Instructions: This page allows you to view elastase with different substrates bound - either Ala, Leu or Phe. The right and left panels are equivalent, you can load any elastase-subsrate combination into any window.
- Use the button to load the desired enzyme into the window.
- You must use the checkboxes next to the button you used to load the enzyme, they will only work on that enzyme.
- "+/- Sub" will toggle the structure of the bound substrate. This is a short peptide with either Ala, Leu,or Phe in the specificity pocket.
- "+/- Zoom" will zoom in on the bound substrate.
- "+/- Pocket" will draw a surface on the residues in the specificity pocket that contact the substrate. This may require 10-60 seconds to draw.
- "+/- Trans" will make the surface solid or translucent.
- "+/- Space" will draw van der Waals spheres on the sidechain atoms of the substrate in the specificity pocket.