Overview: Jan 13
Introduction to the course
Introduction to the Web and Online Resources that will be used throughout the semester.
Lecture 1: Introduction: Jan 15
I will discuss prototypical voice and data communication applications from a managerial and technical perspective. I will present frameworks to help you characterize these applications in terms of the interactions between technology, task and people. The discussion will be broad ranging and provide an overview of the ground that will be covered this semester.
Before class
Lecture 2: Telecommunications Industry: Jan 20
I will provide an overview of the telecommunications industry. We will discuss different sectors in the industry, the various players and discuss industry wide trends.
Before class:
To operationalize the ideas in the case, develop a university application of the telecommunications-based imaging technology described in the case. We will discuss some of these in class.
Lecture 3: Telecommunications Policy Primer: Jan 22
Prof. Alex Hills will address the class on the Telecommunications Act of 1996 and the implications that will have for the telecommunications industry.
Before class
After Class
Lecture 4: Technology Fundamentals 1: Jan 27
We will discuss different types of "Business" Information (voice, video, data, and image), their bandwidth requirements and the implications that these requirements have for an organization's telecommunications infrastructure.
Before class
Lecture 5: Technology Fundamentals II: Jan 29
Before class
Lecture 6/7: Technology Fundamentals III and IV: Feb 3 and 5
Before class
Lecture 8: Multiplexing: Feb 10
Before class
Mid Term Exam I covering lectures 1 through 7 will be held on Feb 12
Lecture 9 & 10: Voice Networks I and II: Feb 17 and 19
Having discussed communication between two directly linked devices, we now discuss communication over a network. We will discuss both voice and data networks. In each case we will introduce the enabling technology -- circuit or packet switching as the case may be and discuss operational and strategic management issues. We will begin with a discussion of voice networks.
I will introduce circuit switching and discuss the principal service offerings in the marketplace. We will also discuss different types of carriers - local exchange carriers, inter-exchange carriers and bypass carriers. In addition, we will review the history of regulation in this industry and the continuing changes that are fundamentally changing the marketplace.
Before class
In addition to these resources, I highly recommend that you visit the homepages of telephone companies such as MCI and Pacific Bell. I plan to use the report by Booz, Allen and Hamilton on the network needs of the State of Maryland to provide substantive context.
Lecture 11 and 12:Data Networks and Packet Switching: Feb 24 and 26
We will review the essential features of packet switching technology and discuss public data networks and the services available in the marketplace. Strategic and operational management of data networks will also be discussed.
Before class
Lecture 13:Fast Packet Switching: March 3 and 5
We will discuss fast packet switching technologies such as Frame Relay, SMDS and ATM. We will focus on Frame Relay, its economics and the managerial issues involved in adopting the technology.
Before class
Lecture 14: ISDN: March 10
In this lecture, we will discuss ISDN, the services that are available in the marketplace and common applications. In particular, we will examine the use of ISDN in SOHO (small office home office) applications and its role as an enabler for telecommuting.
Before class
Lecture 15: Overview of ATM and Review of Data Networking: March 12
Overview of Asynschronous Transfer Mode Networks
Review of Wide area Data Networking options. Mapping technologies to requirements.
The second mid term exam covering material in lectures 8 through 15 will be held on March 17
Lecture 16: Local Area Networks I: March 19
This is a brief overview of this important technology. The objective is to complete our discussion of network infrastructure. I will focus on Ethernet-based technologies and ways in which these networks interconnect with other networks to create enterprise wide networks.
Before class
Lecture 17: Local Area Network Protocols and Internetworking: March 31
We will briefly review LAN protocols. Following this review, we will begin our discussion of Internetworking. Our focus will be on reviewing the TCP/IP protocol and to provide an understanding of internetworks that combine local and wide area network components. The objective is help lay the ground for the discussion of intranet and internet-enabled applications.
Before class
Lecture 18 Internetworking and the Internet: April 2
Discussion of the internetworking fundamentals and a history of the Internet.
Before class
Lecture 19: The World Wide Web: April 7
The Web is the killer application on the Internet. We will introduce basic web technologies such as the hypertext transfer protocol and discuss strategic and operational issues related to the use of these technologies to facilitate intra and interorganizational processes.
Resources that we will use include
Lecture 20 and 21: WWW Extensions and Analysis of Web Technologies: April 9 and 14
These lectures will discuss the latest Web technologies and analyze
the ways in which they can be used to meet organizational requirements.
We will use the following resources to provide substantive context to our discussion.
Lectures 22 and 23: Electronic Data Interchange and the Walmart Case: April 16 and 21
A key feature of telecommunication technologies is their ability to extend the reach of organizations as well as to allow sharing of information across organizational boundaries. A key enabler is a technology called electronic data interchage (EDI). EDI is key component of several electronic commerce initiatives in both the public and private sector organizations and a key enabler of quick response systems that have redefined procurement and acquisition.
We will use a classic case -- the Walmart case -- to discuss a variety of strategic and operational issues pertaining to EDI deployment. A key question that I would like the class to address is the implication that the growth of the Internet has for EDI applications.
Before class
Those in the class that are interested in this topic may read the NIST document Streamlining Procurement Through Electronic Commerce
This document describes the business case for electronic commerce and EDI in the public sector and discusses technical infrastructure required to enable it. The ideas presented apply equally to public and private sector organizations. The document is in adobe acrobat format. You can download a copy of the acrobat reader.
Lecture 24: April 23 Security Issues
Overview of Security Issues
Week of April 28
I will be away at a conference the week of April 28. No classes will be held on April 28 and April 30.
The final exam will be held on April 30 covering material in lectures 16 through 24
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Ramayya Krishnan rk2x@andrew.cmu.edu