(PWR) Video and Meeting, 11/1

From: mtoups@andrew.cmu.edu
Date: Thu Nov 01 2001 - 01:02:39 EST


PWR people will be showing a ~20 minute video
called "Sweating for a Shirt" at our next meeting,
Thursday, 10/1, at 5:30pm in the UC Wright Room.

We haven't met in a couple of weeks, so we've got
a lot to talk about on top of the video, which
should be cool and give us ideas for the trip
among other things.

potential agenda items include:

* surg/honduras ... & domestic mini-trip(?)
* honduras video
* inviting speakers
* funding
* tabling (upcoming Upski event, etc)

Please stop by; bring a friend to see the video.


recap in case you don't wanna read the stuff above:
THURSDAY 10/1, 5:30, Wright Room

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