73-474 - Economics of Ideas
Prof. Stephen Spear
Library Resource Guide
- Databases listed below are in italics, and also
can be found on this
- If you’re off campus, login here first.
- Library
homepage – everything else.
Industry research
Industry Overviews
Find industry leaders, statistics, current status, future trends, histories and
profiles of the industries here:
- Standard & Poor's NetAdvantage
website - use "Industry" tab - here you will want to select
"Movies and Home Entertainment" for coverage of the music
- MarketLine – in-depth profiles of thousands of specific
industries in many countries, from the research firm Datamonitor. Their
reports group "music and video" together; search for
"music" and go to the section: "Relevant Industry
- Industry section of Business
& Company Resource Center - use Overviews, Rankings, and
Market Research tabs for lengthy industry profiles and company
comparisons. Best way to search this for your purpose is to use
"Advanced Search" - then change dropdown box to "Industry
Overviews" and use "music" as a keyword.
- Gartner – specializes in technology products and
services. (Note: Dataquest reports are not in our subscription.)
News sources about markets and
There is considerable overlap among
these databases, but also many unique items in each one. Use search terms such
as “market,” “forecast,” “trends,” “industry overview,” etc. along with your
own market identifier, i.e. “music" or "digital downloads."
- Proquest – wide-ranging news database containing many
smaller databases within it - thousands of publications, including
complete Wall Street Journal and New York Times.
Books on your industry - Use the library
catalog to locate entire books focusing on your industry. In this case, use
"music trade" and "music industry" as keywords.
Economics research
- EconLit - the primary resource for locating economics
literature, and online version of the Journal of Economic Literature;
primarily has abstracts, but you can use the “Get It” feature to find the
full text of a document
- JSTOR - historical collections of important academic
journals, including those in economics, finance, marketing, operations
research, statistics and management
- NBER –
working papers and datasets from the National Bureau of Economic Research,
the nation's leading nonprofit economic research organization
Information Literacy
- Best
advice on how to do generalized internet searching and how to evaluate
Contact the Hunt Librarians:
Or, contact me directly:
Roye Werner, Business &
Economics Librarian, rwerner@andrew.cmu.edu
, (412) 268-2453