Task List by Committee Member
Christine Bullen - Chair (1/97-12/98) / Bullen@Mary.Fordham.edu
Think about possible candidates for Associate Editors on IOL.
Assist Ed Thrush in developing a plan for I/T in both offices and for
I/T use in national meetings.
T. Govindaraj (1/97-12/97) / tg@isye.isye.gatech.edu
Email ideas for ITC website content to Bullen and Krishnan, who will
work on design and implementation
Think about possible candidates for Associate Editors on IOL.
Terry Harrison (1/97-12/98) / HBX@psu.edu
Email ideas for ITC website content to Bullen and Krishnan, who will
work on design and implementation
Think about possible candidates for Associate Editors on IOL.
Joakim Kalvenes (1/97-12/98) / kalvenes@utdallas.edu
Email ideas for ITC website content to Bullen and Krishnan, who will
work on design and implementation
Think about possible candidates for Associate Editors on IOL.
Shepherd student webification
Ramayya Krishnan (1/97-12/97) / rk2x+@andrew.cmu.edu
Think about possible candidates for Associate Editors on IOL.
Irv Lustig (1/97-12/97) / irv@dizzy.cplex.com
Email ideas for ITC website content to Bullen and Krishnan, who will
work on design and implementation
Think about possible candidates for Associate Editors on IOL.
- Review of ITORMS.
Robert Nau (1/97-12/98) / RNAU@Mail.duke.edu
Email ideas for ITC website content to Bullen and Krishnan, who will
work on design and implementation
Think about possible candidates for Associate Editors on IOL.
Shepherd IOL attractions for non-members
If you have any comments, suggestions or questions, please send Ramayya Krishnan email at rk2x@andrew.cmu.edu.