Web Technologies GSIA/MSCF
Course Description:
This is a programming course where the students will write several Java
programs that illustrate how Java and XML work together on the
internet. We will study the Extensible Markup Language (XML)
and write programs using the Extensible Stylesheet Language:
Transformations (XSLT), we will program with Sun's Java API for XML
Processing (JAXP) using the Simple API for XML (SAX) and the XML
Document Object Model(DOM). On the server we will be writing servlets
that use the JDBC API under Apache's Tomcat. We will study and write
Document Type Definitions(DTDs) and XML Schemas and review the schemas of
the Financial Product Markup Language (FpML) and the Wireless Markup
Language(WML). We will also study the Web Services Definition Language
(WSDL), the Universal Description, Discovery and Integration framework
(UDDI) and the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP).
The ability to program in Java
Required Texts:
"Java and XSLT" Eric Burke 0-596-00143-6
"Java and XML" Brett McLaughlin 0-596-00197-5
Both texts are published by O'Reilly
Final Exam:
Held during the last class. The final is open book.
However, the only books that are allowed are the required texts for the class.