•Those results looked
good.Save the search and begin in a different
file executing the same strategy:
•Temp SearchSave
"TD001" stored
•?b 185;exs
At this point I
could produce my output with a TYPE command.Then, maybe I would decide that I’m not done looking quite yet.There’s another database that I want to
check.It’s the Zoological Record.It’s file 185.Rather than lose all my commands, I’m going
to temporarily save them with the “SAVE TEMP” command.The system responds that it has saved the
search … if memory serves me correctly … the search strategy is saved for a
24 hour period.
Now I’m getting
fancy on you.I’ve stacked two
commands into one line!You should
recognize the BEGIN command.Then I
entered a semicolon – this let’s DIALOG know that I’m about to enter a second
command.The next command is the EXS
command.That’s short for Execute
Steps.Entering “EXS” without
specifying a particular saved search strategy automatically runs the latest
search that I saved.