(PWR) [piratessweatshopplan] PNC Park Opens for Sweatshop Education - Saturday March 3 (fwd)

From: rmccombs (rmccombs@andrew.cmu.edu)
Date: Tue Feb 26 2002 - 11:32:54 EST

Hello PWR,

THIS THURDAY 5:30pm in the CLASS OF 1987 ROOM

This Thursday we have invited groups from Duquesne, Carlow, Pitt and Chatham to our meeting in the class of 1987 room at 5:30 pm. We will discuss the progress of our code of conduct, network with the other schools
in the area, organize steps for the speakers (Jim Keady and Leslie Kretzu) and we will be making signs for the Anti-Sweatshop Action at PNC PARK this


SAVE THE DATE FOR ANTI-SWEATSHOP ACTION - Please forward far and wide.

OPEN HOUSE AT PNC PARK ñ Saturday March 2 - We gather at 9:30 under Roberto
Clemente (center field gate - just over Roberto Clemente Bridge)

What an opportunity for a little anti-sweatshop education! At a meeting
held today of anti-sweatshop activists on Sunday we figured this would be
as good an opportunity as any to talk with baseball fans about sweatshops.
Weíll be leafleting with information about the strikers in Derby who used
to make those nice on field playing caps, petitioning with our demands for
sweatshop accountability from the Pirates and checking out the what
countries and companies are making the all the hot new Pirate Gear. Here
is a description of the event from Sunday's paper:

Select your 20002 Season Seat That means people will be testing out their
new seats, what a great chance to approach them with a petition.

Get Pirates Alumni Autographs. Maybe weíll find a ball player against

Enjoy the Parrot Bounce and Kids Entertainment/See Rob Pratte of KDKA FM
Get ready for a season of anti-sweatshop talk radio.

Have the kids ìRace a Pierogieî - Enjoy the Outback Steakhouse and all the
other crappy overpriced venues

Pick up the latest Pirates Merchandise at the Pirate Outfitters - it is
like the sweqtshop capital of greater pittsburgh

Anti-Sweatshop activists will meet to strategize and practice talking to
Pirate Fans about sweatshops at 9:30 around Roberto Clemente ñ Center Field
Gate. We will petition and leafleting in pairs, regrouping at 10:30, 11:30
and 12:30.

  ? make a sign at this weeks PWR meeting ñ Thursday at 6 PM
  ? bring a clip board and a few pens
  ? listen to the weather report, you donít want to be cold or wet
  ? bring a friend/petitioning partner or 2

More information to follow

Join the Pittsburgh Pirate anti-sweatshop list by emailing


Questions about Saturdayís Sweatshop Education Initiative can come to
Kenneth at 412-231-2085

| People for Workers' Rights
| United Students Against Sweatshops affiliate
| web: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/org/usas
| email: pwr@andrew.cmu.edu
| bboard: assocs.pwr-usas
| to unsubscribe go to http://www.cmu.edu/lists

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