Angel Jordan
Jordan, A.G. and R. Elco, "Esaki Diodes as Superregenerative Detectors", Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers 48, 1902 (November 1960)
Jordan, A.G. and A.G. Milnes, "Photoeffect in Diffused P-N Junctions with Integral Field Gradients", IRE Transactions on Electron Devices ED-7, 242-251 (October 1960)
Jordan, A.G. and R. Elco, "The Tunnel Diode Superregenerative Amplifier", Journal of Electronics and Control, 11, 65-79 (July 1961)
Scharfetter, D. and A.G. Jordan, "Conductivity Modulation by Excess Carriers in Semiconductor Filaments and the Theory of the Double Base Diode", Bulletin of the American Physical Society, Series II, 6, 437 (November 1961)
Lade, R.W. and A.G. Jordan, "On the Dynamic Behavior of the High-Low Junction Devices", Journal of Electronics and Control 13, 497-513 (December 1962)
Lade, R.W. and A.G. Jordan, "On the Static Characteristics of High-Low Junction Devices", Journal of Electronics and Control 13, 23-24 (July 1962)
Nathanson, H.C. and A.G. Jordan, "Characteristics of an Exponentially Retrograded PN Junction for Parametric Amplification, Part 1", Semiconductor Products 5, 38-42 (April 1962)
Nathanson, H.C. and A.G. Jordan, "Characteristics of an Exponentially-Retrograded PN Junction for Parametric Amplification, Part 2", Semiconductor Products 5, 24-28 (May 1962)
Nathanson, H.C. and A.G. Jordan, "Voltage Controlled Minority Carrier Collection - The Exponentially Retrograded Photodiode", Solid State Electronics 5, 365-380 (November 1962)
Scharfetter, D.L. and A.G. Jordan, "Reactive Effects in Semiconductor Filaments Due to Conductivity Modulation and an Extension of the Theory of the Double-Base Diode", IRE Transactions on Electron Devices ED-9, 461-473 (November 1962)
Szedon, J.R. and A.G. Jordan, "The Avalanche Injection Diode and Its Application as a Switch for High-Frequency Signals", Proceedings of the National Electronics Conference 18, 166-173 (October 1962)
Gregory, B.L. and A.G. Jordan, "Single Carrier Injection in Silicon at Low Temperatures", Bulletin of the American Physical Society, Series II, 8, 209 (March 1963)
Jordan, A.G., "A Note on the Inductive Properties of Filamentary Transistors", Journal of Applied Scientific Research, Section B 10, 129-136 (June 1963)
Jordan, A.G., R.W. Lade and D.L. Scharfetter, "A Note on Fermi Levels, Quasi Fermi Levels and Terminal Voltages in Semiconductor Devices", American Journal of Physics 31, 490-499 (July 1963)
Nathanson, H.C. and A.G. Jordan, "On Multiplication and Avalanche Breakdown in Exponentially Retrograded Silicon P-N Junctions", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices ED-10, 44-51 (January 1963)
Lade, R.W. and A.G. Jordan, "A Study of Ohmicity and Exclusion in High-Low Semiconductor Junction Devices", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices ED-10, 15-23 (July 1963)
Scharfetter, D.L., R.W. Lade and A.G. Jordan, "A Unified Treatment of Semiconductor Boundary-Value Problems", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices ED-10, 35-43 (January 1963)
Jordan, A.G. and J.R. Szedon, "The Static and Dynamic Properties of the Avalanche Injection Diode", Solid-State Electronics 6, 631-643 (November 1963)
Brown, J. and A.G. Jordan, "Experiments on MOS Devices at Low Temperatures", Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Solid State Devices Research Conference, University of Colorado, July 1964; IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices ED-11, 535 (November 1964)
Gregory, B.L. and A.G. Jordan, "Experimental Investigations of Single Injection in Compensated Silicon at Low Temperatures", The Physical Review, Second Series 134, (Al), A1378-A1386 (June 1964)
Gregory, B.L. and A.G. Jordan, "Single Carrier Injection in Silicon at 76oK and 300oK", Journal of Applied Physics 35, 3046-3047 (October 1964)
Jordan, A.G. and N.A. Jordan, "Noise in MOS Devices", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices ED-11, 534 (November 1964); Presented at Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Solid State Devices Research Conference, University of Colorado, July 1964
Brown, J.M. and A.G. Jordan, "Surface Effects on N-Type Silicon at Liquid Helium Temperatures", Applied Physics Letters 6, 160-162 (April 15, 1965)
Jordan, A.G. and N.A. Jordan, "Theory of Noise in Metal Oxide Semiconductor Devices", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices ED-12, 148-156 (March 1965)
Jordan, A.G. and R.W. Knepper, "Fluctuations in the Pre-breakdown Region of Double Injection P-I-N Diodes", Applied Physics Letters 6, 126-128 (April 1965)
Jordan, A.G., "Potential Drops in Metal Dielectric Semiconductor Capacitors", IEEE Transactions on Education E-8, 131-136 (December 1965)
Aiken, J.G. and A.G. Jordan, "Single Injection Measurements in N-Type Silicon at 4.2oK Under Transient Conditions", Journal of Applied Physics 36, 3943-3945 (December 1965)
Candler, D. and A.G. Jordan, "A Small Signal, High-Frequency Analysis of the Insulated Gate Field Effect Transistor", International Journal of Electronics 19, No. 2, 181-196 (1965)
Brown, J.M. and A.G. Jordan, "Injection and Transport of Added Carriers in Silicon at Liquid Helium Temperatures", Journal of Applied Physics 37, 337-346 (January 1966)
Jordan, A.G., "Integrated Circuit Structures including Unijunction Transistors", U.S. Patent No. 3,271,639, assigned to Westinghouse Electric Corporation, October 1966
Aiken, J.G. and A.G. Jordan, "Electrical Transport Properties of Single-Crystal Nickel Oxide", Bulletin of the American Physical Society, Series II, 12, 205 (February 1967)
Yu, K.K., A.G. Jordan and R.L. Longini, "Relations between Electrical Noise and Dislocations in Silicon", Journal of Applied Physics 38, 572-583 (February 1967)
Aiken, J.G. and A.G. Jordan, "Electrical Transport Properties of Single Crystal Nickel Oxide", Journal Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 29, 2153 (1968)
Glaenzer, R.H. and A.G. Jordan, "Recombination of Minority Carriers in Dislocations in Silicon", Bulletin of the American Physical Society, Series II, 13, 497 (March 1968)
Green, D., R.H. Glaenzer, A.G. Jordan and A.J. Noreika, "Observation of Parallel Arrays of Pure Edge Dislocations in Silicon", Journal of Applied Physics, 39, 2937-2939 (May 1968)
Jordan, A.G., "The Effects of Dislocations on the Electrical Properties of Semiconductors", paper presented at the Sandia Laboratory, Albuquerque, New Mexico (August 1968)
Jordan, A.G., "Tuned Amplifier Employing Unijunction Transistor Biased in Negative Resistance Region", U.S. Patent No. 3,271,639, assigned to Westinghouse Electric Corporation, November 1968
Green, D. and A.G. Jordan, "The Effects of Dislocations on the Noise in Planar Silicon Diodes", 2nd Conference on Solid State Devices, University of Manchester, England (September 3-6, 1968)
Jordan, A.G., "Noise Resulting from Radiation Damage in Semiconductors ", paper presented at the Meeting of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Albuquerque, New Mexico (September 10, 1968)
Glaenzer, R.H. and A.G. Jordan, "The Effects of Contamination on the Electrical Properties of Dislocations in Silicon", The Philosophical Magazine, 18, 717-723 (October 1968)
Green, D. and A.G. Jordan, "Effects of Dislocations on the Noise of Planar P-N Junctions", Int. J. Electronics, 1969, Vol. 27, No. 2, 159-176. Glaenzer, R.H. and A.G. Jordan, "The Electrical Properties of Dislocations in Silicon -- I", Solid State Electronics, Vol. 12, pp. 247-258 (1969)
Glaenzer, R.H. and A.G. Jordan, "The Electrical Properties of Dislocations in Silicon -- II", Solid State Electronics, Vol. 12, pp. 249-266 (1969)
Larkin, M.W. and A.G. Jordan, "Interface Properties of Oxidized Silicon in Dendritic Web Form", The Philosophical Magazine, Vol. 20, No. 168, p. 1097 (December 1969)
Jordan, A.G., "Fluctuation Phenomena and Electrical Characteristics of Si p+ n Double Injection Devices", paper presented at the Workshop on Fluctuation Phenomena in Single and Double Injection Devices, Basel, Switzerland (May 1970)
Jordan, A.G., "Noise in Avalanche Transit Time Devices", Invited Paper, presented at the Symposium on Solid State Microwave Devices, Roorkee, India (January 18-21, 1971)
Jordan, A.G., "Fluctuation Phenomena and Noise in Gunn Diodes", Invited Paper presented at the Symposium on Solid State Microwave Devices, Roorkee, India (January 18-21, 1971)
Jordan, A.G. and R.W. Knepper, "Electrical Characteristics and Fluctuation Phenomena in Semiconductor Double Injection Devices, Solid State Elec. 14 (1971)
Jordan, A.G. and A.C. Sanderson, "Electron Beam Control of IMPATT Diodes", Solid State Electronics, 15, 140-142 (July 1971)
Jordan, A.G., "A Study of Random Frequency Noise in Microwave Gunn Effect Oscillators", Conference Proceedings of International Conference on Noise in Active Semiconductor Devices, Toulouse, France (September 21-23, 1971)
Knepper, R.W. and A.G. Jordan, "Double Injection in P N Silicon Devices", Solid State Electronics 15, 45-58 (January 1972)
Knepper, R.W. and A.G. Jordan, "Electrical Fluctuations in Silicon Double Injection Devices", Solid State Electronics, 15, 59-67 (January 1972)
Jordan, A.G., T. Hockenberry and I. Isarie, "Recent International Developments in Non-Traditional Machining Processes, EDM, ECM, LBM, and EBM", paper presented at the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, June 25-28, 1973
Dworak, R.A., T.O. Hockenberry and A.G. Jordan, "Investigation of the No-Wear Phenomena in Electric Discharge Machining", paper presented at NSF Hard Metals Conference, MIT Cambridge, MA (August 9-10, 1973)
Jordan, A.G., "Research and Development - A Solution to National Problems", Society of Military Engineers, Pittsburgh Post, Ohio Valley Regional Conference; Chairman of Session on Energy (November 1-3, 1973)
Jordan, A.G., "New Directions for Engineering Education and Curriculum Development", Invited Paper presented at the First International Congress of Electrical and Electronic Communications, Mexico City, Mexico (September 12-21, 1974)
Johnson, B.C., C.L. Bauer and A.G. Jordan, "A Study of Contact Resistance in Bimetallic Copper-Nickel Thin Films", 1975 Materials Science Symposium, Cincinnati, Ohio (November 12, 1975)
Dworak, R.A., A.G. Jordan, J.S. Thorne and G. Conroy, "A Time Domain Reflectrometry Microcomputer for Accurate Location of Resistive Faults in Coal Mine Trailing Cables", paper presented at the IAS-IEEE Conference, Chicago IL (October 1976)
Dworak, R.A., A.G. Jordan and G. Conroy, "A Microprocessor-Controlled Trailing Cable Fault Locator", paper presented at the IAS-IEEE Conference, Chicago, IL (October 1976)
Fatula, J.J., A.G. Jordan and C.L. Bauer, "A Study of Contact Resistance of "Vias" in IC Metal-Insulator-Metal Systems", paper presented at the Electronic Materials Conference, Cornell University (June 1977)
Shearer, M.P., C.L. Bauer and A.G. Jordan, "Evolution of Contact Resistance in Aluminum-Copper Thin Films", paper presented at the 19th Electronic Materials Conference, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY (June 30, 1977)
Shearer, M.P., C.L. Bauer and A.G. Jordan, "Interfacial Reactions in Bimetallic Thin-Film Couples of Aluminum and Copper", presented at the 107th AIME Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado (1978)
Bauer, C.L. and A.G. Jordan, "Study of Interfacial Reactions in Bimetallic Thin-Film Couples by Contact Resistance Measurements", Physica Status Solidi 47 (May 1978)
Advani, G.N., Y. Komen, A.G. Jordan, D.L. Leary and R.L. Longini, "Studies of SnO2 as a Material for Gas Detection", presented at the 153rd Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Seattle, Washington (May 21-26, 1978)
Leary, D.J., A.G. Jordan, Y. Komen and C.L. Bauer, "Studies of ZnO as a Material for Gas Detection", presented at the 153rd Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Seattle, Washington (May 1978)
Jordan, A.G. and D.T. Tuma, "Studies of Semiconducting Metal Oxides in Conjunction with Silicon for Solid State Gas Sensors", invited paper at International Workshop on Biomedical Transducers and Measurements, Ciudad Universitaria, Madrid, Spain (November 6-10, 1978)
Leary, D.J., P. Clifford, A.G. Jordan and D.T. Tuma, "Recent Advances in Thin Film Solid State Gas Detection", Symposium on Assessing the Industrial Hygiene Monitoring Needs for the Coal Conversion and Oil Shale Industries, Brookhaven National Lab, Upton, NY (November 6-7, 1978)
Jordan, A.G., D.J. Leary, G.N. Advani and J.O. Barnes, "Studies of Semiconducting Metal Oxides in Conjunction with Silicon for Solid State Gas Sensors", Proceedings of the Symposium on the Development and Usage of Personal Exposure Monitors for Exposure and Health Effect Studies, Environmental Protection Agency, North Carolina (January 22-24, 1979)
Advani, G.N., A.G. Jordan, C.H.P. Lupis and R.L. Longini, "A Thermodynamic Analysis of the Deposition of SnO2 Thin Films from the Vapor Phase", Thin Solid Films 62, No. 3, 361 (1979)
Shearer, M.P., C.L. Bauer and A.G. Jordan, "Investigation of Interdiffusion in Thin Film Couples of Aluminum and Copper by Auger Electron Spectroscopy", Thin Solid Films 61, 273-279 (1979)
Jordan, A.G., "Curriculum Development in an Era of Rapid Change", Invited Position Paper in special issue of IEEE Transactions on Education, May 1979
Advani, G.N. P. Kluge-Weiss and A.G. Jordan, "Analytical Characterization of SnO2 Thin Films", Materials Sci. and Eng. 41, No. 1, 99 (1979)
Johnson, B.C., C.L. Bauer and A.G. Jordan, "Effect of Microstructure on Interdiffusion in Bimetallic Cu-Ni Thin Films", J. Vac. Sci. Tech. 16, 128 (1979)
Advani, G.N. and A.G. Jordan, "Thin Films of SnO2 as Solid State Gas Sensors", J. Elec. Mat. 9, No. 1, 29 (1980)
Advani, G.N., P. Kluge-Weiss, R.L. Longini and A.G. Jordan, "Oxygen Vacancy Diffusion in SnO2 Thin Films", Intl. J. of Electronics 48, No. 5, 403 (1980)
Barnes, J.O., D.L. Leary and A.G. Jordan, "Relationship Between Deposition Conditions and Electrical Properties of Sputtered ZnO Films", Journal of the Electrochemical Society (July 1980)
Cooper, R.B., G.N. Advani and A.G. Jordan, "Gas Sensing Mechanisms in SnO2 Thin Films", J. Elec. Mat. 10 (3), 455 (1981)
Advani, G.N., Y. Komen J. Hasendopf and A.G. Jordan, "Improved Performance of SnO2 Thin Film Gas Sensors Due to Gold Diffusion", Sensors and Actuators 2, pp. 139-147 (1981)
Jordan, A.G., "Research on Robotics - State of the Art, Future Developments", presented at the Congressional Clearinghouse on the Future, Washington, DC 20515 (April 29, 1981)
Jordan, A.G., "Tomorrow's Robotics and Tomorrow's Workplace", presented at the 34th All Day Conference on Productivity and Potential ...The Human Factor, hosted by Pittsburgh Personnel Association, Pittsburgh Hilton, May 6, 1981
Leary, D.J., J.O. Barnes and A.G. Jordan, "Calculation of Carrier Concentration in Polycrystalline Films as a Function of Surface Acceptor State Density: Application for ZnO Gas Sensors", Journal of the Electrochemical Society (August 1981)
Jordan, A.G., "The Role of Universities in the Development of Advanced Manufacturing Systems", invited paper presented at the Conference on Manufacturing Engineering for Tomorrow's Needs, August 16-21, 1981; an Engineering Foundation Conference jointly sponsored with the National Science Foundation
Jordan, A.G., "Microelectronics, Computers, Automation -- Robots in a Manufacturing Environment", invited paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Council of Engineering and Scientific Society Executives, Pittsburgh, PA, July 27-30, 1982
Advani, G.N. and Jordan, A.G., "Stability of SnO2 Thin Films Used for Photovoltaic Devices", Solar Energy 30 (1), pp. 71-73, 1983
Jordan, A.G., Co-chairman of "Workshop on Magnetic Information Technology", sponsored by the National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C., June 22-24, 1983
Jordan, A.G., "Industrial Automation and Robotics -- Social Implications", invited presentation at the National Congress CONAI, Sao Paulo, Brazil, July 12-15, 1983
Jordan, A.G., "What Are the Limitations Faced by the Engineering Colleges?", invited presentation at the AIAA Symposium on Engineering Needs in Manufacturing, Cincinnati, Ohio, October 11-12, 1983
Jordan, A.G., "A Personal Computer Network in an Educational Environment", invited panel presentation at the American Society for Engineering Education 1984 College Industry Education Conference, Dallas, Texas, January 25-27, 1984
Jordan, A.G., "The New Manufacturing: America's Race to Automate", Address to Business-Higher Education Forum, Scottsdale, Arizona, February, 1984
Jordan, A.G., "A Panel Discussion on Cooperative Research", invited panel moderator. Third Symposium on Semiconductor Processing, San Jose, California, February, 1984
Jordan, A.G., "The Changing Relationship with Defense in the Engineering Schools and in Computer Science at Universities", invited presentation at the IEEE Centennial Briefing for the Media, Washington, D.C., February 21-22, 1984
Jordan, A.G., "Industry/University Cooperation", panel discussion at meeting of Southwestern Pennsylvania Higher Education Council, Inc., April 24, 1984
Jordan, A.G., R.M. Cyert, S.B. Dunkle, S.M. Miller, "The New Manufacturing: America's Race to Automate", A Report by the Business-Higher Education Forum, addressing a key recommendation made in "America's Competitive Challenge: The Need for a National Response", a study submitted by the Business-Higher Education Forum to the President of the United States in May, 1983; Washington, D.C.(June, 1984)
Jordan, A.G., "The Software Engineering Institute", invited presentation to the Software Entrepreneurs Forum, Pittsburgh, PA, January, 1985
Jordan, A.G., "The Software Engineering Institute", keynote speech at the Annual Meeting of the membership of the Allegheny Valley Chamber of Commerce, Pittsburgh, PA, April, 1985
Jordan, A.G., "Strategic Evaluation of Technological Change", invited address at Meeting in Buitrago, Spain, before the President of the Spanish Government and members of the Cabinet, April 12, 1985
Jordan, A.G., "Applications of Microelectronics", invited presentation at Microelectronics Applications Seminar, Santander, Spain, August, 1985
Jordan, A.G., "The Economics of Microelectronics", invited presentation at Microelectronics Applications Seminar, Santander, Spain, August, 1985
Jordan, A.G., "Fifth-Generation Software", invited chairperson, 1985 Federal Computer Conference, Washington, D.C., September, 1985
Jordan, A.G., "The Impact of Science and Technology on Curriculum and Research", invited presentation at Symposium of the Planning Commission of the University of Quebec with the President, Rectors and Vice Presidents of the University of Quebec System, Quebec, Canada, September 26, 1985
Jordan, A.G., "Cooperative R&D Initiatives: Federal, State, and Contractor Interaction", invited panel member at The Fourth Annual Defense Contracting Seminar, McLean, Virginia, October, 1985
Jordan, A.G., "Microelectronics and Artificial Intelligence", keynote presentation at the First International Symposium on Knowledge and Its Engineering, Madrid, Spain, November, 1985. Also presented at University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain, November 1985
Jordan, A.G., "Software Engineering", invited presentation to the Pittsburgh Patent Law Association, Pittsburgh, PA, February, 1985
Jordan, A.G., Invited participant in discussion on "How to Manage Technology with Emphasis on Barriers to Technological Innovation and Commercialization", Rexnord Roundtable on Managing Technology, Washington, D.C., February, 1985
Jordan, A.G., "Software Engineering", invited talk at "The Diebold Multi-Sponsor Continuing Programs" Sixty-Fifth Plenary Meeting, Point Clear, Alabama, March 25-27, 1985
Jordan, A.G., "University Culture and Commercial Values", Invited panel member at conference on "New Alliances and Partnerships in American Science and Engineering, sponsored by the Research Roundtable and the National Academy of Sciences Industry Program, Washington, D.C., December, 1985
Jordan, A.G., "Universities' Involvement in the Strategic Defense Initiative", invited panel member at Symposium "Increased Spending for Defense R&D: Its Effects on University-Based Research", 152nd National Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Philadelphia, PA, 25-30 May 1986
Jordan, A.G., "The Strategic Defense Initiative Viewed by an Administrator", invited presentation at Session "Strategic Defense Initiative and the University", American Society of Engineering Education Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, OH, June 23, 1986
Jordan, A.G., "Strategic Evaluation of Technological Change", Los paises industrializados ante las nuevas tecnologas (the industrialized nations and new technologies), Books of Fundesco, edited by Jose Barbera, Manuel Gamella, Francisco Ros, Ricardo Valle, pp. 15-20, Fundesco, Madrid, Spain, (1986)
Johnson, B.C., C.L. Bauer, A.G. Jordan, "Mechanisms of Interdiffusion in Copper/Nickel Thin Film Couples", Journal of Applied Physics, 59 (4), pp. 1147-1155 (February, 1986)
Jordan, A.G., "University Relations", invited panel member at Joint Europe/USA Continuing Education Forum, sponsored by IBM and Hewlett Packard, Palo Alto, California, September 16-24, 1986
Jordan, A.G., "The Software Engineering Crisis", invited presentation at University/Industry Partnership Seminar, Tokyo, Japan, February, 1986
Jordan, A.G., "The Microelectronics Revolution - Its Impact on Society and Artificial Intelligence", invited presentation to the American Council of Independent Laboratories, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, April, 1986
Jordan, A.G., "The University and Science and Technology", proceedings from "The University of the Future, The Educated Citizen," a national symposium organized by the Center for Comparative Studies in the Humanities, Ohio State University, Conference dates: May 6-9, 1987
Jordan, A.G., Chairman of First Meeting of Spanish Scientists Resident in the United States of America, sponsored by the Head of the Presidential Cabinet of the Spanish Government, the Secretary of State for Universities and Research, and other Spanish Government Agencies, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, January 22-24, 1987
Jordan, A.G., "Hispanics and Spain and University Research and Education", invited presentation at symposium "Hispanics in Science and Engineering" 153rd National Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Chicago, Illinois, February 14-18, 1987
Jordan, A.G., "Research Highlights in Science
and Technology", invited panel member at symposium "International Academic
Exchange in Science and Technology", Pohang Institute of Science and Technology,
Pohang, Korea, March 3-4, 1987.
"Research in Computer Sciences"
"University/Industry Relations"
"International Cooperations at Carnegie Mellon University and other American
Research Universities"
"Fostering Academic Excellence through Institutional Development" "Curriculum
Development in Systems Engineering"
"Curriculum Development in Business Administration"
"Research Administration"
"Research, Development and Technology Transfer"
"Strategic Planning in Education, Research, and International Cooperation"
"University/Business Partnership for Economic Development"
Jordan, A.G., "Planning and Budgeting", invited presentation at University Administration Seminar sponsored by the Fulbright Commission and the Spanish Ministry of Education, Madrid, Spain, July 5-6, 1988
Jordan, A.G., invited lectures given in Ecuador,
sponsored by the Fulbright Commission at different Ecuadorian universities,
June 27-29 and July 1, 2, 1988:
"Impacts of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics in Developing Countries"
"Curriculuns in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, and Computer
Jordan, A.G., "Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Engineering", Keynote presentation at the Third International Symposium on Knowledge and Its Engineering, Madrid, Spain, October, 1988
Jordan, A.G., Invited presentations at First
Symposium on Models of the Future, New Technologies, and Cultural Tradition,
University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, November, 1988:
"The World Diffusion of the New Technologies"
"Technological Change and Societal Impacts"
Jordan, A.G., "El Cambio Tecnolgico: Su Evaluacin Estratgica" (Technological Change: Its Strategic Evaluation), Problemas en torno a un Cambio de Civilizacin (Problems Associated with a Change in Civilization), published by Litoclub S.A., Barcelona, 1988, pp. 138-148
Jordan, A.G., "Technology transfer for CIM from universities to industry ", Proceedings of the 4th CIM Europe Conference, pp 37-47, Madrid, Spain, May 1988
Jordan, A.G., "The Role of Academic Leadership", The Emerging Technology Initiation Program, The National Science Foundation Division of Emerging Engineering Technologies, pp 28-30, September, 1988
Jordan, A.G., "Technology Transfers", Chapter 15 of Mechanisms for Job Creation, published by OECD, Paris France, 1989
Jordan, A.G., "Models of University Industry Relations", Key Note Speaker, International Conference on University Technological Development and Business Competitiveness, Grenoble, France, October 15-17, 1991
Jordan, A.G., "Models of University Industry Relations", Proceedings of International Conference on University Technological Development and Business Competitiveness, Grenoble, France, April, 1991
Jordan, A.G., "The Mission of the University in a Changing World", Bulletin of the Polytechnic University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain, pp 4-14, November, 1991
Jordan, A.G., "Reflections on Technology Transfer and Development Business Competitiveness", Proceedings of International Symposium on Technology Transfer, 75th Anniversary of Zona Franca, Barcelona, Spain, October 24-25, 1991
Jordan, A.G., "New Concepts in Advanced High Definition Systems", Proceedings of DARPA High Definition Systems Information Exchange Conference, Arlington, Virginia, January 14-16, 1992
Jordan, A.G., " Pittsburgh: The Evolution of a Metropolis", Bulletin of Bilbao Metropoli-30, pp1-15, June 1992
Jordan, A.G., " Pittsburgh: The Evolution of a Metropolis", Conference given at Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation, Bilbao, Spain, March, 4, 1992
Jordan, A.G., "Lenguas y Tecnologas de la Informacin" (Languages and Information Technologies), "Congreso de la Lengua Espaola" (Spanish Language Congress"), Seville, Spain, October 7-10, 1992
Jordan, A.G., and J. G, Carbonell, "Natural Language Processing", "Congreso de la Lengua Espaola" (Spanish Language Congress"), Seville, Spain, October 7-10, 1992
Jordan, A.G., "New Concepts in Advanced High Definition Systems", Proceedings of DARPA High Definition Systems Information Exchange Conference, Arlington, Virginia, February 1-4, 1993
Priyan Gunatilake, A. G. Jordan, and M. W. Siegel, "Compression Technique for 3-D Stereo Video Streams", International Workshop on HDTV '93 (Ottawa), Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, October 26-28, 1993
Gunatilake,P., A. G. Jordan, and M. W. Siegel, "Compression Technique for 3-D Stereo Video Streams", IEEE, SMPTE, EURASIP, ITE, EiC, International Workshop on HDTV '93 (Ottawa), October 26-28, 1993
Jordan, A.G., "New Concepts in Advanced High Definition Systems", Proceedings of ARPA High Definition Systems Information Exchange Conference, Arlington, Virginia, January 30-February 2, 1994
Jordan, A.G., "New Concepts in Advanced High Definition Systems", Proceedings of ARPA High Definition Systems Information Exchange Conference, Arlington, Virginia, January 30-February 2, 1994
Siegel, M.W., Priyan Gunatilake, Sriram Sethuraman, A. G. Jordan, "Compression of stereo image pairs and streams", Proceedings of "SPIE", "Stereoscopic Displays and Applications V", Feb. 1994, pp 258-68
Jeffrey S. McVeigh, M.W. Siegel, and Angel G.Jordan, "Technique for Synthesizing Intermediate Views from a Given Stereoscopic Image Pair", Signal Processing: Image Communications, 1994
Sethuraman, S., M.W. Siegel, and A.G. Jordan, "A multiresolution framework for stereoscopic image sequence compression", Proceedings of the 1994 International Conference on Image Processing (Austin, TX), IEEE/ICIP'94, November 1994
Jeffrey S. McVeigh, M.W. Siegel, and Angel G.Jordan, "Technique for Synthesizing Intermediate Views from a Given Stereoscopic Image Pair", Signal Processing: Image Communications, 1994
Sethuraman, S., A. G. Jordan, M. W. Siegel, "Multiresolution based hierarchical disparity estimation for stereo image pair compression", Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on "Applications of SubBands and Wavelets", "NJIT ECE Dept, University Heights, NJ 07102", March, 1994
McVeigh, Jeffrey S., M.W. Siegel, and Angel G.Jordan, "Technique for Synthesizing Intermediate Views from a Given Stereoscopic Image Pair", Signal Processing: Image Communications, 1994
Sethuraman, S., M.W. Siegel, and A.G. Jordan, "A multiresolution framework for stereoscopic image sequence compression", Proceedings of the 1994 International Conference on Image Processing (Austin, TX), IEEE/ICIP'94, November 1994
Sethuraman S, M. W. Siegel, A.G. Jordan, "A Multiresolution region based segmentation scheme for Stereoscopic image sequence compression", Proceedings of the 1995 SPIE/IST Conference (San Jose), February 1995
Jordan A.G., "New Concepts in Advanced High Definition Systems", Proceedings of ARPA High Definition Systems Information Exchange Conference, Arlington, Virginia, May 1-3, 1995
Siegel, M.W., Priyan Gunatilake, Sriram Sethuraman, A.G. Jordan, "Software for 3D-TV and 3-D Stereoscopic Computer Workstations", Proceedings of the 1995 International Workshop of Stereoscopic and Three Dimensional Imaging, Editors Michael G Strinzis et al, Aristotle University, Theesaloniki, Greece, September 1995
McVeigh,J S, S-W Wu, M W Siegel and A G Jordan, "Vector Restoration for Video Coding", Proceedings of the ICIP'95 Meeting (Washington DC), October 1995
Sethuraman S, M. W. Siegel, A. J. Jordan, "A Multiresolution region based segmentation scheme for Stereoscopic image sequence compression", Proceedings of the 1995 SPIE/IST Conference (San Jose), February 1995
J S McVeigh, S-W Wu, M W Siegel and A G Jordan, "Vector Restoration for Video Coding", Proceedings of the ICIP'95 Meeting (Washington DC), October 1995
McVeigh, Jeffrey S., M.W. Siegel, and Angel G. Jordan, "Intermediate view synthesis considering occluded and ambiguously referenced image regions", Signal Processing: Image Communication, 1996, number 9, pp 21-28
Gunatilake, Priyan, Mel Siegel and Angel Jordan, "Image Understanding Algorithms for Remote Visual Inspection of Aircraft Skin", Proceedings of the 1996 Conference on Aging Infrastructure (Scottsdale, AZ), December 1996
McVeigh, J. S., M. W. Siegel and A. G. Jordan, "Algorithm for automated eye strain reduction in real stereoscopic images and sequences", Proceedings of the 1996 SPIE/IS&T Conference (San Jose)", January 1996, pp 441-449
Sethuraman, Sriram, M. W. Siegel, Angel G. Jordan, "Segmentation based coding of stereoscopic image sequences", Proceedings of the 1996 SPIE/IS&T Conference (San Jose), January, 1996, pp 420-429
McVeigh, J. S., M. W. Siegel and A. G. Jordan, "Adaptive Reference Frame Selection for Generalized Video Signal Coding", Proceedings of the 1996 SPIE/IS&T Conference (San Jose), January 1996, pp 441-449
Jordan A. G., "Trends in the Information Technologies Markets-The Future", Key Note Speaker, Proceedings of COMPSTAT '96 (COMPutational STATistics), Barcelona, Spain, August 26-29, 1996
Jeffrey S. McVeigh, M.W. Siegel, and Angel G. Jordan, "Intermediate view synthesis considering occluded and ambiguously referenced image regions", Signal Processing: Image Communication, 1996, number 9, pp 21-28
Priyan Gunatilake, Mel Siegel and Angel Jordan, "Image Understanding Algorithms for Remote Visual Inspection of Aircraft Skin", Proceedings of the 1996 Conference on Aging Infrastructure (Scottsdale, AZ), December 1996
J. S. McVeigh, M. W. Siegel and A. G. Jordan, "Algorithm for automated eye strain reduction in real stereoscopic images and sequences", Proceedings of the 1996 SPIE/IS&T Conference (San Jose)", January 1996, pp 441-449 J. S. McVeigh, M. W. Siegel and A. G. Jordan, "Adaptive Reference Frame
Selection for Generalized Video Signal Coding", Proceedings of the 1996
SPIE/IS&T Conference (San Jose), January 1996, pp 441-449
M. Siegel, P. Gunatilake, S. Sethuraman, and A. Jordan, "Compression of Stereo Image Pairs and Streams", Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems, Vol. 2177, February, 1994, pp. 258 - 268
S. Sethuraman, A. Jordan, and M. Siegel, "Multiresolution Based Hierarchical Disparity Estimation for Stereo Image Pair Compression", March, 1994
S. Sethuraman, M. Siegel, and A. Jordan, "A Multiresolution Framework for Stereoscopic Image Sequence Compression", Proc. ICIP-94, Vol. 2, November, 1994, pp. 361 - 365
S. Sethuraman, M. Siegel, and A. Jordan, "A Multiresolutional Region Based Segmentation Scheme for Stereoscopic Image Compression", Digital Video Compression: Algorithms and Technologies 1995, Vol. 2419, February, 1995, pp. 265 - 274.
M. Siegel, V.S. Grinberg, A. Jordan, J.S. McVeigh, G. Podnar, S. Safier, and S. Sethuraman, "Software for 3D-TV and 3D-Stereoscopic Computer Workstations", Proc. of the 1995 International Workshop on Stereoscopic and Three Dimensional Imaging, European Projects RACE II - DISTIMA and COST 230, September, 1995, pp. 251 - 260
J.S. McVeigh, S. Wu, M. Siegel, and A. Jordan, "Vector Restoration for Video Coding", Proc. ICIP-95, Vol. 1, October, 1995, pp. 93 - 96
J.S. McVeigh, M. Siegel, and A. Jordan, "Intermediate view synthesis considering occluded and ambiguously referenced image regions", Signal Processing: Image Communication, Vol. 9, 1996, pp. 21 - 28
S. Sethuraman, M. Siegel, and A. Jordan, "Segmentation Based Coding of Stereoscopic Image Sequences", Digital Video Compression: Algorithms and Technologies 1996, Vol. 2668, February, 1996, pp. 420 - 429
J.S. McVeigh, M. Siegel, and A. Jordan, "Algorithm for Automated Eye Strain Reduction in real stereoscopic images and sequences", Human Vision and Electronic Imaging, Vol. 2657, February, 1996, pp. 307 - 316
J.S. McVeigh, M. Siegel, and A. Jordan, "Adaptive Reference Frame Selection for Generalized Video Signal Coding", Digital Video Compression: Algorithms and Technologies 1996, Vol. 2668, February, 1996, pp. 441 - 449
J.S. McVeigh, S. Wu, M. Siegel, and A. Jordan, "Tree-structured Vector Restoration Coding of Video", May, 1996
P. Gunatilake, M. Siegel, A. Jordan, and G. Podnar, "Image Enhancement and Understanding for Remote Visual Inspection of Aircraft Surface", Nondestructive Evaluation of Aging Aircraft, Airports, and Aerospace Hardware, Vol. 2945, December, 1996, pp. 416 - 427
P. Gunatilake, M. Siegel, A. Jordan, and G. Podnar, "Image Understanding Algorithms for Remote Visual Inspection of Aircraft Surfaces", Machine Vision Applications in Industrial Inspection V, Vol. 3029, February, 1997, pp. 2 - 13
M. Siegel, S. Sethuraman, J.S. McVeigh, and A. Jordan, "Compression and Interpolation of 3D-Stereoscopic and Multi-View Video", Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems IV, Vol. 3012, February, 1997, pp. 227 - 238
A. Jordan, "Un Modelo para la Optimización de los Resultados del Sistema Ciencia-Tecnología-Empresa" ( A Model for the Optimization of the System Science-Technology-Industry)
Proceedings of the Conference at Summer University of San Sebastián, Spain, August, 1998
A. Jordan, "Tendencias de la Investigación en las Aplicaciones de la Automática" (Trends in Research of Automation Applications), Proceedings of the XIX Jornadas de Automática, Madrid, Spain, September, 1998
A. Jordan, "Innovación Tecnológica" (Technological Innovation), Proceedings of the Conference at SPIN Association, Madrid, Spain, September, 1998
A. Jordan, "La universidad digital: Implicaciones para la Universidad del año 2010", (The Digital University: Implications for the University of 2010), Seminar at the Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, Barcelona, Spain, February, 1999
A. Jordan, "Políticas Regionales de Fomento de la Competitividad Industrial. Planes de Competitividad" (Regional Policies for Fostering Industrial Competitiveness)
Proceedings of the Conference at Summer University of Santander, Spain, July, 1999
"Creación de SPIN-OFFS de la Universidad
y Tranferencia de Tecnología" (Creation of SPIN-OFFS from the University
and Technology Transfer) A. Jordan Proceedings of the Conference
at Universidad Pública de Navarra, Pamplona, Spain, January, 2000.
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