Using molecular dynamics
simulations we have shown that this simple model predicts the
behavior of claudin-2 in terms of charge selectivity and is
sufficient to explain water permeation through claudin -2. Osmotic
water transport and sodium ion-driven water transport have also been
studied (manuscript under preparation).
Water and Ion Permeability of a Claudin Model: A Computational Study
Rozita Laghaei, Rob D. Coalson and Alan S. L. Yu
PROTEINS: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics (accepted for publication on 29 Nov. 2015)
Modeling Paracellular Claudin-2 Channel by cysteine cross-linking
Rozita Laghaei, Rob D. Coalson, Riccardo Pellarin, A. Ε ali and Alan S.L. Yu (in preparation)