"How do U.S. visa policies affect unauthorized immigration?" (with Brian Kovak), Journal of Monetary Economics (Carnegie-Rochester-NYU), 2020, 113:92-108
Immigrant Wage Growth in the United States: The Role of Occupational Upgrading (with Carl Sanders), International Economic Review, 2020, 61(2): 941-972
Immigrant Wages and Recessions: Evidence from Undocumented Mexicans (with Kayuna Nakajima), European Economic Review, 2019, 114: 92-115.
Mexico-U.S. Immigration: Effects of Wages and Border Enforcement, Review of Economic Studies, 2018, 85 (4), 2353-2388
Local Economic Growth from Primary Election Spending (with Carly Urban), Economic Journal, 2016, 126 (597): 2147-2172.
The Political Orientation of Newspaper Endorsements in U.S. Elections, 1940-2002 (with Stephen Ansolabehere and James Snyder), Quarterly Journal of Political Science, 2006, 1 (4): 393-404.
"Matching job applicants to vacancies: An empirical model of multi-stage hiring", with Robert Miller
"Job reallocation within firms", with Paul Grieco and Matthias Kehrig