"Options for Census to Reinstate Measuring Taxable Property Values"
Proceedings of the National Tax Association, 101st Annual Conference
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, (November, 2008, 208-216.
"Improving Public Education through Strengthened Local Control,” with Roger T. Severino,
Conference on Education and Economic Development, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, (April, 2005) pp. 73-105.
"Income Taxes and Medical Expenses,” with Miguel Gouveia,
Proceedings of the National Tax Association 97th Annual Research Conference, Chicago, Illinois (November, 2004), 232-235.
"Residential Real Estate Assessment Fairness in Four Urban Counties," with David A. Strauss,
Proceedings, 96th Annual Conference on Taxation, Chicago, Illinois, (November, 2003), 298-305.
"What Can State Income Tax Returns Tell Us About Migration, Household Composition, and Income?"
Proceedings, 94th Annual Conference on Taxation, National Tax Association-Tax Institute of America, Baltimore, Maryland,(November,2001).
"Trust, Risk, and Electronic Commerce,” with Karen Clay,
93rd Annual Conference on Taxation, National Tax Association-Tax Institute of America, Santa Fe, New Mexico (November, 2000), 53-63.
(Reprinted in State Tax Notes, 19, 26 (December 25, 2000), 1701-1710.).
"Bellcurves and Babies: The Interaction between Ability, Welfare, and Non-marital Childbearing,” with George R. G. Clarke,
Proceedings, 93rd Annual Conference on Taxation, National Tax Association-Tax Institute of America, Santa Fe, New Mexico (November, 2000), 5-17.
"Effective Tax Functions for the Federal Individual Income Tax: 1966-89,” with Miguel Gouveia,
Proceedings 92nd Annual Conference on Taxation, National Tax Association-Tax Institute of America, Atlanta, Georgia (October, 1999), 155-165.
"The Income and Household Composition of City-County Migrants in the 1990's,” with Tomohiro Nakamura,
Proceedings, 91st Annual Conference on Taxation, National Tax Association-Tax Institute of America, Austin, Texas (November, 1998), 293-304.
(Reprinted in State Tax Notes, 16,5 (February 1, 1999), 327-338).
"The Political Economy of the Property Tax: Assessor Authority and Assessment Uniformity,” with Sean R. Sullivan,
Proceedings, 91st Annual Conference on Taxation, National Tax Association-Tax Institute of America, Austin, Texas (November, 1998), 254-66.
(Reprinted in Tax Notes, 82, 1 January 4, 1999; and in State Tax Notes, 16, 5 (December 21, 1998), 327-338).
"School Finance Reform: Moving from the School Property Tax to the Income Tax,”
Proceedings, 88th Annual Conference on Taxation, National Tax Association-Tax Institute of America, San Diego, California (October, 1995), 84-91.
“The Effects of a Flat Federal Consumption Tax on the States,”
Proceedings, 88th Annual Conference on Taxation, National Tax Association-Tax Institute of America, San Diego, California (October, 1995), 10-23.
“The Political Economy of Business Tax Return Privacy,”
Proceedings, 86th Annual Conference on Taxation, National Tax Association-Tax Institute of America, Charleston, South Carolina, (November, 1994), 89-99.
(Reprinted in State Tax Notes, February 27, 1995, 873-881.).
"Perspectives on Fiscal Realignment,” in Tannis Salant [editor],
Rethinking State-County Relations, Tucson, Arizona: Office of Community and Public Service, University of Arizona, May, 1990, 45-57.
“Alternatives for Washington Business Taxation,”
Proceedings of the 1988 State Tax Conference, Seattle, Washington: Washington Society of Certified Public Accountants, May 6, 1988.
"State Reaction to Federal Corporate Tax Changes of the 1980s: More Money or More Uncertainty?,”
Proceedings, National Tax Association-Tax Institute of America, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, (November, 1987), 11-20.
"Financial Reporting and Auditing Practices of School Districts”, with Rajiv D. Banker and Beverly Bunch,
Proceedings of the 1987 Midwest Regional Meeting of the American Accounting Association, (May, 1987).
"State Business Tax Reform: West Virginia and Washington State,”
Proceedings of the 1986 New York University Conference on State and Local Taxation, New York, New York: NYU University, (December 5, 1986), pp. 32-41.
“Apportionment of Pennsylvania's Franchise Tax: Some Implications of the Gilbert Associates
Decision,” with Mary Ann Pietrzyk,
Proceedings, National Tax Association (Cincinnati, 1983), 135-142.
“Findings of the 1981 Pennsylvania Tax Commission,”
Proceedings, National Tax Association, (Chicago, 1982), 210-218.
"Discussion” of papers by Nathan Keyfitz and Peter Francese, in U.S. Bureau of Census,
Conference on Census Undercount: Proceedings of the 1980 Conference, Washington, D.C., (July, 1980).
“General Revenue Sharing: How Well is it Working?,”
Proceedings, National Tax Association, (St. Louis, October 1974), 172-208.
“Making the New Federalism Work: Goals for General Revenue Sharing's Data Needs,”
Census Tract Papers, Series GE-40, 10 (July, 1974), 34-47.
“A Younger Economist's Views on the Market,”
American Economic Review, 61, 2 (May, 1972), 4-12.
“The Rationale for Revenue Sharing,”
Proceedings, National Tax Association-Tax Institute of America (Kansas City, 1971), 191-94.
“An Adaptive Expectations Model of the East-West Arms Race,” Peace Science Society (International),
Proceedings, 1971, Ann Arbor Conference, 29-34.