RIBA is a nursing-care assistant robot that is designed to lift up or set down a real human from or to a bed or wheelchair. Its purpose is to lessen the strain on the backs of nurses that need to help patients up so that there are less injuries for nurses. It was created at the RIKEN-TRI Collaboration Center for Human-Interactive Robot Research (RTC).
RIBA senses using 2 vision cameras behind its eyes that can track the patient. In addition, RIBA has 2 microphones to detect the source of sounds and listen to verbal directions. Finally, RIBA has tactile sensors on both of its arms to detect the patient as well as to follow tactile guidance from an operator that is helping RIBA lift a human.
RIBA plans using motion planning techniques learned by observing humans. In addition, it uses feedback from the tactile guidance of a human operator assisting it. Finally, the developed a dynamic simulator that can integrate real and virtual sensors to plan motions and check for collisions.
RIBA can act using an omni directional base with 4 omni-wheels that allows it to move in any direction. In addition, it has 2 arms with highly rigid joints that can output enough torque to lift up a human. RIBA is also covered with soft materials across its body to cushion the patient.
More Info
An article about RIBA is located at http://www.popsci.com/scitech/article/2009-08/robotic-bear-nurse-help-elderly-japan
The official page for RIBA is located at http://rtc.nagoya.riken.jp/RIBA/index-e.html