Conference on Information Systems and Technology

Montreal, April 26-28, 1998

The Institute of Operations Research and Management Sciences (INFORMS) announces the third Joint Conference on Information Systems and Technology to be held in conjunction with the INFORMS Spring Meeting in Montreal, Canada April 26-29, 1998. The conference is sponsored by the College on Information Systems and the College on Artificial Intelligence. The conference will provide a forum for all groups related to information systems and information technology to present and discuss their views, issues, and research results.

We invite full papers, extended abstracts, and panel proposals on a wide range of IS&T topics. The following list illustrates, but does not limit, appropriate topics:

Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems
Database Systems and Management
Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Agents
Electronic Commerce, WWW, and the Internet
End user Computing
Global Information Systems
Business Process Reengineering
IT Information Systems Implementations and Practices
Organizational Computing
Group Decision and Negotiation
Computer Supported Collaboration and Coordination
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
Telecommunications and Networking
Social impacts of Information Technology
Software Development Processes, Methods, and Tools
Human Computer Interfaces
Strategic Information Management
Interfaces with other INFORMS Disciplines
Economics of Information Systems

All submissions will be refereed. The full papers and extended abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings. In addition to paper sessions and panels, there will be several invited speakers and round table sessions on best practices of information systems and technology.

Paper Submission Deadlines

Please adhere to the following timetable for submissions:

Deadline for submission of full papers, extended abstracts, and panels: October 1, 1997

Notification to authors: December 15, 1997

Final version of papers and abstracts for proceedings: February 15, 1998

Paper Submission Guidelines

Please submit copies of manuscripts to either one of the two co-chairs listed below. The length limit for full papers is 15 pages typed (Times Roman 12 font) double spaced and for extended abstracts is 5 pages typed (Times Roman 12 font) double spaced. Manuscript format of the proceedings will follow that of the journal Information Systems Research. For further information and suggestions, please contact one of the co-chairs of the conference:


Varghese Jacob Ramayya Krishnan
School of Management The Heinz School of Public Policy and Management
University of Texas at Dallas Carnegie Mellon University
Box 830688 MSJ044 5000 Forbes Avenue
Richardson, TX- 75083-0688 Pittsburgh, PA 15213
email: email:
Fax: 972-883-2089 Fax: 412-268-7036
Tel: 972-883-2085 Tel:412-268-2174