“Shear orientation of nanoparticle arrays templated
in a thermoreversible block copolymer micellar
crystal,” D. C. Pozzo and L. M. Walker, accepted Macromolecules (2007)
“Polymerized rod-like micelle adsorption at the solid-liquid interface,”
S. Biggs, M. Labarre, C. Hodges, L. M. Walker and
G. Webber, accepted Langmuir (2007)
“Solution behavior of
rod-like polyelectrolyte surfactant aggregates polymerized from wormlike
micelles,” D.M.
Kuntz and L. M. Walker, in press J. Physical Chemistry B (2007)
“Multisegmented Block Copolymers by “Click”
Coupling of Polymers Prepared by ATRP,” P. L. Golas,
N. V. Tsarevsky, B. S. Sumerlin,
L. M. Walker and K. Matyjaszewski, accepted Austral. J. Chemistry
“Dynamic Wetting of Boger Fluids,” Y. Wei, G. K. Seevaratnam, S. Garoff, E. Ramé and L. M.
Walker, in press JCIS doi:10.1016/j.jcis.2007.04.020 (April
“Dynamic Wetting by Non-Newtonian Fluids: Shear Thinning Fluids,” G. K. Seevaratnam, Y. Suo, E. Ramé, L. M. Walker and S. Garoff,
Physics of Fluids 19:012103 (2007)
“Small angle neutron scattering of silica nanoparticles templated in PEO-PPO-PEO cubic crystals,” D. C. Pozzo and L. M. Walker, Coll. Surfaces A (2007), 294:117-129
“Quantifying Air-Atomization of Viscoelastic Fluids through Fluid
Relaxation Times,” Y. Christanti and L. M.
Walker, Atomization & Sprays 16(7):777-790 (2006)
“Controlling Dimensions of Polymerizeable
Micelles: Micelle Template versus Reaction Conditions,” M. J. Gerber and L.
M. Walker, Langmuir
22:941-948 (2006)
“Dose-Dependent Cell Growth in Response to Concentration Modulated
Patterns of FGF-2 Printed on Fibrin,” E. D. Miller, G. W. Fisher, L.
M. Walker, L. E. Weiss and P. G. Campbell, Biomaterials 27:2213-2221
“Engineered Spatial Patterns of FGF-2 Immobilized on Fibrin Direct
Cell Organization,” P. G. Campbell, E. D. Miller, G. W. Fisher, L.
M. Walker and L. E. Weiss, Biomat 26:6762-6770
“Three-dimensional nanoparticle arrays templated
by self-assembled block-copolymer gels,” D. C. Pozzo
and L. M. Walker, Macromolecular
Symposium 227(1):203-210
“A Bayesian Modeling Approach to Computer-Aided Experimental Design of
Heterogeneous Matrices for Tissue Engineering Applications,” L. E. Weiss,
C. H. Amon, E. D. Miller, D. Romero, I. Verdinelli, L. M. Walker and P. G. Campbell, Computer-Aided Design 37(11):1127-1139 (2005)
“Rheology and Phase Behavior of Copolymer-Templated
Nanocomposite Materials,” D. C. Pozzo, K. R. Hollabaugh and
L. M. Walker, J. Rheology 49(3):759-782 (2005)
“Dynamic Wetting of Inelastic Polymer Melts,” G. K. Seevaratnam,
L. M. Walker, E. Ramé and S. Garoff,
J. Coll. & Interface Science 284:265-270 (2005)
“Characterization of Rod-Like Aggregates
Generated from a Cationic Surfactant and a Polymerizable Counterion,” M. J.
Gerber, S. R. Kline and L. M. Walker, Langmuir
20(20):8150-8516 (2004)
“Reversible Shear Gelation of Clay-Polymer
Dispersions” D. C. Pozzo and L. M. Walker Colloids & Surfaces A 240:187-198 (2004)
“Rheology of Transient Networks Containing Hydrophobically
Modified Cellulose, Anionic Surfactant and Colloidal Silica: Role of
Selective Adsorption,” K. D. Berglund, M. T. Truong, T. M. Przybycien, R. D. Tilton and L. M. Walker, Rheol. Acta 43(1):50-61 (2004)
“The Adsorption of Polymerized
Rod-like Micelles at the Solid-Liquid Interface,” S. Biggs, S. R. Kline and
L. M. Walker, Langmuir
20(4):1085-1094 (2004)
“Shear Induced Gelation of Laponite-PEO
Mixtures,” J. Zebrowski, V. Prasad, W. Zhang, L.
M. Walker and D. A. Weitz, Coll. Surf. A 213(2-3):189-197
“The Formation of an Irreversibly Adsorbed and Organized Micelle Layer at
the Solid-Liquid Interface,” S. Biggs, S. R. Kline and L. M. Walker, Nanoletters 2(12):1409-1412 (2002)
“Effect of Fluid Relaxation Time of Dilute Polymer Solutions on Jet
Break up due to a Forced Disturbance,” Y. Christanti
and L. M. Walker, J. Rheology 46(3):733-748 (2002)
“Quantifying the Importance of Micellar Microstructure and Electrostatic
Interactions on the Shear-Induced Structural Transition of Cylindrical
Micelles,” M. T. Truong and L. M. Walker Langmuir
18:2024 (2002)
“Coalescence Analysis through Small-Angle Light Scattering,” B. E. Priore and L. M. Walker, AIChE
Journal 47:2644-2652 (2001)
“Rheology and Structure of Wormlike Micelles,” L. M. Walker, Current
Opinion in Coll. & Interface Science 6(5-6):451-456 (2001)
“Surface Tension Driven Jet Break Up of Strain-Hardening Polymer
Solutions,” Y. Christanti and L. M. Walker, J.
NonNewtonian Fluid Mech. 100:9-26
“SALS Analysis of Morphology Development of a Model Immiscible Polymer Blend
in Transient Slit-Contraction Flows,” B.E.Priore
and L.M.Walker, J.Rheology
45:383-402 (2001)
“Controlling the Shear-Induced Structural Transition of Rod-like
Micelles Using Nonionic Polymer,” M. T. Truong and L. M. Walker, Langmuir 16:7991-7998 (2000)
“Orthogonal and Parallel Superposition Measurements on Lyotropic Liquid Crystalline Polymers”, L. M. Walker,
J. Vermant, P. Moldenaers
and J. Mewis, Rheologica Acta 39:26-37
“Shear-Thickening Dilute Surfactant Solutions: the Equilibrium Structure
as Studied by Small-Angle Neutron Scattering,” R. Gamez-Corrales,
J.-F. Berret, L. M. Walker and J. Oberdisse, Langmuir 15:6755-6763
“Orthogonal versus Parallel Superposition Measurements”, J. Vermant, L. Walker, P. Moldenaers
and J. Mewis, J.
Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 79:173-189
“Small-Angle Light Scattering Study of Break-up in Immiscible Polymer
Blends and Emulsions”, J. Mewis, Y.Hong, P.van Puyvelde, P.Moldenaers and L.
Walker, Chem.Eng.Sci.
“Flow-Structure Relationship of Shear Thickening Surfactant Solutions”,
J.-F. Berret, R. Gamez-Corrales,
J. Oberdisse, L.M. Walker and P. Lindner, Europh. Lett. 41:677-682 (1998)
“In Situ Analysis of the
Defect Texture in Liquid Crystal Polymer Solutions Under Shear”, L.M.
Walker, W. A. Kernick III and N. J. Wagner, Macromolecules 30:508-514 (1997)
“Macroscopic Response of Wormlike Micelles to Elongational
Flow”, L.M. Walker, P.Moldenaers and J.-F. Berret, Langmuir 12:6309-6314
“Concentration Effects on the Rheology and Texture of PBG/m-cresol
Solutions”, L.M. Walker, M. Mortier and P. Moldenaers, J.
Rheology 40:967-981 (1996).
“SANS Analysis of the Molecular Order in Poly(g-benzyl L-glutamate)/Deuterated Dimethylformamide (PBLG/d-DMF) under Shear and During
Relaxation”, L.M. Walker and N.J. Wagner, Macromolecules 29:2298-2301
“The Rheology of Concentrated PBLG Solutions”, L. M. Walker, N. J.
Wagner, R.G. Larson, P.A. Mirau and P. Moldenaers, J.
Rheology 39:925-952 (1995).
“The Structure of Isotropic Solutions of Rigid Macromolecules via SANS:
PBLG/d-DMF”, N. J. Wagner, L.M. Walker and B. Hammouda,
Macromolecules 28:5075-5081 (1995).
“Rheology of Region I Flow in a Lyotropic
Liquid Crystal Polymer: The Effects of Defect Texture”, L. Walker and N.J.
Wagner, J. Rheology 38:1525-1547 (1994).
“The Determination of the Texture Viscosity and Elasticity of a Nematic PBLG/d-DMF Solution through Magnetic Field
Alignment”, N.J. Wagner and L.M. Walker, Macro. 27:5979-5986