2013 (h-index=20)
Tan, C., Saurabh, S., Bruchez, M., Schwartz, R.*, LeDuc, P.R.* Molecular Crowding Shapes Gene Expression in Synthetic Cellular Nanosystems. Nature Nanotechnology (in press).
Egan, P.F., Cagan, J.*, Schunn, C.*, LeDuc, P.R.* Design Of Complex Biologically-Based Nanoscale Systems using Multi-Agent Simulations and Structure-Behavior-Function Representations. Journal of Mechanical Design (in press).
Cheng, C.M., Kim, Y.T., LeDuc, P.R. Probing the Dynamic Responses of Individual Actin Filaments Under Fluidic Mechanical Stimulation via Microfluidics. Applied Physics Letters (in press).
Kim, Y. T.*, LeDuc, P. R.*, &Messner, W. C.* Modeling and Control of a Nonlinear Mechanism for High Performance Microfluidic Systems. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology: a Publication of the IEEE Control Systems Society21, 203-211 (2013).
Ruder, W.C.*, LeDuc, P.R.* Cells Gain Traction in 3D. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences109, 11060-11061 (2012).
Tan, C., Lo, J., LeDuc, P.R.*, Cheng, C.-M.* Frontiers of Optofluidics in Synthetic Biology. Lab Chip 12, 3654-3665 (2012).
Kim, Y. T., Messner, W. C.*& LeDuc, P. R.* Disruptive Microfluidics: From Life Sciences to World Health to Energy. Disruptive Science and Technology 1: 41-53 (2012).
Ruder, W.C., Pratt, E.D., Brandy, N.Z.D., LaVan, D., LeDuc, P.R.*, &Antaki, J.A.* Calcium Signaling is Gated by a Mechanical Threshold in Three-Dimensional Environments. Scientific Reports 2, 554 (2012).
Didier, J.E., Schafer, C.M., & LeDuc, P.R.* Programmed Biologically Inspired Synthetic Templating of Multifunctional Nanoarchitectures for Small-Scale Reactions. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry32, 5405-5410 (2012).
Lee, B., LeDuc, P.R., Schwartz, R. Three-Dimensional Stochastic Off-Lattice Model of Binding Chemistry in Crowded Environments. PLoS One 7, e30131 (2012).
Cassino, T.R., Drowley, L. Okada, M., Beckman, S.A., Keller, B., Tobita, K., LeDuc, P.R. & Huard, J. Mechanical Loading of Stem Cells for Improvement of Transplantation Outcome in a Model of Acute Myocardial Infarction: The Role of Loading History. Tissue Engineering Part A. 18, 1101-1108 (2012).
Ruder, W.C., Pratt, E.D., Bakhru, S., Sitti. M., Zappe, S., Cheng, C.M., Antaki, J.A.*, & LeDuc, P.R.* Three-Dimensional Microfiber Devices that Mimic Physiological Environments to Probe Cell Mechanics and Signaling. Lab Chip, 12, 1775-1779 (2012).
Ruder, W.C., Chia-Pei, D.H., Edelman, B.D., Schwartz, R.*, & LeDuc, P.R.* Biological Colloid Engineering: Self-Assembly of Dipolar Ferromagnetic Chains in a Functionalized Biogenic Ferrofluid. Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 063701 (2012).
LeDuc, P.R.*, Messner, W.C.,* & Wikswo, J.P.* How Do Control-Based Approaches Enter into Biology? Annual Reviews of Biomedical Engineering 13, 369-396 (2011).
Kim, Y, Joshi, S.D., Messner, W.C.*, LeDuc, P.R.,* & Davidson, L.A.* Detection of Dynamic Spatiotemporal Response to Periodic Chemical Stimulation in a Xenopus Embryonic Tissue. PLoS ONE 6(1), e14624 (2011).
Li, Z., Zhang, Y., LeDuc, P.R., & Gregory, K.B. Microbial Electricity Generation via Microfluidic Flow Control. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 108, 2061-2069 (2011).
Zeng, Y., Lai, T., Koh, C., LeDuc, P. R.*, & Chiam, K. H.* Investigating Circular Dorsal Ruffles through Varying Substrate Stiffness and Mathematical Modeling. Biophysical Journal, 101, 2122-2130 (2011).
Kim, Y, Joshi, S.D., Davidson, L.A., LeDuc, P.R.,* & Messner, W.C.* Dynamic Control of 3D Chemical Profiles with a Single 2D Microfluidic Platform. Lab on a Chip 11, 2182-2188 (2011).
Wilson, M.E., Kota, N. Kim, Y., Wang, Y. Stolz, D., LeDuc, P.R. *, & Ozdoganlar, O.B.*, Fabrication of Circular Microfluidic Channels by Combining Mechanical Micromilling and Soft Lithography. Lab on a Chip 11, 1550-1555 (2011).
Cheng, C.-M., Dawson, J.T., Guo, Q., LeDuc, P.R.*, & Li, B.* Maskless fabrication of small-scale structures through controlling phase interactions. Applied Physics A 102, 185-188 (2011).
Kang, J., Steward, R.L., Kim, Y.T., Schwartz, R., LeDuc, P.R., Puskar, K.M., Response of an Actin Filament Network Model under Cyclic Stretching through a Coarse Grained Monte Carlo Approach. Journal of Theoretical Biology 274, 109-119 (2011).
Cheng, C.-M., LeDuc, P.R. Lin, Y.-W. Localized Bimodal Response of Neurite Extensions and Structural Proteins in Dorsal-Root Ganglion Neurons with Controlled Polydimethylsiloxane Substrate Stiffness. Journal of Biomechanics 44, 856-862 (2011).
Lee, B., LeDuc, P.R., Schwartz, R. Unified Regression Model of Binding Equilibria in Crowded Environments. Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing group) 1, 97 (2011).
Hazar, M., Steward, R. L., Chang, C. J., Orndoff, C. J., Zeng, Y., Ho, M. S., LeDuc, P. R., & Cheng, C. M.* Modulating Material Interfaces Through Biologically-inspired Intermediates. Applied Physics Letters, 99, 233701 (3) (2011).
Steward, R. L., Cheng, C. M., Ye, J. D., Bellin, R. M., & LeDuc, P. R.* Mechanical stretch and shear flow induced reorganization and recruitment of fibronectin in fibroblasts. Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group), 1(147), 1-12 (2011).
Chou, S., Cheng, C.-M., Lin, Y. W., Chen, C.-C.*, & LeDuc, P. R.* Localized Neurite Outgrowth Sensing through Micro-patterned Elastic Substrates. Soft Matter, 21, 9871-9877(2011).
Ruder, W.C.*, LeDuc, P.R.* Bioinspirations: Cell-Inspired Small-Scale Systems for Enabling Studies in Experimental Biomechanics. Integrative and Comparative Biology (Former journal name: American Zoologist) 51(1), 128-132 (2011).
Lin, Y.W., Bellin, R.M., Cheng, C.M., Steward, R., Cheng, Y.R., LeDuc, P.R.*, & Chen, C.C.,* Probing Localized Neural Mechanotransduction through Surface-Modified Elastomeric Matrices and Electrophysiology. Nature Protocols 714, 5 (4), 714-724 (2010).
Steward, R.L., Cheng, C.M., Wang, D.L., & LeDuc, P.R.* Probing Cell Structure Responses Through a Shear and Stretching Mechanical Stimulation Technique. Cell Biochem Biophys 56, 115-124 (2010).
Huang, X., Ni, J., Yan, LeDuc, P.R., Yao, J., Lin, Q. Thermally Tunable Polymer Microlenses for Biological Imaging. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 19 (6), 1444-1449, 2010.
Singh, M., Gracio, J., LeDuc, P., Gonçalves, P., Marques, P., Gonçalves, G., Marques, F., Silva, V., Capela e Silva, F., Potes, J., Sousa, A. Integrated Biomimetic Carbon Nanotube Composites for In Vivo Systems. Nanoscale 2, 2855-2863 (2010)
Kim, Y.T., Pekkan, K., Messner, W.C.,* & LeDuc, P.R.* Three-Dimensional Chemical Profile Manipulation Using Two-Dimensional Autonomous Microfluidic Control. Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS) 132, 1339-1347 (2010).
LeDuc, P.R.*, Messner, W.C.,* & & Wikswo, J.P.* How Do Controls Approaches Enter Into Biology? Annual Reviews of Biomedical Engineering (accepted).
Kim, Y, Joshi, S.D., Messner, W.C.*, LeDuc, P.R.,* Davidson, L.A.* Detection of Dynamic Spatiotemporal Response to Periodic Chemical Stimulation in a Xenopus Embryonic Tissue. PLoS ONE (accepted).
Wilson, M.E., Kota, N. Kim, Y., Wang, Y. Stolz, D., LeDuc, P.R.*, Ozdoganlar, O.B.*, Fabrication of Circular Microfluidic Channels by Combining Mechanical Micromilling and Soft Lithography. Lab on a Chip (accepted).
Kang, J., Steward, R.L., Kim, Y.T., Schwartz, R., LeDuc, P.R., Puskar, K.M., Response of an Actin Filament Network Model under Cyclic Stretching through a Coarse Grained Monte Carlo Approach. Journal of Theoretical Biology (accepted).
Cheng, C.-M., Dawson, J.T., Guo, Q., LeDuc, P.R.*, & Li, B.* Maskless fabrication of small-scale structures through controlling phase interactions. Applied Physics A (accepted).
Cheng, C.-M., LeDuc, P.R. Lin, Y.-W. Localized Bimodal Response of Neurite Extensions and Structural Proteins in Dorsal-Root Ganglion Neurons with Controlled Polydimethylsiloxane Substrate Stiffness. Journal of Biomechanics (accepted).
Steward, R.L., Cheng, C.M., Wang, D.L., & LeDuc, P.R.* Probing Cell Structure Responses Through a Shear and Stretching Mechanical Stimulation Technique. Cell Biochem Biophys 56, 115-124 (2010).
Huang, X., Ni, J., Yan, LeDuc, P.R., Yao, J., Lin, Q. Thermally Tunable Polymer Microlenses for Biological Imaging. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 19 (6), 1444-1449 (2010).
Singh, M.*, Gracio, J., LeDuc, P., Gonçalves, P., Marques, P., Gonçalves, G., Marques, F., Silva, V., Capela e Silva, F., Potes, J., Sousa, A. Integrated Biomimetic Carbon Nanotube Composites for In Vivo Systems. Nanoscale, 2, 2855-2863 (2010).
Kim, Y.T., Pekkan, K., Messner, W.C.*, & LeDuc, P.R.* Three-Dimensional Chemical Profile Manipulation Using Two-Dimensional Autonomous Microfluidic Control. Journal of the American Chemical Society 132, 1339-1347 (2010).
Cheng, C.M., Lin, Y-W, Bellin, R.M., Cheng, C.M., Steward, R., Cheng, Y.-R., LeDuc, P.R.*, & Chen, C-C* Probing Localized Neural Mechanotransduction through Surface-Modified Elastomeric Matrices and Electrophysiology. Nature Protocols 5 (4), 714-724 (2010).
2009 and earlier
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