July 1998 - June 2008 Ongoing
Support: National Institute of Mental Health, http://www.nimh.nih.gov/
The purpose of the proposed pre-doctoral and postdoctoral programs is to train
the next generation of cognitive psychologists both to develop formal
computational models and to test and refine these models, by rigorously
comparing the simulation data to carefully collected empirical data. The field
is ready to benefit from formal, computational models of cognitive processes.
The tools are being developed that enable this formalism, and the end product
will not only deepen the empirical and conceptual basis of cognitive psychology,
but will also provide stronger links between psychology, neuroscience, and the
treatment of problems in mental health. Carnegie Mellon is uniquely suited to
provide this next generation of cognitive psychologists with these tools. There
is a long tradition at this institution to strive for complete cognitive to
account for a wide range of phenomena using a small common set of theoretical
assumptions and parameters.
One of the distinctive features of psychological research at CMU is the dual
concern for experimental methodology and theoretical models, not just each in
isolation. We have promoted the development of both production system
(symbolic), connectionist (sub-symbolic) and hybrid models of the human
information processing architecture as well as many specific models of
performance in particular tasks. In all cases, the researchers have tested and
refined their models based on behavioral and physiological data collected here
at CMU and elsewhere. Methodologies that have been developed and refined within
our department include: the automatic coding of verbal protocols, the analysis
of eye fixations while thinking and problem solving, and functional MRI
measurements of higher cognitive processes. Some of these models address the
data at the grain size of individual responses, with few, subject-specific
The program's goal is to develop skilled researchers who are both competent
and comfortable combining the approaches of behavioral research with development
of computationally implemented models of cognitive performance. Participation in
research, both empirical and modeling, is a fundamental component of helping
students achieve this goal. Formal courses and seminars play in important role
as well. We will also formally instruct and demonstrate the skills of comparing
the data derived from a simulation to the human data collected from behavioral
research, providing students with the skills to evaluate the quality of the fit
and the sensitivity to know when and how to revise one's model based on these