--- Nike Campaign Coming to Carnegie Mellon University Speakers lived as Nike workers for one month in Indonesia Asbury Park, NJ, March 18, 2002 Educating for Justice (http://www.nikewages.org) announced today that its Directors, Leslie Kretzu and Jim Keady will speak at Carnegie Mellon as part of their 2001-2002 Nike Campaign - National Speaking Tour. They will speak Wednesday, March 27th from 7:30 to 9:30 pm in McConomy Auditorium on Carnegie Mellon's Campus. Kretzu and Keady spent August 2000 living in a factory worker's slum in Tangerang, Indonesia on $1.25 a day, a typical wage paid to Nike's workers. "Starving for the Swoosh," their one-hour and fifteen minute interactive multi-media presentation, followed by a forty-five minute question and answer period, includes slide shows, music, role-playing, and powerful new video footage of Kretzu and Keady's chance encounter with Nike CEO-Phil Knight at Nike headquarters in Beaverton, Oregon. Kretzu and Keady spent the last year and a half traveling the country speaking at near 80 Universities to over 13,000 students sharing their presentation and encouraging students to take action on behalf of Nike's workers. Last April they were invited to brief members of congress about Nike's labor abuses. They have most recently begun production on a full-length, independent documentary film that will detail their experiences in Indonesia with Nike's workers. They are also currently laying the groundwork with Indonesian-based non-governmental organizations to establish a Worker Education and Resource Center in Tangerang, Indonesia. Both Keady and Kretzu are excited about the opportunity to come to CMU. "We are encouraged by the amount of interest members of the Carnegie Mellon community have shown so far," Keady said. "The students and community members seem really open to learning more about the issues Nike workers face and we hope they will be equally energized to take action to help the workers in their struggle for justice."