From: Alexa L. Sorock (
Date: Wed Nov 12 2003 - 19:09:33 EST
Hey everybody! Mark this on your calenders:
Screening of "Occupation" a film about the HARVARD LIVING WAGE SIT-IN
Porter Hall 100
This saturday, we will be meeting in PORTER HALL 100 at 10:00 AM to view
"Occupation," an inspirational film about the Harvard Living Wage
Campaign, with our fellow students AND WITH JANITORS. This is the meeting
we've been waiting months to have!! It is an EXCELLENT opportunity to
discuss issues with the janitors, catch up about our petitioning campaign,
and to GET INSPIRED by this great film!!!
Please please PLEASE come! The film is only 45 minutes long, and our
discussion will be brief.
Saturday is the time to come out and show the janitors that you support
Any questions? Email
See you there! Bring friends!
A quote about the film:
"The inspiring story of the Living Wage campaign at Harvard University
should be told to the whole country, so it is a wonderful gift to have it
on film, in a way that brings alive the remarkable solidarity of students,
workers, and the community."
-Howard Zinn
| People for Workers' Rights
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