The Environment: News & Media

News Online

AASHE Bulletin (Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education)
Weekly news, opportunities, resources, job postings, and events related to sustainability in higher education.

edie (environmental data international exchange)
online community for water, waste, and environmental professionals

Grist: Environmental News and Commentary
Renowned for its up-to-the-minute well-researched news: "doom and gloom with a sense of humor."

ScienceDaily Magazine
One of the Internet's leading online magazines and Web portals devoted to science, technology, and medicine

Sci-Tech Library Newsletter (University of Stanford)
Informal newsletter that collects news and resources of interest to science librarians.

The Onion (Onion, Inc. Madison, WI)
An online satirical magazine. Satellite offices in Boston, Denver, New York, and Milwaukee.

Radio and Television (Earth Channel Communications, Stone Mountain, GA)
Hosts ECTC (EarthCoast), ECRadio, Peace Torch - a global peace initiative. Invites submission of audio/video for EarthCoast broadcasts. Donated high-speed server time for the WorldPuja 3rd Annual World Sound Healing Day, on Valentine's Day, February 14, 2005.

Humankind Public Radio (hosted by David Freudberg; distributed by PRI - Public Radio International)

National Public Radio

National Public Radio - Living on Earth

The weekly environmental news and information program distributed by National Public Radio

Pacifica Radio (Pacifica Radio Foundation)

Paper Tiger Television
"smashing the myths of the information industry"

PBS Online
and NOW with David Brancaccio

Radio (Independent Media Center)


Environmental News Network
Publisher of environmental news and radio programs on the Internet

Independent Media Center
Based in Seattle "...a network of collectively run media outlets for the creation of radical, accurate, and passionate tellings of the truth..." Originally formed by independent or alternative media organizations to cover the World Trade Organization protests in Seattle in 1999.

Media Matters for America
Non-profit research and information center that monitors, analyzes, offers commentary and launches initiatives in correcting "conservative misinformation in the U.S. media." It's sister organization, Media Matters Action Network, is the center of it's activist efforts.