Players: US Postal Service, ATM Network Service Providers, and ATM owners (banks)
Information Exhanged: Financial information needed to reconcile accounts between players, frequency of this exchange can be predetermined. Frequency can either be per transaction or aggregated at the end of the week/month. Given the average transaction for postage stamps, it is likely the frequency is of aggregate information.
Goods Exchanged: Postage stamps between US Postal Service & organizations that own the ATM M/C's
Reach: Only data, no other type of information is exchanged
Range: Inter Organizational
Responsiveness: immediate, real time dispensing of postage stamps
Physical goods (postage stamps) need to be distributed to the ATM Machines working with the US Postal Service. It is more than just information being transferred as is the case with disbursing welfare payments.
An analog signal is a continuous signal. A digital signal is a discrete signal of high and low voltages.
a) Give two common examples of telecommunications which use unguided media.
b) Why is it the case that VSAT dishes are so much smaller than "regular" satellite (C-Band) dishes?
VSAT transmits in 12/14 Ghz range. The higher the frequency the more directed the signal, thereby enabling smaller dishes.
c) Give an example of an application in which a wireless media would be preferred over a wireline media.
A bypass application or interconnectivity between buildings where rights of way are not available.
d) Give an example of an application in which wireline media would be preferred over wireless media.
Secure transmission as a requirement or a harsh environment like found in a M/C shop would make wireline the preferred choice.
(a) human voice
(b) data stream from a computer
For each of these sources answer the following questions.
human voice - analog
data stream - digital
Yes. You need a pulse code modulator (PCM)
Yes. You need a modem.
4000 * 2 * 8 = 64 Kbs
5 *2 = 10 M samples/sec
10 * 10 = 100 Mbs
No. => C = 10 * log2(16) = 40 Mbs
The voluntary break up of AT&T.
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