplete system of
A relation R(x) is representable in Q just in case there exists a formula F(x) in the language of arithmetic such that for all b,
Proposition 5 (Gödel): Each recursive relation is representable in Q.
This implies that each r.e. predicate has a purely existential definition in the language of Arithmetic.
Proposition 6: A is not arithmetical.
Proof: Let Sn(P).
Then for some recursive relation R, we have
$y1 ... Qyn
R(x, y1,...,
Using arithmetical representability, choose formula F
representing R. Then:
P(x) Û $y1 ... Qyn F(x,y1,..., yn)By Church's thesis, there is a total recursive f such that for all x,
Û the sentence "$y1 ... Qyn F(x,y1,..., yn)" is true in arithmetic
Û A(<$y1 ... Qyn F(x,y1,..., yn)>).
f(x) = <$y1 ... Qyn F(x,y1,..., yn)>.Thus P £mA.
We can say a more than this. We know what S(n) means. What should the limit jump S(w) mean? It should somehow reduce all the preceding jumps. The following notion will do:
S(w)(x) Û S(d(x, 1))(d(x, 0)).Now we may state:
Proposition 7: Aº 0(w).
Proof: (Rogers Thm X,
p. 318).
A question for us later: if
is not arithmetical, then where does A live?