95-733 Internet Technologies Adelaide September 2012

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Course Syllabus


Michael J. McCarthy

Office: Hamburg Hall 3025
Phone: (412) - 268-4657
Office Hours: See home page for hours.
Home Page www.andrew.cmu.edu/~mm6

Teaching Assistants:


TA: Luis Alberto Nieto Diaz

Email: lnietodi@andrew.cmu.edu

Hours: See blackboard staff information for hour and location.


95-712 Object-Oriented Programming in Java or by permission of the instructor.

Grading Scale:

97.5 - 100 A+
92.5 - 97.4 A
90.0 - 92.4 A-
87.5 - 89.9 B+
82.5 - 87.4 B
80.0 - 82.4 B-


Between three and five programming projects equally weighted (50%).

One of the projects will be chosen and demonstrated by the student. 

Exam 1 (10%).

Closed Book Final Exam (40%).


Late Assignment Policy:

One assignment may be turned in late (up to one week) with no penalty. This policy is meant

to cover such issues as job interviews, travel and so on. The other assignments

must be turned in on time with a penalty of 10% per day late.

Policy on collaboration:

Collaboration is not permitted. While it is fine to discuss projects with others it is a cheating violation when code is copied or shared. If a student is caught sharing his or her work with another, a failing grade will be assigned for the course. Likewise, if a student uses another's work when completing his or her own, a failing grade will be assigned for the course. In either case, the Dean will be notified.

Policy on complaints about grading:







Use of Blackboard:







Software Requirements:








Project Grading:


Policy on electronic devices:

Grading mistakes may occur. Please contact the TA who graded your assignment about grading mistakes. It will be up to the TA to handle the complaint. If you are still not satisfied with the TA's grade please contact me immediately. My initial reaction will be to support the TA's grade. In some cases, however, I might agree with the student and ask for the grade to be adjusted. Please make any grading concerns known to the TA immediately. Set up an appointment with the TA and get the matter resolved.

There will be a blackboard site for the course. Grades will be posted there and assignments will be submitted there. We will also make good use of the discussion board. It is far better to post a question to the discussion board than it is to send your instructor or TA an email. Answers posted there are available for all to see. The main site for the course (syllabus, course description and schedule) will be at www.andrew.cmu.edu/~mm6.

The student needs to download and install the most recent Netbeans IDE. Choose the "All" option at this link:


T 09:00AM - 11:50AM TOR CLASS 3





The TA will normally be assigned to grade the projects.

Please confine the use of electronic devices to class related activities.

Required Textbook:



Programming the World Wide Web, Seventh Edition

Robert W. Sebesta, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs

ISBN-10: 0132665816

Publisher: Addison-Wesley

There will be a copy on reserve in the engineering library.

Learning Objectives:

1. Examine and critique some of the most important technologies that are being used today by web developers to build a wide variety of web applications.

2. Build web applications using proven developer tools and message formats. We will build web applications using technologies such as Java, Javascript, AJAX, Ruby on Rails, XML, RSS, XSLT, and JSON.

3. Describe the differences and similarities between two important meta-languages - XML and JSON.

4. Explore several new standards that may play a significant role in the World Wide Web of tomorrow. We will study RDF, RDFa, OWL and Jena.

5. Formulate and build extensible web applications using the Model View Controller design pattern.

6. Develop a conscience of the semantic web of tomorrow.

7. Develop an understanding of and an appreciation for the wide variety of XML languages that are being used in many industries.

Last Update August 2012. Maintained by mm6@andrew.cmu.edu