
Leman Akoglu

Dean's Associate Professor of Information Systems

2118C Hamburg Hall


About me

I am the Heinz College Dean's (Tenured!) Associate Professor at Carnegie Mellon University's Heinz College of Information Systems and Public Policy. I also hold courtesy appointments at the Machine Learning Department (MLD) and the Computer Science Department (CSD) of School of Computer Science (SCS).

At Heinz, I direct the Data Analytics Techniques Algorithms (DATA) Lab.
My research interests are broadly in data mining, graph mining, machine learning, and knowledge discovery, with specific focus on anOmaLiEs---identifying and characterizing 'what stands out' in large-scale, time-varying, multi-modal data sources through scalable computational methods. Prospective students with similar interests, please see here.


A short bio can be found here.


Research interests

  • Outlier Mining, Out-of-Distribution Detection
  • Fraud Detection, Event and Change Detection, Adversarial Example Detection
  • Graph Neural Networks, Expressiveness, Graph Generation
  • Graph-based/Relational Anomaly Detection
  • Self-Supervised Learning
  • Applied Machine Learning

Selected Honors and Awards

  • IJCAI 2021 Early-Career Spotlight (among 15 all over the world)
  • SDM/IBM Early Career Data Mining Research Award, April 2021
  • The Most Influential Paper Award, PAKDD 2020
  • Heinz College Dean's Professor for Feb 2019-2022
  • Best Research Paper Award, SIAM SDM 2019
  • Best Student Machine Learning Paper Runner-up Award, ECML PKDD 2018
  • NSF CAREER Award, 2015-2020
  • Best Research Paper Runner-up Award, SIAM SDM 2016
  • Best Research Paper Award, SIAM SDM 2015
  • Army Research Office Young Investigator Award, 2013
  • Best Paper Award, PAKDD 2010
  • Best Knowledge Discovery Paper Award, ECML PKDD 2009