Resource guide for Tepper and Heinz students at A.T.Kearney’s Student Lab, Fall 2009
Preliminaries :
- Get to all books, library services and the databases mentioned here: (Databases are in italics.)
- If you’re off campus, to get access to databases, use this link first and follow instructions.
Corporate sustainability research: Lists and reports
Corporate sustainability research: articles and books
- Search for books in our catalog. Suggested subject headings:
- social responsibility of business
- corporations environmental aspects
- industries environmental aspects
- investments environmental aspects
- Use our (trial) GREENR database to find numerous scholarly resources - try searching for "corporations sustainability". (Let us know what you think!)
- Use Engineering Village database to get articles on techniques for evaluating corporate sustainability. Use multiple search terms on the separate lines: i.e. evaluating AND sustainability AND corporate.
- Use Google Scholar to search for academic articles across publications - those that Carnegie Mellon subscribes to will appear in full text. (If you are off campus, you will need to log in with the VPN first for that to happen.) If we don't subscribe, you can request the article through Interlibrary Loan.
- Use news sources (linked below) to find articles about a particular company's sustainability practices.
- Greener Management International - research journal available in our Academic OneFile database - go to Publication Search. (If off campus, see above.)
- Green at Work - corporate sustainability publication
News sources about companies and industries: (There is some overlap among these, but also many unique items in each one.)
- Proquest – contains articles in newspapers, magazines, trade publications and scholarly journals.
- General BusinessFile – industry news and journal articles from all over the world
- Lexis-Nexis Academic – has the most wide-ranging international, national and local news.
General industry research:
- Standard & Poor's Industry Surveys: NetAdvantage database – use Industries tab at top
- For articles on small, niche industries, use the “News Sources” section below. Try using search terms like "overview" "trends" "outlook" "forecast" etc.
- MarketLine – in-depth profiles of thousands of specific industries in many countries, from the research firm Datamonitor. For consumer products, use the "Value Consumer Markets" section on the right side.
- Investext/Thomson Research - analyst reports from banks and brokerage firms on industry trends and conditions
- Industry section of Business & Company Resource Center- use Overviews, Rankings, and Market Research tabs for lengthy industry profiles and company comparisons.
- Gartner – specializes in technology products and services. (Note: Dataquest reports are not in our subscription.)
- Association website for your industry – find it googling key words (i.e. "robotics organization" will turn up the Robotics Industry Association.) Other sources:'s industry links; Google's Directory: Associations by Industry. When you've found your association's website, look for links to research, data, publications, statistics, conference proceedings, etc.
- Industry statistics from U.S. Census Bureau’s Economic Programs
Find quick background on a company:
- Hoover's Online - includes U.S. public and private, and international companies; company leadership, history and description, financials, products, etc.
- Business & Company Resource Cente r – company basics, histories, and an excellent source for news. articles – find your company and use tabs at the top for many features. Use “Article Search” for smaller companies.
- Standard & Poor’s Netadvantage – use Companies tab at the top.
- LexisNexis Academic - has an extensive "company dossier" for thousands of companies. To get it, click on the "Business" tab at the top. All of the sections can be expanded for more information, including the sections at the left.
We’re here to help!
Hunt Library Reference Desk: (412) 268-2442;; or Ask a Librarian
Drop in - hours are M - Th 9 am - 8 pm, F 9 am - 5 pm, Sat 1 - 5 pm and Sun 1- 5 pm.
Or, contact me directly:
Roye Werner , Business and Economics Librarian,, (412) 268-2453.
(I’m also available for consultation in the Tepper lobby, Tuesdays, 2 – 4 p.m.)