JAVA 46-935

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Overview: The focus of this mini is on two related topics – Java and XML/FpML. We will study Java’s object model, inheritance, polymorphism, error handling with exceptions, the Java I/O system, graphical user interfaces, the JDK2 collection classes, multiple threads of control and network programming using sockets and RMI. The final homework will involve programming both a GUI client and a server in Java. We will also study the Financial Product Markup Language (FpML) and learn how Java programs can validate and process FpML documents.

Evaluation: There will be a homework problem assigned approximately every two weeks. There will be a 1-1/2 hour final exam during the second half of the last day of class.

Pre-requisite: It will be assumed that the student has completed Object Oriented Programming I and II in C++ or has the equivalent background. Students with substantial Java/XML experience may wish to exempt this course. If you think exemption is the best plan for you, please email me ( with details of your experience.

Representative Text: Peter van der Linden, "Just Java" 5Th Ed., ISBN 0-13-032072-2

Last Updated Tuesday, Oct 22 2002
© 2000, Graduate School of Industrial Administration, Carnegie Mellon University