No guarantees on the currency of these links! E-mail Prof. Martin Gaynor with any corrections
or suggestions for new links.
- International Health Economics Association
(this has a lot of good links).
- Health Economics - Places to Go (a site with
a lot of links, esp. to European/International sites).
- Collège des Economistes de la
Santé (College of Health Economists - the French health economics association).
- National Bureau of Economic Research (eminent
economic policy think tank, including programs on health care and health
economics. many research papers, should be available to download for those in
the cmu domain).
- Center for Studying Health System Change (extensive
studies of changes in health system in recent years. lots of information, reports,
- A web server on health services
stuff of interest at the Univ. of Michigan.
- Journal of Health Economics
(tables of contents, abstracts, you may be able to download papers from some recent
- Journal of Health Politics, Policy, and
Law (tables of contents).
- Health Services Research (journal on
health services research. lists tables of contents).
- Health Affairs (A very nice readable journal
on health policy issues. Very up to the minute, generally very well done).
- Modern Healthcare's web site (A trade
publication that tracks quite well what's happening in the health care industry).
- The New England Journal of Medicine (the
preeminent medical journal -they regularly publish a few articles on health services
research or health policy).
- Agency for Health Care Policy Research, USDHHS (They
do most of the research on health care and policy in a broad sense that is done in-house
by the US govt. They also fund a lot of outside research).
- Health Care Financing Administration (The folks who
bring you Medicare and Medicaid; some #s and statistics).
- Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MEDPAC)
(advises Congress on Medicare payment policy. documents, reports,...).
- Center for Disease Control (vital statistics
information and a lot more).
- National Institutes of Health (the big health research
arm of the federal govt.).
- U.S. Bureau of the Census (lots of tables and
reports on stuff like health insurance).
- U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (lots of tables and
reports, the CPI etc.).
- Federal Trade Commission's page on health
antitrust (FTC Statements of Antitrust Enforcement Policy in Health Care, FTC
antitrust activities in health care, etc.).
- U.S. General Accounting Office reports (The
GAO puts out lots of reports on lots of stuff, including health. You can download reports
in Acrobat format from this site.).
- Thomas (The Library of Congress' website on
congressional legislative activity).
- The White House (the White House' web site,
contains the Economic Report of the President, State of the Union address, presidential
policy initiatives).
- Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council (HC4)
(reports, information on Pennsylvania health care costs and quality).
- American Medical Association (you have to register
for some parts of this site, but there is no charge).
- American Hospital Association.
- Health Israel home page (a
forum for discussion of Israeli health policy, also documents, papers).
- Inflation Calculation
(a site maintained by the Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank. calculates inflation using the
CPI. also contains explanation of how this is done).
- Economist Jokes (you know you've been
brainwashed to think like an economist when you start finding these funny!).