Evaluating Criteria for Objectives
- Is this an objective that is relevant to undergraduate students?
-In their first two years @ CMU?
- Is this objective important or necessary for the student’s academic success at CMU?
- Does this topic relate to computing?
- Is this an issues or objective that students tend to have trouble or questions on?
- Do question and misconceptions occur frequently?
- Do students have exposure, experience or training with this topic before arriving?
-How many students?
-What kind of exposure?
- Is this a learning objective that requires practice to achieve?
- Is this a learning objective that could be achieved by following a simple set of steps/flow chart?
- Would referencing the steps/chart (instead of having the knowledge in mental residence) detract from the student's ability to study, achieve other objectives, exist at CMU?
Also Important
- Student-centered
- Measurable
- Personal (relates to student's needs/experience)