(PWR) banner painting

From: Jamie Solock (jsolock@andrew.cmu.edu)
Date: Wed Oct 15 2003 - 22:54:52 EDT

Hey guys,
So the SEIU needs help tomorrow night painting a banner. It is for the
protest on Friday which I hope everybody is planning on attending. Matt
and I said we would go help paint at 5:30. We are gonna drive so we are
meeting at the black UC chairs at 5:00. If anybody else wants to come and
help out that would be great. Can you just let me know so we can decide
how many people need to drive.

| People for Workers' Rights
| United Students Against Sweatshops affiliate
| web: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/org/usas
| email: pwr@andrew.cmu.edu
| bboard: assocs.pwr-usas
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