Angel Jordan
Jordan, A.G., Member, Honorary Committee and President, Committee of Experts, Second International Symposium on Knowledge Engineering-Software Engineering, Department of Computer Sciences, Universidad Politcnica de Madrid, Spain, April 8-10, 1987
Jordan, A.G., invited panel member at "The University and Science and Technology" session at "The Educated Citizen and The University of the Future" seventh annual symposium organized by the Center for Comparative Studies in the Humanities and the Graduate School, Ohio State University, May 6-9, 1987
Jordan, A.G., "Innovation in Pittsburgh for the 1990s", keynote address at the American Intellectual Property Law Association's Spring Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, May 13-15, 1987
Jordan, A.G., "Technology Transfer", invited speaker to the Governor's Pennsylvania Technology Task Force (1987)
Jordan, A.G., "The Role of Academic Leadership", invited speaker at the NSF Emerging Technologies Meeting, October, 1987
Jordan, A.G., "University/Business Partnership for Economic Development", invited speaker at OECD Conference, Paris, France, January, 1988
Jordan, A.G., invited keynote speaker at the 1988 ASEE (American Society for Engineering Education) Research Council Meeting, Washington, DC, March, 1988
Jordan, A.G.," Technology Transfer for CIM from Universities to Industry ", CIM-Europe Conference 1988, Madrid, Spain, May, 1988
Jordan, A.G., "Industry-University-Professional Society Partnership: What can we do to improve upon and accelerate it in the 1990's?", invited panel member at the 1988 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, June 19-23, 1988
Jordan, A.G., "Strategic Planning Management in Research Universities-Centers of Engineering and Technology", Commencement Speaker, University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain, February 26, 1991
Jordan, A.G., "Hispanics in American Universities-Contributions and Traditions", Key Note Speaker, Annual Meeting of Association of Spanish Professionals in the U.S.(ALDEEU), Pittsburgh, PA., May 18-20, 1991
Jordan, A.G., "The Mission of the University in a Changing World", Inaugural Address of Academic Year 1991-1992, Polytechnic University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain, October 3, 1991
Jordan, A.G., "Reflections on Technology Transfer and Development Business Competitiveness", Key Note Speaker, International Symposium on Technology Tranfer, 75th Anniversary of Consortium of the Zona Franca, Barcelona, Spain, October, 24-25, 1991
Jordan, A.G., "New Concepts in Advanced High Definition Systems", Presentation at DARPA High Definition Systems Information Exchange Conference, Arlington, Virginia, January 14-16, 1992
Jordan, A.G., "Computer Engineering/Science-An International Perspective", Seminar at Universidad Nacional de Educacin a Distancia, Madrid, Spain, September 23, 1993
Jordan, A.G., "The Structure of the Computer Industry", Seminar at Kuwait University, Kuwait City, Kuwait, October 13, 1993 Jordan, A.G., "Management of Technology", Talk at ITESM, Technological Institute of Monterey, Mexico City, Mexico, November 2, 1993
Jordan, A.G., "Flat Panel Displays and High Definition Television", Presentation at NAE Workshop on Small Companies, National Academy of Engineering, Washington D.C., Nov. 30-Dec.1, 1993
Jordan, A.G., "New Concepts in Advanced High Definition Systems", Presentation at DARPA High Definition Systems Information Exchange Conference, Arlington, Virginia, February 1-4, 1993
Jordan, A.G., " Informtica y Creatividad" (Informatics and Creativity), Key Note Speaker at First Congress on Creativity, Universidad Nacional de Educacin a Distancia, Madrid, Spain, September 20-24, 1993
Jordan, A.G., "New Concepts in Advanced High Definition Systems", Presentation at ARPA High Definition Systems Information Exchange Conference, Arlington, Virginia, January 30-February 2, 1994
Jordan, A.G., "Management of Technology and Quality", Talks at ITSM, Technological Institute of Monterrey, Mexico City, Mexico, March 18-19; June 3-4; November 4-5; 1994
A. G. Jordan, "Trends in the Information Technologies Markets-The Future", Key Note Speaker, COMPSTAT '96 (COMPutational STATistics), Barcelona, Spain, August 26-29, 1996
A. G. Jordan and Raj Reddy. "Informedia and The Universal Library of Carnegie Mellon University. Invited Presentation at "Lifelong Learning for the Information Society", Conference and Showcase, European Commission, Genoa, Italy, March 24-28, 1996
A. G. Jordan, "Implications for Industrial, social, educational and training policy", Panel Member at "Lifelong Learning for the Information Society", Conference and Showcase, European Commission, Genoa, Italy, March 24-28, 1996
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