(PWR) Meeting Today, 11/7, 5pm, UC 318g

From: mtoups@andrew.cmu.edu
Date: Thu Nov 07 2002 - 11:10:44 EST

Hey guys, sorry about the last minute meeting reminder.

PWR is meeting today at 5pm on the third floor
of the UC, room 318g. This is the conference
room which is attached to room 318, near the
"plaid room" end of the UC.

There are lots of brief items on the agenda today:

* Alexa, Wen Shu, Ben, and I had a very successful
meeting with the Janitors' shop stewards Sunday
evening and learned a whole lot. Not only was it
successful outreach, but we also obtained a copy
of the CPS contract with the union which will aid
the research team greatly.

* There is a meeting this afternoon with VP
of Enrollment Bill Elliot regarding the
Open the Books campaign. PWR will be represented
as a member of the coalition. If you haven't
already been involved in the campaign, check
out http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/~psa/openbooks/
Print out a petition or two and pass them around
your classes, dorms, etc. We'll get an update
on that situation at the meeting today.

* There are many events going on this weekend
that really need PWR representation, so hopefully
we can split into groups and take these out.

1. Organizing for Our Future Activist Training.

Great training program this saturday at Pitt.
We will have flyers and signup sheets, and I'll
attach the info to the bottom of this email again.

2. Janitors' SEIU rally this Saturday.

There will be a Justice for Janitors rally this
Saturday at the SEIU union hall. Not only will
this be a good way to support the folks on our
campus, but we will also be able to solidity
contact with the union staff and continue to
strategize. Hopefully we can get the unions
to endorse the Open the Books campaign.

See you all at 5pm.

- matt

ps: also, some other interesting events
this weekend include:

* "History of African-American Labor in the Region"
Hosted by the Black Radical Congress
Friday, November 8 - 7 pm,
Monumental Baptist Church on Wylie Ave. in the Hill District

An impressive lineup of speakers giving the history
of African American men and women organizing for
justice in Pittsburgh.

* "The Panama Deception", a great film on another
"regime change" by another Bush. Zfilms sponsored
event at the Quiet Storm coffeehouse,
Saturday, November 9 - 1:30 pm,
the Quiet Storm coffeehouse (Penn and Graham)

I highly recommend both the film and the coffeehouse.

| People for Workers' Rights
| United Students Against Sweatshops affiliate
| web: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/org/usas
| email: pwr@andrew.cmu.edu
| bboard: assocs.pwr-usas
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