(PWR) Updates and Meeting Monday!

From: Alexa L. Sorock (asorock@andrew.cmu.edu)
Date: Fri Feb 20 2004 - 13:02:54 EST

Hello PWR! How's everybody doing?
There are a bunch of things to talk about...and we're going to meet next
Monday at 5:30 in the women's center to talk about these things some more!
On the agenda:
1. Petitions! how many signatures do we have? How many do we want? how are
we going to submit them to the administration?
2. PUGWASH is organizing a voter registration drive, and we should help
them out. we need to send some delegates from our group on a couple of
saturdays in march to help out with registering voters in the community.
this is a good networking event with other like-minded organizations at
CMU, and we like to help out the pittsburgh community as well...more
details at the meeting.
3. Jamie has decided that a tile-making projects is the most feasible-in
the end, we'll have all these tiles made by all kinds of people from the
community, and then we need to find a place to display them. we need your
input to complete the application, and your ideas about how we can get all
of this approved by the administration. come help out!
4. OFFICE SPACE!!! Dan from PSA is working on getting progressive
organizations a shared office on the 3rd floor of the UC. this would be
awesome. the update for now is that we each need to fill out an
application for office space and then say that we'd like to share space
with other organizations. Dan would like to meet with us NEXT thursday to
finish up the applications. let's do this thing!
5. this week we are (hopefully) going to have an article written about us
and the janitor campaign in Focus. let's brainstorm other ways to get our
message out there in the community.
6. whatever you want to talk about.

ok, see you Monday! I'll send out a reminder email over the weekend. alexa

| People for Workers' Rights
| United Students Against Sweatshops affiliate
| web: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/org/usas
| email: pwr@andrew.cmu.edu
| bboard: assocs.pwr-usas
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