95-702 Distributed Systems May 2010

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Course Information

Tuesday/Thursday Instructor

Mike McCarthy

Office: Hamburg Hall 3018
Phone: (412) - 268-4657
Skype Account ID: mm6atcmudotedu
Home Page www.andrew.cmu.edu/~mm6

Teaching Assistants          


TA: Fajar Firdaus  

Email: fajarmf@cmu.edu

Hours: Monday and Thursday 1:00-2:30 PM

Grading Scale

97.5 - 100 A+
92.5 - 97.4 A
90.0 - 92.4 A-
87.5 - 89.9 B+
82.5 - 87.4 B
80.0 - 82.4 B-


Between 5 and 7 programming projects equally weighted (50%)
Closed book  exam 1 20% 

Closed book comprehensive final exam  30%


Late Assignments

One assignment may be turned in late (up to one week) with no penalty. This policy is meant

to cover such issues as job interviews, travel and so on. The other assignments

must be turned in on time with a penalty of 10% per day late.

Policy on collaboration

Collaboration is not permitted. While it is fine to discuss projects with others it is a cheating violation when code is copied or shared. If a student is caught sharing his or her work with another, a score of zero will be assigned for that assignment. Likewise, if a student uses another's work when completing his or her own, a grade of zero will be assigned for that assignment. If a student is suspected of cheating the dean will be notified.

Policy on complaints about grading







Use of Blackboard



Software Requirements






Project Grading


Policy on electronic devices

Grading mistakes may occur. Please contact the TA who graded your assignment about grading mistakes. It will be up to the TA to handle the complaint. If you are still not satisfied with the TA's grade please contact me immediately. My initial reaction will be to support the TA's grade. In some cases, however, I might agree with the student and ask for the grade to be adjusted. Please make any grading concerns known to the TA immediately. Set up an appointment with the TA and get the matter resolved.

 There will be a blackboard site for the course. Grades will be posted there. The main site for the course will be at www.andrew.cmu.edu/~mm6.

Several downloads will be needed for this course. I will provide instructions on how to download, install and run the software.

Tuesday 09:00AM - 11:50AM Room 3 Floor 1









A TA will normally be assigned to grade the projects.

Please turn off all electronic devices during class. This includes laptops. It has been found that even note taking on a laptop is a distraction. You may ask for individual exemptions from this rule.

One Required Textbook






books and readings

Distributed Systems Concepts and Design

Coulouris, Dollimore and Kindberg

Fourth Edition

ISBN: 0-321-26354-5



J2EE Tutorial Second Edition Free From Sun Microsystems


A great on-line XML resource by Elliotte Rusty Harold



A good book on servlets by Hunter

Java Servlet Programming, 2nd Edition
by Jason Hunter


An on-line  Servlet Tutorial



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Last Updated May 7, 2010. Maintained by mm6@andrew.cmu.edu