- CPK Spacefill: Size of atoms = Van der Waals radii.
- Ball & Stick: Draws Balls on the atoms.
- Sticks: Similar to Wireframe, just thinker lines.
- Wireframe: Draws bonds as one pixel thick lines.
- Cartoons: A thicker type of ribbon drawing with arrowheads on the b-strands indicating chain direction.
- Trace: A smoothed tracing through the Ca carbons. Colored by structure.
- Backbone: Draws bonds between Ca carbons.
- Cartoon: A thicker type of ribbon drawing with arrowheads on the b-strands indicating chain direction.
- Cartoon Rockets: Different style of cartoons.
- Ribbons: Backbone is a ribbon.
- Rockets: helicies as cylinders, strands as flat arrows.
- Strands: Ribbon with individual threads.
- Trace: A smoothed tracing through the Ca carbons.