(PWR) USAS National Gathering, Register Today

From: matt toups (mtoups@andrew.cmu.edu)
Date: Mon Jul 08 2002 - 13:34:35 EDT

[let me know if you or anyone you know is interested in this,
 use the online registration, and spread the word!
 these conferences are always great events -- matt]

Register TODAY -- Space is limited! -- for the......

                             UNITED STUDENTS AGAINST SWEATSHOPS
                                      5th Annual National Gathering
                                                   August 8-11
                                                Tufts University
                                            Boston, Massachusetts

        REGISTER NOW at http://www.InItTogether.org or call for
more information at 202 NO SWEAT.

The conference website at www.InItTogether.org is up and running, so you and
your group can fill out a registration today! West coast people have priority
for financial scholarships so register now if you are thinking about attending!

The conference is gearing up to be an educational and inspirational four days --
there will be workshops on WRC campaigns, sweatshops worldwide, immigrant labor
and organizing, building student power and your organizations, local living
wages, international solidarity, the FTAA, farmworker struggles, and lots, lots
more! Mark your calendars and make tracks to the website -- see you in


| People for Workers' Rights
| United Students Against Sweatshops affiliate
| web: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/org/usas
| email: pwr@andrew.cmu.edu
| bboard: assocs.pwr-usas
| to unsubscribe go to http://www.cmu.edu/lists

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