A Division of WeBuiltIt, Inc., Paris, France
The mission of our library encompasses the description/definition of BioMedical Engineering: The use of engineering technology, instrumentation and methods to solve medical problems, such as improving our understanding of physiology and the manufacture of artificial limbs and organs. Furthermore, as a BioMedical Library, it is our mission to provide our staff users with leading-edge materials. We strive to meet the demands for current and accurate information. This is a specific collection that will aid in researching the medical device industry including titles that will help with research from standards to product development to market awareness to manufacturing of the new or modified medical device. An understanding of terminology, the business environment and how to present ideas and concepts to the larger scientific community are all areas that need support.
As a result the following references have been chosen:
MEDLINE, Web of Science, BIOSIS
Research Development:
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, Handbook of Applied Mathematics,
The Way Things Work: An Illustrated Guide of Technology, Biomedical
Engineering Handbook, Computer Technology in Biomaterials Science and Engineering,
CRC Handbook of Mechanical Engineering, Handbook of Biomaterial Properties,
Handbook of Medical Device Design, Encyclopedia of Human Biology
Understanding The Larger Healthcare Industry Environment:
The Merck Manual of Medical Information, Atlas of Human Anatomy, Medical
Device Register, Plunkett’s Healthcare Industry Almanac
Dictionary of Organic Compounds, The American Heritage Stedman’s Medical
Dictionary, McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, Williams
Dictionary of Biomaterials
Technical Writing:
From Research to Printout: Creating Effective Technical Documents
The Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering,
Biomaterials, Journal of Biomedical Informatics, Journal of Medical
Engineering & Technology, Biomedical Microdevices, Computer Aided Surgery,
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine
Additional Resources:
Librarian’s Index to the Internet United States Patent and Trademark Office
National Technical Information Service Thomas Register
American National Standards Institute International Organization for Standardization
Biomedical Engineering Network
Links to:
Headquarters Biology Library Environmental Engineering Library
Disclosure: This library has been established by three professional librarians: Carol Winkler, Cheryl McCallips, and Susan Giusti to meet the needs of this expanding research facility dedicated to the development of medical devices. This is the report they have constructed to share with the employees of WeBuiltIt, Inc. in order to demonstrate the wealth of material that will be available to aid the researchers and technicians in their quest to design products that will aid people in their recovery from injury or disease.
WeBuiltIt, Inc.
BioMedical Engineering Division Library
Submitted by:
Carol Winkler
Cheryl McCallips
Susan Giusti
TITLE: MEDLINE. NY: Ovid Technologies
PURPOSE: To provide information for researchers, clinicians, and students in scientific, medical and academia worldwide through online text.
SCOPE: This provides bibliographic and abstract coverage of biomedical literature. The information included is from Index Medicus, Index to Dental Literature, International Nursing, and other medical sciences.
FORMAT: The exhaustive features are alphabetically arranged. There are links from the citations to the full-text articles in the journals and the OVID Core biomedical collection. The numerous ways to search for an article are provided in the field guides.
1. 3,900 journals indexed from more than 10.8 million records
2. Abstracts for about 50% of the records
3. Updated Weekly
4. Various materials cover the time period from 1966 to the present
5. Limiters aid in searching
6. Aids for system administrators
7. Natural Language searching
8. Training Materials
TITLE: Web of Science
PURPOSE: Within the recently introduced Web of Knowledge platform, the Web of Science continues to be a useful multi-disciplinary research tool for scientists worldwide.
SCOPE: The Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), a subsidiary of Thomson Scientific, is continuing to refine the Web of Science. This database allows citation searching (both what an author cites, as well as how often a publication has been cited) of over 8500 publications combining six Citation Indexes including Science (from 1945 forward), Chem Sciences (from 1989 forward), BioSciences (from 1989 forward), and Clinical Medicine (from 1989 forward). Beginning in March 2002, electronic journals and articles that use an article number methodology instead of the traditional volume and page number notation are now accurately displayed. The Related Records function locates and displays relevant items that share related cited references, further extending the value of this citation database.
FORMAT: The Web of Science is updated weekly, with an option to
search the newly acquired records, the previous two weeks, four weeks,
all years of data entry or specific years of data entry. Once the
researcher chooses either a full-search option (which includes searching
bibliographic information or cited reference information) or the easy search
option (which is limited to searching subject, person or address) specific
citation indexes can be selected. Queries can be saved and edited,
thus saving the researcher time by documenting previous search strategies
and results. Help tools are clear and the flowchart of results page
illustrates the way in which the records relate to one another. By
participating in the optional service for document delivery, researchers
will have quick access to full-text articles of interest. Overall,
database is a wonderful tool for those in the Biomedical engineering
PURPOSE: The BIOSIS Previews database is one of the leading abstracting and indexing databases in the life sciences. The database contains references and abstracts to journal and non-journal literature on vital biological research, medical research findings, meeting reports, and conference proceedings.
SCOPE: As of 2000, the BIOSIS family of products (including BIOSIS
Previews) contains more than 13 million citations, spanning 30 years of
FORMAT: A quarterly updated database with citations and abstracts
and some links to full text literature.
1. Biology
2. Molecular Biology
3. Botany
4. Zoology
5. Ecology and the Environment
6. Biotechnology and Genetics
7. Agriculture and Nutrition
8. Biochemistry
9. Pharmacology
10. Public Health
11. Microbiology Interdisciplinary Areas
12. Experimental
13. Clinical and Veterinary Medicine
14. Methods
15. Instrumentation
TITLE: Dictionary of Organic Compounds: 1965. New York : Oxford University Press, 588p.
PURPOSE: This dictionary provides the physical, chemical and other properties of the principle carbon compounds and their derivatives. It also contains important literature references.
SCOPE: The selection of entries and extensive reference is made to the relevant compounds in Chemical Abstracts. It includes all natural products, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, and similar groups of applied chemical and other miscellaneous substances. They would apply from an academic or industrial standpoint.
FORMAT: The compounds are arranged alphabetically. The textual descriptive matter may consist of sources, physical properties, chemical properties, and data for the derivatives.
1. Large Number of Cross References. Where possible, the full structural formula, molecular formula and molecular weight are given for each compound.
2. Literature references are based on abbreviations and titles that are adopted in Chemical Abstracts.
3. Table of Abbreviations.
4. Table Listing of Substituents.
TITLE: The American Heritage Stedman’s Medical Dictionary: 1995. NY : Houghton Mifflin Company, 923p.
PURPOSE: Medical Vocabulary
SCOPE: This is a source for general readers, health-related professionals, law, and the insurance industry. Diagnostic and technical information is given in preference to technical information such as lab medicine values and enzyme reaction equations.
1. Anatomical names are entered alphabetically according to the common or professionally accepted English term.
2. Diagnostic and clinical information is given in preference to technical information.
3. Index of entries that have subentries in traditional medical dictionaries.
4. Over 100 line drawings.
5. Biographical entries for scientists.
6. Supplemental tables and diagrams of scientific and medical data. This includes the weights and measurements table, food pyramid and anatomical diagrams.
Guide to the dictionary
Pronunciation key
Body Systems
Tables and Charts
TITLE: The Merck Manual of Medical Information: 1997. Whitehouse
NJ : Merck Research Laboratories, 1509p.
PURPOSE: To provide detailed, sophisticated medical information.
SCOPE: Covers every disease that involves pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, dermatology and dentistry, first-aid and injuries.
FORMAT: The Table of Contents is the survival tool for this resource. It subdivides between the types of disorder and then subcategorizes it under that heading.
1. Legal Issues
2. Weights and Measures
3. Common Medical Tests
4. Trade Names of General Drugs
5. Resources for Help and Information
6. Index
7. Guide for Readers
8. Explanation of Medical Terms
9. Illustrations
TITLE: Atlas of the Human Anatomy: 1989. East Hanover: NJ, Novarts, 525 Plates.
PURPOSE: To portray pictorialized illustrations that are readily understandable.
SCOPE: Covers the various subdivisions of gross anatomy, histology, embryology, physiology, pathology, diagnostic modalities, surgical and therapeutical techniques, and clinical manifestations of many diseases.
FORMAT: The illustrations (plates) are arranged by the body cavities that contain them.
1. Index
2. Labeling is According to Most Current Standards of Anatomical Terminology
3. English Replaces the Latin Terminology. The previous term is still available in parentheses.
4. Leader Lines for the Labels
TITLE: CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. 1991. Boston : CRC Press, 16 Divisions.
PURPOSE: To provide a ready reference book of chemical and physical data.
SCOPE: To provide broad coverage of all types of data that is often dealt with by physical scientists. The data is selected from evaluation sources rather than original literature.
1. Basic Constants, Units, and Conversion Factors
2. Nomenclatures, Symbols, and Terminology
3. Appendix of Math Tables
4. Appendix of CAS Registries, Numbers and Molecular Formulas of Common Systems
5. Index
6. Properties of the Elements and Inorganic Compounds
7. Health and Safety Information
8. Practical Lab Data
9. Exhaustive Coverage of Most Areas of the Sciences
TITLE: McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology: 1987.
New York :
McGraw-Hill Book Company, 20V., Yearbooks.
PURPOSE: This is to provide a work of scientific entries for the use of students, professionals, and librarians.
SCOPE: 7,700 entries written by an authority of the particular field of knowledge that is covered. This material is geared to the non-specialist.
FORMAT: This is alphabetical by subject with cross-references to other articles. The article provides a definition of subject, background, and an outline. There are alphabetical text headings, article titles, cross-references, and bibliographies.
1. 50,000 Cross-References
2. Illustrations Include Line Drawings and Half-Tones
3. Measurements in Dual Systems of Units
4. Articles are Signed and Include Bibliographic Entries
5. Analytical Index
6. Scientific Notation in Vol. 20
which Clarifies Usage of Symbols, Abbreviations, Nomenclature, and Numerical
TITLE: Handbook of Applied Mathematics, 1967. Princeton, NJ : D. Van
Nostrand Company, Inc., 1119p.
PURPOSE: Seeks to develop logical reasoning to enable the reader to analyze his own problems and arrive at a solution by the most direct method.
FORMAT: Covers the various fields of mathematics and possible professional applications.
SCOPE: Practical problems to work out that demonstrate the procedure from arithmetic through calculus. All answers are listed.
1. Introduction tells how to use the Book
2. Index of Tables
3. Index
TITLE: The Way Things Work: an Illustrated Guide of Technology: 1967. New
York: Simon & Schuster, V1 - 590p.; V2 - 591p.
PURPOSE: It attempts to provide every device known to mankind and provides an
explanation of how it works.
SCOPE: To provide an understanding for the average person of how things work from the simplest mechanical functions of modern life to the most basic scientific principles and complex industrial processes that affect our daily lives.
FORMAT: The contents are not in alphabetical order. The alphabetical index is the real survival tool for this resource. Each double page spread is devoted to a particular item. The right side of each spread contains a diagram or a series of diagrams in red and black with clear labels. The left-hand side of the spread provides a description of the item.
1. Detailed descriptions
2. Clearly Labeled Drawings
3. Index
4. Table of Contents that is difficult to understand
TITLE: The Journal of Biomedical Materials Research
PURPOSE: The Journal of Biomedical Materials Research is an international,
interdisciplinary, English-language publication of original contributions
concerning studies of the preparation, performance, and evaluation of biomaterials;
the chemical, physical, toxicological, and mechanical behavior of materials
in physiological environments; and the response of blood and tissues to
SCOPE: The Journal publishes peer-reviewed articles on all relevant
biomaterial topics including the science and technology of alloys, polymers,
ceramics, and reprocessed animal and human tissues in surgery, dentistry,
artificial organs, and other medical devices. The Journal also publishes
articles in interdisciplinary areas such as tissue engineering and controlled
release technology where biomaterials play a significant role in the performance
of the medical device.
It is a peer-reviewed journal serving the needs of biomaterials professionals
who devise, promote, apply, regulate, produce, and market new biomaterials
and medical devices. It is international and interdisciplinary in scope.
Papers are published on device development, implant retrieval and analysis,
manufacturing, regulation of devices, liability and legal issues, standards,
reviews of different device areas, and clinical applications.
FEATURES: Published manuscripts fit into one of six categories
1. Original research reports
2. Manufacturing-related articles
3. Short research and development reports
4. Reviews
5. Special reports
6. Columns and editorials
TITLE: Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering (An International Journal)
PURPOSE: The aim of Bio-medical Materials and Engineering is to promote the welfare of humans and to help them keep healthy.
FORMAT: This International Journal is an interdisciplinary journal that will publish original research papers, review articles and brief notes on materials and engineering for biological and medical systems.
FEATURES: Articles in this peer-reviewed journal will cover a wide range of topics, including, but not limited to: engineering as applied to improving diagnosis, therapy, and prevention of disease and injury, and better substitutes for damaged or disabled human organs, such as drug delivery, medical devices, systems and artificial organs; studies of biomaterial interactions with the human body, bio-compatibility, interfacial and interaction problems; biomechanical behavior under biological and/or medical conditions, such as, fracture toughness, fatigue, creep, stress corrosion cracking, corrosion fatigue, plasticity, visco-elasticity, rheology, tribochology and wear, and behavior under impact, mechanics and devices for promotion of physical strength; mechanical and biological properties of membrane biomaterials; cellular and tissue engineering, physiological, biophysical, biochemical bioengineering aspects; implant failure fields and degradation of implants. Biomimetics engineering and materials including system analysis as supporter for aged people and as rehabilitation; bioengineering and materials technology as applied to the decontamination against environmental problems; biosensors, bioreactors, bioprocess instrumentation and control system; application to food engineering; standardization problems on biomaterials and related products; assessment of reliability and safety of biomedical materials and man-machine systems; product liability of biomaterials and related products.
TITLE: Biomaterials
PURPOSE: Biomaterials is an international journal covering the science and application of biomaterials and associated medical devices. It is the aim of the journal to provide a peer-reviewed forum for the publication of original papers and authoritative review papers dealing with the most important issues facing the use of materials in clinical practice. Intended audience is biomaterials scientists, materials scientists, clinicians (vascular surgeons, orthopedic surgeons, dentists) biomedical engineers, biochemists, and pharmaceutical scientists.
SCOPE: The scope of the journal covers the basic science and engineering aspects of biomaterials, including their mechanical, physical, chemical and biological properties, relevant design and production characteristics of devices constructed of these materials, and their clinical performance. Biomaterials are defined as all those materials used in medical devices in which contact with the tissues of the patient is an important and guiding feature of their use and performance.
1. Range of metals and alloys
2. Glasses and ceramics
3. Polymers
4. Composites and natural or tissue-derived
materials; including combinations of synthetic materials and living tissue
TITLE: Journal of Biomedical Informatics
PURPOSE: The Journal of Biomedical Informatics (formerly Computers and Biomedical Research) has been redesigned to reflect a commitment to high-quality original research papers and reviews in the area of biomedical informatics.
SCOPE: Although published articles are motivated by applications
in the biomedical sciences (for example, clinical medicine, health care,
population health, imaging, and bioinformatics), the journal emphasizes
reports of new methodologies and techniques that have general applicability
and that form the basis for the evolving science of biomedical informatics.
TITLE: Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology
PURPOSE: Now in its twenty-fifth year of publication, the Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology is an international, independent, multidisciplinary, bimonthly journal promoting an understanding of the physiological processes underlying disease processes and the appropriate application of technology.
FORMAT: Each issue of the journal contains a comprehensive information service that provides news relevant to the world of medical technology, details of new products, book reviews, and selected contents of related journals.
1. Authoritative review papers
2. The reporting of original research
3. Evaluation reports on new and
existing techniques and devices
TITLE: Biomedical Microdevices
PURPOSE: Biomedical Microdevices is an interdisciplinary periodical
devoted to all aspects of research in the diagnostic and therapeutic applications
of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS), microfabrication, and nanotechnology.
SCOPE: General subjects of interest include the design, characterization,
testing, modeling and clinical validation of microfabricated systems, and
their integration on-chip and in larger functional units. The specific
interests of the Journal include systems for neural stimulation and recording,
bioseparation technologies such as nanofilters and electrophoretic equipment,
miniaturized analytic and DNA identification systems, biosensors, and microtechnologies
for cell and tissue research, tissue engineering, cell transplantation
and the controlled release of drugs and therapeutic proteins. There
are reports on fundamental and applied investigations of the material science,
biochemistry, and physics of biomedical microdevices.
1. Biochemical modification, with reference to non-specific protein adsorption, and the active immobilization and patterning of proteins on microfabricated surfaces
2. The dynamics of fluids in micro-and-nano-fabricated channels
3. The electromechanical and structural response of microfabricated systems
4. The interactions of microdevices with cells and tissues, including biocompatibility and biodegradation studies
5. The variation of the characteristics
of the systems as function of the microfabrication parameters
TITLE: Computer Aided Surgery
PURPOSE: The purposes of Computer Aided Surgery (formerly Journal of Image Guided Surgery) are to advance the utilization of computers in the administration of treatment to patients, to evaluate the benefits and risks associated with the integration of advanced digital technologies into surgical practice; to provide a means to disseminate clinical and basic research relevant to stereotactic surgery, minimal access surgery, endoscopy, and surgical robotics; to encourage interdisciplinary collaboration between engineers and physicians in developing new concepts and applications; to educate clinicians about the principles and techniques of computer assisted surgery and therapeutics; and to serve the international scientific community as a medium for the transfer of new information relating to theory, research, and practice in biomedical imaging and the surgical specialties.
SCOPE: The scope of Computer Aided Surgery encompasses all fields within surgery, as well as biomedical imaging and instrumentation, and digital technology employed as an adjunct to imaging in diagnosis, therapeutics, and surgery.
Frameless as well as conventional stereotaxic procedures
Surgery guided by ultrasound
Image guided focal irradiation
Robotic surgery
Other therapeutic interventions that are performed with the use of
digital imaging technology
TITLE: Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine
PURPOSE: To encourage the development of formal computing methods, and their application in biomedical research and medical practice, by illustration of fundamental principles in biomedical informatics research; to stimulate basic research into application software design; to report the state of research of biomedical information processing projects; to report new computer methodologies applied in biomedical areas; the eventual distribution of demonstrable software to avoid duplication of effort; to provide a forum for discussion and improvement of existing software; to optimize contact between national organizations and regional user groups by promoting an international exchange of information on formal methods, standards and software in biomedicine.
SCOPE: Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine covers computing methodology and software systems derived from computing science for implementation in all aspects of biomedical research and medical practice. It is designed to serve biochemists; biologists; geneticists; immunologists; neuroscientists; pharmacologists; toxicologists; clinicians; epidemiologists; psychiatrists; psychologists; cardiologists; chemists; (radio)physicists; computer scientists; programmers and systems analysts; biomedical, clinical, electrical and other engineers; teachers of medical informatics and users of educational software.
TITLE: Biomedical Engineering Handbook. 2nd ed., Bronzino, D.,
ed. Boca Raton: CRC Press: IEEE Press, 2000. 2v. various pagings.
PURPOSE: To provide reference information for professional biomedical
researchers and engineers in a wide range of topics.
SCOPE: This two volume set includes 20 chapters on subjects ranging
from physiological systems and bioelectric phenomena to artificial intelligence
and ethical issues with the use of medical technology. This edition completely
revised over 60% of the chapters from the first edition and added new areas
as well. Appendices and indexes in each volume aid in the ease of use.
International contributors are from university, corporate and hospital
TITLE: Computer Technology in Biomaterials Science and Engineering.
Vander Sloten, Jos, ed. New York: J. Wiley, 2000. 304p.
PURPOSE: This well-illustrated volume is a part of the Wiley series
in biomaterials science and engineering and deals specifically with the
computer technology that is a vital component of this field.
SCOPE: The seven areas of emphasis are: 1. Computer technology trends
2. Modeling of biological systems 3. Simulation and lifetime
prediction of bone implant systems 4. Application of CAD in
the design of orthopedic implants 5. Pre-operation planning
6. Robots 7. Personalization of aids. Appropriate illustrations
and graphs are included as well as excellent bibliographic references.
The index makes quick references easy to find.
TITLE: CRC Handbook of Mechanical Engineering. Kreith, Frank,
ed. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 1998. Various pagings, computer laser optical
PURPOSE: To provide a quick reference source of mechanical engineering
concepts for the “practicing engineer in industry, government or academia.”
SCOPE: This primary reference source includes relevant background
information as well as up to date material on the many facets of mechanical
engineering. Physical properties of materials, computational methods,
mathematical equations are provided for the entire mechanical engineering
field including robotics and bioengineering. Bibliographical references
provide information for in-depth study and the index makes the volume easier
to use. The computer
disc makes this a more versatile source of information than a handbook
TITLE: Handbook of Biomaterial Properties. Black, Jonathan and
Garth Hastings, eds. London: Chapman & Hall, 1998. 590p.
PURPOSE: This well illustrated publication is designed for technicians,
engineers and research workers in biomaterials and medical devices concerning
the nature of tissues, organs or biological systems in need of replacement
or repair.
SCOPE: The first part of this publication contains 12 sections dealing
with human tissues, organs or biological systems. The second division,
containing 14 sections, describes the materials used in the construction
of medical devices. The final division contains 7 sections that describe
the biological responses to materials used in medical devices. There are
significant additional reading lists and reference notes at the end of
each section making this a wonderful bibliographic source as well. The
charts, tables and detailed index add to the usability of the publication.
TITLE: Handbook of Medical Device Design. Fries, Richard D., ed.
New York: Marcel Dekker, 2001. 774p.
PURPOSE: To provide a layout of a typical product development process
for those entering the product development market in medical devices.
SCOPE: This publication takes the researcher through every phase
of the product to market sequence. Sequentially, the book progresses from
standards and regulations to determining and documenting requirements to
design to verification and validation and finally to the manufacturing
phase. The three appendices and index are helpful features.
TITLE: Medical Device Register, 2001: The Official Directory of
Medical Suppliers. 21st ed. Montvale, NJ: Medical Economics, 2000.
2v. various pagings.
PURPOSE: To provide a list of all manufacturers of medical devices
registered with the FDA and permitted to do business in the U.S.
SCOPE: The first volume provides a keyword index to over 7,700 standard
medical product names, an industry information section dealing with trade
shows, an acronym index for specific meetings or associations and a product
directory that alphabetically lists suppliers within product categories.
The second volume profiles over 11,000 suppliers, provides OEM Profiles
includes a geographic index. Additionally, there is a trade name index
with over 20,000 brand name products and their suppliers.
TITLE: Plunkett’s Healthcare Industry Almanac 2001-2002. Plunkett,
Jack W. ed. Houston: Plunkett Research, Ltd., 2000. 770p. CD-ROM.
PURPOSE: This biennial publication from a well renowned research
company provides industry relevant information for all professionals dealing
with the healthcare industry…from corporate employees to academic institutions
and health care institutions. According to the publisher, “The only complete
guide to the Health Care Industry.”
SCOPE: This massive almanac provides a wealth of statistical data and
business information. There is a comprehensive guide to healthcare trends
and companies (including the medical instruments and apparatus industry,
medical supplies industry, and insurance companies), a chapter dealing
specifically with the outlook for medical technology and rankings of companies
within healthcare industry groups. The statistical data allows for comparisons
within the
extensive directories. Again, the included CD-ROM makes the information
accessible in another format.
TITLE: Williams Dictionary of Biomaterials. Williams, D.F., Comp.,
Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1999. 343p.
PURPOSE: To provide definitions of biomaterial terms that can be understood
by people in the varied disciplines that are involved with biomaterial
development and use.
SCOPE: Over 6,000 terms are defined. Entry provides term, definition,
discipline, and originating source. Abbreviation list for sources is provided.
TITLE: White, John. From Research to Printout: Creating Effective
Technical Documents. New York: ASME Press, 1998. 316 p.
PURPOSE: To provide an effective communication guide for those
who need to know how to write technical scientific documents.
SCOPE: In a sequential fashion, this guide provides practical
information for 8 types of technical documents: business letters, e-mails,
memorandums, faxes, scientific and technical reports, procedure development,
proposals and training manuals. The author uses examples from industry
as well as illustrations to make this a more effective tool for professionals.
TITLE: Encyclopedia of Human Biology, 2nd ed. Dulbecco, Renato,
ed. San Diego: Academic Press, 1997. 9v. 7636 p.
PURPOSE: To provide comprehensive coverage of human biology for professionals,
researchers and educators.
SCOPE: This 9 volume work provides over 670 articles covering 37 different
areas within human biology. The world-renowned editors reviewed and updated
all articles from the first edition and added 100 new topics. Included
are a thematic Table of Contents, a 5000-term glossary and additional reading
lists with each entry. Entries are arranged alphabetically. There are more
than 3000 figures and tables. This is an essential reference tool.