Performance Management
Prof. Denise Rousseau
Library Resource Guide
How can the library help me do research?
Carnegie Mellon University Libraries' Home Page
Online Catalog:
Cameo - look here for e-books, books, journals, theses, etc.
Dictionaries and
encyclopedias - for basic information, definitions, overview of field
Access - if
you're off campus, you'll need to start here to use any electronic resources
loan - we will get you any article or book that is not in our collection.
a Librarian - many ways to contact the librarians.
- the way to search
across many databases at once.
What are databases? How are they different from what I find on
- in all fields, with content unavailable on the open web
Online journal list here you can check to see if a journal is contained in one of our databases.
What is peer-review? What are scholarly publications? How can I find them?
Academic OneFile cross-disciplinary database of over 12,000 journals for academic
historical collections of important academic journals in all fields.
PsycINFO -
premier international database for psychology and related fields, which
includes journal articles, book chapters, books, and technical reports,
Global articles from scholarly and trade sources, and dissertations, on
business conditions and trends, management practice and theory, corporate
strategy and tactics, and the competitive landscape.
Electronic Press - peer-reviewed articles in economics, business, law,
engineering and political science.
Science Direct
starting in 1995, full-text journals in the areas of economics, accounting,
computing, engineering, biology, operations research and environmental studies.
Abstracts summaries of dissertations and theses in the English language
in all disciplines.
How are
scholars linked to each other? How can I
find experts?
Web of Science
citations for scholarly literature of the sciences, social sciences and the
arts & humanities, including articles, proceedings, editorials, letters,
meeting reports and book reviews. Its special feature is that the citations in
each work can be searched. For instance, you can take a known relevant paper
and find all the other papers that cite it, and build a comprehensive
literature review.
What about reports from associations, research
organizations, governments?
INFORMS PubsOnline provides access to ten journal titles
published by INFORMS, the professional association for operations research and
management science. Articles come from the fields of engineering, management,
mathematics and psychology.
of Management - leading professional association for scholars dedicated to
creating and disseminating knowledge about management and organizations.
Encyclopedia of
Associations directory of associations and organizations worldwide.
Searching Google for government (and
other specific) publications
time you have a question, dont forget you can call, email, visit:
Or, contact your liaison librarian directly: