ToMoBrush: Exploring Dental Health Sensing Using a Sonic Toothbrush
Kuang Yuan, Mohamed Ibrahim, Yiwen Song, Guoxiang Deng, Suvendra Vijayan, Robert Nerone, Akshay Gadre, Swarun Kumar.
ACM IMWUT (Ubicomp'24)
[Paper] [Talk] [Teaser & Demo]
Press: CMU News,
Medical Xpress,
Bite Magazine,
Dental Tribune,
Panda Oral,
O Jornal Dentistry,
Hi-Tech Mail,
DeWinder: Single-Channel Wind Noise Reduction using Ultrasound Sensing
Kuang Yuan, Shuo Han, Swarun Kumar, Bhiksha Raj.
[Paper] [Poster]
Rethinking Orientation Estimation with Smartphone-equipped Ultra-wideband Chips
Hao Zhou, Kuang Yuan, Mahanth Gowda, Lili Qiu, Jie Xiong.
ACM MobiCom'24 (To Appear)
Towards Ubiquitous IoT through Long Range Wireless Energy Harvesting
Mohamed Ibrahim, Atul Bansal, Kuang Yuan, Junbo Zhang, Swarun Kumar.
ACM MobiHoc'24
Battery-free Wideband Spectrum Mapping using Commodity RFID Tags
Mohamed Ibrahim, Atul Bansal, Kuang Yuan, Swarun Kumar, Peter Steenkiste.
ACM MobiCom'23
EarphoneTrack: Involving Earphones into the Ecosystem of Acoustic Motion Tracking
Gaoshuai Cao*, Kuang Yuan*, Jie Xiong, Panlong Yang, Yubo Yan, Hao Zhou, and Xiang-Yang Li. (*Co-primary Author)
ACM SenSys'20
[Paper] [Talk] [Slides]