The Library
The mission of the corporate library at Webuiltit, Chicago is
to support the small group of scientists and engineers who prepare the
waste management systems designs. As a new branch, it contains a
basic, skeletal collection that will be expanded as new resources are selected
and as time and budgets allow. Researchers may request that resources
be faxed or mailed from the main library in Paris, France and they have
access to several document delivery providers, the primary one being Ingenta.
The Collection
Applied Science & Technology Full Text. H. W. Wilson Company.
This database provides full-text access to 117 science and technology
periodicals (98 active) dating back to 1997, abstracting for 485 periodicals
back to 1993 and indexing of 485 back to 1983. The full text availability
in this database expands the library's periodical collection exponentially.
Several full text titles of particular note include the American Industrial
Hygiene Association Journal, Chemistry & Industry, Critical Reviews
in Environmental Science and Technology, Environment, the Journal of Environmental
Quality, Pollution Engineering, Waste Age, and World Wastes. In addition
to the full-text, abstracted, and indexed journals that are specifically
devoted to environmental science or engineering, the database contains
others that are of interest as supporting material.
Ei Compendex. Elsevier Engineering Information Inc.
Ei Compendex is the online version of Engineering Index Monthly.
It is a massive engineering database containing abstracts of over six million
journal articles, reports, and conference papers and proceedings dating
back to 1970. Ei claims that it is updated weekly with a total of
some 250,000 new entries added each year. This database will be the
work horse of the collection providing environmental engineering information
to patrons as well as supplying information and solutions from related
branches of the engineering field.
Environmental Sciences & Pollution Management. Cambridge Scientific
This sizable database covers over 4000 scientific and technical journals
as well as monographs, reports, proceedings, and government documents.
CSA claims that it contains over 1.3 million entries dating back to 1981
with over 7,500 new ones added each month. Its entries include information
not only specifically oriented toward waste management but also covering
important related disciplines such as bacteriology biotechnology, ecology,
hazardous waste, industrial hygiene, pollution, and toxicology. In
conjunction with a basic online and print periodical collection and efficient
document delivery, this is an invaluable resource for the firm's engineers
and researchers.
Biocycle: Journal of Composting and Recycling. monthly.
JG Press. ISSN 0276-5055
Biocycle contains both research and industry oriented articles.
It covers all major technical elements of waste management and devotes
significant space to business trends, legal issues, and professional news
items. As a standard periodical for professionals in the field, it
was selected for the library's collection.
Clean Tech. bi-monthly. Witter Publishing Corporation.
ISSN 1092-6704
This magazine is published bi-monthly by the Witter Publishing Corporation.
It discusses cleaning technology for companies interested in this venture.
It also acts as a clearinghouse for information on such subjects as government
regulations, environmental policies and other issues that concern the industry.
Environmental Manager (EM). monthly. Air and Waste Management
ISSN 1079-7343
The Air and Waste Management Association publish this magazine monthly.
It deals with a variety of environmental topics important to industry leaders
and consultants. Topics include regulations, health and safety, technology,
and personnel issues.
Filtration and Separation. monthly. Elsevier Advanced Technology.
ISSN 0015-1882
Elsevier Advanced Technology, a branch of the Elsevier Science Group,
publishes this monthly magazine. It deals with issues that concern
users of filtration and separation technology and equipment. These
issues include technical breakthroughs, company profiles, price changes
and industry mergers.
Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association. monthly.
Air and Waste
Management Association. ISSN 1047-3289
The Association's journal offers articles including features on environmental
systems, hazardous waste, and chemical engineering solutions. It
is also particularly strong in covering changing regulations and emerging
technologies. It is a standard work in the field and has been selected
to help provide recent and relevant information for library patrons.
Journal of Environmental Engineering. monthly. American
Society of Civil Engineers.
ISSN 0733-9372
A standard for the field, the Journal of Environmental Engineering
is published by the environmental engineering division of the American
Society of Civil Engineers. This refereed journal's articles include
research in areas such as waste management, wastewater management, hazardous
waste, regulatory issues, and treatment strategies. It is a critical
resource for environmental engineers wishing to keep abreast of changing
technologies and policies.
Waste Age. monthly. ISSN 0043-1001
This monthly publication deals with issues in recycling, waste disposal
and environmental legislation. It does not pretend to be a scholarly
publication, as it is intended to be read by everyone involved with waste
management, from Chief Executive Officers to drivers.
Waste Matters. quarterly. Iowa State Government.
A publication issued quarterly by the state of Iowa, it is intended
to provide information on waste management and governmental regulations
not only in Iowa, but to the world wide industry of waste management.
Reference – Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Directories, and Handbooks
Ashworth, W. (2001). Encyclopedia of Environmental Studies. New York:
Facts on File.
600 pages. ISBN 0-816-04255-1
This new edition of the Encyclopedia of Environmental Studies, written
by experts in the field, is an essential guide for all working in the area
of environmental science and related disciplines. The book reflects the
shift to a more issue-based approach in environmental studies. It provides
excellent coverage of today's global environment with more than 4,000 A-to-Z
entries covering important issues of modern environmental science.
This is a good encyclopedia on environmental science and related disciplines
for general reference queries.
Bakr, M. (1998). Elsevier’s Dictionary of the Environment – English,
French, Spanish, &
Arabic. New York: Elsevier Science. 474 pages. ISBN 0-444-82966-0
In both developing and developed countries environmental concerns are
politically and economically important. Language is an important medium
for defining terms in every discipline. The author of this multilingual
dictionary based his choice of terms on two assumptions:
(1) the most commonly used terms,
(2) their translatability into other languages without losing
their intended meaning. This is a good multilingual dictionary covering
environmental terms for an international company.
Bitton, G. (1998). Formula Handbook for Environmental Engineers and
Scientists. New
York: Wiley. 290 pages. ISBN 0-471-13905 X
The Formula Handbook provides the engineer with the most popular and
useful formulas covering biological/biochemical processes in natural and
engineered systems. The Handbook is an indispensable reference compiled
from select journals, review articles, and books. It is arranged alphabetically,
making information easy to find. Additional entries include:
· An introduction to the topic
· Definition of terms
· Numerical values
· Tables and figures
· References
This handbook is a basic source for engineering formulas.
Burke, G., Singh, B. R., & Theodore, L. (2000). Handbook of Environmental
Management and Technology (2nd Edition). New York: Wiley. 824 pages.
ISBN 0-471-34910-0
This handbook, a resource for engineers, managers, and entrepreneurs,
covers a wide range of technical, scientific, and regulatory issues. It
offers a historical perspective on pollution problems and solutions along
with an introduction to the scientific and technical literature in the
field. Chapters cover management issues on air pollution, water pollution,
solid and radioactive waste, hazardous waste, pollution prevention, additional
environmental concerns and considerations, new technologies and approaches,
risk related topics, and recent developments. This is a good general
guide containing regulatory information.
Corbitt, R. (1999). Standard Handbook of Environmental Engineering.
New York:
McGraw-Hill Professional Publications. Various pagings. ISBN 0-070-13160-0
This new edition of Standard Handbook of Environmental Engineering
provides updates on the latest tools, techniques, and regulations in the
field. Leading experts have written each chapter to provide guidance to
the field of air, water, and waste treatment and handling methods. This
book covers the information one needs from project management to value
engineering. Standard Handbook of Environmental Engineering is an
essential reference source for professional guidance with hundreds of useful
tables and charts, and convenient access to all the day-to-day technical,
professional, and regulatory information. This handbook is broader
than just waste management, covering many related topics.
International Directory of Solid Waste Management: ISWA Yearbook 2000/2001.
London: James & James Publishers. 480 pages. ISBN 1-902-91620-4
This eighth edition of the ISWA Yearbook is intended to provide a comprehensive
reference guide to the whole of the solid waste industry with current articles,
reports and case studies on all aspects of solid waste management.
This is the most current issue of a comprehensive directory standard in
the field, containing case studies for problems engineers/researchers might
Lee, C. & Lin, S. (2000). Handbook of Environmental Engineering
Calculations. New
York: McGraw-Hill. 1504 pages. ISBN 0-070-38183-6
Handbook of Environmental Engineering Calculations provides calculation
procedures for solid waste management, air resources management, water
quality assessment and control, surface water, lake and reservoirs, groundwater,
public water supply, waste water treatment, and risk assessment/pollution
prevention. The author has presented each procedure with fully illustrated
steps, showing the integration of regulatory requirements into environmental
design. This is an important reference source for engineers for actual
work projects.
Webster, L. F. (2000). Dictionary of Environmental and Civil Engineering.
New York:
Parthenon Publishing. 546 pages. ISBN 1-850-70075-3
This environmental science and engineering dictionary, which includes
15,000 terms and concise definitions, was collected from practicing professionals,
books and journals. The entries have been supplied by the US Department
of Agriculture, the Solid Waste Association of America, the Council of
Forest Industries of British Columbia, and others. This is a comprehensive,
multi-discipline dictionary with an international base.
Alexander, M. (1999). Biodegradation and Bioremediation, 2E.
Burlington, MA:
Academic Press. 453 pages. ISBN 0-120-49861-8
This book presents the basic principles of biodegradation and its relationship
to bioremediation. It presents microbiological, chemical, toxicological,
environmental, engineering, and technological aspects of the subject.
This is currently an important topic in waste management issues.
Bilitewski, B., Hardtle, G, Marek, K. Fischer, K.J. et al. (1996). Waste
New York: Springer-NY. 699 pages. ISBN 3-540-59210-5
This book offers a comprehensive overview of waste disposal and management.
Numerous practical examples are included. It compares the of regulations
of the United States, Canada and Japan, as well as reviews of United States
environmental legislation – both Federal and State and presents a variety
of case studies such as Recycling Hawaii and barge wastes. International
in perspective, this book contains information about different approaches/perspectives
and legislative information.
Grover, V. J., Guha, B. K., Hoagland, W., & McRae, S. G. (Ed.).
(2000). Solid Waste
Management. Rotterdam, Netherlands: Balkema Publishers. 340 pages.
ISBN 9-054-10786-3
The 22 papers in this collection focus on solid waste management practices
in developing countries, but also deal with some issues in developed countries.
The case studies review collection, transport, and processing options in
use in each region; and offer solutions that involve public participation,
public education, better legislation, and reliable databases. This
book contains good information on conditions relating to waste management
in developing countries.
Klein, J. & Winter, J. (2000). Biotechnology, Volume 11c, Environmental
Processes III.
New York: Wiley. 518 pages. ISBN 3-527-28336-6
The revised second edition presents recent developments in biotechnology,
including an overview of solid waste management, off-gas treatment procedures,
and drinking water preparation techniques that are well established or
have been developed recently. Information is available about different
incineration techniques, both those in use and experimental procedures.
This book presents modern methods of waste treatment, which are important
to the field.
McDougall, F. R. (Ed.). (2002) Integrated Solid Waste Management : A
Cycle Inventory. Oxford, U.K.: Blackwell Science Inc. 544 pages.
ISBN 0-632-05889-7
This second edition continues the concept of integrated waste management
by providing case studies of such systems. It also includes updated chapters
on waste generation, waste collection, central sorting, biological treatment,
thermal treatment, landfill and materials recycling, solid waste management
systems, solid waste generation and composition, waste collection, central
sorting, biological treatment, thermal treatment, landfilling, materials
recycling. This book provides an important source of information
for the environmental and economic assessment of a project.
Mihelaic, J. (1998). Fundamentals of Environmental Engineering. New
York: Wiley.
352 pages. ISBN 0-471-24313-2
This text provides a clear explanation of the fundamentals of the chemistry,
biology, and physical processes which are necessary for solving small town
and global environmental problems. It includes applications related to
drinking water and wastewater treatment, air quality engineering and science,
groundwater transport and remediation, surface water quality, hazardous
solid waste management, and ecosystems. It is a basic, broad text
for review of the fundamentals for engineers.
Qian, X., Koerner, R. & Gray, D. H. (2002). Geotechnical Aspects
of Landfill Design and
Construction. Upper Saddle River, N. J.: Prentice Hall. 717 pages.
ISBN 0-13-012506-7
Addressing landfill design and construction issues in a comprehensive
manner, this text focuses on all elements of a landfill from design to
completion. It also looks at actual, state-of-the-art construction procedures
in a step-by-step manner by use of carefully selected design equations
and examples, diagrams, tables, and homework problems. This book
provides practical information in an important area of waste management
engineering with helpful step-by-step procedures.
Quadria Curzio, A., Prosperetti, L., & Zoboli, R. (1994). The Management
of Municipal
Solid Waste in Europe: Economic, Technological and Environmental Perspectives.
New York: Elsevier Science. 262 pages. ISBN 0-444-81948-7
This volume in the series considers aspects of the municipal solid
waste problem. Using a multi-disciplinary it combines technological, environmental,
and economic analysis, and highlights the inter-relationships between them.
The main focus is on usable knowledge and analysis for policy making at
various levels. The book focuses on European problems offering a
variety of approaches and useful knowledge.
Rosenberg, L. & Furedy, C. (1996). International Source Book
Environmentally Sound Technologies for Municipal Solid Waste. Osaka,
Japan: UNEP International Environmental Technology Center; Harvard Institute
for International Development. 427 pages. ISBN 9-280-71503-8
This work provides an overview of key topics and technologies in municipal
solid waste management. It outlines the framework for waste management
and discusses various technologies, policies, and practices in waste reduction,
collection and transfer, composting, incineration, landfills, and special
wastes, drawing on experiences in developed and developing countries.
Produced by the United Nations, it provides an environmentally sound overview
of experiences worldwide.
Tammanagi, H. Y. (1999) The Waste Crisis: Landfills, Incinerators, and
the Search for a
Sustainable Future. New York: Oxford University Press. 296 pages.
ISBN 0-19-512898-2
This book looks at solid waste management in North America and seeks
solutions to the waste crisis. It focuses on municipal wastes in perspective
with other wastes such as hazardous, biochemical, and radioactive debris.
It describes the components of an integrated waste management program,
including recycling, composting, landfills, and waste incinerators, and
it presents in detail the scientific and engineering principles underlying
these technologies. It attempts to analyze waste management in a broader
societal context and to propose solutions based on basic principles and
encourages readers to challenge commonly held perceptions and to seek new
and better ways of dealing with waste. This book emphasizes sustainability
of projects and practical things that can be done and is a good alternative
view of waste management for the future.
Web Sites
Air & Waste Management Association.
Information on the activities of the AWMA, such as staff and membership,
employment, news, educational opportunities, and a listing and brief
summary of their publications can be found at this site. Access:
Center for Environmental Biotechnology.
Members of the center's research teams are involved in investigating
the application of
biotechnological approaches for environmental bioremediation. This
site contains research project summaries. Access:
National Association of Environmental Professionals.
This site, created by an association for environmental planning, research,
and management professionals, contains articles on timely issues such as
pesticides, contamination, and an extensive library of materials.
National Library for the Environment Online.
This site contains a large body of environment-related information:
daily environment and congressional news, upcoming conferences, education
resources, and congressional research service reports. Access:
TechKnow is a database that lists "environmentally friendly" remediation
and ozone-depleting substance management technologies, their cost, and
contact information for referral. Access:
United Nations Environment Programme.
UNEP was created to provide leadership and to encourage the partnership
of countries in caring for the environment. This site features the programme's
publications and reports, and information on legislation and current issues.
There is also a link to the United Nations System Wide Earthwatch (,
which provides information on global news, emerging environmental problems,
global environmental assessments, and climate data. Access:
United States Environmental Protection Agency.
A great deal of the USEPA's information is available at this site.
Research summaries, fact sheets, software, congressional testimony, summaries
of environmental bills, and Federal Register articles pertaining to the
environment can all be found here. A search feature aids in finding information
at this large site. Within this site the various agency divisions have
their own homepages. This site also includes state and local EPA contacts.
U.S. Geological Survey.
A wealth of information can be found here on the earth sciences and
the environment. The environment section of the site features a large collection
of resources on USGS studies on policy, global change, energy and the environment,
ecosystems and management, and anthropogenic and natural contaminants.
USAID Environmental and Natural Resources.
USAID (United States Agency for International Development) is an independent
agency that provides economic development and humanitarian assistance to
developing countries. Part of this effort is to encourage countries to
work toward environmental protection. This Web site provides detailed information
on USAID's environment-related projects, education efforts, and publications.