ABC Trust 237732 XYZ Group 1230 ABC Trust New York London 1998-05-26 ModifiedFollowing primaryBusinessCenters 2008-05-26 ModifiedFollowing primaryBusinessCenters USD 30000000 1999-06-06 ModifiedFollowing primaryBusinessCenters USD 1000000 1998-05-26 2008-05-26 semi-annual none modifiedFollowing primaryBusinessCenters true 30/360 6.1275 2008-06-06 ModifiedFollowing primaryBusinessCenters USD 1000000 XYZ Group New York London 1998-05-26 ModifiedFollowing primaryBusinessCenters 2008-05-26 ModifiedFollowing primaryBusinessCenters USD 30000000 1999-05-26 ModifiedFollowing primaryBusinessCenters USD 1000000 1998-05-26 2008-05-26 semi-annual none modifiedFollowing primaryBusinessCenters true 30/360 5.699220 USD-LIBOR-BBA month 2 0 modifiedFollowing primaryBusinessCenters false -2 off> 5 1999-05-26 ModifiedFollowing primaryBusinessCenters USD 1000000 YES 1985-12-10 12390123 ABC Trust XYZ Group PRINCIPAL ABC Trust ABC Trust Company of New York 100 Austin Street New York NY US 10001 NA XYZ Bank Joe Smith ABC Trust Inc. 212-235-9999 212-235-9998 100 Austin Street New York NY United States 10001 North America Customer Relations 11393-9833 AAA S&P AA Moody's John Doe ABC Trust Company 212-235-8888 212-235-8889 200 Austin Street New York NY US 10260 NA ABCTrust 833763 ABC Trade confirms Jane Doe ABC Trust Company 212-235-8880 212-235-8889 200 Austin Street New York NY US 10260 NA ABCTrust 833763 ABC Trade confirms Mary Jane ABC Trust-London 44 1 71 838334 44 1 71 9394377 180 Bank Street London UK E4CYOJP Europe ABCTrustLondon 38874 JXW Trade Settlements, London USD ABC Bank, New York XYZ Bank 500 Wall Street New York NY US 10260 NA 123456 ABC33454US33XXX SwiftBIC ABC Global 293773884 ABC Brokers 13947470 ABC Trust Company-London /883733333 For the account of Swaps Group -/883733333