English German Questionnaire


On the following page you will be presented with a list of English words. For this task, in the spaces next to each English word please write the first word that comes to mind that is related in meaning or strongly associated to the word on the left. For example is you see the word PENCIL you might type 'write' There is no right or wrong answer for this task. We are interested in your first answers, so it is important that you do not go back and change any of your responses.

Please remember to only type the word you think of and do not go back to change your answers.

After you have completed the task you will be presented with a brief questionnaire which contains questions relating to your language history. Please read the instructions carefully and answer the questions truthfully. Please do not put your name on the language history questionnaire.

If you have any questions please ask Chelsea Eddington at c.m.eddington@gmail.com

Thank you for your participation.

hair ring
husky ball
letters revenge
sheep bolt
suit monkey
chin army
ear scandal
betrayal silver
airplane haze
night oak
pear feeling
enemy spade
production rain
circle mast
meeting flaw
stone gust
cotton doll
toast peace
alley soap
village virtue
duck money
wolf mother
theater dress
smell heat
cat road
tend seal
wet cell
port certainty
pen fist
science raw
mold lamb
chance honey
nose attention
care vet
kitchen regret
boy fortune
ticket grape
sacrifice pox
wheel bark
lit shoe
post proposal
farmer passion
future holy
strength sun
rough glasses
lion bat
tip boat
war mask
complaint candle
leader atmosphere
luck tall
beach simplicity
tick protection
house river
intent pearl
rumor dislike
proof file
attempt notion
bone firm
rash strand
farm tongue
pole classes
smoke sky
opinion question
yard eagle
bass mirror
wire method
knife dog
chalk china
woman shed
music clock
arrival sister
cow century
grief needle
tenant honesty
bench Coffee
recovery paper
name pig
bull victim
jar daughter
strip cab
scar pupil
sea street
hero region
flower metal
lens plan
bow spine
lightning cricket
end boot
dance disadvantage
tobacco scale
funeral spell
cigar midst
row thorn
pot frog
fly monk
boxes master
drill snow
insect meaning
king aunt
lie quarrel
prince ring


You have completed this part of the experiment.

Please press Continue, to move on to the second part - a questionnaire about your language background. Please note, your data will not be saved unless you complete both parts of the experiment.



























Language History Questionnaire

This questionnaire is designed to give us a better understanding of your eperience learning a second language. We ask that you be as accurate and thorough as possible when answering the following questions and thank you for your participation in this study.

If at any time, you need more space to write, please feel free to use the extra space available in section 26, entitled Additional Informmation, of this document. Please put the question number beside your responses.


     Sex:               Age (in years)                 Handedness :        Native country

                               Years spent in the U.S.                            Years spent in U.S. schools

1.) Do you have any known visual or hearing problems (corrected or uncorrected))?


2.) What is your first language (i.e., language first spoken)?  If more than one, please briefly describe the situations in which each language was used.


Which language (if any) do you consider your second language?


3.) If you have ever lived in or visited a country where languages other than your native language are spoken, please indicate below the name of the country (countries), the duration of your stay in number of months, and which languages you used while you were in the country (please indicate if you were spoken to in a language other than your first language, even if you never actually spoke that language).

Country visited

 # Months there

Language(s) used

4.) List below, from most fluent to least fluent, all of the languages to which you have been exposed. Also specify the age in years at which you began to learn the language and the context in which you learned it.  For example, "English, birth, home".  Include all languages to which you have been exposed, although you may never have had formal training in them and may not be able to read, speak or write them. Please remember to list your native language(s)


Age in years

Learning situation

5.) What languages were spoken in your home while you were a child and by whom?)? 


6.) How many years have you studied your second language?  Please indicate the setting(s) in which you have had experience with the language (i.e., classroom, with friends, foreign country...)

        Number of years:


7)  Are you currently enrolled in any language courses other than French On Line? (Any course either instructed in a foreign language or designed to teach a foreign language). If so, please list the course number(s) below, along with the title of the course.


Course #

Title of Course

8.) What languages other than your first language do you speak fluently?

9.) What languages other than your first language do you read fluently?

10.) What languages other than your first language do you write fluently?

11.) What languages other than your first language do you understand when they're spoken?

** For the next eight questions, please check below the number of your response.**

12.) Please list the language(s) the following people speak.



Closest Friend:

13.) Please rate your first language reading proficiency on a ten-point scale

Not literate                 Very literate
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

14.) Please rate your second language reading proficiency on a ten-point scale

Not literate                 Very literate
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

15.) Please rate your first language writing proficiency on a ten-point scale

Not literate                 Very literate
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

16.) Please rate your second language writing proficiency on a ten-point scale

Not literate                 Very literate
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

17.) Please rate your first language conversational fluency on a ten-point scale

Not fluent                 Very fluent
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

18.) Please rate your second language conversational fluency on a ten-point scale

Not fluent                 Very fluent
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

19.) Please rate your first language speech comprehension ability on a ten-point scale

Unable to understand conversation                 Perfectly able to understand conversation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

20.) Please rate your French speech comprehension ability on a ten-point scale

Unable to understand conversation                 Perfectly able to understand conversation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


21.) How would you rate your foreign language learning skills? Please choose your response.

22.) When learning a new language, which of the following do you find the easiest to learn?

   Please rank the following from 1 to 4 (1=easiest; 4=hardest).

  Easiest     Hardest
  1 2 3 4




Sayings / Expressions


23.) Have you ever been immersed in your second language culture(please select)?


24.) Please compare learning a second language in an immersion environment with one learning in a classroom environment (Which one is easier? In which did you learn more? ...) Please comment about the difference between your various learning experiences.


25.) Is there anything else about your language background that you would like to comment on? Please feel free to make comments about things which were not covered on this questionnaire.

26.)Additional Information.

Please enter your Participant Number  

Thank you for your participation - Please press the Submit Button Below to finish the experiment!