"Apportionment," in Cordes, Ebel and Gravelle [Editors].
The Encyclopedia of Taxation and Tax Policy. Washington, D.C.: The Urban Institute Press, 1999; 2005.
"Income Tax, Corporate, State and Local," with April Franco, in Cordes, Ebel and Gravelle [Editors].
The Encyclopedia of Taxation and Tax Policy. Washington, D.C.: The Urban Institute Press, 1999; 2005.
"Who Gets Hired to Teach? The Case of Pennsylvania,” in Marci Kanstoroom and Chester E. Finn, Jr. [editors].
Better Teachers, Better Schools. Fordham Foundation Press, 1999, 103-130.
"The District of Columbia's Individual Income Tax."
Taxing Simply, Taxing Fairly: Full Report. (District of Columbia Tax Revision, September, 1998), 311-378.
“Observations on US Corporate Tax Policy and the 1992 Treasury Report on Integration,” with Serge Nadeau, in John Head and Richard Krever (editors).
Company Tax Systems. (Sydney, Australia: Australian Tax Research Foundation, 1997), 85-114.
"Reducing Reliance on the School Property Tax: Rationales and First Results,” in David H. Monk [editor].
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"Federal Collection of State Corporate Income Taxes,” in Thomas F. Pogue (editor).
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“Federal Tax Policy and the Market for Corporate Control: Relationships and Consequences,” in David McGee (editor).
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“Reforming State Business Taxes,” in Steven Gold (editor).
State Tax Policy. (Denver: National Conference of State Legislatures, December, 1986), 231-258.
“The Horizontal and Vertical Characteristics of the Federal Individual Income Tax: 1966-1977,” with Marcus C. Berliant, in Martin David and Timothy Smeeding (editors).
Horizontal Equity, Uncertainty, and Economic Well-Being. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1985), 179-214.
“Measuring the Distribution of Personal Taxes,” with Marcus C. Berliant, in Richard J. Zeckhauser and Derek Leebaert (editors).
What Role for Government. (Duke University Press, 1983), 97-115.
“The Quality of Financial Reporting by General Local Governments: An Empirical Study,” with William D. Haseman, in Allan R. Drebin, James L. Chan, and Lorna C. Ferguson (editors).
Objectives of Accounting and Financial Reporting for Governmental Units: A Research Study, Volume II. (National Council on Government Accounting, Chicago, 1981), 23-46.
"Thinking Strategically About the Federal Budget Cuts,” in Southern Growth Policies Board.
A New Human Services Agenda for the South. (Raleigh, North Carolina: 1981), 47-62.
“Incremental versus Comprehensive Welfare Reform” in James Gallagher and Ronald Haskins (editors).
Models for Analysis of Social Policy. (Ablex Publishing Company, 1981), 174-203.
"Discussion” of `Educational Vouchers and Social Policy', by Henry M. Levin, in James Gallagher and Ronald Haskins, (editors).
Care and Education of Young Children in American: Policy, Politics and Social Science. (Ablex Publishing Company, 1980), 56-62.
"Comment” on paper by Barbara Bergmann and Robert Bennett, “Policy Explorations with a Transactions Model of the U.S. Economy,” in Robert Haveman and Kevin Hollenbeck (editors).
Microeconomic Simulation Models in Public Policy Analysis. (New York: Academic Press, 1980), 2, 44-48.
“Interdependent National Budgets: A Model of U.S.- Soviet Defense Expenditures,” in W. Ladd Hollist, (editor).
Exploring Competitive Arms Processes: Applications of Mathematical Modeling and Simulations in Arms Policy Analysis. (New York: Marcel-Dekker, 1978), 89-97.