Instructions for viewing Animations
You will encounter three types of interactive animations in this course:
  1. Flash animation stages that illustrate a process. The upper part of the stage provides explanatory text. The left section of the stage allows you to navigate through the animation, selecting any scene that you want. You start any particular scene by clicking on the flashing green arrow. If you want a larger version, click on the magnifying glass icon on the lower right.
  2. Flash animations that act as virtual labs. In this case a simulation is viewed on the stage and you are asked to direct the simulation in some fashion, e.g. to add substrate, and then answer questions related to what has happened in the simulation.
  3. Jmol "animations" of molecular structures. Jmol allows you to view and manipulate molecular structures using computer graphics. Please visit the Jmol tutorial.

To view the Flash animations you will need the Flash Player plug-in for your browser. All cluster computers should have this plug-in. If you want to install it for your personal computer, you can download the plug-in from: the Adobe web site.

Jmol requires Java. All cluster computers will have Java, and you probably already have it on your computer. If not, you can download it at the Java site. There is a version of Java for Apple computers, visit Apple's web site.

Please let me know if you have any problem in accessing this material. Also let me know if you find it useful for study purposes.
