Submitting homework on the Web
Here are the directions to get a presence on the Web using Andrew and
the good offices of either the contrib or the cs server. All homework
should be marked up in HTML.
create a sub-directory named, say, xxx in your root directory.
This is done by typing mkdir xxx when you are in the root
directory. By the way, xxx is just a name placeholder. Pick a name and
send email to the TA's informing them about the name you have chosen.
Assign read perimission to this directory by typing the command fs
sa xxx system:anyuser rl. This sets read access to the web
directory. If you have named your web directory as www, this is all
you need to do to serve files in this directory using the contrib
server. In other words, you should supply the URL as
- Complete your homework and mark it up using HTML. HTML is
easy to learn. A HTML primer is available here .
Popular wordprocessing packages also support templates that allow HTML
markup. You can also create the document on andrew using an editor
such as EMACS. Name the file hw1.html. In future, the name will
hwn.html where n is the number of the homework.
- Issue the pwd command, and send the TA email informing him
about the pathname to your file. Your email should be sent by class
time on the date that it is due. We will not accept any homework
that is turned in late.
- The TA's will grade and provide feedback.
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